International Platform Towards microfi nance at the service of health In the Koudougou region of Burkina Faso, microcredit and the highly nutritious alga spirulina have been combined in order to improve the health and income of rural Burkinabe people. The adaptation of a classic marketing methodology and on-site immersion with the local actors were the key to the success of the pilot project. The current objective is to optimise this model so that it can become sustainable and be replicated, taking into account diff erent contexts. Spirulina is a microscopic green alga accumulating in the farms, particu- 3,500 m². Unfortunately, neither the which fi rst appeared more than 3.5 larly since 2006. That year, production distribution networks nor the promo- million years ago and thrives rapidly began on the Nayalgué farm, situated tion mechanisms have been developed and naturally in the alkaline lakes of in Koudougou, not far from the Petit to keep pace. hot and sunny regions. Its nutritional Séminaire farm, which was the fi rst to composition makes it a unique food be established in 1999 (see map). The Entrepreneurs du Monde (“Entrepre- source. Consumed traditionally by the State and the Ministry of Health sup- neurs in the World” – see Box) arrived in Aztecs and by the Kanembu people of ported the construction of this large Burkina Faso in 2008 with the intention Chad, this cyanobacterium was redis- farm which in an initial stage doubled of promoting spirulina among the poor covered by scientists some 40 years the national production area and will rural populations of the Koudougou ago. Since then, researchers, particu- eventually treble it. By the end of 2009 region (in the Centre-West of the coun- larly in the United States and in Asia, the national production area had thus try). An enlightened choice against a have been working to compile and increased from 1,900 m² to more than backdrop where microfi nance failures explain the therapeutic effects of spir- ulina. In fact, 5 to 10 grams a day, that Localisation of seven spirulina farms in Burkina Faso is two spoonfuls sprinkled on any dish, contribute to fi ghting malnutrition and strengthen the body by remark- Ouahigouya, 2004, 200 m ably boosting the immune system. Its effects are explained by its rich pro- tein content together with numerous Loumbila, 2000,450 m and rare trace elements which play an Nanoro, 1997, 240 m important physiological role. Petit Séminaire, 1999, 950 m n TThehe unjustifiunjustifi eedd stocksstocks Nayalgué, 2006, 3600 m Burkina Faso is the main producer of spirulina in West Africa despite the fact Sabou, 2005, 50 m that this plant is hardly known and con- sumed there. Stocks have even been Raphaëlle Birot Sapouy, 2002, 10 m Agricultural engineer Caen, France [email protected] 2009 Map: ROUTARD, 34 Rural 21 – 04/2010 International Platform Loumbila, one of the seven Entrepreneurs du Monde spirulina farms in Burkina Faso. Entrepreneurs du Monde is a French microfi nance association based in Poitiers and created in 1998. It oper- tion network was also limited and the ates in nine countries (Philippines, retail price too high. A further element Haiti, India, Vietnam, ...). In 2008, it was identifi ed, namely that malnutri- supported 49,000 micro-entrepre- tion is not only caused by diffi culties neurs and granted 66,800 loans with in accessing a quality diet but also by an average sum of 138 euros. Funds for the loans come from individual do- lack of nutrition education. nations, private partners (enterprises and foundations) and public funding. To increase the likelihood of achiev- n AAnn income-generatingincome-generating aactivityctivity ing sustainable results, the association aatt tthehe sserviceervice ooff ccommunityommunity works only through local microfi nance hhealthealth institutions. www.entrepreneursdumonde.org In order to anchor the project locally, Entrepreneurs du Monde associated itself Photo: Raphaëlle Birot with AsIEnA. It is a Burkinabe associa- are often linked to health problems. tion working in the rural environment, with spirulina, learn how to manage Indeed, even in cases where illness usually alongside women’s groups. stocks and create customer loyalty and, does not prevent a person from actu- It supports them in their savings and above all, they are trained in nutrition ally working, it often drives them to use credit activities and also in improving awareness in order to talk about this the credit to seek treatment for them- income-generating activities and cer- aspect with their customers. As from selves or for another family member, tain aspects of everyday life (such as the fi rst training session, an initial batch instead of investing it in their income- providing training in hygiene, nutrition, of spirulina packets is offered to each generating activity that will allow them or husband-wife relationships). To this person. They then go back and sell it in to reimburse the loan. end, the women