Kelena dhammasakaccha, the timely discussion of the doctrines; this is the way to auspiciousness. Established 1914 Volume XII, Number 40 8th Waxing of Nayon 1366 ME ˚˚ Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt holds a meeting with local authorities, departmental officials, members of social organizations and local senior citizens in Loilem on 24-5-2004. — MNA Government implementing three development projects covering whole nation Prime Minister inspects Kengtawng Hydro-electric Power Project, development works in townships of Loilem District YANGON, 25 May — by Tatmadaw aircraft where viewed round the wards, residing in the township, ple. Being an agro-based and ensuring of the rule of Prime Minister General Col Tha Aung of Mongnai laboratory, medical store, per acre yield of paddy, nation, priority is to be law. Khin Nyunt, accompanied Station, members of operation theatre and X-ray groundnut, sesame, sun- given to the development in Departmental officials by member of the State Mongnai Township PDC, room. Medical Superin- flower, pigeon peas, agriculture and livestock are to make efforts for Peace and Development departmental officials and tendent Dr Myo Nyunt Oo sugarcane and maize grain breeding in making efforts smooth running of admin- Council Lt-Gen Aung members of social organi- and officials conducted the out the ten major crops and for economic progress. istrative machinery, he Htwe, ministers, deputy zations welcomed them. Prime Minister round there. production volume of the He spoke of the need to added. He also said the ministers, officials of the The Prime Minister and The Prime Minister next at- crops, cultivation of re- lay down systematic various committees formed SPDC Office, department party then arrived at tended to the needs for gional crops, local self-suf- projects and implement are to carry out the tasks in heads and officials left here Mongnai Basic Education health care services and ficiency in food, arrange- them for local rice suffi- education, health, agricul- by Tatmadaw aircraft yes- High School. They were health care staff quarters. ments for extended cultiva- ciency and for cultivation of ture, transport and develop- terday morning and arrived welcomed there by mem- The Prime Minister and tion of monsoon paddy for marketable crops such as ment affairs sectors through at Namhsan in Shan State bers of school board of trus- party paid homage to 2004-2005, education and tea and coffee after estab- collective leadership and re- at 9.15 am the same day. tees, Headmistress Daw Mongnai Sasana Pala Mon- health issues. Next, town- lishing large plantations. sponsibility. The Prime Minister and Khin Swe, teachers and stu- astery Sayadaw Sula ship level departmental of- He said township level (See page 8) party were welcomed there dents. The Prime Minister Ganthavacaka Pandita ficials also reported on departmental officials are INSIDE by Shan State Peace and and party then inspected Bhaddanta Kesava and matters on agriculture, edu- the most responsible ones Perspectives Development Council round the computer aided members of the Sangha and cation, health, township for regional development, Another bridge for Chairman Eastern Com- instruction room, audio donated alms to them. At development affairs and economic progress and up- closer friendship mand Commander Maj-Gen room (language lab) and Kanbawza hall of Mongnai, power supply. lift of living standard of among national races Khin Maung Myint, Brig- school gymnasium. the Prime Minister met Next, Chairman of Shan local people. (Page 2) Gen Thura Myint Thein of Chairman of National Mongnai Township PDC State Peace and Develop- He said systematic ad- Namhsan Station, members Health Committee Prime members, departmental per- ment Council Commander ministrative machinery was Article of district and township Minister inquired about the sonnel, members of socials Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint established in the township Panmon Creek Bridge PDCs, government employ- academic affairs and ful- organizations, townselders gave a supplementary report. and government depart- providing direct link ees and members of social filled the needs for con- and local nationals. Loilem In his discussions, ments were also formed in between hilly and organizations. struction of a new school District PDC member Po- Prime Minister General agriculture, livestock breed- plain regions The Prime Minister and building. The Prime Minis- lice Lt-Col Sein Win re- Khin Nyunt said economic ing, economic, education, (Page 7) party, together with the ter General Khin Nyunt and ported on location, area and progress is vital for regional health and social sectors for Circulation commander went to party proceeded to Mongnai population of Mongnai development and uplift of speedy implementation of 22,380 Mongnai in Loilem District People’s Hospital and Township, national races living standard of local peo- regional development tasks Government Technological College (Panglong) in Loilem, Shan State. — MNA The National Convention is the concern of all our national races. