. ! -(• ,:V .-r • V, •'; , H . > • /h MONDAY, DECEM BER 19.19M A v tn g g D aily N et P n m R ob r"l-. :. .. iKanr^?0tipr lEv^nittg For Ow Week Baisd th oW flM l Dee. II, iiiM ihiw iilt df D. & Wd | | S 1 | ~ T Mm. Joel M. Nichols, Sr^ 68 N. Qwn Elm Btn has as her guests Mr. and 11,543 ■ala aadkig torighg. v '> Mrs; Joel M. Nichote, Jr., of Tuc­ • Member ef Mm Audit son, Art., and the latter's moth­ SA Farttg doa4(r. B tl^ Trib* No. 58^ er. Mn. H. B. GUdden of Wilkes ^QPI ^^1^0 ■ m a n ef CftmiliiHBn Wedaaadby. mgb ~iU meeting to* Barra, Pa. Manehe$tmr^A City of ViUoKo Charm Itor Han at 8 o^ock. abwi an urgod to bo pm* at buBtnoM wiU bo The meeting tonight In the Gos­ VOL. LXXIV, NO. 63 pel Hall as previously announced (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14.1954 aa Page IR) PRICE has been canceled as Evangelist ■ tlftiftp C ct Oanter Church *wom- Hector Alves has b ^ called out Ab^ uo. Clydo BMkwith, loador, of town unexpcoifdly. m l M to a poUuck Bupper tad Hale's <3teCRi>iaa party Tuoaday at 6:80 S t Jude Thaddeus Mothen Cir­ Dismiss Crabtree, State Ends in tt|p RobMna Room of Cantor cle will hold a Christmu party at HOIIPAY VALUES O ibrai Houao. Membon ta*-**kM the home of Mrs. John Curtin, 318 to brine wranwd gifti for women Center St.v at 7 o'clock tomorrow Sheppard’s ' at montal thaUtntlona. night Members are reminded to GIVEN WITH CASH SALES Rehire Lawrence Ike Will Gonsult bring gifts for the grab bag. Tbo annual children’s party of \ ICanchoster Orann will be held Hatbld J. Moore, 31, son of Mr. Stand Quiz Wedneaday at 6:30 p. m. in Orango an d ^rs. William Moore, 383 Cen­ B oard Hall. Entertainment will be pro* ter St., was recently promoted to TUESDAY Cnsveland, Dec. 14 (IP)— oMod by two groupa of Halen le rank of corporal while serving The cross-examination of Dr. Flanagaa’a danca pupils. Savaral &^wlv.th the 8th Infantry Division in DECEMBER 14 tf the cMldrta Of membem w ll ' Germany. A radio operator in rd of Directors last night fired Walter Crabtree, 7r. Samuel Sheppard ended to­ also perform. Refreshments will b Company K'Of the division's 11th end red Arnold Lawrence to complete plans for the on day with an assertion by the sarvad In the banquet hall. O rug regiment he entered the Army in Keeniey eet SchooL subject of a controversy which has State’s Attorney that the <k)ct a n a n ibmlnded to bring giftaror April. 1953, and arrived overseas patlonta in a convalescent home; the following December, raged for a^year and which promises to continue domihating tor killed his wife and indict­ they a n alao asked to notify Mrs the town’s p^tical itfe. f ---------------------------- --------- ed his injuries on himself. The Board' alia voted to pay All AbeNird forS«D Dav iToiiiorrow Tvonne Oontolse, 39 Sumiber S t. WiUlam Munsie, 38 Adelaide Rd., "That ia abeolutely untrue—and U .S. B ^ c k s bow many Children they sral invite Crabtree what is due him imder unfair,” Sheppard replied. } Bi-partisan a senior at Tufts College, Medford, hla contract. The vote on an three linked to Murder to the party. / Mass., will be accompanist and Thla waa the only time In the r»m» motions wss 8 to 1 Mth Welter Icng croaa-examlnaUon that the Manchester Aasaifibly No. fS, conduct the Tufts-Jackson Chorus \ . Mahoney, the cnly S^mslnlng C^l^ina D eal in part of the program of Its an* member o# tl.e Bower bi<^ voting accused man ratacd hla voice. DULURE jPlan Aired m Order of Rainbow for Girls, will nu^- Christmas carol concert The State's Attorney, John J. moat in the Masonic Temple to* no. The sctlonliwcra taken Mahon, had aaked Sheppard: TO STOP night at 7:80. After the Iwsiness ‘Hiursday evening in Goddard pared motions sad a pi AT STOP session, Mn/ Olive Recave will Chapel at the Medford, Mass, cam- rewnution. "Now, those injuries you re­ O n llF lie r s ahow slides taken at a minstrel pus. The votes restore the sit)M< ceived. doctor, didn't you receive SIGN After Talks those from Jumping oil that plat­ show by the Assembly in the past. td Juet about the status s year Washingt^ Dec. 14 (/P)— A rahaanal will follow in the ban* The Holy Name Society of the before bids were asked on Ar form onto the beech?” Wsahintton, D«c. 14 — Church of the Assumption will hold The United Sutes today ruled quet ban of the mlnstnl the mem Lawrence's finished -Ians. "No, air,” Sheppard anawed. “I The White House ssid todty its monthly meeting tonight in the 1 