MAY 2017 2 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” www.ianohio.com MAY 2017 Editor’s Corner the meaning, often out loud, are today. Ireland is an island; we pany of immortals. Let it live on, “Follow me where I go, when praising or pushing back are not. We vow, to not go to our as we pass on. what I do and who I know; against pain. I do it to deepen grave with our music still inside The heart of our issue, has O’Bent the resonance of the simple but us. Each of us gain a little immor- always been our advertisers. Enterprises includes: powerful words. History echoes tality, with our written and read Each month within, you will find www.twitter.com/jobjr within me. Sometimes we can words; be they preserved in the a profile on one of them. Each www.facebook.com/ only hear our own ridiculous- books we author, the columns we month we strive to bring you OhioIrishAmericanNews ness and meaning lost through write, the films and the memo- great stories, humor, sports and www.linkedin.com/in/ repetition, when we make the ries, we make. other entertainment, wrapped in jobjr/ http://songsand- effort to not only listen, but to My parents, my roots, are from the Irish penchant for nostalgia, stories.net/myblog/feed/ hear, out loud. May’s crowning Ireland. I am the last First Gener- made immortal in the songs and John O’Brien, Jr. flowers are here; don’t lose sight ation of the Irish in Ohio. I know stories, of our modern day bards. of the flowers. the significance and importance The Art of Motherhood; the Whether it be a decade of the History echoes throughout this of supporting the arts; my books, horror of Tuam’s mothers and rosary, or a decade of publica- issue, and we hope, in all issues. this newsmagazine, Cleveland Sisters; Census; an Inner View tion, 10 years can fly and lose its Easter does not erase the cross; Irish Fest, all would not be here, with Growing Up Irish Col- About Our glory and purpose, if we don’t it transforms it. Each new issue were it not for our community umnist Maureen Ginley; this stop to pay attention and con- does not erase the past, it offers supporting the kaleidoscope of month’s Irish lesson, book re- Cover stantly strive to be more than we remembrance, celebration, and the arts and all the ripples big view, puzzle, radio shows and are. “Slow down, you move to maybe recalls the glory or gory, and small that are nourished many, many special events; and fast. You got to make the moment that was. by it. of course, live music, seven days Unleash last …” We don’t seek to dwell, we In that immigration journey, a week is showcased in May’s the Hounds! I slow down and deliberately seek to illuminate, learn, and in the hardships, injustices and Out & About Ohio. 175th Cleveland St. Pat- say the Hail Mary, emphasizing discern, who we were then, and discrimination so much a fabric We reflect on Martin McGuin- rick’s Day Parade Cover of our lives past and in crosses, I ness; Immigration; The Armada Photo by John O’Brien, Jr. believe we have learned to fight of Ireland; and with Una Ellis; for what is right, not who is right. Hurling in Ireland and Youth and The OhIAN I believe we have the power to older kids Gaelic football camps welcomes new put sense into the world, through and games in America coming Coming Next those strokes made immortal. too; the discovery of Golf, Scuba Month: advertising partners Each day, we trade one day of – all of it celebrated within, and our life, for something. Creating with you. Turn the page. The 11th Annual Fitzgerald’s B & B a movie, a book, a paper, a film … Festival Focus Issue; festival, a difference ~ creating a Go dtí an mhí seo chugainn, Pop-up Pub community - every day, we must slán a fhágáil is your The Hooley @Kamm’s Corner be a cheerleader in someone’s (Until next month, goodbye) Fest featured? 24th Annual Riverfront Irish Fest life; together we aim for the com- John [email protected] Greater Cleveland Peace Officer’s Memorial Society Kerry Blue Terrier Fiona’s Bakery Michael P. Maloney, Attorney together we bring you the OhIAN. MAY 2017 “We’ve Always Been Green!” www.ianohio.com 3 The Wonder Anna’s room to disprove it. Donoghue’s book is based on By Emma Donoghue the many cases of “fasting girls” Picador ISBN 978-1-5098-1839-6 reported across the world from 291 pp. 2016 the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. Women and girls, often River Terrace Building 19111 Detroit Rd, Ste 200 Rocky River, OH 44115 440-333-8960 [email protected] “The Wonder” is Emma Dono- prepubescent, who claimed to live ghue’s first historical