NASA Fiftieth Anniversary Edition National Aeronautics and Space Administration OFFICE OF DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 50th Anniversary Edition Fiftieth Anniversary Perspectives Fall/Winter 2008 Diversity and EO at NASA . in S&E at NASA comprised only 3 per- 1958 We’ve Come a Long Way cent of the workforce. Now they, too, are nearly 20 percent. In the cases of both by Fred Dalton and David Chambers women and minorities, the NASA S&E In celebration of NASA’s 50th workforce now stands above the relevant anniversary, we take a look back on the civilian labor workforce statistic. role the Agency’s diversity and equal opportunity (EO) efforts have played Integrating the Astronaut Corps October 1, 1958 — The National Aeronautics and in shaping the workforce and the Integration of the astronaut program Space Administration began operation. NASA had NASA work environment during this 8,000 employees and an annual budget of $100 was a major objective for NASA million, in addition to a small headquarters staff dynamic period. under the EO leadership of Dr. Harriett that directed operations. Jenkins, who served the longest ten- The Early Days ure of any EO head, from 1974–1992. 1959 NASA’s first Agency EO office was Together with Senator William Proxmire, created in September 1971. NASA EO a congressional champion of greater head, Ruth Bates Harris, willingly put diversity in the astronaut corps, they were her position on the line to call attention instrumental in integrating the astronaut to the need for EO progress at NASA corps. According to Oceola Hall, former April 9, 1959 — NASA selects its first astronaut and develop a blueprint for a success- Deputy Assistant Administrator of the group to participate in Project Mercury, the first human spaceflight program of the United States. ful program. Subsequently, in March Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity The Mercury program ran from 1959 through 1963 with the goal of putting a man in orbit around Earth. 1972, NASA convened the Agency’s (ODEO), “each time the Administrator The Mercury-Atlas 6 flight on February 20, 1962, first EO conference at Kennedy Space went on the Hill to testify, Senator Prox- was the first Mercury flight to achieve this goal. NASA Achievements and EO/Diversity Milestones NASA Center, where NASA Administrator mire wanted to know how many minority James C. Fletcher publicly expressed astronaut candidates the Agency had.” commitment to the spirit as well as the Hall recalled that the Johnson Inside Endeavor letter of EO. Space Center EO Officer Joe Atkin- Fiftieth Anniversary son made it his personal respon- Perspectives................1 Strides in Workforce Diversity sibility to search out potential Diversity and EO at NASA . Back in the early 1970s, NASA’s minority candidates for the astronaut We’ve come a Long Way Where We’re Headed ...........2 minority workforce representation, corps. While in California, Atkinson standing at 5 percent, was the low- found Ron McNair, the first African EEO Matters ................3 The ADA Amendments and Genetic est of all Federal agencies. However, American astronaut, and recruited him Non-Discrimination Act since that time NASA has made amaz- for the program. Through the efforts of EEOC Guidance on Religion ing strides in increasing its workforce these leaders, their dedicated employees, Case Law Update............4 diversity. For example, in 1975 only and the hard work of those who aspired Case Law on Retaliation, Gender Identity 4.5 percent of the NASA science and to be astronauts, men and women from Diversity Forum. ............5 engineering (S&E) workforce were a wide range of racial and ethnic back- Hispanic Youth Outreach Program minorities—now that figure has risen grounds have flown in space. Fun Facts Quiz ..............7 to over 20 percent. In 1975, women www.nasa.gov OFFICE OF DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Fiftieth Anniversary Perspectives 2 Innovative EO and Diversity Efforts cessing of complaints. A decade later, 1960 Over the years, NASA continued to when the Federal Government moved support growth and innovation in EO toward Alternative Dispute Resolu- and diversity. During Dr. Jenkins’s tion (ADR) to more efficiently resolve tenure, NASA helped establish and EEO complaints, NASA served in a pilot expand research centers at Histori- program. cally Black Colleges and Universi- ties, Hispanic-Serving Institutions,and By the early 1990s, under Dr. Jenkin’s During the early 1960s, a group of women trained to become astronauts for America’s first human Tribal Colleges, establishing these leadership, NASA had expanded its spaceflight program. They were members of the First Lady Astronaut Trainees (FLATs, also known institutions as feeders to the NASA efforts beyond EO to include a two- as the “Mercury 13”). workforce and the astronaut corps. year, Agency-wide program of multi- Among NASA leaders who are gradu- cultural training, expanding notions of ates of Historically Black Colleges and EO beyond traditional “EEO groups,” Universities