University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 4-24-1956 The onM tana Kaimin, April 24, 1956 Associated Students of Montana State University Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of Montana State University, "The onM tana Kaimin, April 24, 1956" (1956). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 3215. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/3215 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Dr. Siebert Primary Balloting Begins To Deliver THE MONTANA At 9 a.m. Tomorrow Mellett Talk Primary balloting starts tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock in Dr. Fredrick S. Siebert, direc­ the Lodge. Polls will close at 5 p.m., says Dick Riddle, Libby, tor of the School of Journalism and communications at University K AIMIN election chairman. Something new will be added to the ballot­ of Illinois, will speak about “The | Montana State University, Missoula, Montana ing. Separate voting compartments will be provided for voters Mass Media in a Free Society” in in the Grill. Each class will have its own ballot with ASMSU the journalism auditorium Thurs- Volume LVII Z400 Tuesday, April 24, 1956 No. 93 dya at 3 p.m., according to acting officer candidates and Cen- ----------------- ;---------------------- — Dean O. J. Bue. tral board delegates printed didate with the most write-in Dr. Siebert will present the Don on it. Voters should have their votes will be put on the general R. Mellett Memorial lecture ballot. In the case of vice-presi­ through the cooperation of New Golf Course, Judicial Council activity cards and sign their dent, if the write-in exceeds the names to a typewritten list. number of votes the other candi­ Top Saturday C-B Agenda Voters will be checked off the dates get, she will be put on the list by the pollers. ballot. Selection of Warren Gamas, bright, .Cut Bank; Ed Bergquist, “We are looking for volunteers Glasgow, as the final sophomore Maury Colberg, Billings; Allan Students will vote for one can­ to count the ballots Wednesday delegate to judicial council, was Dunham, Shelby; Hal Erickson, didate each for president, vice night at 5 o’clock,” said Riddle. announced by Central board after Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Thomas Jen­ president, secretary, and business Anyone who would like to count their meeting Saturday morning. son, Michigan City, Ind.; Robert manager. Juniors will vote for ballots should get in touch with In other work Saturday, C-B Powell, Naseby Rhinehart, Jr., three delegates to Central board Riddle or call 9-2052 and leave approved athletic board recom­ Missoula; Rudolph Rhoades, Kal- their name. Candidates are not and the highest six will be put on permitted to help count. mendations, discussed student ispell; Russ Sheriff, Helena; Larry the general election ballot. Soph­ store de-incorporation, and talked Holmes, Missoula, manager. omores vote for two, the highest Riddle said the ballot-counting over plans for the proposed Uni­ Freshman basketball awards: four put on the general ballot. room will be closed except to versity golf course. William Bork, Butte; Duane Di- Freshmen vote for three, the high­ counters and a news representa­ Athletic Awards vich, Doland, S. Dak.; Gordon est six put on the general bal­ tive. Athletic board awards that Hunt, Missoula; Vincent Kelleher, lot. Candidates in the primary race Central board members approved Helena; James Koke,' Shelby; Riddle emphasized that posters are: were: Thomas McEacheron, Atacadero, must be taken down from the For president: James Beadle, Swimming • monograms: Joe Calif.; Dan Magstadt, Jim Powell, Lodge on election days. Red Lodge; John Fowler, Mis­ Aboaf, Vallejo, Calif.; Ken Card- Missoula. Riddle announced that the can- soula; and Ron Lundquist, Bill- well, Missoula; Elvin Choong, Golf Course Plans • ings. Djakarta, Indonesia; Alan Day, Bruce Crippen, ASMSU bus­ For vice-president: Shirley Tho­ Overland Park, Kansas; Ed Filler, iness manager, presented the Uni­ Blaszek Favors mas and Marilyn Shope, Missoula; Havre; Walter Jones, Butte; Paul versity golf course, plans to Cen­ secretary: Roxy Perrior and Carla DR. FREDRICK S. SIEBERT Nordstrom, Fort Meade, S. Dak.; tral board members. Officer Payment, Ingebo, Missoula; Norma Beatty, John Skees, Great Falls; Harold He said the plans include a Helena. York university. The lecture is Wallace, Vallejo, Calif., “nine hole golf course with grass presented annually to one school Hiring of Secretary For business manager: Bruce Basketball awards: Ed Argen- greens and fairways.” The plans Cook, Missoula. in the nation.. Last year, the lec­ *H’m in favor of paying ASMSU are drawn to extend