* T,ODAV: ~IL.QT. FOUCHE GETS BAIL "* CORPS~ . ; F.tll;.~ :~ I UP . IN SOUTH AFRICA * TOP SPORT * Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.218 R1.S0 (GST Inc.) Tuesday August 3 1993 NOTE TO Caprivi tense READERS THE Namlblan THE situation in tribal-troubled Caprivi was flooded with remained tense late yesterday and police A says calls yesterday, were still deployed in Katima Mulilo and first to ask where most major villages, according to a police the paper was, spokesperson. and later wlth Police vehicles are patrolling the streets. complaints about After Sunday's troubles, another major road­ the very poor block was set up at Linyanti and smaller ones at , quality of copies. Kongola and Sibimba yesterday morning by mem­ This was due to bers of the Mafwe tribe. 'clrcumstances The trouble started on Sunday when the Mafwe totally beyond set up a roadblock at Linyanti and Muketela to deny 0' to tax The Namlblan's passage to members of the Mayeyi travelling to the control - a break­ inauguration of Boniface Lutewese Sangwale. down at the print­ Police were forced to fIre teargas to disperse the Ing works. We are crowd at the roadblocks. At least two people injured as sorry as you during the fracas were said to have been discharged Talks to continue with Hanekom about Itl contiDued on page 2 communal areas. TOM MINNEY This is part of the continuing upset over tax proposals which Hanekom announced with the 1993/ W1eet e THE NAMIBIA Agricultural Union has 94 budget. The livestock tax stems from a rise in the • • gone public on its opposition to taxing taxable values of livestock but the controversial farmers on paper profits and says talks part is tax on the rise in -value even before the lltcA •• • animals are sold. continue with Minister of Finance Gert The NAU did not join earlier protests, apparentI y Hanekom. But the Namibia National fearing this could damage their own negotiations. Farmers' Union, a newer body NAU chief executive Henning Snyman said yes­ representing mainly communal farmers, terday that, according to international tax experts, it was the fIrst time in tax history for tax to be imposed CALLIFOR welcomes the removal of subsidies on on "unrealised profIts". He stressed that fanners commercial farming. were not against paying tax and realised their obli­ But the NNRJ also warns the move will mean gations as citizens. farm labourers lose their jobs and communal fann­ The NAU was consulted before the budget an- ers could also be hit and deterred from leaving CLASS "A" LIGHTNESS CIllLDREN ON THE MARCH ••• School children in Windhoek yesterday took to the streets at the start of National Breastfeeding Week to make THEIR demands heard on a number of issues. See report, page 3. Photo: Chris Ndivanga Bail lift-off for Gerald Fouche rreat yours A FULL bench of the Namibian High Court Windhoek Magistrates Court that denied him bail yesterday granted bail to Gerald Jean on the grounds that he might use his status as a pilot Fouche, 48, who faces charges in connection to flee the country by air. with illegally importing ostriches into Yesterday's bail application was heard by Judges Namibia. Harold Levy, Louis Muller and Neal Hannah. EDGEWORTH INC ., RICHMOND, VA ., U SA Made in South Africa .. Fouche, the director of TransNamibia Aviation Fouche's defence counsel, Herman Oosthuizen, Pty Ltd, and a pilot, was granted bail of R30 000. yesterday argued that, if found guilty, the pilot JRM 008/23EU The court overturned an earlier ruling by the continued on page 2 2 Tuesday August 3, 1993 THE NAMIBIAN . u FROM PAGE Cl Fouche granted bail nouncement and Snyman says their opposition was surance that Fouch~ and that he is a business­ clear. would stand trial. man. He said more than 30 Handing down judge­ Fouche was then people, including tax ex­ would only be sentenced ment, Judge Levy said granted bail of R30 000 perts and auditors, are pre­ to afme. the Magistrate who had on condition that he may paring a comprehensive Oosthuizen said it was refused Fouch~ bail had only fly to South Mrica, document which is to be not fair to keep his client not taken into considera­ but not to any other coun­ discussed at the N A U con­ gress on August 