Pittsburgh Catholic Thnrsdav, Febmarv 23,195« Z HAVE NOT MET My CROP Maryknollers to Act Mov/e Code THE FIGHfflNG CHAPLAIN QUOTAS. HI 00» NOT UdTEN TO My REASONS. Ov a m/sson to rescue scientist dr.eakins, Policy Con IMS IS POOR SOlt.THey YOUN0 CHAPLAIN TM AHEARN AND HIS AIDE, AND*, set the crop quotas As Talent Scouts AR£ CAPTURED BY CHINESE REDS. BEING TO HI6H TO MEET WITH Be Changed INLAND, THE COLUMN /S HALTED BY A DISTURBANCE.. ,/thehe ^THAT ONE/ For Red Skelton [ By WILLIAM MOORING , HE IS THE LEADER / By L L LAURENCE J John Farrow is a highly intel- r ligent film writer and director. - The Mary knoll Mission Society, famed throughout the He happens also to be a Cath- olic. world for carrying the Savior's message to remote places, has taken on an extraordinary assignment. His latest proposal may there- It is helping with the casting of the Red Skelton show fore raise a few eyebrows, espe- cially among those in Hollywood ef Feb. 28. This seemingly out-of-character activity comes who think that to be a Catholic NOW HE COMES AND SAYS ) VQUK FARM 77 i Hussy seat im rom ano au on nr about in this fashion: • THEY WILL TAKE AWAY MY J I >OU DO NEED Ì is to be unduly conservative. ¿EE M mt NAME OP aboard a 4-month-old Korean fAKM. THIS LITTLE V RE-EDUCATING. THIS THfPiOPUS Ths show involves a skit about Infant in order to get the child Jehn Farrow thinks film IS ALL I HAVE. J T PARM IS THE STATE'S eomovma/j a Navy Ship in Korea. Skelton 1« to the United States. writers, directors and othera THE PEOPLE'S a crew member, who smuggles In the creative branches of GOVERNMENT When the crew learns of this movie business should have b TOO KIND TO VOU circumstance, all hands engage say in the operation of Holly- ALREADY. VOU On the in s lively conspiracy to keep the wood's Movie Cede. ; »COMPETENT. Air knowledge from, the stern, regu- lation-minded skipper. There's a popular misconcep- tion in Hollywood that because KDKA Adds Now, the problem Is to lo- the Code is based on the Ten cate a 4 - month • eld Korean Commandments and, at the in- 'Dimension' baby to appear la the skit. dustry's request, was drafted by the late Father Daniel Lord, S J., The Maryknoll society was and Martin Quigley, nobody who Series Here e contacted and has alerted its I is Catholic would dare suggest establishments in the Far East to j it ever should be varied. THEKE DOES SEEM AND rr MAY CONCERN US. SISTER M. ROSALIE, 8.C, be on the watch for an Infant j who would be available for such TO BE A LOT OF AFTER ALL.WE ARE STRANflBTSj Director, Radio and Television Code Haa Changed H H UI HISTEALTH. Y 601N6S-0N' HERE M TVH6 VILLAGE AND WE Department an American appearance. As a matter of record it haa • * * Amx RESCUING HIS FA1hEK<FKO*Ove rBURN thke f- INS guy A SCW WITH ©OLD. Catholic School Board been. And as a matter of record ROME, TONIO, THE SEA HAWK, PURCHASESCOM AE . I THINK WE'D 100 Clyde St., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. j also, Martin J. Quigley—like my- FISHING SMACK TO SAIL TO PONZA WHEREBEST Hts\ Hft/E A MU. >-3529 Next in the series of public self — has sometimes advocated OWN SHIP WAITS. SUT, AS HEAHO MAKCuSCLOSE R LOOK. service religious dramas in changes to the Code. » SLEEP AT THE VILLAGE INN, PO&, THE SPY, MASl Goodyear'* Sunday afternoon FOLLOWED AND NOW HOUSES NEW-FOUND KDKA plans three programs ! series will be Feb. 29. Entitled There are some rifles In this FRIENDS. BUT, UNABLE TO SLEEP, TONKD , el ihterest to teen-agers for the "Where Your Treasure It," it Code which deal with basic | NOTICES UNUSUAL ACTIVITY AT ONE SMALL immediate future. Most popular is the story of a child aban- principles and as such are un- FISHERMAN'S HOUSE ef the trio of new programs is doned in the care of a man changeable. "Dimension." a local monitor-! who goet to hear Jesus In the Code are other rules type show conducted by high pitching to his disciples, and which deal with policy or cus- | school students to be at 7:00 p.m. i hoto the word of Christ alter» tom. Since customs change, these , en Saturdays. his relationship with the child. rules can be changed. llii I Lee Kurty of St. Francis Aca- j * * if» It is like chewing up cement AND SO, MOMENTS LATER— MY JurirE/rs THE REWARD IS EN0U6H TO MAKE BACH roeÍ7 4amy served with the expert-! If your children haven't yet te get soma people In Holly- CHARIOT/ OP US WEALTHY. THE SEA HAWK ANO HIS jackal IS mental group on this