GAMING RULES! VOLUME #2 ISSUE #1 JANUARY 2006 INDIGENOUS GAMING REGULATORS A NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE FROM FSIN VICE CHIEF LAWRENCE JOSEPH Happy New Year! Welcome to gaming (bingos, breakopens in Assembly of the FSIN and all the first issue of the “Gaming and raffles) on reserve under of the leaders of our First Na- Rules!” newsletter for 2006. our own jurisdiction as First tions for their continued sup- Nations people. We also be- port. I wish everyone health I am pleased that I have been lieve that the SIGA casinos and happiness for the New reassigned to chair the IGR should be operated under the Year. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Board of Directors. Having IGR regulation of First Nations. The back in my portfolio is exciting, work we are doing now gets us as we are about to begin regu- CHIEF 2 closer to that goal. STARBLANKET lating charitable gaming in the PROFILE First Nations Communities To achieve these goals we have across this province. been working to establish a regulatory body that can over- STARBLANKET 2 I would like to share my enthu- FIRST NATION see charitable gaming opera- MINI-PROFILE siasm for the work that has tions. This body must have the been done to get us to the point capacity to regulate this type of where we are about to become BCR UPDATE 2 gaming activity so that it com- the only First Nations gaming plies with what is contained in regulator in Canada. This is an the Criminal Code of Canada. important step toward full juris- SASK FIRST NA- 3 diction over gaming for all First We are well on our way to com- TIONS VETERANS Nations. pleting this task through the DINNER hard work and dedication of the We as First Nations believe that Board of Directors, manage- SIGA NOTES 3 gaming is a right that was never ment and staff of IGR. relinquished by treaty or other- FSIN Vice Chief Lawrence Joseph wise. Our goal is to conduct I would like to thank the Chiefs A CHRISTMAS 3 CARD STORY ON THE ROAD AGAIN—IGR STAFF WANT TO VISIT YOU! IGR’S OPEN 4 HOUSE IGR communication staff are continue to succeed. The other gaming regulation. We hope to once again on the road to your good news is that the use of see you on your own reserve community. Our goal is to visit proceeds of these events has when we visit. If you are (or TAWOW! each and every First Nation almost been finalized. The plan to be) involved in charita- community over the next three monies that you raise from ble gaming and would like us to months to deliver some good charitable gaming, for the most visit you, please contact IGR IGR would like to welcome the news about charitable gaming. part, can be used for the chari- toll-free at 1-877-477-4114. following new employees: table purposes that we as First Our negotiating team has been Nations find appropriate. Some Selma Greyeyes—Receptionist working long, hard hours to other expenses which are cur- develop models and policies rently being paid from band Doug Atkins—Manager based on your feedback during operations may also be eligible the last round of community Regulatory Audit and to be paid from charitable gam- visits. The good news is that Inspection Services ing revenues. IGR staff will be many of the processes that available to answer any ques- First Nations charitable gaming Debra Laliberte—Community tions regarding the eligibility of operators are using have been expenditures. Liaison Officer adopted by IGR as a “First Na- tions Bingo Model” that will We are excited to present our Shirley Courchene—Executive help you and other First Nations latest update on charitable Assistant GAMING RULES! Page 2 IGR BOARD PROFILE—CHIEF IRVIN STARBLANKET IGR welcomes its newest Board one year and then went on to Group member, Chief Irvin Starblanket the University of Saskatchewan TFHQ and/or FSIN – TLE Negotia- from the Starblanket First Na- to focus on Accounting and tions Team tion in the File Hills region of Business Management. Assembly of Entitlement Chiefs Saskatchewan. Chief Starblanket became Chief Lands and Resources Commission Chief Starblanket brings with for a 25 year term from 1974- Indian Government Commission him a wealth of experience 1999. In 1999 he became Justice Commission serving his nation for approxi- the Tribal Representative for Hunting, Fishing, Trapping and Gath- mately 28 years. He sits on the Touchwood File Hills Qu’Ap- ering Commission many Boards and Commissions. pelle Tribal Council for a two Treaty Four Planning and Priorities year period. From 2000-2002 Committee Chief Starblanket completed his he was the employed by FSIN Tribal Council Health Transfer Com- senior matriculation at St. Treaty Governance, and