Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14410-0 - The Chinese People at War: Human Suffering and Social Transformation, 1937-1945 Diana Lary Index More information Index (Eileen Chang. See Zhang Ailing chemical and biological warfare, 118 Abe, Shinzo, 100 Chen Bijun, 183 Ai Qing, 55, 108, 140 Chen Da, 90 Alley, Rewi, 91 Chen Gongbo, 183 Anqing, 27 Chen Guofu, 55 atrocities, Japanese, 46, 117, 128, Chen Jiageng, 131 130, 145 Chen Lifu, 55 Axis, 81 Chen Munong, 154 Aylward, Gladys, 102 Ch’en, Jerome, 96 Cheng, Leslie, 119 Ba Jin, 28, 95, 121, 191 chengyu, 10 Babaoshan Revolutionary Chiang Kai-shek, 15, 16, 35, 44, 48, 63, Cemetery, 204 64, 96, 159, 161, 205 Bada Shanren, 141 children, 100 Bai Chongxi, 55, 116, 155, 183 Children of Huangshi, 102 Bai Xianyong, 183 China Industrial Cooperatives, 91 Ballard, J.G., 162, 189 Chinese Communist Party, i Banfield, Edward, 137 Chong, Denise, 135 Beijing, 32 Chongqing, 8, 82, 86 Beiping, 15, 33, 69 Christianity, 49, 138 Bergman, Ingrid, 102 Chu Minyi, 183 Berry, Michael, 9 City of Sorrows, 193 Bethune, Norman, 54, 198 civilian casualties, 20–22, 62, 124, Black market, 159 174–175 Blitz, spirit of, 51 class warfare, 165, 209 bombing, 21, 22–24, 25, 83, 87, clothing, wartime, 66, 84, 85, 209 93, 146, 156 Coble, Parks, 70 Bombing, 35 Cold Nights, 191 Bourdieu, Pierre, 10 collaboration, 68 Buck, Pearl, 84 collaboration, terms, 68 Burma Road, 81, 164 collaborators, 46, 70–71, 183 Butterfly Wu. See Hu Diedie comfort women, 100, See also sex slaves Calder, Angus, 9 Commercial Press, 177 Canetti, Elias, 142 Communist rise, 148–152, 165 Cao Richang,0750n, 7 conscription, 57, 110, 118, 160–162 carpet-baggers, 181 Cressy-Marcks, Violet, 53 casualties, Guangxi, 173 Cui Jian, 56 Celine, Louis Ferdinand, 59 cultural losses, 177–178 Certainty, 205 Cultural Revolution, 12, 34, 208 Chan, Anson, 180 currency, 96, 158, 159, 160, 184 Chang, Iris, 207 Cyrulnik, Boris, 201 227 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14410-0 - The Chinese People at War: Human Suffering and Social Transformation, 1937-1945 Diana Lary Index More information Index228 Dai Li, 104 Guangxi Clique, 15 Dai Wangshu, 107, 140 guerrillas, 30, 46, 69, 79, 81, 117, 128 defiance, 24, 51, 117 Guilin, 82 Deng Xiaoping, 182, 194 Guilin Fire, 153–155 Deng Yingchao, 98 Guillermaz, Jacques, 182 Ding Ling, 75 Guo Moruo, 55, 58 Ding xian (, 4 Guomindang, decline, 166 Donald, W.H., 83 drugs, 136 Han Fuju, 71, 126, 139, 161 Du Yuesheng, 104 Han Suyin, 86 Duara, Prasanjit, 3, 195 hanjian, 68 Dubé, Alphonse, 30 Hao Mingzhuan, 71 He Siyuan, 31, 127 Edwards, F.M., 84 Henan Famine, 8, 124–126 Eight Hundred Heroes, 0255 Hinton, William, 193 elite flight, 65, 186 Hiroshima, 202 endurance, 83–85, 137, 199, 201 Ho, Paul, 39 entrepreneurs, 96 hoarding, 96, 159 epidemics, 120 Hogg, George, 91, 102 Ererba, 172 Hollis, Roger, 44 escapism, 140–143 Hong Kong, 57, 100, 112, 141, 160, 169, eviction, rural, 118 181, 184, 187, 201 expropriation, 118, 178 Howard, Joshua, 209 Hsia, C.T., 213 family reuions, 179–180 Hsing Fu-ying, 32 family separations, 30–32, 56–58, Hu Diedie, 142 85, 92, 105, 115, 179, 182–183 Hu Feng, 75 family, changes, 94 