A G R E A T E 1 mataw an f r e e p u b l ib r a r y 165 MAIN ST Bulk Rate B A f c S H O R E MATAWAN, NJ 07747 US Postage Paid Eatontown, N.J. EPbNDENTSERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN MAY 12, 1993 2 5 C E N T S VOL. 23 NUMBER 19 S cra p in g o u t a fu tu re M ataw an R ecreation D irector G eorge H inklein helps get the new Broad Street C om m unity C enter in shape by scraping chipped paint o ff the building. The borough purchased the form er school last year, and m uch o f the renovation w o rk at the center is being done by volunteers. Since the center opened, it has been used by m any groups. For the story, see Page 5. INSIDE Aberdeen, M atawan m ay m erge police forces P age 1 3 Bayshore T rail details u n v e i l e d P age 3 South booters h it the heights P age 3 5 C a len d ar............................................................... 3 2 C la ssified ............................................................................... 4 3 E d itorials............................................................................... 3 0 Police Beat...........................................................................2 7 O b itu a r ie s.............................................................................2 0 R eal E state.............................................................................2 8 S p o r ts........................ 3 5 Rich Schultz 2 MAY 12, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT FROM OUR NURSERY 5 ^ A Z A L E A a n d RHODODENDRON PMRS E| E&s TO CHOOSE FROM MAGNOLIA KWANZAN PRIVET HEDGE STARORTUUP CHERRY >99 Fast Hedge 310 4* Tall 29" ’- ‘ heavy 25 Per Bundle O u r 6 8 49 F r o m GERANIUMS AMER. HOLLY ALBERTA CHAMAECYPARIS BIRD 99 4 to 5 Ft. Tall Golden Mops 69 p o z^ 89" SPRUCE GALLERY *17 WEEP. NORWAY 3 Gal. cont. 3 Gal. Size 3 lor &l 99 SPRUCE Z’/«-3' Tall 19" MUGHO PINE usual' planted URNS *16 W e have t h e In UVINGCOLOR- 3 to 4‘ Tall 49" GOLD EUOYNMOUS Reg. 5.99 ea. unusual k or 10 lor and MAPLE a S B tF Bright Yellow OEOO SOD 5 Gal. Cont. Color..3 lor SPREADING Largo Hoad 69" YEWS W E E K E N D S A 1 9 s square I BRADFORD PEAR W H S ® ! PINK DOGWOOD O Q 99 Large Size 12’-14'4 O Q 9 9 18 to 24" VSS&HS b b . ONLY * — 4 to 5 Ft. Tall 29! 2-214" Caliper I £ 9 Tall Pyramidal JUNIPER SELECTION ALBERTA ARBORVITAE 1 0 f o r Assorted 1 Sal. ,99 SPRUCE S u p * $ ( & * ■ 3’Tall 3 Gal. Size CMtain*n..1l1sr 49 1 Gal. Size Tw inlight 10" ea. or 100°" 4 (or professional PLUM "gSST® Well Branched Well O Q 99 WISTERIA BRADFORD <232* SUPER t u b f Branched TREES turfbuilder PEAR 99 WEEPING CHERRY Only f o o d 5'Tall Reg. 39.99 29 Beautiful C Q 99 GOLDEN slow release WEEPING Cascading U 9 formula BIOTTA WILLOW 15,000 SQ.FT. JAP. RED MAPLE 2 to 2'/. Foot _ 2 1 " Golden or Green 18 to 24" Tall 1 0 9 9 Tall 7-81 Tall 29" Well Branched I L, * l 2 “ acho, PERENNIALS favfilBUII.DER, FORSYTHIA Dill CO BLACK-WHITE rlilLtf8ERBIAN-N0(WAYAr|00 Super Selection 3'-4 Heavy 6 " Your Choice..2 tor £ 3 PIihW EED c° NTjj? g 9 2.or$25 10 lor 59" Only 15,000 SQ- FT- . i l l . 1 0 0 “ R eg .2 7 ^ I BIG 20,000 - "*■ TwtnHoM SQ. FT. BAG COUPON W GL0Rl0N*0m.b»a Glorion w e e d DELUXE BBOCKBUSTER SPECIALS STOPPER • *1 .0 0 o f f ! T ^ « | B l a w n f o o d B R A S S FOOD piutTBIMEC BOXED |iv Monsanto GREENSWEEP WALL PURPLE Just Hook Up To Hose & Spray 18.00 SH-FJ- ^ § 5 J & P Lawn Food P L A N T f o o d *1 32 oz. Lawn Food Reg. 7.99 & 32 oa.Weed Control Reg. 9.96 ROSES m sgsa 6 " 2 2 " Our price Our price ^B88 Exp. 5/18/93 m After *2°° s ' clay * 4 88 After *2°° £088 m u lc h e s Rebate Rebate $6 J O V E R e s t r a w b e r r y j a r s | BIG 3 CU FT BAG Dehydrated I 3 G A L L O N I Q 8®' I UF0" EST Shrstfifael Hardwood Mulch or COW MANURE I Monsanto ROUND UP « SIZE ................ , »*i»# Bark Nuggets Kills weed* & grasses in Flower & Shrub Beds-Patioe, Sidewalks & Driveway 5 GALLON .4Q M I I f f i R - S R 1 1 5 Varieties olHULCHt* 1 3 IZ 6 • 1 24oz.Reg. 6.19 Sale $5 88 1/2 gal. Reg. 13.29 Sale $1 1 88 PURINA Om DOG FOOD 40 lb*. 8 3» 1 gal. Reg. 20.79 Sale * 1 8 88 PRO PLAN «.* • POND SHOP BIO FILTER QQ99 Turkey and Bartey 2 4 97 600 GALLON Rag. 136.90.... 