novel set without food for months or even in her homeland of Ireland. The years. Lib is critical of the mixture setting is the Irish Midlands, 1859. of religiosity and folklore, which The book’s protagonist is an En- permeates the village where Anna glish nurse, Lib Wright, a disciple and her family live. Her suspicions of Florence Nightingale, who eventually lead her to “figure out” served in the Crimean War. She what is going on in Anna’s home is summoned to a tiny village to and leads to a climactic denoue- observe what people are calling a ment. medical miracle - a girl said to have Like “Room”, this is a thrilling survived without food for months. domestic psychodrama that draws The girl, Anna O’Donnell, an its power from quotidian detail as eleven-year-old, has reportedly well as gothic horror. Donoghue not consumed any food for four also sets Anna and Lib’s relation- months, yet is flourishing health ship in a wider context of English - wise. Wright and a nun, who is and Irish antagonism, of the birth also a nurse, are hired to watch of nursing and of the clash between the girl for two weeks and try and science and faith. This reviewer determine if this is a hoax or a found the book to be a page-turner medical marvel. and a TOP Shelf read. The girl has become a celebrity *Terrence J Kenneally is an at- by not eating, surviving on water torney and owner of Terrence J. and “manna from heaven.” The Kenneally & Associates in Rocky townspeople are mostly in awe River, Ohio. He defends insureds of the child, who draws pilgrims and insurance companies in insur- from across the country hoping to ance defense litigation throughout get a glimpse of the “miracle” girl. the state of Ohio. Terrence received Lib is immediately skeptical, his Master’s Degree in Irish Studies assuming Anna is an attention from John Carroll University and seeking fraud: “What was it about teaches Irish history and literature this spoiled miss that she’d man- at Holy Name High School. Mr. aged to enroll all the grown-ups Kenneally is also the President of around her in this charade?” But Holy Name High School for 2016- she never witnesses the girl eat and 17. He can be reached at terry@ she cannot find any stash of food in tjkenneally.com. 4 IAN Ohio “We’ve Always Been Green!” www.ianohio.com MAY 2017 Order of Hibernians and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians traveled to Ireland to participate in the Centennial Com- memoration activi- Special Relationships ties. I was privileged to travel with a group of family and Every spring, Irishmen and Irish- friends. We were in Derry on March 23 women commemorate the Easter Rising. 2016. Last year many members of the Ancient A year later the streets of the Bogsjde were filled with mourners from across Funeral Process. Danny shared some of the globe for the Funeral of Martin Mc- his memories with me. He was touched Guiness. Many Hibernians were in that that the Hibernian delegation were given assembly, including AOH National Pres- some special privileges. ident Judge Jim McKay of New Orleans When Judge McKay and Danny ar- and AOH National Vice President Danny rived at the house, they were brought O’Connell of Youngstown. in bypassing the long line of mourners. The leadership of the Ancient Order They were also on the list to carry the cof- of Hibernians were in Ireland on official fin. Unfortunately circumstances did not business. The AOH agenda included allow this honor to happen. The crowds meeting with the Irish Government, were massive and every time a different AOH divisions and members of the Irish group changed to carry the coffin, the clergy. The AOH testified with a Com- crowd paid their respect by voicing their mittee on Foreign affairs on three areas approval. Watching the Funeral proces- of concern: Brexit and Border, Immigra- sion, I was proud to be able to spot my tion, and a United Ireland. On arrival to Hibernian Brothers near the coffin. Ireland Niall Burgess, Secretary General Following the Funeral, Judge McKay of the Department of Foreign Affairs, and Danny continued the AOH agenda notified Judge McKay and Danny of the of meeting with AOH divisions in Derry, death of Martin McGuiness. The AOH Omagh, Tyrone and in Scotland. They schedule needed to be changed in order met with Cardinal Sean Brady. They to attend the wake. also met with groups that have received Judge McKay and Danny traveled to funding from AOH and LAOH FFAI Derry to represent the Hibernians at this (Freedom for All Ireland).
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