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Wednesday, 26 May, 2004 * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Another bridge for closer * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy friendship among national races Anti-drug painting, cartoon, POEM: The Gangaw region in Magway Division on the west bank of the Ayeyawady and the Kalay poster competitions held If you take his shelter region in Sagaing Division on the west bank of YANGON, 25 May— Sponsored by Yangon Divi- * If you seek shelter in another’s land sion Committee for Drug Abuse Control, Division level the Chindwin were less developed socially and You must do as he beckons painting, cartoon and poster competitions to mark 2004 economically due to poor transport. It’s only natural. International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Traf- * If you accept the food he gives Therefore, in the time of the Tatmadaw ficking were held at Drug Elimination Museum at the You must perform to please him Government and in accordance with the guid- corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw streets in Kamayut It’s only natural. ance of the Head of State, the Kalay-Gangaw township this morning, attended by Chairman of the Com- * Take his shelter and to his satisfaction railroad, the Kalay-Gangaw and Gangaw-Haka mittee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Develop- Act to please him, to win his favour motor roads, the Myittha river-crossing bridge ment Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen It’s only natural. and the Kabarni bridge were built to link Chin Myint Swe. * This natural process, got into one’s thoughts State (North) and the Kalay region with Also present on the occasion were Police Adju- Those taking shelter in another's land Magway, Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions. tant-General Police Brig-Gen Soe Myint Tun, Commander Those poor people, our own kin of No 3 Military Region Col Tint San, Commander of The opening of the 220-ft-long Panmon To keep divided using divisive language Yangon Division MPF Police Col Aung Daing, officials Creek bridge on the Kalay-Gangaw motor road Always muttering, that being the situation of CCDAC, Deputy Director of No 3 Basic Education The true reason, is just that was held near Natchaung village, Kalay Town- Department (Yangon City) U Nu and officials and the Knowing full well, we pity them ship, Sagaing Division, on 23 May and it was competitors. On arrival at the museum, the commander * Use as much invectives as they like attended by member of the State Peace and and party were welcomed by officials. Next, the com- Use as much divisive acts as you like Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the mander and party viewed the open competitions under the We know your plight Ministry of Defence. title of “Treatment Works”. Altogether 126 competitors There’s always forgiveness. In his address on the occasion, Lt-Gen Ye are participating in cartoon competition and 96 competi- * Though you divide we’re unperturbed. Myint said that, as the Panmon Creek bridge tors are taking part in painting competition. Poster com- We are full of patriotism had been built across the Panmon Creek on petition will be held on 26 May. — MNA Always full of resilience. Gangaw-Kalay Road, it would take less time to Myanmar delegation arrives back Byan Hlwar (Trs) travel from Gangaw in Magway Division to after attending WHO Conference Kalay in Sagaing Division and to Chin State YANGON, 25 May — A Myanmar delegation led by through Kalay. Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint arrived in Geneva, In the past, when the Panmon Creek was Switzerland, on 16 May to attend the 57th Conference of flooded in the rains, local people had to wait a the World Health Organization. day or two to travel from one place to another. In the afternoon, the delegation attended the pre- Now, as the bridge has been built, one can travel liminary session of the ASEAN Ministerial meeting of from Gangaw to Kalay without waiting for the the WHO, and discussed the united stand of the Associa- water level in the creek to drop. Therefore, local tion at the conference. products of Chin State and Kalay region can The next day, the delegation attended the opening be shipped to other states and divisions easily. ceremony of the conference. Myanmar was elected as a In the same way, the products of Magway Di- member of the Credentials Committee. At the round table discussion on 18 May, Dr Kyaw vision will be transported to Chin State and Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint delivers an Myint discussed matter relating to the reinforcement of address at the WHO conference.
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