think that would be impoulble." out any deal With Red China ban hope to present in the near Hints Legal Acttea President Eishnhower intends future. Miss Nina McAllister and church hall at 8:30. After a short ' A lt Botvs'.s block Supporters \ Aa a brain surgeon he gave his to swap 35 ChiOeie students business meeting, the Rev. Francis rraaons for that answrer. He laid step 'b y - st^ consultstion bar eommlttee Will serve refresh* may bring legal action. Mahoney in America for the 11 U. S. menta O'Neill of St. Joseph's Cathedral charged last nig it that "It (firing then would have to be an injury with CongrressioQsI lesaers edf of Hartford will show slides and i on the' top of the head as w’el|. airmen iinpriaonWl inside 4 evabiree and rehirlng Lawrence) both psrties on problems of Memben of Linns Lodge. talk on the shrines, of Europe will go through here, but it will Tbe top of hie head waa not in­ China. State Dept. Dress Of­ INTER* which he visited recently. Refresh­ PASSING ON foreign sffsirs, nsti<msl de- Khlgbta of Pythias, are requested not go through a Judge of Ctmerior jured, although he clelmed to ficer Lincoln White told HILLS OR SECnOllS to meet tonight at 7:80 In Orange ments will be served after the Court. Politics will not enter into tc have e damage to the verte­ fenee and mutual seeurity.. Hall to proceed to the. Watkins meeting. All the men of the parish a Judge's decision." bra in hie neck. newsmen, “there will be no After a White Houaa centaranoa Funeral Home to pay last respects are invited to tonight's meeting. ! After . the meeting Sherwood "Isn't It a fact that you beat deal.’’ o f ' Republican tad Dcmocratta to Carl A. Chellberg, who was a Bowers, leader of the majorlte on your wife that mornii^,'' Mahon White'! comm'enl^ onme in rieply leaden, it waa alao aanouacad that membft^of the lodge. Manchester Lodge No. 78, A F. the old Board which hired Crab­ thundered, "and after you killed to queetlons about a Peiping Radio the President wiU. deliver hia and A.M., .will hold its annual com­ tree, .appeared to rule out any Im­ her you ruehed down those stops to­ broadc.'tst which carried, a broad State-of-the-Uhion maasaga to munication and election of oAcers mediate legal Buit. He said "We ward the beach and fej|l or Jumped hint tliat Red Chine was teying to Oongreas, in persoh. on Jan. S— at the Masonic Temple tomorrow will have to eetabtlah thp legal and injured yourself?” coax the United States fiito a deal. the day after the new S4tti aad night at 7:30, At the conclusion of ground for action.” Sheppard delivered ble em The Red broadcr^t alluded to the Democratic - controUed C tagnas the business meeting there will be Baals for the action wss the Dl- phatic denial. 11 U.S. airmen held as'"apiea" and coavenee. a social hour and refreshments. rectore’ feeling they had s man­ With that, Mahon said , he Nyras said the United States would be The Btep-by>step plaa for coo- X date from the people In the refer­ finished. nouSing international law if It aultationa waa interpretad by law­ X Just before asking wbeUier. Shep> held the 35 Chinese students In re- makers as meaning coasultatteB s m endum of June, IMS, ratified by Silas aqrrett, IH. Alain the recent election which put them pard's ihjuries were eelf-infilrted, liatioq for the Jailing of thg aif- AlUUNSrSIGNAL while plana and programs ant Into office. attorney general, was placed In 'le SUte'e Attorney asked Shep- being formulated. GIFT The Board petitioned the School lechnleal arreat In Oalveston; Trx- ltd if cold water le not more ef' Sec Pelpiag Scheme / Before tbe White House aia- ae. Dec. lA he Ike fatal eheettag ' ive for removing blood staina HEADQUARTERS Building Committee for an opinion The'Way the two mattefa were nouncement. Senate Democratle on whether the plans Crabtree of Albert L. .Pntteraen, a cniand- thaiKhot water. The suggestion linked wha interpreted by some HITCHING RIDES Leader Iqrndon Johnson of Taand WAIKINS CHfta Wrapped Free tng attorney in Phcnlx Clfy, Ala. SaOTNBM* m e drew are aubstantially in accord­ appeand to be that th« eccuaed diplomats atxj^ United Natitaa as had told aewsttan tha Prarideat Shbp Haleys For ance with' the preliminary plana Garrett fcas been niider treatonent man rta dowm the steps after the meaning the i^ineae CJemmuniats had agreed ta such advance- coa- FUNERAL the voters approved.
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