are Charles Scales, Asso- such as women and minorities, to 1969 ciate Deputy Administrator (Alabama include a greater diversity of cultural A&M University), Christyl Johnson, backgrounds and perspectives. Assistant Associate Administrator (Lincoln University), and Dr. Julian Earls, former Director, Glenn Research Through ... the hard work Center (Norfolk State University). of those who aspired to be July 16, 1969 — Apollo 11 lifted off. At 4:18 p.m. EST on July 20, 1969, the Lunar Module—with astronauts Hall recalled the late 1970s, when the astronauts, men and women Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin—landed on NASA EO office could no longer call the lunar surface. Armstrong set foot on the surface, from a wide range of racial telling the millions of listeners that it was “one small upon the Office of Inspections to inves- step for man—one giant leap for mankind.” and ethnic backgrounds tigate EEO complaints. NASA brought in investigators from the Civil Service have flown in space. Commission to ensure the timely pro- 1976 Fiftieth Anniversary Perspectives Diversity and EO at NASA . Dalton, CMP Manager, explains there July 20, 1976 — The Viking 1 planetary lander Where We’re Headed are plans to expand the program through touched down on Mars after a voyage of nearly one year. The Viking spacecraft continued to transmit offering coaching and consultations to Earth for six years after first reaching Mars. by Judy Phillips with individual organizations, as well as classroom and Web-based advanced The Office of Diversity and Equal training. Barbara Spotts, ODEO’s Diver- Opportunity sees more change and sity Manager, expects ODEO to roll out 1981 continued growth ahead for diversity the Agency Framework for Diversity and and EO. According to Brenda R. Man- Inclusion in upcoming months, with the uel, Assistant Administrator for Diver- rollout being completed in the spring. sity and Equal Opportunity, “It really “Diversity is going to play a much larger is an exciting time for us as we move role at this Agency in the future,” says forward with plans and initiatives that Spotts. will continue to improve our services Achievements and EO/Diversity Milestones NASA and allow ODEO to change and grow Another important tool going forward is April 12, 1981 — The first flight of the Space Trans- as NASA’s mission changes.” the Model EEO Agency Plan. Accord- portation System (STS-1) was on the Space Shuttle Columbia. Columbia became the first airplane-like ing to Mike Torres, Director, Program craft to land from orbit for reuse when it touched down at Edwards Air Force after a flight of 2 days, 6 ODEO’s plans in the near future Planning and Evaluation Division, “The hours and almost 21 minutes. The mission also was the first to employ both liquid- and solid-propellant involve the Conflict Management Model EEO Agency Plan is a tool we rocket engines for the launch of a spacecraft carrying humans. Program (CMP) and Diversity. Fred use to improve our EEO performance. It www.nasa.gov OFFICE OF DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Fiftieth Anniversary Perspectives 3 is a means of ensuring that employment requires and assists ODEO to examine 1983 decisions in the Agency are free from what we do and to make improvements. discrimination. Through the plan, we can ODEO will continue to develop proactive examine employment policies and prac- initiatives to bring us closer to our goal of tices to identify and remove barriers to becoming a model Agency for EEO.” equal opportunity.” Each Center prepares a plan that is rolled into the Agency Plan. “Through the [Model Agency The plan looks in depth at several ele- EEO plan], we can examine em- ments, including EEO integration into the June 18, 1983 — Astronaut Sally K. Ride became the ployment policies and practices first American woman and the youngest American to NASA mission, maximizing efficiency reach outer space as a mission specialist on STS-7. in EEO processes, timely responsive- to identify and remove barriers to ness, and legal compliance. Torres con- equal opportunity.” cludes, “The Model EEO Agency Plan EEO Matters The ADA Amendments and the activity, or a record of such impairment. Genetic Information Non-discrim- Accommodations need not be provided ination Act: Congress Passes to an individual who is only “regarded Civil Rights Legislation for the as” having an impairment. 21st Century August 30, 1983 — Astronaut Guion “Guy” Bluford became the first African-American astronaut as a On May 21, 2008, President Bush mission specialist on STS-8. by David Chambers and Judy Phillips signed into law the Genetic Informa- tion Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). On September 25, 2008, President Bush GINA will protect Americans against signed into law sweeping amendments to discrimination based on their genetic 1990 the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. information when it comes to health The amendments are designed to: insurance and employment.
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