GUO YI, SASA JOSIFOVIC AND ASUMAN LÄTZER-LASAR (EDS.) METAPHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND ETHICS IN CHINESE AND EUROPEAN PHILOSOPHY MORPHOMATA In the history of Chinese and European philosophy, metaphysics has played an outstanding role: it is a theoretical framework which provides the basis for a philosophical understanding of the world and the self. A theory of the self is well integrated in a metaphysical understanding of the totality of nature as a dynamic process of continuous changes. According to this view, the purpose of existence can be conceived of as the development and realization of the full potential given to the individual by its nature. In regard to human nature specifically, this idea of self-realization includes the development of all cognitive faculties as well as of the moral character. Metaphysics has, however, suffered a loss of importance in current debates, especially in ethics. As a result, we observe the emergence of such philosophical views as moral skepticism and even nihilism. The consequence of this tendency has been the renunciation of a claim to understanding and to providing a solid ground for ethics. Yet an intercultural dialogue can provide us with some hope as the consolidation of debates on crucial topics of our traditions might indeed serve as the basis for a more powerful philosophy in the future. GUO, JOSIFOVIC, LÄTZER-LASAR (EDS.) – METAPHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF KNOWL EDGE AND ETHICS IN C HINESE AND E UROPEAN P HILOSOPHY MORPHOMATA EDITED BY GÜNTER BLAM BERGER AND D IETRICH B OSCHUNG VOLUME 8 EDITED BY GUO YI, SASA JOSIFOVIC AND ASUMAN LÄTZER-LASAR METAPHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS OF KNOWLEDGE AND ETHICS IN CHINESE AND EUROPEAN PHILOSOPHY WILHELM FINK unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01UK0905. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt der Veröffentlichung liegt bei den Autoren. Bibliografische Informationen der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen National- bibliografie; detaillierte Daten sind im Internet über www.dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar. Alle Rechte, auch die des auszugweisen Nachdrucks, der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe und der Übersetzung vorbehalten. Dies betrifft auch die Verviel- fältigung und Übertragung einzelner Textabschnitte, Zeichnungen oder Bilder durch alle Verfahren wie Speicherung und Übertragung auf Papier, Transparen- te, Filme, Bänder, Platten und andere Medien, soweit es nicht § 53 und 54 UrhG ausdrücklich gestatten. © 2013 Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn Wilhelm Fink GmbH & Co. Verlags-KG, Jühenplatz 1, D-33098 Paderborn Internet: www.fink.de Lektorat: Thierry Greub, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar Umschlaggestaltung und Entwurf Innenseiten: Kathrin Roussel Satz: Andreas Langensiepen, textkommasatz Printed in Germany Herstellung: Ferdinand Schöningh GmbH & Co. KG, Paderborn ISBN 978–3–7705–5537–6 PREFACE The Center for Advanced Studies MORPHOMATA investigates how cultural knowledge becomes manifest in concrete forms. The focus lies on the analysis of the genesis, dynamics and mediality of cultural figurations called morphome.1 Their investigation becomes particularly valuable by a concentration in comparative cultural studies. Therefore, MORPHOMATA invites internationally acclaimed scholars to channel expertises and to intensify their studies on cultural figurations in Co- logne. During a fellowship in the academic year 2010/11 at the Center for Advanced Studies MORPHOMATA I, Guo Yi, was proceeding my philo- sophical research based on the texts of the Guodian bamboo slips, which have been excavated 1993 and are dated back to the time period between the first half of the 4th century until the beginning of the 3rd century BC. The learning and philosophy of the pre-Qin period constitute the source of Chinese culture. However, for a variety of reasons not many writings from this period have survived, and the authenticity of some extant writings are doubted. Fortunately, 804 bamboo strips with more than 13,000 characters were excavated at No. 1 Guodian Chu tomb in the Hubei province of China.2 They consist of philosophical texts, both con- fucian and daoist texts. These newly recovered archaeological documents required a reinterpretation of the formative period in Chinese philoso- phy. During an earlier fellowship at the Harvard-Yenching Institute be- tween 1999–2001 I, Guo Yi, had the possibility to investigate the bamboo slips in detail. Afterwards I paid particular attention to the philosophical 1 Günter Blamberger / Dietrich Boschung, Morphomata. Kulturelle Figura- tionen: Genese, Dynamik und Medialität. Morphomata 1 (München 2011). See also Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Die antike Verwendung des Begriffs mór- phoma, in this volume, 91–109. 