meet at the Mutuelle their own villages and in the surround- de Solidairité (Mutual Solidarity Group ing area. The retail price is the base price It is an inconceivable situation – MUSO, see Box) once a month. Entre- in the national market: a little less than that large stocks of spirulina exist in preneurs du Monde and AsIEnA created 1 euro per 25 grams. Once this stock the farms while one out of every fi ve an action plan in order to develop the has been sold, the person repays the Burkinabe child is malnourished. The sales network for marketing spirulina loan and can purchase a new batch. The association decided to respond by and disseminate its nutritional benefi ts. second network, called the “social sales working out a detailed project that A project coordinator was recruited to network”, is aimed at the members of would really address the local diffi cul- develop and supervise two spirulina microfi nance groups. At every monthly ties and needs. In this simplifi ed con- sales networks. The “village sales net- meeting they can purchase spirulina at text of a misalignment between supply work” proposed one person from each half price and the project coordinator and demand, Entrepreneurs du Monde group to take several one-day training raises their awareness of the importance took inspiration from classic market- courses. During these activities, the of nutrition and the benefi ts of spirulina. ing methods and tools and adapted course participants become familiar This reduced price is granted by the them to the context of a develop- ment project. The fi rst stage involved a diagnosis of the value chain and was The Mutuelles de Solidarité (“Mutual Solidarity Groups” – MUSO) carried out with the actors along the MUSO are freely formed groups of 15 to 30 people, generally women, who meet once chain: producers, Ministry of Health, a month with an external coordinator. The initial concept is for every member of the healthcare promoters, pharmacists, MUSO to contribute a fi xed amount per month so that a savings base is gradually built and urban and rural consumers and up. This sum is shared out monthly as microcredits to the members who need it. They non-consumers. It revealed the peo- invest the money in their income-generating activities to pay themselves an income, ple’s real need for a rich foodstuff like repay borrowed capital and pay the loan’s interest. The interest is added to the savings spirulina, particularly among the rural pool thus increasing the groups’ available credit fund. Within the group, members population. However, numerous hur- choose “to regroup in order to achieve similar objectives, to advance together on the road dles had to be overcome: not only was to self-employment thanks to the pooling of money and sharing experiences at the social, economic and fi nancial level” (Practice Note Entrepreneurs du Monde). the product unknown, but the distribu- Rural 21 – 04/2010 35 International Platform Woman from a solidarity At present it is impossible to attain mutual of the Burkinabe Asiena this price, but if vendors are able to association buying spirulina at boost demand on site it is hoped this half price during a social sale. will lead to an increase in produc- tion and a drop in the producers’ cost price. n BBenefienefi ttss toto bbee n A promisingpromising futurefuture ddevelopedeveloped In the meantime, Entrepreneurs du A project assessment car- Monde and AsIEna consider that pov- ried out at the end of the erty reduction can also be achieved by fi rst year of implementation reinforcing the local employment net- Photo: Raphaëlle Birot revealed both strengths and work and supporting entrepreneurship weaknesses. The men and among the poorest. farms. Even though still high, it is aimed women vendors feel proud of their at facilitating the dissemination of spir- new activity and the nutritional advice It is from this perspective that the ulina in households with a food budget has been understood by the popula- “spirulina and microfi nance” project below 0.25 euros per person per day, tion. Vendors need further training will be replicated in other regions of which is equivalent to 5 grams of spir- and require close support to motivate Burkina Faso. The strategy used and ulina at the regular market price. them and help them sell. Consum- the results obtained were presented ers appreciate spirulina and report an in March 2010 at the 3rd Pan African improvement in their health, but the Colloquium on spirulina. Organisations n EEncouragingncouraging resultsresults eexpressedxpressed price is still too high. This is usually from Benin and Mali attending the Col- iinn numbersnumbers the case between July and November loquium also expressed their wish to when granaries – and purses alike – are replicate this experience, adapting it By the end of the fi rst year of the empty and work is needed in the fi elds to their own countries.
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