^•\. VOL. LIX. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. MARCH 22. 1917 NO. 12 MASON MARKETS. iio.\..ii]n(ii':<;. r, iiAKaiT I'KOI'OSITIO.N' OAHItlES •«<..>•.••.<..§..•..».•.<..•*•••••••>.••-•.<«<..<-< CHURCH AND SOCIETY. | Stop! Look! Listen! No. 2 red wlioul $1.87, No. 1 •white .\i I'ri'shylfrluii ('hurcli Next Siiiidiiy To Soil Electric lii|;hl Plant (<> Con­ Moi'iiiiif;. sumers I'owof Co. wheat. ?.1.82, No. 2 rye ^l.'MJ, out.s 4..#..»..«M«..»..«*.«4.«..a..t..«..t-«..«-*..««.«-*-*-#-4*.«*.*-**.i EVERETH (ific, com If 1.1 5 bushel shelled, clover Next Sunday, at the Baptist church We Pay 5% seed !f7 1,0 if!).r.O, heans $7.00, potu Any man in Mason and vicinity Tlie election of Monday was one of lEVH will close the present pastorate of live On Your Savings I.OOS .$2.filj, eggs4 !>.lc, butter 32c. Cat- who fails to attend the Mens' class at deep interest to the citizens of Ma­ Cash Grocery the Presbyterian church next Sunday son. • years aiul three months of service. lie, prime steers 8c (.0 SMiC, light Services will bo held as usual. htitcliers 7 Vic, best tat cows fie to 7c, morning at 11:30 o'clock, is going to There was interest and anxiety in VVcKiveyoua llrst inort^^iiil-c on veal calves :i:ic to 11'/jc, lambs Mc, miss something good. tlie air, yet everything was conducted The Ladles' Home Missionary so­ Improved !')et,i'oll, real estate as sc- slioop ;ic to Sc, hogs IDc to T'lc, chick- Hon. .ludgc Chas. F. Halght of in a quiet manner, and the vote ciety of the M. E. church will meet ciisity|a(,''aiiisl, loss. oiis 17c to 17'/jC. Lansing, who is police judge of the shows that the citizens very generally with Mrs. 0. Wauvle Friday after­ The best of groceries police court of tliat city, will address favored selling the distribution sys­ noon at 2:30. A good attendance is Cultivate your child's musical taste the class at tliat time. During ,Tudgo tem of the electric lighting plant to desired. The German-American Loan and can always be found at by giving him a piano with a nuisical Halgt's term of odice ho has had be­ the Consumers T^wer Company. 'I'he Baptist Aid society will bo en­ Trust Co. Ltd. Detroit. tone. Yours for better pianos. Mrs. fore him over 8,000 men, charged Since the election it transpires that tertained Wednesday afternoon, Mar. Chas. Field. with all manner of crimes. He Is the plant was mucli farther "In the 28 by Mrs. Prank Webb assisted by E. CULVER, Representative, my store. hole" than was stated by the advo­ Mrs. Charlie Shafer. A goo<l attend­ going to tell some of his experiences Mason, Mich. The family of Geo. Basoro Is quar­ and observations as a judge. Don't cates of selling out. Wednesday ance is desired. Come in and see. antined with scarlet (ever. miss it. The time Is next Sunday morning over .$2000 more In unpaid , The Pythian Sisters will have a morning at 11 ;30 and the place is the bills showed up that had not been potluck supper at the Iv. of P. hall Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horrick have Presl)yterian church. Every man in taken Into account. moved from Dunsvlllo to Mason. Wednesday, March, 28, at fi;30 o'clock Mason and vicinity should bo there. The vote was as follows; in honor of those having birthdays in nemnants In wall paper to close First, Wai'il the months of January, Ifobruary and Price out at cost or less at F. M. Wells'. * Yesterday is said to be the first day Contract proposition: March. All members and their fam­ GEO. H. LEVERETT Yes 1 •! 7 A. McDonald has purchased a Dort of spring. ilies are invited. Regular meeting BOTH PHONES No 120 at 7:30. "Chummey roadster" of R. C. Whlt- Wheat is reported to bo In fair con­ Approval of Or<ilnance: Is Not more, the local agent. The Tuckabatcheo cliiss of the Bap­ dition In tills section. Ves 148 tist Sunday .school presented a novel The annual Easter ogg supper will Fred W. Ferguson, formerly of this No 120 entertainment March 9 under the able 2!)lU)hiUU(?50UUtljD[CllIl5 bo Wednesday, April •!, at the Baptist place died In Cleveland, Ohio, March Second Waiti direction of Mrs. George Minar. When Everything church. !l, of plural pneumonia. Contract proposition: thfi curtains parted for the opening Yes 171 Entered at the Pont Office, Mu.on, A beaut I'ul variety of plain, stripe of the program, stalwart braves and You want courteous treatment, n. •vuoiid-cln.ii ninttcr. Try a loaf of our Salt Rising Bread No 44 dusky maidens >vcre seen seated and plaid silks. See them. J. A, made Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri­ clean, fresh, pure goods; honest Cortrlght. • Approval ot Ordinance: about a blowing campfiro. As the Publlilieii every Thurxiiisr l>T days. Clipper's Bakery. 