Spring 2014 SuffolkThe Argus The Newsletter of the Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation The enigmatic Clouded Yellow Colias crocea f. helice ab. nigra Aigner (page 8) Photographed by Paul Rusher at Bawdsey Spring 2014 Volume 59 1 Suffolk Butterflies 2013 The Suffolk Argus Suffolk Butterflies 2013 Suffolk Butterflies 2013 (see page 7) Clouded Yellow Clouded Yellow Silver-washed Fritillary Silver-washed Fritillary Wall Wall Wall Wall 2 Spring 2014 Contents Branch Contacts 4 Editorial 5 Events 2014 5 Suffolk Butterflies 2013 7 An Enigmatic Variation 8 Ipswich Heaths Project 9 WCBS 10 A View from the Bridge 12 Chalkhill Blue Returns 13 The Dinghy Skipper 14 Blaxhall Silver-studded Blue Update 15 The Wall in 2013 17 Garden Buddleja 18 The Clouded Yellow 18 Event Report 19 Greenwings Balkan Holiday 20 New Members We welcome the following new members and look forward to meeting them at our events this year. Ms S Bennetts Saxmundham Mr K Ling Ipswich Mr A Bimpson Ipswich Mrs H Macleod Hollesley Mr M & Mrs G Bladi Ipswich Mrs A Newcombe Woolpit 0UV-%ORÀHOG ,SVZLFK Mrs N & M Nickerson & Family Lowestoft Mrs J Bridger Brandon Mr J & Ms G Owen Dalham Miss D Broom Hornchurch Mrs J Piper Halesworth Mrs S Collinson Woodbridge Mr J Rankin Bury St Edmunds Mr A Craven Nowton Mr A & Mrs C Sadler Brome Ms D Edwards Earl Soham Mr A Smuk & Mrs Y Westley Ipswich Miss R Garnett Hacheston Mr D Sweeting Martlesham Heath Mr J Harper Rendlesham Miss L Summer & Mr N King Brandon Miss Harris Great Cornard Mr B Taylor Bury St Edmunds Ms H Hepburn Thrandestone Miss G Teoli-Kendall Trimley St Mary Mr E Hopkins Saxmundham Dr S Tucker Woodbridge Rev’d P Ind Woodbridge Mrs E Walling Ipswich Miss R Knight Haverhill Mr P & Mrs S Wilmouth Glemsford 3 The Suffolk Argus Suffolk Branch Contacts President &RQVHUYDWLRQ2IÀFHU %XWWHUÁLHV Howard Mendel Rob Parker c/o The Natural History Museum, Cromwell &RUQÀHOG5G Rd, London SW7 5BD Bury St Edmunds IP33 3BN Tel: 0207 938 8782 Tel: 01284 705476 email: [email protected] Chairman Mike Dean &RQVHUYDWLRQ2IÀFHU 0RWKV Coach House, Ixworth, Tony Prichard Bury St Edmunds IP31 2HL 3, Powling Rd., Ipswich IP3 9JR Tel: 01359 230292 Tel: 01473 270047 email: Michael.Dean2@ virginmedia.com email: [email protected] Membership Secretary Programme and Publicity Susan Sidle Matt Berry Five Gables, The Ling, Wortham, Diss, Norfolk Tel: 07599 243026 IP22 1ST email: [email protected] Tel: 01379 643665 email: [email protected] Newsletter Editor Peter Maddison Treasurer Barnmead, Fishpond Rd, Dominic Hill :DOGULQJÀHOG Tel: 01359 269855 Woodbridge IP12 4QX email: [email protected] Tel: 01473 736607 email: [email protected] Secretary Julian Dowding 5HJLRQDO2IÀFHU(DVWHUQ(QJODQG 84, Clapgate Lane, Sharon Hearle Ipswich IP3 0RE 216, The Street, Kirtling, Tel: 01473 436096 Newmarket CB8 9PD email: [email protected] Tel: 01638 731648 HPDLOVKHDUOH#EXWWHUÁ\FRQVHUYDWLRQRUJ &RXQW\%XWWHUÁ\5HFRUGHU Bill Stone Website 27 Draymans Way Richard Perryman Ipswich IP3 0QU email: [email protected] HPDLOEXWWHUÁLHV#VQVRUJXN WCBS Co-ordinator Committee Member Twm Wade Helen Saunders email: twm.wade@ yahoo.com email: [email protected] 7KH6XIIRON$UJXVLVSXEOLVKHGE\WKH6XIIRON%UDQFKRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ7KHRSLQLRQVH[SUHVVHGLQWKLVQHZVOHWWHUDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\ WKRVHRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQRUWKH%UDQFK$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQVHHZZZVXIIRONEXWWHUÁLHVRUJXN %XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ &RPSDQ\OLPLWHGE\JXDUDQWHHUHJLVWHUHGLQ(QJODQG 5HJLVWHUHG2IÀFH0DQRU<DUG(DVW/XOZRUWK:DUHKDP'RUVHW%+ 5QP Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268) 4 Spring 2014 Editorial Peter Maddison In 2013 our Branch membership leapt. 