Hu Qiuyuan, 75 family, old ideal, 3, 57 Hu Shi, 55 Fang Zhenwu, 180 Hua Lifang, 164 Fei Xiaotong, 83, 90, 94, 99 Hua Mulan, 41, 99, 137 Feng Youlan, 90 Huanglongshan, 91 Feng Yuxiang, 15, 101 Huayunakou, 61 See also Yellow River Feng Zikai, 58 Flood food, 113, 123 Huludao, 189 forced labor, 118, 161, 163, 190 humor, 119–120 Forever Enthralled, 145 Hundred Regiments Offensive, 81 Four Generations under One huozhe, 68 Roof, 70 Frances Hsu, 110 See also Xu Ichigo Campaign, 147 Liangguang inflation, 33, 36, 90, 96, 113, 116, 121, Franke, Wolfgang, 69 122, 123, 157–160, 185 Frustration, 166 Inn of the Sixth Happiness, 102 Fu Xiaoan, 70, 104 insurance, lack of, 36, 178 Fujian (Minnan), 8 insureance, lack of, 95 International Safety Zone (, 21 Galbraith, Winifred, 65 Gang of Four, 97 Japanese advance, 78 Gaomi, 129 Japanese as occupiers, 65, 80 gender balance, 6, 68 Japanese propaganda, 65 government revenues, 36, 121 Japanese surrender, 169 Great Leap Forward, 34 Jewish refugees, 162 grief, 7, 86, 109, 115, 116, 126, 136, 174, Ji Chaozhu, 25, 115 175, 200 Jian Youwen, 139 Guangxi, 8 Jiang Guangnai, 57 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14410-0 - The Chinese People at War: Human Suffering and Social Transformation, 1937-1945 Diana Lary Index More information Index 229 Jiang Menglin, 31 Marshall, George, 188 Jiang Qing, 97 Martyrs’ Memorial, 204 June 4th, 1989 203 massacres, 22 Juntong, 104 material loss, 24, 50, 63, 176–177 Mei Lanfang, 142 Kaifeng, 27 Mei Niang, 142 Kang Sheng, 104 memory, 202–203 Kempeitai, 65, 104 memory places, 205 Kong Lingwei. See Kung, Jeanette memory recovered, 207–208 Kong Xiangxi, 98, 159 memory times, 203 Koreans in China, 46, 65 memory, instrumental, 205 kuilei, 68 memory, silence, 205–207 Kung, Jeanette,0760n, 98 Menon, K.P.S., 167 Kunming, 82, 90 Menon, Krishna, 121 Kwan, Michael David, 191 migration, flight, 24, 85 migration, return, 5, 170, 179, Land Reform, 34 180–182, 188 Lao She, 42, 55, 70, 115, 143 military casualities, 29, 174 Lattimore, Owen, 84 military, rise in status, 6, 52 Le chagrin et la pitie, 184 Millennium Monument, 194 Lee, Joseph, 180 missionaries, 30, 49, 65, 124, 126, 138 Leonard, Royal, 24 Mo Yan, 213 Li Dequan, 101 modernity, 210 Li Gongpu, 90 morale, 113, 155, 159, 161, 166, 196 Li Meifeng, 100 Morale, 112, 154 Li Peng,0763n, 99 Mulan Follows the Army, 99 Li Zhengdao, 90 Murakami Haruki, 43 Li Zongren, 31 Liang Hongzhi, 183 Nanjing Massacre, 20, 21 Liang Shuming, 90, 128, 139 Nanjing Massacre Memorial, 204 Liang Sicheng, 33 Nanniwan, 92 Liao Zhongkai, 55 national salvation, 13 Liddell, Eric, 163 national shame, 16 Lin Yutang, 25, 41, 69, 139 National spirit, 38 Liu Guosong, 101, 110 nationalism, 84, 103, 137, See Long March, 4, 15, 90, 102 also patriotism 12 Lost Battalion, 17, 52, 198 New Life Movement, 84, 139 luan, 11 Nie Er, 13 Lugouqiao, 16 Nomonhan, 11, 81 Lust, Caution, 111 North China, 106 Madame Chiang Kai-shek. See Song Meiling Oh What a Lovely War, 207 Manchu, 106, 143, 195 Old Society, 3, 4 Manchuria, 15, 172 Ondaatje, Michael, 197 Manchus, 186 Operation Barbarossa, 82 Manjianghong, 16, 41, 140 orphanages, 101 Manzhouguo, 68 orphans, 5, 98, 