Com- Paul’s High School in Lebret, SK munications and Consultations. mittee in 1959. He was interested in In 2003 Irvin Starblanket be- Files Hills Agency Child and Family exploring optometry and trav- came Chief of the Starblanket Services Negotiations and Jurisdic- eled to Ontario to study there First Nation once again. tional transfer Chief Irvin Starblanket for a year. His heart grew lonely for his home and so he re- Chief Starblanket sits on the The Staff and Management of turned to Saskatchewan to following Boards and Commis- IGR are honored to have such study. In 1961 he went to Busi- sions: great leadership through the ten ness College in Saskatoon for AFN – Constitutional Working talented, dedicated and profes- sional members of our Board. THE STARBLANKET FIRST NATION Home of the first SJHL team (Star Blanket) was the son of in the File Hills area and Ah owned by a First Nation and Wah pe moose toosis (White cha coo sa coo ta coo pits “Home of Wavell the home of the famous Calf) whom was the Chief of became a headman for all Starr of World World Wrestling Entertain- this band at the time of the four bands now in the File ment “Star” Wavell Starr, the signing of Treaty four in Hills area. Wrestling Starblanket First Nation is 1874. Shortly after the sign- (History provided by the Sas- Entertainment” located 16 km northeast of ing of this treaty Ah cha coo katchewan Indian Cultural Balcarres, Saskatchewan. sa coo ta coo pits became Centre—www.sicc.sk.ca ) the Chief. This Band settled Ah cha coo sa coo ta coo pits BCR UPDATE Another calendar year has BCR’s are a requirement for to them once IGR is fully come and gone and the sup- becoming a member of the operational. port of IGR from Saskatche- Indigenous Gaming Regula- wan First Nations has contin- tors. The nations that are If you have any questions ued. IGR has received 65 members of IGR approve the about IGR or to find out if Band Council Resolutions corporate bylaws of IGR and your band has desig- (BCR’s) supporting IGR and approve the Board of Director nated IGR, contact us at its mandate. That’s an im- appointments at IGR’s An- www.igr.ca or toll free at pressive 87%. IGR staff will nual General Meeting (AGM). 1-877-477-4114. continue to travel to those First Nations that we have Member nations will also not yet been to for consulta- receive charitable gaming tions with the leadership. regulation services at no cost “REGULATE THE FUTURE TO PRESERVE THE PAST” VOLUME #2 ISSUE #1 Page 3 SASKATCHEWAN FIRST NATIONS VETERANS DINNER To continue showing our sup- Master of Ceremonies. tertainment was pro- port for our veterans, IGR There was a moment of vided by Don Burnstick. attended the November 16, silence for Robert McCoy, IGR is proud of our First 2005 dinner at the Saskatoon Honoring WW II and Korean Nations veterans for the Inn honoring Saskatchewan Veterans and a Special sacrifices they have First Nations Veterans. Honor for Walter Johnson. made for us and our future generations. The evening began with a Guest Speakers were: Vice Grand Entry and Opening Chief Lonechild, Minister Prayer. Vice Chief Lawrence Joan Beatty and Clayton Kelly Atcheynum, George Benson, Hillard Joseph did a superb job as Lerat from the RCMP. En- Gardypie at the Veterans Dinner. SIGA NOTES- “SHARING SUCCESS” SIGA Profits $200 Million – Dakota Dunes Casino – No Swift Current Casino – This Since opening its first Casino timelines have been set for venue will have 200 slot ma- SIGA’s profits in 1995 the Saskatchewan the completion of this chines and potentially create Indian Gaming Corporation 106,000 square foot facility 300 jobs for the area. Hosted are nearly has earned nearly $200 mil- on the Whitecap First Nation, by the Nekaneet First Nation, lion dollars in profits. These but it is projected to open the FHQ Tribal Council is also $200 million profits are split up between next winter. This $66 million look at developing a 200 since its first the First Nations Trust Fund facility will contain a training room higher end hotel. (37.5%), The Saskatchewan center and a multi-purpose casino opened Government’s general reve- entertainment complex. nue fund (37.5%) and the Please visit SIGA’s website at in 1995. Community Development www.siga.sk.ca to find out Corporations (25%). more information. A CHRISTMAS CARD STORY At the suggestion of a staff IGR made a donation member, IGR decided to hold to the children of St. a Christmas card contest with Maria Goretti and the children from St. Maria awarded every student Goretti, a Catholic community with a prize, as a small school in Saskatoon. token of our apprecia- tion.
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