5HFRUGLQJ EXWWHUÁLHV LV RI SULPH Now we have members in over 400 importance: if we don’t know what households, that’s a 22% increase on our we’ve got how do we know what we are 2012 membership! New members you losing or, hopefully, gaining. Bill Stone, are most welcome! No doubt you joined our county recorder received over 18,000 because you believe in the conservation of records in 2013, but he wants more in 2014! EXWWHUÁLHVPRWKVDQGRXUHQYLURQPHQW Recording sheets are available on the website and no doubt you want to be involved. ZZZVXIIRONEXWWHUÁLHVRUJXN ZKHUH D regularly updated county ‘Sightings’ We have an extensive Events programme page can be found. DQG LQ WKH ÀUVW DUWLFOH RI WKH QHZVOHWWHU Twm Wade has become the new co- Matt Berry writes to invite you to join ordinator for the Wider Countryside us at any or all of the events and he %XWWHUÁ\ 6XUYH\ DQG KH ZULWHV WR notes particularly the New Members’ encourage you to join in with this none Days in both the east and west of the too onerous survey. county. Julian Dowding updates us on the Ipswich Heaths Project, and you may Read here about the Chalkhill Blue wish to become involved in some of the colony that has recently been discovered conservation work parties that are held in Suffolk, read about the observations of throughout the winter months. EXWWHUÁLHVWKDWPHPEHUVKDYHPDGHDQG in the coming months make your own observations. Enjoy! Events for 2014 Matt Berry You will have found your 2014 event you become more familiar with how the programme card with this issue of the Suffolk Branch works and meet members Argus. I’d just like to point out some of of the committee, turning us from names the highlights of the year and explain the on a page into real people! The format for focus of one or two newer style of event these events is as follows. We start with that you may not be familiar with. an indoor session and presentations along WKH OLQHV RI ¶:K\ 5HFRUG %XWWHUÁLHV"· There are two dates this year for what ‘Habitat & Ecology’ and ‘The Status & are being called ‘New Members’ Days’. ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ RI 6SHFLHV· 7KLV OHDGV RQ The idea behind them is to help recently to heading outside to do some practical joined members (of which there have been ÀHOGZRUN DQG UHFRUGLQJ ZLWK KHOS RQ many in the past few years!) learn more REVHUYDWLRQVNLOOVLGHQWLÀFDWLRQRIVSHFLHV about Suffolk and its Lepidoptera and and habitat and larval host plants. I to learn practical skills for identifying encourage you to try these events this year DQGUHFRUGLQJEXWWHUÁLHV,WFDQDOVRKHOS as I’m sure you’d get a lot out of them, 5 The Suffolk Argus particularly if all of this is rather new or If your passport allows you to travel even daunting to you. We’re here to help and IXUWKHU DÀHOG WKDQ 1RUIRON WKHQ WKHUH support you in becoming even more DUH EXWWHUÁ\ ZDWFKLQJ ZHHNV DYDLODEOH informed and interested (or obsessed) in France and Greece, being offered by