The principle of this Published Every Tuesday paper is:- i and Friday Noon. "Justice to all: <% 10,000 People Read the malice toward none." \ HERALD. and SUMMIT RECORD SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1, 1923 Sixteen Pages Today $3.50 PER YEAR THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NO. 42 immit Pays Tribute to the Nation's Heroes usmess Men's nance Tennis Champs On By Splendid Observance of Memorial Day For Memorial Ftmd - West End Courts The Business Men's Association will Richards, Hunter, Throck= City's Most Representative Parade Was Big Feature of hold a dunce this Saturday evening, in Day's Events —U. S. Senator Walter E. Edge Beechwoort Hall, for the benefit of the morton and Voshell Play memorial fund. The music for the oc­ Exhibition Matches Be* Marches With Mayor Merrill and Delivers Address casion will be furnished by Kenneth Kitchen's Club Orchestra of Orange, fore Big Holiday Gallery at the Exercises Following the Parade consisting of seven pieces. A feature of the evening will be a series of ex­ hibition dances by Miss Gertrude L. Intense Interest In Game Gold Star Mothers Ride In Appropriately Decorated Car James,' teacher of the New York Club, and the Lindum Club of Summit, N. J., • The greatest day for tennis and for ."The most, representative parade such sincerity. The great mass of who is very happy to give her services lovers of that game that Summit has Summit ever had," is tho way the the populace truly desired to pay per­ for the Summit Soldiers' Memorial, ever seen was last Wednesday when parade of Memorial Pay in this year sonal tribute to the nation's heroic Miss James leave's for, Canada the Vincent Richards. Francis Hunter, 192:( will go down into history. dead. latter part nf Juno where she is going •Harold Throckmorton, and Howard Thero wen; more organizations in The parado was) exceptionally well to do exhibition danicijg before goin;* Voshell playe'd ' in exhibition matches the line-up' and each unit was out organized under the direction of tho abroad to study, returning early in of doubles and singles on the courts with a larger delegation. Several Grand Marshal, Lt. Col. Edward «.. September to reopen her New York of the West End Country Club betore things combined to make this pos­ Twombly, and his aides. The only •Studio and classen. a gallery of more, than 500 people. "hitch" was the tardy arrival of While it was not of championship sible. First, the holiday coining in Other fouturcs~'are being planned to Troop Y, 102nd Cavalry, N. G. N. J., calibre,—such tennis as in brought out the midweek, very few people were make the evening an enjoyable one. Capt. Bryce Kellogg, commanding. only in important national or interna­ away from 'home. Second, the Me­ Charles II. Smith ih eharman of the Nevertheless the troop appeared in tional tournament's, nevertheless it. morial Fund Campaign being in committee in charge. progress added interest was given to time to "take up a position at the was of a high order and intensely in­ the occasion. Third, Summit's pre­ end of the procession. teresting, particularly to those who vious patriotic demonstrations have Summit's School*!* Mute Urine Show­ have never seen any of the high rant­ ,to a large extent been held on July ing, In "Excellent Line and Time t National to • ing players of the country in action. '4th, ami by that time schools are The hifh school led this division In the singles Hunter won the first closed and families have scattered splendid showing in the parade march­ set 7-G and Richards the second fi-2. for the summer season. ing in good order and good time. Increase Capital In the doubles Hunter and Richards] Another distinctive feature of this Thu high school led thin division defeated Voshell ami Throckmorton parade was the presence of United with the boyr, football, baseball and 7-5, 3-G, C-0. ~ i States Senator "Walter R. Edge, of basketball teams in their respective Stockholders Expected to Added interest was given to these j New Jersey, who with Mayor Oliver uniforms. Authorize Advance to matches by the fact that Richards and. B. Merrill led the .second division of Washington School bore the mottoes Hunter go to England next month toi the parade. Tt is not often that such "Wo will be -worthy of them" and . $200,000—Leach Begins represent this country in doubles on i a high official of the land is pre­ "Lest we forget" The girls wore as Vice President Today the courts at Wimbledon. Richards! vailed upon to participate in such an foiir-cornernd tains of stars with band ranks third among American tennis! observance in this city. of blue and red. Bays overseas blue players and Hunter tenth. A group, of Gold Star Mothers had tap with a star. Tho children inarched Explains Stock Increase Edward P. Lamed officiated on the! a prominent place in the parade. In excellent time. umpires bench and was relieved for Mra, Heltquist.V-'Mra. Oow and Mrs. 