140, 174, 190, 196 Mao Dun, 75, 157, 166 Ouyang Yuqian, 139 Mao Zedong, 1, 12, 36, 54, 81, 103, Overseas Chinese, 29, 32, 102, 130, 135, 148, 166 164, 183 Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, 204 Mar, Barry, 32 Palace Museum, 177 March of the Volunteers, 13, 54 Pan Guangdan, 90 Marco Polo Bridge. See Lugouqiao passivity, 117 marriage, 98, 115 patriotism, 38, 209, See nationalism © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14410-0 - The Chinese People at War: Human Suffering and Social Transformation, 1937-1945 Diana Lary Index More information Index230 Pearl Harbour, 112 Shuihu zhuan, 103 Peking Man, 177 Sikuquanshu, 177 Penglai, 71, 127 Simpson, Bill, 126 Pepper, Suzanne, 181 Sishi tongtang, 70 poetry, 140 Smythe, L.C.S., 50 Policy of Restitution, 178 Snow, Edgar, 102 Post Office, 104 social deformation, 4 Post-traumatic growth, 201 social disintegration, 172, 197 Post-traumatic stress disorder, 200 social dislocation, 114, 119, 128, 172, 209 Poy, Senator Vivienne, 100 social dissolution, 156 profiteers, 6, 36, 96, 159, 191, 196 social hierachy, rearrangement, 96 property, insecutiry of, 6 social levelling, 20, 32–33 psychological trauma, 119, 144, 199–201 social mobilisation, 12, 20, 38–40, 151 Puyi, Aisingolo, 69, 70, 172 social reconfiguration, 185 social reconfiguration, Occupied Qi Baishi, 142 China, 64–66 Qian Duansheng, 90 social structure, changes in, 7, 94, 185 Qian Mu, 90 social transformation, 93, 103 qiaoxiang, 32, 130, 134, 164 society, deformation, 95 qinri, 68 soldiers, casualties, 116 Qu Qiubai, 165 Soldiers’ Wives, 0263 Quanzhou, 133–134 Song Ailing, 98, 159 Song Meiling, 85, 98, 101, 107, 138 Rabe, John, 21 Song Qingling, 98 rape, 68, 100, 145, 193 songs, wartime, 54–56 Rape of Nanjing, 20 South Manchurian Railway Rape of Nanking. See Nanjing Massacre Company, 9 Red Sorghum, 145 Soviet looting, 176 Reformed Government, 46 spy systems, 196 refugee numbers, 175–176 stoicism, 137 refugees, 24–29, 50, 62, 90, 92, 112, Strong, Anna Louise, 102 130, 152 students and war, 90 refugees, numbers, 28, 170 Sun Benwen, 35, 95 relief, 29–30, 124 survival, 5, 32, 46, 49, 83, 113, religion, 138 157, 198–199 remains of the dead, 115, 180 survivor mentality, 137, 197, 210 repatriations, 188–190 requisitioning of property, 29, 35, Taibei ren, 183 57, 181 Taierzhuang Battle, 44, 51 Resist Japan Save China Association, 104 Taierzhuang Memorial, 204 ritual failure, 115 Taiwan, 68, 172 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 113 Taiwanese in China, 46, 65, 132 Ronning, Chester, 179 Tan Sitong, 62 rural instability, 126–128 Tanaka Kakuei, 208 Ten Great Marshalls, 148 scorched earth, 60–61 The Devil on the Doorstep, 156 sex slaves, 25, 190 The Last Emperor, 193 Shandong, 136–137 The Spring River Flows East, 180 Shandong Base Area, 128 The Traitor, 70, 72 Shang artifacts, 178 Thien, Madeleine, 205 Shanganning Base, 92 Three-all strategy, 128 Shanghai, 16, 22 Tian Han, 13, 55 Shanghai Triad, 104, 111 To Live, 77 Shanghai/Nanjing Campaign, 17 Tong Linge, 204 Shitao, 141 tongdi, 68 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press
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