ZLWKEXWWHUÁLHVDQGPRWKV%XWSOHDVHGR Greenwings Wildlife Holidays. These are register in advance as places are limited. the sole responsibility of Greenwings, but %XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQGRHVUHFHLYHD We also have a focus on our heathland GRQDWLRQ IURP WKH SURÀWV 7KH OHDGHUV sites in the east of the county. The LQFOXGHZHOONQRZQDXWKRUDQGEXWWHUÁ\ Ipswich Heaths Project is a big deal for ÁRZHUH[SHUW7ULVWDQ/DIUDQFKLVDQG5RJHU us as a branch and we want to share *LEERQVDQH[SHUWRQ)UHQFKEXWWHUÁLHV what we’ve been doing to improve sites Not only are these holidays in beautiful for wildlife and to come together and and sunny places but there are often 100 UHFRUG EXWWHUÁLHV DQG PRWKV DV SDUW RI RUPRUHEXWWHUÁ\VSHFLHVWRVHHVRPHLQ our monitoring programme. So starting large numbers. This kind of spectacle can RIIZH·YHJRWWKHÀUVW1HZ0HPEHUV'D\ be quite different and awe inspiring if event at Martlesham Heath in the spring, you’re more used to the modest numbers as outlined above. Then, during National RIEXWWHUÁLHVZHJHQHUDOO\VHHLQWKH8. Insect Week, we’re running a moth night at 3LSHUV9DOHLQ,SVZLFK:HÀQLVKWKHVHDVRQ Finally, if you would like to get more with a summer walk at Purdis Heath SSSI involved in the running of events then in Ipswich, looking for Grayling and other we’d love to hear from you! We depend interesting heathland wildlife. The vast on volunteers to make them happen and majority of work in the heaths project one can never have enough help! You has been on this site so we’re very keen GRQ·W KDYH WR EH DQ H[SHUW RQ EXWWHUÁLHV to monitor how wildlife responds to the or moths, a friendly disposition and habitat management we’re undertaking – an interest in the subject are more than recording during such events is a valuable DGHTXDWHTXDOLÀFDWLRQVRQPRVWRFFDVLRQV way of contributing to this. Quite often we need more people willing to be at a stand to speak to people and give Heading out of the county (as we tend to RXWOHDÁHWVDQGPHPEHUVKLSIRUPVRUWR do occasionally!) we’ve got an interesting help with craft and children’s activities. If day planned looking for Wood Whites that sounds like you, then please do get in LQ -XQH 2XU 5HJLRQDO 2IÀFHU 6KDURQ touch with us! Hearle, will lead the event and she knows the area well so I’m sure that will be well worthwhile attending, especially if you haven’t seen Wood Whites before. We are also venturing north, over the border into Norfolk. Our neighbours have very kindly invited us to visit Kelling Heath with them, to look for Silver-studded Blues and ÀQGRXWPRUHDERXWWKHPDQDJHPHQWDQG history of the site. Comma by Beryl Johnson 6 Spring 2014 Suffolk Butterflies 2013 Bill Stone I had hoped to be able to provide a also been made with several recorders thorough overview of the 2013 Suffolk noting pairing and egg laying taking %XWWHUÁ\ \HDU EXW , DP VWLOO WU\LQJ WR place. A total of 89 records have been ÀQDOLVHWKHEXWWHUÁ\UHFRUGVUHFHLYHG6R received with some being recorded in far over 18,000 records have been added to urban gardens, near railway lines along the record database and I am still receiving with some records of this species being more each week. Unfortunately, working VHHQ Á\LQJ RYHU RSHQ ÀHOGV FORVH WR full time means that I can only number known woodland strongholds (Pakenham crunch the records in the evenings and Woods).
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