A PLAN ING STUDY KINGSTON, ONTARIO 1960 A PLANNING STUDY OF KINGSTON, ONTARIO PREPARED FOR THE CITY COUNCIL by GORDON STEPHENSON, M.T.p.le. Professor of Town and Regional Planning University of Toronto • and G. GEORGE MUIRHEAD, M.T.P.Le. Planning Officer of the City of Kingston Planning Board • • PUBLISHED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON 1961 a FOREWORD by HIS WORSHIP, "VILLIAM T. MILLS Mayor of the City of Kingston T HE CITY of Kingston is a unique blend of past and present. Stately old buildings, many of them reposing in parklike settings, have given it the name of "The Limestone City". Well designed industrial plants, shopping facilities and pleasant new subdivisions .. mark it as a progressive, modern city as well. It is also a great military, medical and educational centre. Historically, it ha~ been an important port. Now a century and a half old, the structure of our City has undergone a process of continuous change as it has adapted itself to new conditions. The demands of the 20th Century however, have imposed new strains on the structure of the City which must be reshaped if it is to continue to function efficiently. Certain parts of the fabric are wearing out and must be replaced. Other parts • show signs of deterioration which must be halted. Some areas have been allowed to become ugly; their beauty must be restored. This • process of improvement is called Urban Renewal and it has but one justification-the enhancement of the general welfare of the people of Kingston. The Kingston Urban Renewal Study, which has been prepared by Professor Cordon Stephenson and Mr. Ceorge Muirhead indicates the lines along which such improvements should take place. I warmly commend the reading of this Report to all our people. WILLIAM T. MILLS City Hall, Kingston Mayor • PREFACE On December 13, 1955, a Committee on Hous­ Mr. John Billingham, Dip. Arch., A.R.I.B.A., ing was appointed by the late Mayor George Clark a graduate in Town and Regional Planning of the Wright to enquire into the housing situation in the University of Toronto, was engaged full time on the City of Kingston. The Committee held its first Study from May, 1958 to September, 1959. We are meeting on December 20th, 1955 when it was greatly indebted to him for his unfailing energy and decided to give priority to the matter of clearance consistently good work. He has been ably assisted or redevelopment of substandard housing in Kingston by Mr. K. Grace, Mr. R. Ollerhead and Mrs. E. and to low cost housing projects for the City, MacMaster, members of the City Planning Office including a scheme with subsidized rentals. On Staff. Mr. K. Grace was responsible for the organ­ January 4th, 1956, it was resolved that a city-wide ization of work for the printer after Mr. Billingham's survey should be made to determine the location of departure. substandard housing in the City, beginning with It would be impossible to mention by name Weller Avenue and continuing through the Rideau all those persons who have given of their time and Heights Area. As the Housing Committee's survey interest in the preparation of the Study although progressed it became increasingly evident that the it is with a real sense of obligation that we acknowl­ Rideau Heights district could not be treated as an edge their contributions. There are some, however, isolated area and that the realization of redevelop­ whose assistance was especially helpful and · we ment objectives would have to be integrated with record their names with gratitude. the planning of the entire city. Consequently, the Mayor Frank Boyce, in 1958, and His Worship Housing Committee and the Planning Board cooper­ Mayor William T. Mills, in 1959, have aided the ated to urge an Urban Renewal Study of the whole survey of internal housing conditions by informing City which would endeavour to solve the inter­ all residents within the Study Area by circular letter related problems of replanning the old sections of the purpose of the survey. Mayor Mills has shown of the City and remedying unsatisfactory housing continuous interest in the study and has joined in conditions. discussions about it several times. Mr. B. G. All­ Also, at about this time and at the request of mark, M.P., the Federal representative and the the Housing Committee, a Housing Needs Survey Honourable W. M. Nickle, Minister of the Depart­ • was carried out by the Ontario Department of ment of Planning and Development of Ontario, Planning and Development. The Survey resulted in have shown great interest from the beginning. The • a proposal for a low-cost housing project for the City Planning Board have been most helpful in City of Kingston, and preparations for this began arranging meetings with different individuals and late in 1958. A site in Rideau Heights