2 For the archaeological circumstances on the finding of the bamboo slips see Asuman Lätzer-Lasar in this volume. 6 interpretations of the texts, but with a view less to the history, and more to the contemporary Chinese philosophy. These newly made philosophical thoughts resulted in a paper that formed the basis of the conference Metaphysical Foundations of Know- ledge and Ethics in Chinese and Western Philosophy.3 The conference was organised by me, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar (Center for Advanced Studies MORPHOMATA) in cooperation with Sasa Josifovic (Institute of Phi- losophy) and took place at the University of Cologne from the 24th until the 25th of June 2011. Our main aim of the conference was to approach the notion of common values – such as knowledge and ethics – from a cross-cultural perspective. For this reason we chose a quite unusual concept of dialogue: We invited scholars from different areas of Western and Chinese philosophy. Every invited scholar had to respond from their own perspective on the key text. This concept promoted an intensive ex- change and furthermore fostered an enriching dialogue between experts of Chinese and Western philosophical schools. We therefore extend special thanks to the directors of the Center for Advanced Studies MORPHOMATA Dietrich Boschung and Günter Blamberger for benefitting the concept of the conference and publishing the results. Furthermore we would like to thank Sasa Josifovic from the Philosophical Institute of the University of Cologne for participating in drafting the concept and organising the conference. At last, we would like to thank Thierry Greub and Semra Mägele for their meticulous corrections. Guo Yi and Asuman Lätzer-Lasar 3 For the key text see Guo Yi, Metaphysics, Nature and Mind. The Main Idea of Daoic Philosophy, in this volume. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 9 KEYTEXT: GUO YI Metaphysics, Nature and Mind. The Main Idea of Daoic Philosophy 15 CHUNG-YING CHENG Onto-Generative Epistemology (本体知识论). An Inquiry into Source and Structure of Knowledge 49 ASUMAN LÄTZER-LASAR The Guodian Manuscripts in their Archaeological-Historical Context 83 HANS-GEORG MOELLER Emotions and Morality in Confucianism and Daoism 97 ARRAN GARE Daoic Philosophy and Process Metaphysics. Overcoming the Nihilism of Western Civilization 111 SASA JOSIFOVIC Figurations of Freedom 137 PAUL COBBEN Recognition as Unity between Theoretical and Practical Reason 157 GÜNTER ZÖ LLER The Value of Knowledge and the Knowledge of Value. A Modernist Reply to Professor Guo Yi 169 CHRISTIAN KRIJ NEN On Rational Foundations of Knowledge and Values in Western Philosophy 177 TILMAN B ORSCHE Philosophical Authority. A Critical Discussion of Guo Yi, “The Main Idea of Daoic Philosophy” 193 RALPH WEBER Making the Implicit Explicit. An Analysis of Some Comparative Claims in Guo Yi’s Discussion of Chinese and Western Philosophy 203 RICHARD N . STICHLER Human Nature and Cultures of War 215 List of Authors 247 INTRODUCTION A title such as “Metaphysical Foundations of Knowledge and Ethics” does not suggest an engagement with current debates in epistemol- ogy and ethics. Metaphysics does not play any substantial role in these debates and there are scarcely any prominent philosophers at present attempting to ground normativity, claims to knowledge or ethical judgements in metaphysics. However, philosophy transcends fashions and trends. It is a quest that is deeply rooted in and draws its inspiration from the whole history and dynamics of human cul- ture and civilization. In contrast to most current theories of rationality, normativity, justification and action, the authors represented in this book engage with classical philosophical topics and theories typically excluded by analytic philosophers. The keynote text by Guo Yi, for example, emphasizes the central place of the theory of human nature for Chi- nese philosophy throughout its history up to the present. Any effort to comprehend and engage with Chinese philosophy must accept this theme as central. Moreover, Guo Yi claims that such substantial philosophical themes should be retained. It is necessary to develop a deep understanding of the different theories of human nature that have been developed within different traditions and different societ- ies as the condition for inter-cultural understanding. Furthermore, a focus on this topic is required if philosophy is to maintain its relevance to humanity and if philosophy is to be advanced. Guo Yi himself advocates a theory of human nature that provides a “spiri- tual home” for humanity based on the notion that every living be- ing is born with specific potentials, and that the “meaning of life” consists in the full realization of these potentials. While focus on the question of human nature provides the groundwork for intercultural philosophical exchange, defining human nature in turn is grounded in metaphysics.
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