let me say, neighbor- nau a sab. that the men who built Damory Court hood is not splendid of art.” unaware of the sense of beauty and generosity which le responsible for share deviltry, too.” “And their of the present lack of which you speak.” put In the doctor. Valiant put out his hand with a “I suppose so.” admitted his host. little gesture of deprecation, but the “At this distance I can bear even that. disregarded deeply other it. "Confound It, Company But good or bad. I’m thankful ¦ah, it was to expected of Seed Virginia. be a Va- The Lamar that they chose Since I’ve liant. ancestors wrote browsing in Your their been laid up. I’ve been the names capital —’’ in letters over this library here country. They were an up and down “A bit out of date now\ I reckon.” lot, but good or bad (and, as Southall said the major, ‘but it used to pass says, nodded toward the grandfather was some- I reckon” —he muster. Your great portrait above the oouch —“they & thing of a book-worm. He wrote a weren't all little woolly lambs) they WOOD history of the family, didn’t lie?” did big things in a big way.” COAL it. The Valiants “Yes. I’ve found Valiant leaned forward eagerly, a of Virginia.’ I’m reading the Revolu- question on his lips. But at the mo- Canon City Lump and Nut, Camer- tionary chapters now. It never seemed ment a diversion occurred In the real before —it’s been only a slice of shape of Uncle Jefferson, who re-en- history. impersonal and rather dull tered, bearing a tray on which set sun- But the book has made it come alive. dry Jugs and clinking glasses, glow- on Lump, Pea coal and Anthracite I’m having the thrill of the globe- ing green and gold. the with white and trotter the first time he sees Tow- humbug.” said the doctor, or of "You old er of London the field Waterloo. "don't you know the major's that poi- out All screened at bin I see more thin that stubble-field soned with mlntrjuleps already that he yonder; I see a big wooden stockade get up eight morn- ragged blue can't before In the with soldiers In buff and ing?” guarding it.” "Well, suh,” Uttered Unde Jeffer- Pea major “Ah, yes,” he Trinidad Mine Run, andOSlack The nodded. son, "Ah done tonn' or mint-bald down said. “The Continental prison-camp.” T&- rise there I can below de kitchens dls mawilin'. not screened “And just over this gemmun’ blgges' expuhts mixed, conrt-houae, Vir- all 'bout de see an old and the In dls yeah oounty, Ah reek's Assembly boiling under the en ginia Mars’ Valiant sho* ’slst on 70' sam- golden tongue-lashing of lean raw- plin’ I see a messen- et” boned Patrick Henry. "Bah,” said the major feelingly, HAY ROCK SALT ger gallop up and see the members turning to his host, *Tm proud to to their saddles —and then, scramble your health in the typical bev- Tarleton and his red-coats streaming drink Sheep volt, Rock erage of Virginia!” He touched Baled Prairie, Alfalfa and Evaporated up. too late.” glasses glared at the “Well,” doctor delib- with Valiant and commented the doctor, who was sipping his own erately, I to say Is, don’t lampjand ground “all have thoughtfully. have been writ- Straw salt in to Poly "Poemn materialise too much Mrs. ten on Julep, you meet the sah.” Gilford when her. She’ll "They make good epitaphs, ob- you lecturing to I wadies’ too/* have the served the doctor. Church Guild before you know It.” your glass lent going Poultry &SlockSuppU« hope you Mr. Valiant?” the "I noticed **l ride. begging,” major Cotton SeedJProduct, genially. the retorted. "Une* latter asked as good grew full line of Lou *, Con- *Tm fond of It,” Mid Valiant, "but Jefferson, that's mint as Wm havu a gyarden that have horse aa yet." In the of Eden. Bee I ao lasy niggers of don't grub “I was thinking.” pursued the ma- those yours Cotton Cake ami Mool, pom jET'bJSnUS. patch by J jor. ”of the coming tournament” the out mistake.” "Yas, sah,” said Uncle Jefferson, as Q"'" “Tournament?” tray. "Ah gwlae- sue Cabt and Linutd Moot g Tbe doctor cut in. ”A ridiculous he retired with the ter put er fence eroun’ dat bald tat oock-a-doodle-do which gives the young , ar sundown.” The question that had sprung to Valiant’s Ups now found utterance. "1 FIELD SEEDS saw you look at the portrait them” he said to the major. "Which of my Fancy Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Cane, Oat», Barley , ancestors Is It?” The other got up and stood before Corn, Rice Com, Maize, Hemp, the mantel-piece In a Napoleoaks atti- Speltz, Jerusalem tude. “That,” be said, fixing his eye- glasses, *is your great-grandfather, Rape, and many others. Also the much talked about Devil-John Valiant.” “Devil-John!” echoed his hod. Ttt Feterita seed, the senior of the dry land country. I*vohoard the name.” The doctor guffawed. "He earned it, I reckon. I never realised what h sinister expression that mlastag optla gives the old rulfian. Thera was h skirmish during the war on the hill- Company ’ side yonder and a bullet out It ost Seed boys aatt Lamar we wo used to The When were him ‘Old One-Eye.