First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Lancaster PA The College Reporter Permit 901 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF FRANKLIN & MARSHALL COLLEGE MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2015 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA http://www.the-college-reporter.com VOLUME 52, ISSUE 4 Student body elects new Diplomatic Congress executive board, class presidents not to run for more student govern- sults and build on the foundation ment positions after serving for two established by outgoing DipCon years as President of the Class of officers. 2017. “Like anybody else who works “I thought after two years of be- hard at what they do, I am just ing involved, I should’ve been done; hoping to see some results next however, I realized there’s more year,” he said. “I believe we have work to be done when it comes to many students on campus who campus issues and I wanted to con- question the role and purpose of tinue to be part of that work through student government on campus; the Diplomatic Congress,” he said. part of that is because unfortu- Bailey’s platform revolved nately we do not always deliver around issues of textbook afford- concrete results. In the upcoming ability, funding for class presidents, school year, no matter how big or photo courtesy of facebook.com/Diplomatic Congress relocation of the Women’s Center small the issue, I intend on get- Voters selected the new executive board of the Diplomatic Congress and class and LGBTQ space, mental health ting results. I believe this year’s presidents over the course of the past two weeks. awareness, and other issues. His congress has done a great job at BY SHIRA KIPNEES niors were eligible to run for presi- campaigning included getting the laying the foundation for future Senior Staff Wrtier dent, the positions of vice-presi- message out on social media as success through DipCon Forums, On April 2, students elected a new dent, treasurer, and secretary were soon as possible. now it’s time to build on that great executive board for the Diplomatic open to rising sophomores, juniors, “Once I decided to run, I knew I work.” Congress (DipCon): Donnell Bai- and seniors. According to Mark had to work harder because I was Bailey’s fellow officers-elect ley ’17, president; Molly Cadwell Harmon-Vaught ’15, outgoing pres- a write-in candidate,” he said. “I echoed his sentiments of increas- ’16, vice-president; Charley Hagist ident of DipCon, a candidate must was at a disadvantage and I just ing communication between Dip- ’18, treasurer; and Carmen Navia collect 100 signatures from the stu- had to dig myself out of that hole. I Con and the student body in order ’18, secretary. Last week, on April dent community in order to run, knocked on doors, used social me- to address the needs and issues of 9, students elected new class presi- then campaign to gain support for dia, and campaigned until the very the campus community. dents for the rising sophomore, ju- their election. In uncontested races, last minute.” “I would like for Dip Con to be nior, and senior classes: Wyatt Beh- DipCon allows students to write-in Bailey believes his campaign more visible and receptive to stu- ringer ’18, Christiana Jeung ’17, candidates. succeeded because his platform dent input,”Cadwell said. and Anne Dolan, ’16, respectively. Bailey won as a write-in candi- reflected the students’ stories and While only rising juniors and se- date, as he was originally decided experiences. He hopes to get re- see ELECTIONS, page 2 Obama, Castro summit represents shift in renewal of U.S., Cuba diplomatic ties BY STEVEN VIERA “In my opinion, President Obama is Missile Crisis of 1962. In fact, Obama’s Rousseff, president of Brazil, and Managing Editor an honest man,” Castro said, according announcement in December 2014 to Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, For the first time in over 50 years, to the article entitled “Barack Obama renew relations with Cuba — includ- president of Argentina, according to the presidents of the United States and and Raul Castro meet, launch new era ing embassies in both Washington, the bbc.com article. Cuba met face-to-face. This occurred of U.S.-Cuba ties,” published on cnn. D.C. and Havana — marks the first sig- But, in the United States, the thaw at the Summit of the Americas, held com. “I admire him, and I think his be- nificant change in tone in U.S.