10w4 Yes 174 count, full weight, and prompt deliv­ A. |j. ItOSB evening progressed the life of the In­ Doughnuts and lunch rolls, Tues­ Correspondents in writing for sta­ No 42 dian was brought before the audience ery. days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at Tills shows for the city a vote of TKRMS. tionery, please write the name to in a vivid and picturesque manner by We not only try to save you money, Clipper's Oakery. 10w4* 322 yes and 164 no. A three-fifths legend, songs and pantomimes. The One) Vuar $l.2ni six montliB, C6 CDntB; lliroo whom supplies should he sent. but to please you in every way as montha, nr> cenlH. Mrs. T. K. Dayton underwent an favorable vote was. required. The young people are to be commended C. E. Hill fell from a ladder at his total vote was 484, three-fifths of for the way they gave their parts and well. operation at Miss Orr's hospital Mon­ iiome Tuesday morning and suffered AnVEUTISING KATES. day. She Is reported as doing well. which Is 291, thus giving a clear vote a good sum was realized through . A tew prices for this week: Our RilvertlHlnv rntci ninde known at ofllce. a fracture of his right arm above the of 31 more than required to carry their efforts'. () bars lucnox Soap, for SBo Du.lnoHa curd. |l H line |ier yciir, A dog upon the streets last riday, wrist. the proposition. BualncHB locnia five cent. i>or line ench nnd displaying some signs of hydrophobia !1 cans Dutch Cletinser SiSe •very InHurtlon, Dr. H. M. Holcombe, Roland West, About 150 women voted. was disposed of by the sheriff's force. Willis M. ICimniol, a former Mason Brooms are higher, but we had a MnrriiiKC, birth end dcnth notlccn free, F. B. Lamb and L. A. Osborn have resident:, and ;i well known newspaper UeHoliitiona of respect, card of thimkn, etc., OH.AKLKS V. FAIUilCV. large quantity bought up when the • five cent. H line. lljggs! Who said eggs? The Bap­ purchased Ford cars of D. G. Barr the writer of this county, was found dead tist hens are getting ready for April past week. in bod at his liomc In l^ansing Tues­ price advanced, wo will sell these at Charles N. Farley, known to many Business Cards. •1. Save your Easter appetite for the Lincoln & Porter are showing the day morning. For many years he old price as long as this stock lasts, feast. in this city, died March 17, at the luui been a great sufferer from asth­ new spring liats, bright glase finish, homo of his sister, Mrs. .Jennie Pluff, Wizzard, Carpet Cleaner, box... ,10c " AXTOnNBl'S ma. Ho is survived by the wife and After a brief life of but one week, military blue, purple, pongee, gold near Vandercook Lake, .Tackson, after three children, one brother and two 4 lb No. 1 head Rice, for aSc A. A. UCKGMAN, Attorney nrid Couniwlor the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn and white. ''' an illness of five weeks. Funeral ser­ sisters. Funeral services will be held I^ibby's Sweet Potatoes, can 15o lit Law, Maion, MichlKiin. Synions passed away Thursday after­ vices were held Monday afternoon in noon. Mr. and Mrs. 1. ,T. ICellogg have re­ today (Thursday) at tlie Elks home l..argo, sweet, N.avai Oranges, doz.SiOo ceived the news of an 8 pound girl .Tackson, with interment in Woodlawn In Lansing at 2 o'clock in the after­ KEtl.EY & KEL1.EY, Lnwycri. 500-2 Oak- cemetery. land Iluildl nK, LnnainK, MIclilKan. 89-18 C. W. Browne has sold his 80-acro born to their daughter, Mrs. E. E. noon. When a boy deceased com­ farm in Alaleilon, recently purchased Quirk, March 17, at Akron, Ohio. Charles N. Farley was born on a menced his printer's career in the G. 5. THORBURN l)K. .lOS. S. IIAWLUV: of Mrs. Penberthy, to Hiram Ilapson farm near Cayuga Lake, Now York, News olllce In Mason. GROCER DENTIST of Lansing. The voters of Vevay township, .January, 1849. Ifo was one of a fiucceiiHor to Dr. SpnuldlnK anil Dr. nalcy. who are not now registered, are re- family of five children of whom-two I.I f..0..o..«»9..«..*..*..t..t..*..«..C..t..«.4-*..«..«..t..«..»..*»t..»*.*. IIOTH PHONES I.nwronco Illock. Marry Baunigras of Lansing played (luested to see that their names are arc now living, Mrs. Libbio Vander­ several harp solos at the sacred con­ on tlie registration books Saturday, cook and Mrs. .Jennie Pluff of .Jack- cert.at tlio Presbyterian church Sun-.
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