was chosen groups in the City for discussions about ideas as on which 71 units of public housing will be con­ well as facts . Various Departments of City Hall have structed, beginning in 1960. helped in compiling this Report. The records of the The present Study has been carried out under Assessment Department were made available, and the general supervision of the Urban Renewal Mr. H. O. Morris, the Commissioner, and his staff Advisory Committee, consisting of Mr. J. F. Brown, have been most cooperative. Through Mr. N. J. Community Planning Branch of the Department of Robinson, the Welfare Administrator, and Mrs. S. Municipal Affairs (Chairman); Mr. D. Taylor, Buck, the Relief Supervisor, the records of the City Community Planning Branch of the Department of Welfare Department have been open to us. Mr. Municipal Affairs; Mr. J. McCulloch, Regional R. Tear and Mr. H. E. Bishop, Probation Officers Administrator, Operations, Central Mortgage and for the Juvenile Court, allowed us to use a numbet Housing Corporation; Mr. P. Dovell, Ontario Re­ of their records for the Study. On several occasions gional Architect, Central Mortgage & Housing we have consulted with the Engineering Department, Corporation; Mr. K. Ganong, Manager, Central particularly with regard to road proposals and sewage Mortgage & Housing Corporation, Kingston; Alder­ disposal requirements for the City. men R. Bruce and O. A. Earl (1958): Aldermen Mr. D. Bruce, Building Inspector, has assisted G. Vosper and F. D. Stevens (1959-60). The us with surveys in the Rideau Heights Area. Fire Committee held its first meeting in June, 1958 Chief V. C. Brightman made available the records while actual work on the Study commenced in May, of his Department for the past five years. Inspectors 1958. P. L. Rapley and G. K. Ball of the Fire Department vi were assigned to help during the early stages of the on the historical section of this Study. Mrs. W. survey of the interiors of dwellings. Police Court Angus of the Kingston Historical Society has helped Records were made available by the late Police with information and opinions, and the Librarians Chief J. T. Truaisch and his successor Police Chief at Queen's University and the Public Library have R. Nesbitt. Detective Inspector R. E. Haunts kindly helped in the search for historical maps. The Editors took a number of photographs which appear in the of the Whig-Standard have made the Urban Renewal Study. Dr. R. A. Kelly and his staff at the Depart­ Study the subject of numerous articles and talks. ment of Health helped us to investigate tuberculosis Dr. S. Fyfe and Professor D. Slater of Queen's Uni­ cases, infant mortality and other health records. versity discussed with us the economic structure of Mr. R. McPherson, the Sanitary Inspector, made it the Kingston Area, and Dr. Fyfe has written a possible for us to enter some of the downtown chapter of the Study for which we are grateful. residential dwellings. Colonel L. F. Grant, an Details of C.P.R. freight distribution were kindly Alderman of the City, was able to make valuable supplied by Robert Purtell Cartage. Mr. J. D. Lee suggestions relating to the Harbour and Waterfront. ar,d Professor H. M. Edwards of Queen's University Lieut. Commander E. Phipps-Walker, the Harbour­ were consultants to the City on engineering and master, helped with information on the present use traffic studies which have been valuable guides. of the Harbour. Mr. C. Hudson and other members The internal and external survey of buildings of the Chamber of Commerce provided photographs was begun in June, 1958. It was carried out by Mr. and information for the Study and publicized Plan­ Billingham, Miss J. Estall, Mrs. N. Hooper and Miss ning Board meetings arranged for the Downtown C. Newell. Miss J. Estall worked for two long periods Merchants. We are grateful to the members of the during the preparation of the Report. Her con­ Parking Authority for their interest in our proposals, tribution has been of great value. Mrs. Flora C. some of which have already been adopted. Messrs. Stephenson has also worked at different times on H. Abramsky, R. Bruce and S. Goodman, among the survey and report. She was an invaluable assistant other downtown merchants, have helped with sug­ to the Consultant. Miss M. Seymour's report on land gestions for the Central Area. use and zoning in the Old City and Mr. I. Mac­ With the aid of Dr. Lamb, considerable histor­ Gregor's report on population have been of use in ical information was obtained from the Public this Study. We were grateful to have them, and other Archives of Canada. Dr. R. Preston of the Royal reports and information which may not have been Military College has been kind enough to provide mentioned specifically.
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