51U U S E • TETRA AQUA SAFE OR 0 9fl BIL JA C Select FLORA FIN......................O OOGFOOOasibr r£- WATER HYACINTHS & F^f^\ivT P lan t oy« 5* ° « > i jfor with purehs i s c o u n t WATER LETTUCE MO00 D PURINA RABBIT R e c e iv e 2 0 % purchase V i s i t O u r on ouraco Pot CHOW 25 Iba. PLANT COLTS NECK 2 0 % O F F POT PER ALREADY LOW K' n a d o g STORE BISCUITS s lb. Bag PRE-FORMEP POND PRICES ~ / Thousands of WATERFALLS BIL JAC Select That extra touch for your Fish Are In featuring: landscape... Everything Comets, Koi, Butterfly & Green Shost AVAILABLE DOG FOOD 7 Iba. you need • F*sh * Aquatic No moca Or mo Watar, kaap I BATHS, 2 9 S Kol, Fantails, Shubunkins, Gold your Pood Crystal Clear I Plants • Fountains and all Channel Catfish, Sarassas, Lion Heads, accessories... * Pra-tab UV Sterilzer Dor n & k * 8il Jac Tad Poles & Snails and much more! Aveiiabte BOUTE 9 NORTH FOODS in Stock Ponds and Linars. 40 L B S FREEHOLD Check Our Low PricesI COMING SOONTO FREEHOLD 462-2700 T O P S O I L OPEN MON.-SUNL :<V 1 89 a bag A v 9ANH5PM B RO C K’S PRICE POLICY7” We Guarantee we will not be undersold. Brock will match Bakers 40 LBS .. ROUTE 34 NORTH any Current-Newspaper advertised price on brand name PELLETI2E0UME COLTS NECK items, am ply present the AD to the cashier prior to 4624)900 purchase.>. Ite<Items must be ot equal size and quality. 2 " a bag OPEN MON.-SUR BIG 40 LB. BAG 9AM-6PM 1881 Potting Soil Premium 0 9 9 Quality O “THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS” THE INDEPENDENT, MAY 12, 1993 3 B aysh ore T ra il d etails u n veiled C ounty schedules hearing M onday on design m anual By Marilyn Duff S taff w riter Just what should a baywalk look like? What type of boardwalk, plantings, railings, lighting, signs and seating are appropriate? What about a bay bikeway? These are among the features planned for a “Bayshore Trail,” a scenic system of roads, for­ mer railroad passages, and other walkways extending from Cliffwood Beach in Aberdeen to Sandy Hook. Standards for the amenities and more are part of the Bayshore Trail System Design Manual, which is being considered for incorporation into the county’s Growth Management Guide. It would be a companion piece to the Bayshore Waterfront Access Plan, adopted in 1987 to provide water­ front access and recreation to county residents. The plan is conceptual in nature, “one big sys­ tem” that will be developed “over many years as redevelopment takes place,” according to Maryanne Sabanskas, the Bayshore Access coor­ dinator and member of the county planning staff. The design manual, which she authored and also illustrated, is essentially a recipe, Sabanskas said — a how-to guide for municipalities, private developers and the county. The standards, which comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, encourage con­ sistency “to promote safety, shared goals and a common theme of Bayshore culture and history.” The Monmouth County Planning Board con­ ducted a hearing on the design standards in April and will continue that hearing at 1:30 p.m. K E Y P O R T Monday at the Hall of Records, Freehold. CLIFFWOOD BEACH Sabanskas said there were a few negative com­ ments at the first hearing, but most were positive. BAYSHORE TRAIL SYSTEM The hearing is basically to gain public comment, she said, since the trail system has already been Sandy Hook bridge. approved. The Hudson trail is an old railroad right-of-way, The three components are the Baywalk, Bay Bikeway, There has been a lot of talk in recent years about var­ which the county is developing as a linear park. The and the Henry Hudson Trail. ious Bayshore trails and also a name change, leading to county park system is in charge of this particular compo­ The Henry Hudson Trail is owned by the county and some confusion. nent, said Sabanskas, so it is not covered by the recom­ stretches from Aberdeen to Atlantic Highlands, where it To set the record straight, there is no Bayshore Trail, mended design standards. links with the other trails. There are other intersecting but rather a three-part, interconnected trail system extend­ The trail, which the county acquired from Conrail, points throughout the trail system.
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