'Brayton School mottoes were: "They "The special meeting of stockholders part of the time by Edward B. Twom­ Thomson, all of whom loot sons in kept the faith: they fought the fight" of the First National Bank, to be held bly. The clock showing the progress of the Memorial Fund was set this the war and MrB. Swenson, .who lost and "Let.us resolve that these dead on July 3rd, notice of which is pub­ Neither Richards nor Hunter extend­ morning, as the result of yesterday's contributions, at $34,000 as indicated her husband, rode in the car of Mrs. shall not have died in vain.". lished In the advertising columns of ed themselves greatly in the two sets above, but the actual total announced last night by the committee was H.' 1}. Two'mWy, whose machine bore This school was preceded by a boy this .Hauo is caMed for the' purpose of of singles. Nor as a team did they a gold star with fifteen in numerals on a tiny Shetland pony, carrying a acting on the question of increasing show their full strength except In $34,112.15. representing the number of Summit silver shield with the words "Brayton the capital of that institution from flashes now and then. However they This amount does not include the proceeds from the Police and .Fire­ boys who died in service. School." The girls wore red overseas 1100,000 to $200,000," according to a tightened up a bit In the third set and * With all the, thousands of march- caps and'the boys blue. statement issued by Albert Loach, the shut out their opponents G-0. Never­ men's Ball Wednesday night nor from the play given in Lyric Theatre by newly-elected -vice-president of that in­ erf), still there epemed to be many '- Roosevelt School mottoes . were theless the gamC9 ,were intensely in­ the Unity.Club thousands of, spectators left, to. stand taken •-Irom the poem by Servls. stitution, who assumed the duties of teresting and showed a high grade of hiss office today. "This increase has along the' -at?%etr-WY«SJ!BA. -ig^hn line "You'll never die, our wonderful sportsmanship and skill. The workers reporting to campaign headquarters in the Y. M. C. A. ,J v been undor consideration by the di­ of march. ' Faftf/wwl '?«^f-elSW"p'brie boys, • The West End Country Club has rector!* for some time past in order gymnasium show that the work is being done from house to house with point in. the, preparations for the While life is noble and true, been the tennis leader in Summit and that the bunk may be placed in a posi­ thoroughness, and that a large number of people arc subscribing. day's program'. thaV W many organ­ has been steadily growing in popular­ For all of our beauty and hope and tion • to Rive adeuuat'e service to .its izations iWre" '"g&in'g' 1n the" parade ity for a number of years. Numbered ' * joys clients in connection with.loans. These • While it is known that there has been one handsome subscription of there would hardly, be" any ono left among Its members arc some very We owe to our lads like you. are limited*by the federal laws under $5,000, recorded on Tuesday night, it is also understood that comparatively to sco the- spectacle./ , ' good players, both men and women. whichtho bank operates to an amount Through this club the game has been few of the larger givers have been heard from to date. • Of course tiro greatest feature of "For peace must be bought with not exceeding ten per centum of the developed in Summit and indications all was tho spirit;, of Memorial Day blood and tears, capital and" surplus* to any ono bor­ je'st now are that this sport is .in for High hopes are held by all those active in the promotion of the fund into which the,-people entered with And the boys of our hearts-must rower. Tho bank has a surplus at its largest season in Summit this year. j to a successful goal, for many more subscriptions similiar in size to this pay; • ' - present, of $50,000 aniLnndlvidcd profits The annual series of tournaments will And so in the joy of the after-years of some $58,000. The deposits now particular gift, perhaps smaller and maybe even larger. be held during the next three months Let us bless them every day." amount'to more than two million dol­ which will attract wider attention- To reach the $100,000 total will take the combined efforts of all the nerease Jf«in And also the words "Can we not lars and tho total resources ate over than ever before.
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