16-17. It in detention before his tion that he was a try. draws on experience from trial. Namibian citizen, that he His case was post­ UK, New Zealand, South He also gave the as- has assets ,in Namibia poned to August 6. Africa, Zimbabwe and other places. The NAU has "no prob­ Caprivi remains tense lems with increasing the taxable values oflivestock" Hennie Blaauw told The cle was only slightly addedSnyman,orwithpay­ Namibian yesterday that damaged by bullet holes ing the increased tax when he had dispatched police and no-one was injured. the stock are eventually from the Sangwali clinic to the scene of the road­ He said the vehicle was sold, But animals should as their condition was not block to disperse the on its way to Katima be treated as capital and not crowd, but said further Mulilo from Sangwali. running capital. serious. On Sunday shots He stressed he still hoped were also fired at an NBC information was scarce Blaauw said the shoot­ an agreement could be vehicle. as the police had not re­ ing took place at aro.und reached with Hanekom Acting station com- turned. 18h30 on the Linyanti who is continuing talks and mander, Inspector He said the NBC vehi- road. said he would not be dra wn into discussing the effects of the new tax on the com- Stay sober - Don't drink and drive Nalrl1lflPlllrlUkl'1Ir/, Old Allllllrtl f)i.\lrirt ,Hmwgn; Onr/rm[..,'1/J{/ , lrtlk\ ([liollt givillp:YlJur r/tilrll'l'lI t/ip hp.\l .\lart ill !ijr'. " I r m,,' re " p,,,-e,,'. Hke me. 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Old Mutual's inH'st­ Illent experts will help your money to grow, with a !{uaranteeci return, And on:r the years, Old Mutual ilas offered its policyholders good growth and security, So whell your children are ready for higher education, th('r(,'1I Ill' reach cash to help pa~ ' for it. "That's hasicalh' ",hat 0111' Educatioll Plall is all ahollt. For tile lull stor\', talk to \0111' Old \1l1tual ad\'i,cJ'. "our hrokl'!' (;1' ,'our 1I(,;lr('sl Old \ll1ll1al nrti('l', and lilld Ollt how wc CIll Ildp ~ ' Oll lllak(' I he 11 Io:-.t nr Y(lur lik. l" '('rY step of the way. But please, do it soon - your child's ' future depends on what you do today." ...... .' tA~,~¥, 'lfGtl'fO!b. ~l§tE .,_ ........ 155124 " · " .l\~'~1t .~.~. :( t: ~~ :.. : ~: {~ J:":~ \:~ : .~: ' I .t": I.' -". t ,.f ( . " THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday August 3 1993 3 Gored by bull NBC Televisioh Pro­ Murders galore d ucer/Cons u 1tan t, J acques Cathala, 53, was POLICE are investigating five murders gored to death by a bull THE Democratic Turnhalle Alliance yes­ their own hands to protect themselves against crimi­ which took place over the weekend. Katu­ on his smallholding out­ nals, or to form vigilante groups," the statement con­ side Windhoek on Sun­ terday said the murder of well-known vet, tura was the scene of two of the murders day. The French-speak­ Dr lan Scheepers, is "a testimony of the tinued. and an attempted murder. ing Cathala joined the shocking of the security situation in Na­ The DTA President called for the culprits to be . Harold Shikundu died after a shooting incident in Katutura on Sunday in which Abraham Humukwia NBC in June last year, and mibia". apprehended and for heavier court sentences to initiated two popular live "discourage would-be criminals from conunitting these was also seriously wounded. According to a Police The DT A expressed condolences to the family of TV programmes, Counter inhumane crimes". press release it is suspected that the shootings fol­ Scheepers, who was stabbed to death after apparently Point and After Nine. At The Namibia Agricultural Union also expressed its lowed an argument between the two men. coming across thieves at his smallholding nearOmaruru An unnamed Namibian male was also murdered in the time of his death he sadness at the "cowardly and gruesome murder" of last Friday. Scheepers was a member of the DTA's Katutura on Sunday after being beaten and stabbed was making major docu­ Scheepers, who was life vice-<:hairman of the organi­ executive and a former mayor of Omaruru. with a sharp object. mentaries on Namibia's sation.
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