AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA RAJA BHOJ AIRPORT, BHOPAL-462030 CIVIL ENGINEERING WING NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER(e-NIT) Ref: AAI/BPL/ENGG(C)/W-147/17-18 Date:- 06.07.2017 1. Item rate tender are invited through the NIC CPPP e-tendering portal at http://etenders.gov.in by the Senior Manager(Engg.-Civil) , Airports Authority of India, Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal-462030 on behalf of Chairman, Airports Authority of India from theenlisted contractors of appropriate class of CPWD/ MES/P&T/ Railways/State PWD/ PSU/Municipal Corporations & Development /Authorities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata and specilized agency having Permanent AccountNo.(PAN) for the work of “Temporary arrangments for Haj Operations at R.B. Airport, Bhopal for the year 2017-18.” at an estimated cost of Rs. 1190365.00 with period ofcompletion Twelve(12) Days. The tendering process is online at e-portal URL address http://etenders.gov.in. Prospective Tenderers are advised to get themselves acquainted for e- tendering participation requirements and enr oll themselves with the NIC CPP portal at http://etenders.gov.in under various links like “Online bidder enrollment”, “bidder manual kit” etc. and obtain necessary ‘Login ID’ & ‘Password'. They should also obtain Digital Signature Certificate [DSC] from agencies authorized by Govt. of India in parallel which is essentially required for submission of Tender Bids. The tenderer may also take guidance from helpline no. 0120-4200462, 0120-4001002 and AAI Help Desk Support on the Tele.No.011-24632950 Ext 3512 (Six Lines) from 0800 hrs to 2000 hrs on all working days. 2. Tender fee of Rs.590/- will be required to be paid offline in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India payable at Bhopal from Nationalised bank or any scheduled bank (but not from co-operative or Gramin bank). The original Demand draft against Tender fee should be posted/couriered/given in person to the concerned officials latest by date as specified in the tender document. The details of demand draft physically sent, [ NIT - 1 ] should tally with the details available in the scanned copy uploaded in e-tendering portal and the data entered at the time of bid submission. 3. SUBMISSION OF BID : Last date of submission of bid is - 25-07-2017 upto 1730Hrs (date-3) Following 3 envelopes shall be submitted through online at e-tendering portal http://etenders.gov.in by the bidder as per the following schedule. S. No. Particulars Date and Time Date-1 Last date of sale of tender/bid document 24-07-2017 upto 1730Hrs Date-2 Last date of submission of query (if any) 24-07-2017 upto 1730Hrs Date-3 Last date of submission of bid (Envelope- 25-07-2017 upto 1730HrsI,II,III) Date-4 Last date and time of physical submission 28-07-2017 upto 1100Hrs of original documents of envelope-I (DD, affidavits, acceptance letter etc.) Date-5 Bid opening date (Envelope-I) 28-07-2017 at 1130Hrs Date-6 Bid opening date (Envelope-II) 28-07-2017 at 1530Hrs Date-7 Financial bid opening date (Envelope-III) 31-07-2017 at 1130Hrs 3.1 Envelope-I:- Containing scanned copy of demand drafts (DD) Unconditional Acceptance of AAI’s Tender Conditions and affidavits. Following scanned documents to be uploaded in envelope-I (a). Scanned copy of the demand draft (DD) against tender fee of Rs. 590.00 (b). Scanned copy of the demand draft (DD) against EMD of Rs. 23,807.00 (c). Scanned copy of unconditional acceptance of AAI’s tender condition as per proforma given on page no. A-1 of the tender document (d). Scanned copy of Affidavit-1 regarding minimum wages as per proforma given in page no.A-2 (e). Scanned copy of Affidavit-2 regarding credentials with AAI as per proforma given in page no.A-3 Original papers of above documents i.e. original demand drafts against tender fee, EMD, AAI unconditional acceptance letter and affidavits in original should reach the office of bid manager ( Sr. Manager Engg-C, Airports Authority of [ NIT - 2 ] India, Engineering office near old terminal building, Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal 462030, Ph. No.: 0755-2646111 Ext. 267) on or before- 28-07-2017 upto 1100Hrs (Date-04) The tenders of the bidders who fail to submit above documents before the stipulated time shall be rejected outright. Further, if EMD and other documents of any of the bidders are not meeting the AAI’s tender conditions then their e-bid response will be summarily rejected. 3.2 Envelope-II: Scanned papers on qualifying requirements of Contractors The tenderer shall submit their application by downloading the “PQ Proforma” from the e-tendering portal, fill up the required information and upload the digitally signed file of scanned documents and firm’s bio-data in support of their meeting each criteria mentioned below in the “PQQ folder” in Technical Bid/ Attachments Section in the portal. Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered. Hard copy of application shall not be entertained. Qualifying requirements of contractors/ firms are - 3.2.1 Should have valid Registration on the Date of issue of Tender in appropriate class of CPWD/MES/P&T/Railways/State PWD/PSU/Municipal Corporations & Development Authorities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata and registered with registrar of companies / firms / central govt. / state govt. as the case may be and having valid Permanent Account Number [PAN No.]. 3.2.2 Should have satisfactorily completed [Phase/Part completion of the scope of work in a contract shall not be considered, however pre- determined phasing of the work will be accepted] three works, each of Rs. 4.76 lacs or two works, each of Rs. 5.95 lacs or one work of Rs. 9.52 lacs in single contract of pandal/tent works during last seven years ending on 06.07.2017inIndia. Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work, date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and satisfactory completion of work. Firms showing work experience certificate from non-government/non–PSU organizations should submit c o p y o f tax deduction at sources (TDS) certificate in support of their claim for having experience ofstipulated value of work. [ NIT - 3 ] 3.2.3 Should have annualized average financial turnover of Rs. 3.57 lacs against works executed during last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial year. As a proof, copy of Abridged Balance Sheet along with Profit and Loss Account Statement of the firm should be submitted along with the application. Firms s howing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet shall be summarily rejected. 3.3 Envelope-III : Price Bid All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the BOQ file, open it and complete the white coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes and other details (Such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected. Further it may be noted that tenders which are duly submitted on e-tender portal (CPPP) shall only be final and tenders just saved without submission will not be available to the evaluation purpose. Bidders are requested to go through FAQ and help files available in the portal (CPPP). In case of any difficulty, bidders may contact the help desk numbers and emails ID provided in the CPP portal. Bid documents may be scanned with 100dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document. Tender who has downloaded the tender from central public procurement portal (CPPP) website http://etenders.gov.in shall not tamper/modify the tender form including downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be tempered/ modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI. [ NIT - 4 ] 4. Bids Opening Process is as below:- Envelope-I :- containing Documents [uploaded by the contractors/firms] shall be opened on 28-07-2017 at 1130Hrs (Date-05) The intimation regarding acceptance/rejection of their bids will be intimated to the contractors/firms through e-tendering portal only. Envelope-II:- Technical bid opening date is 28-07-2017 at 1530Hrs (date-06) Depending on evaluation of envelope-I, any changes in the date shall be intimated through CPP portal only]. I f a n y Clarification is needed from the bidder he may be asked to provide it through CPP portal only. However, bidder has to show utmost careful while uploading their scanned documents in e-tendering portal. AAI shall not be responsible for asking any missing documents from the bidder side which might lead it to cancellation of bid of such bidders. Envelope-III:- The financial bids of the contractors/firms found to be meeting the qualifying requirements and technical criteria shall be opened on 31-07-2017 at 1130Hrs (Date-07) [Depending on evaluation of envelope- II, any changes in the date shall be intimated through CPP portal]. 5. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
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