*” "It interests me enormously,” Join Valiant spoke explosively. of Devil-John would fill Qet Up and "The stories The Other Btood Before a big book," major. the a mighty said the “01*4 to know you. sob,” Mid the Mantel Ptsos In Napoleonic ha ought to havu Attitude. "By all accounts major. “Allow mo to congratulate lived In the middle ages.” Grossing you; It'o not every one who goto bit- bucks a chanoe to rig out in silly tog- the library, be looked Into the dining- ten by one of thoee infernal mocca- gery and pranoe their colts before a lot room "I thought I remembered. The sins that Uvea to talk about It You of petticoats!" portrait over the console there Is his must be a pet of Providence, or elee “It’s an annual affair,” explained the wife, your great-grandmother. They you have a cast-iron oonetttutlon. major; “a kind of spectacle. For say he bet-that when he brought his •ah.” many years, by tbe way, it has been brldo home, she should walk Into Da- Valiant waved his band toward tha held on a part of this estate—perhaps mory Court between rows of candle- man of medicine, said. “I objection twenty-thousand VALIANTS of VIRGINIA who reckon you no to its use stlcks worth dollars. 8lilrl«y was will have The Mil-* the Providence In this season? —and at night there is a Ho made the wager good, too, tor rorHUßffy the ?r.*e Bhe had aenae enough to dance at the Country Club. By the when she came np those stops out by «<?"-! for :pp quirk HALLIE ERMINIE RIVES and npood did It* way. you must let me introduce you there, there was a row of tan candles major •Well, mb.” tbe said. “I there—tomorrow. taken the liberty burning on either elds ofthe doorway, your I’ve miTORATEP LABBTH STOUT reckon under tbe circumstances, already of putting your name up.” each held by a young slave worth a ¦ret Impressions of the section aren't “Good lord!” growled the doctor, thousand dollars In the market. Jtfte anything tor us to brag about.” young! say ha grew jealous of hla "Well, subT* continued Unde ehm, en he look at huh taco, oalde. “He counts himself If "Some King's delighted; bard tor me to —’’ “dey one o' dem low down “I’m It's I'd reached your age, Brlatow wife’s beauty. There were any num- eon. was en he drop he ax en go. Den the Hell’s-Half-Acrers, Oreef toll bow much.” have,” major, nettled. ber of stories told of his cruelties to name* Ktaf. dumb laddah en fotcb de chile “You Mid the de de "Walt till you know tbe fool place,’* years ago!—As was Mylng. aren't repeating. She whut call beee'f de may ah ok en take huk oa de “Four I her that worth down in huh ahme — rampage me growled tbe doctor testily. “You'll Valiant, they ride a prize. early —poor lady and your Dome, ea be went on de en come back. Dat da way at Mr. for It’s died day, was hose change your tune.” very thing—l've seen refer- grandfather was the only issue. Devil- en took ahtah hie wife. Bhe happen, enh.*' a ancient sickly or in gal Tbe major smiled genially. “Don’t to a manuscript John himself lived to be past seventy, er po* 'ooman. wid And Rickey wee that little child! encM it in colonial be taken In by the doctor’s pessimism. age, five yeah ol* by er fust buabaa*. He euh. ehe eho’ wae. la da in tbe Byrd Library at Westover. No and at that when moot men were bate*, bat "Yea. You’d bare to get a yoke of three- come directly stacking their sins and groaning done beat bob beep o’ times mawnlu' poaee done ride up ter doubt it’s down from with hub. Ah er year to drag him out of this jousts.” gout, dicing fox-hunt- dis time he boun' ter finish en take Oreef King oxen tbe old the he was and ’ Hell'a-Half-Acre dat, ea ¦tote.” mean say,” cried ing with the youngest of them.
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