-Cuba in relations met with some skepticism last weekend in Panama City, Panama, havior has a lot to do with his humble policy in decades. by both Republicans and Democrats. President Obama sat down with Raul background.” However, the Obama-Castro sum- Senators like Marco Rubio (R-FL) Castro, president of Cuba, to discuss Obama echoed these sentiments mit did not resolve all issues between and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) — them- diplomatic relations between their re- and commented on the need to move the two nations: Cuba remains on the selves Cuban by background — have spective countries. beyond issues created 50 years ago. U.S.’ list of state sponsors of terrorism, criticized Obama’s actions toward Obama described his meeting with “The Cold War has been over for a which will inhibit the renewal of diplo- normalizing ties with Cuba accord- Castro as candid and fruitful, accord- long time,” Obama said according to matic relations. According to the cnn. ing to the cnn.com article, as they ing to the article “Obama-Castro sum- the cnn.com article. “I’m not interest- com article, Obama received an update feel that Obama is seeking to do mit caps thaw in US-Cuba relations” ed in having battles, frankly, that be- on Cuba’s status as a sponsor of terror- business with a corrupt, repressive on bbc.com. Both leaders indicated gan before I was born.” ism to help him consider whether or government. a mutual respect for each other and a Here, Obama referred to President not to remove the distinction. willingness to work together, while John F. Kennedy’s severing of diplo- In Latin America, the summit and Junior Steven Viera is the Managing conceding they may disagree on cer- matic ties and establishment of an em- move toward reconciliation was hailed Editor. His email is sviera@fandm. tain issues. bargo against Cuba in the wake of the by many, including leaders like Dilma edu. Inside this Issue... Opinion & Editorial Arts & Entertainment "Philosophy of Singapore's Musician Joshua Bell releases founder remains relevant" new album, Bach page 3 page 7 Campus Life Sports Production of The Last Days of Baseball, softball both open Judas Iscariot premieres Spring season strongly page 5 page 9 Page 2 News The College Reporter Riemann’s Crime Watch Elections: New officers stress importance Friday, Apr. 3, 11:16 p.m. — Officers of increasing communication with students from the Department of Public Safety (DPS) responded to a fire alarm at 520 N continued from page 1 class president, Christiana Jeung Charlotte St. “The current executive board ’17 was elected junior class presi- Saturday, Apr. 4, 12:35 a.m. — DPS re- has already made big steps in do- dent, and Anne Dolan ’16, cur- sponded to a noise complaint at 602 N. ing that and I want to build off of rent junior class president, was Charlotte St. Students were asked to turn their hard work by continuing the re-elected as senior class presi- their music down. Dip Con Forum series and hold- dent. As of press time, the pres- Saturday, Apr. 4, 2:08 a.m. — DPS ing regular open office hours so idents-elect were unavailable for responded to the report of an underage that we can better communicate comment. intoxicated student in Marshall Hall in to the administration what stu- According to Harmon-Vaught, Brooks College House. The student was transported to Lancaster Region- dents need.” the officers-elect will now begin al Medical Center (LRMC). Bailey said that he enjoyed his the transition process that will Saturday, Apr. 4, 2:26 a.m. — DPS assisted the Lancaster City Bureau experience running for DipCon culminate in the transfer of power of Police (LCBP) in the pursuit of two underage intoxicated students tres- President because student govern- in DipCon’s final meeting in two passing in Clipper Stadium. ment elections not only represent weeks. Saturday, Apr. 4, 2:50 a.m. — DPS responded to the report of an under- a way for student engagement and “My fellow outgoing officers age intoxicated student. The student was released to a friend. that student government can have and I are very grateful for the Saturday, Apr. 4, 11:00 a.m. — DPS responded to a fire alarm at 606 W. a direct impact on student initia- opportunity to have served our James St. caused by burnt food. tives, but because elections have community this year, and we look Sunday, Apr. 5, 1:47 a.m. — DPS responded to a report of a verbal alter- the power to give voice to stu- forward to all that this fantastic cation between a boyfriend and a girlfriend in Schnader Hall. dents’ issues. incoming group will accomplish!” Monday, Apr. 6, 5:30 a.m. — Someone found marijuana on Hartman Additionally, the week follow- Harmon-Vaught said. Green and turned it in to DPS. ing elections for DipCon’s ex- Tuesday, Apr. 7 — A dining service employee reported that someone ecutive board, elections for class Senior Shira Kipnees is a senior keyed his or her vehicle in the west lot. president were held. Wyatt Beh- staff writer. Her email is skip- Wednesday, Apr.
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