the course For senior delegate: Cesar ture was given at University of to 18 holes in the future. officers,, because I believe it would Oregon. Through the sponsor­ benefit the students as well as the Quinones Torres, San Juan, ship of New York university and Crippen said a reserve fund was officers,” says Kay Blaszek, can­ Puerto Rico; Walt Gerson, Big MSU, the lecture is here this year. Boards Discuss set up in Helena for the purpose didate for ASMSU business man­ Sandy; Sheila McDorney, Mis­ Don R. Mellett was editor of the of building a golf course. Two ager. soula; John Fraser, Billings; Pat Canton, Ohio, News when he was Book Store’s years ago, however, the money The write-in candidate is bus­ Martin, Livingston; Dee Scriven, shot and killed in his own door- went for the ice skating rink. He iness manager for the Sentinel, Los Angeles, Calif.; Cole McPher­ yard by gangsters. Mellett was said that money was loaned and last year was Sentinel adver­ son, Barbara Tascher, Missoula; trying to break the gangsters’ hold Status Shift to the University for the purpose tising manager. Pat Fox, Hardin; James Walker, on the city government when he of building the rink. “ The job of officer Is practically Butte; Ivory Jones, Oakland, was killed in 1926. Store board members met Crippen proposed to apply a full-time job,” Miss Blaszek said, Calif. Dr. Siebert is a nationally rec­ Thursday night with Central $25,000 from the University ice “and if you have to work some­ For junior delegate: Silver ognized authority on law of the board to discuss the proposal for skating rink loan to finance the where else to make extra money, Chord, Seeley Lake; Bill William­ press, author of many articles on dissolving the student store cor­ golf course. you usually cannot devote the ne­ son, Box Elder; Pat Shaffer, Bill­ journalism education and press poration. Central board members approv­ cessary time and attention to your ings; Bill Higgins, Helena; Tom law. He is the author of “Rights Gary Jystad, ASMSU president, ed the plan. The members ex­ office and to your studies as well. Haney, Butte; Don Oliver, Bill­ and Privileges of the Press” and said transferring the assets to the plained the $25,000 would again “I think there should be a part- ings; Paul Newman, Havre; Bill “Freedom of the Press in Eng­ University and not disincorpora- be a loan to the University to pur­ time secretary for ASMSU. If she Adams, Park City; Ed Stuart, land.” tion would present the main pro­ chase the golf course. /The money is hired according to the plan Anaconda; Marcia Brown, Butte. Before joining the staff of the blem which must be solved. will gain interest as it did for the now proposed, she would be a For sophomore delegate: Byron University of Illinois in 1929, Dr. Larry Gaughan, Missoula, said ice skating rink. Then, when a hold-over to help new officers.” Christian, Kalispell; Margaret Siebert served on the copy desk after discussing the proposals with new need arises, the members Miss Blaszek said, “I don’t think Pedersen, Butte; Larry Pettit, of the Chicago Herald-Examiner. Missoula lawyer Sherman Lohn said, they could withdraw this the student fees should be raised Miles City; Bill Steinbrenner, Mis­ He was admitted to the Illinois bar that it was suggested that the loan to buy something else. to help pay off the Athletic de­ soula; Glen McGivney, Salmon, board turn the “store over to the (Continued on page two) Crippen said if the University partment debt. Part of the debt Ida.; Bill Crawford, Missoula; University with a proposal for has already been paid off through Rick Benson, Glasgow; Dave a student board.” buys the golf course with this $25,000, it would sign over the help from Century club and I Braach, Missoula; Audrey Wack- Gaughan explained that if Cen­ think the department could still er, Billings; Heather McLeod, Hel­ Prof. Tells Forum tral board took over the disin- golf course to Central board for ena; Pat Robinson, Billings; Carol student management. get help that way in later years.” Communication Is corporation of the student store, She said she feels, however, that Otthouse, Valier. it would have to pay taxes. Student Store Plans the 50 per cent allocation of the For store board: Kenneth Sho- Universal Problem Gaughan said the University is Jystad said President Carl Mc­ budget for Athletic board should quist, Fairfield; John Powell, Cal­ legally set up as a non-profit or­ Farland explained a student vote not be cut. gary, Alta, Canada. “The biggest problem facing us ganization, exempt from state on the student store de-incorpor­ today, as I see it, is that of com­ taxes.
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