program. had a look at the pleasant wood to recognise the differ- IT IS THAT JACKAL TO&J FRIEND SLEEP AT IHK MN.THCVARB INOEeO A Her assignment took her toj"Captai n Kangaroo" each ence between principles and HE HAS flWHERED SOME SLIPPERY SO WE MUST PLAN CAREFULLY/ PLAflUe . Chicago where shei interviewed morning (1:00-9:00 weekdays; policy. Recently, for Instance, TEN MEM'IQSETWER/j UPON USA students from various parts of: 9:30-10:30 on Saturdays. Chan- the Code taboo agslnat drama- the United States ¡and Hawaii. nel 9) they are missing an tisations of child kidnapping event that Is Increasingly pop- has been under fire. Jim Westover will produce an i ular with the young. Captain hour music series of young adult : MGM just made "Ransom," a Kangaroo is so gentle, so mild- film about the kidnapping of a concerts on KDKA at 0:05 p.m., ly qnlet In holding the atten- en Tuesdays. High school, little boy. It does not in every tion ef his audience that he Is detail respect the letter of the ehoruses, instrumentalists, and! a delight. He is a sharp con- voice students will be featured ' Code, but It respects its spirit trast to the noisy, senseless which is to prevent Alms that Sister Rosemary, R.S.M., of j "Howdy Doody" In the late might increa.se crimes of child Mt. Mercy is on the planning' afternoon. snatching for ransom. committee for this series: The' , Featured on next Saturday's No harm could be done by third program of interest is the j "Captain Kangaroo" will be a changing the Code rules as long PATUSK MILLER AND TED LEARN COUNCILMAN2 DIDN'T TELL *M { MUAMET TOOX NAME, D projected "Children's Book troupe—if that Is the correct as the changes made did not Rosens IGNORES WARNINGS THAT TUB •WECAMM POR I . FKTUfiXMUHPMR / D Shelf series, which win become word—ef performing birds. permit the filming of stories to TED TOWERS NEEDS REPAIR AND PEOPB TO MANB PRÉPARA-fKEEP TMRT WD OFSO AT UTA s Saturday feature. * * * incite money-mad morons to this HONS Of "WEIR OWN AND NOW.... / IUMCSET UWE OMF US... AO* N0K • .i «i • m —rf BLANKETS fttfWKt I * * * inhuman form of crime. Flexibil- To return for a moment to the ity is one thing, however, and CTUEff/ JUST DECIDED ID CO A FEW) PROMISED MC subject of "Howdy Doody." ...WAIT ERRANDS MECE M TO*H •PV SOME A new charm class, under unlimited elasticity another. UP' ISC) CONNECTED WITtf /MOM'S the direction of Rosemary This viewer is not smong Should Not Incite Crime OUI? UTILE RR0JRCV Crone, opens Wednesday, Feb. those who think every show By allowing the writers, di- M, 4 p.m. at the Diocesan slanted for children should be rectors, actors and others to join Studio*. I f loaded with teaching or inspira- the producers in deciding where * * * tional messages. But it does seem flex leads to flux, confusion could III that a show, viewed so regularly result from a multitude of coun- Teen Numbers" is the first- and frequently by youngsters as sel. grade arithmetic lesson taught "Howdy Doody" is, should conr tribute something to their de- A good solution might be by Sister Joan of Are. R.8.M., found if all the creative en WQKD at four different velopment, be it only a substan- tial story to pique their imagin- branches of the business were times next week. According to Invited to discuss Code opera- the mid-semester count, S3 of ations. tions and. proposed changes MOW ABOUT JOINING ME M A SODA, And sa tur A oav mnutes later\ UEARO MDÜW6 9HL MSOPUMS» man il»! vou the schools of the diocese are with only producers making aslng television as a supple- But "Howdy Doody" seems to TED SEEING AS MOW WPSE «4 AT "TUR SODA FOUNTAIN • go on, day after day, week after final decisions. Only the pro- FRONT Of SCUULTZ'S sss'áB&gggg« I mentary tool in teaching. It is ducers and theatre owners are WELL WELL, JUST WUOTEM? OH, heped that with additional I week, year after year, holding 1 VWNTED TO Sm, /COUNCILMAN ! attention through meaningless directly resilonsible to the pub- ...FATHER MILLER [J BOSKS. SOOO Lmm^SI viewers for the Arithmetic and lic. Speech series this total will in- movement and noise. Is L-^ AFTERNOON. RANGE BUT T It U ff»,«* * * * ÇL Four high school students from j J LLftlU'Ksowt * Facts for Catholics E It Msry of the Mount, Mt. Wssh- j •y M. J. MURRAY Mss seva i ryf tngton and Elizabeth Seton, Brookline, appear as guest art- ! ists on the WCAE Concert of the M Air.
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