2017 Record Book.Indd

2017 Record Book.Indd

2017 Eastern Kentucky University Baseball Record Book 2016 Statistics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ports.com 2 2016 OVC Only Statistics (DVWHUQ.HQWXFN\%DVHEDOO &RQIHUHQFHVWDWLVWLFVIRU(DVWHUQ.HQWXFN\ DVRI0D\ 29&JDPHVRQO\6RUWHGE\%DWWLQJDYJ 5HFRUG+RPH$ZD\29& 3OD\HU DYJ JSJV DE U K E E KU UEL WE VOJ EE KS VR JGS RE VI VK VEDWW SR D H IOG $/9$5(=0DQG\ ),6+(5%HQ 2/,9(0DWW 7((*$5'(1'RXJ 12:/,1.\OH 68//,9$16KHD :$55(1)(/7=&ROH %/$,57D\ORU 67$51(6/RJDQ +2675$1'(5.HQQ\ +2/'(5%$&+$OH[ *5$+$0'DNRWD 0F)$5/$1''DQLHO :85=(/%$&+(5/XNH 0(5,'$7UR\ 0853+<6HWK :$5'7\OHU 1$33,-DFRE ':<(5-DUHG 7RWDOV 2SSRQHQWV /2%7HDP 2SS '3VWXUQHG7HDP 2SS &,7HDP 2SS ,%%7HDP 12:/,1.$/9$5(= 02SS 3LFNHGRII:$55(1)(/7=+2675$1'(50F)$5/$1''+2/'(5%$&+$ 29&JDPHVRQO\6RUWHGE\(DUQHGUXQDYJ 3OD\HU HUD ZO DSS JV FJ VKR VY LS K U HU EE VR E E KU EDYJ ZS KS EN VID VKD 1(5/(ULF +$0,/721$OH[ 1$33,-DFRE 0F*((/XNH %/$,57D\ORU 052=%ULDQ &80367211LFN '811+XQWHU -2+1621&DOHE 60,7+(5%UDQGRQ ':<(5-DUHG &(59$17(6&KULV -$&.6216SHQFHU :,//,$066DPXHO 7RWDOV 2SSRQHQWV 3%7HDP 67$51(6/+2/'(5%$&+$2/,9(02SS 3LFNRIIV7HDP -2+1621&1(5/(1$33, -2SS 6%$$7767$51(6/ 1(5/( 052=% +$0,/721$ 2/,9(0 0F*((/ &80367211 +2/'(5%$&+$ -2+1621& '811+ 60,7+(5% 3 EKUSports.com 2016 Results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ports.com 4 Record Book Individual Batting (Season) Most games 68 - Robert Moore (1985) Most at bats 266 - Robert Moore (1985) Most runs 80 - Josh Anderson (2003) 75 - Robert Moore (1985) Longest hit streak (games) 27 - Scott Earl (1981) Most consecutive hits 12 - Robert Moore (1987) Most hits 106 - Josh Anderson (2003) 104 - Robert Moore (1985) Most singles 74 - Josh Anderson (2003) 71 - Adam Basil (2000) Most doubles 26 - Robert Moore (1985) Most triples 8 - Jayson Langfels (2008) Most home runs 21 - Kyle Nowlin (2016) 20 - Lee Chapman (1999) 20 - Clay Elswick (1986) Most runs batt ed in 85 - Neil Sellers (2003) 82 - Clay Elswick (1986) Most total bases 172 - Lee Chapman (1999) Most walks 50 - Kyle Nowlin (2016) Most strikeouts 66 - Kyle Nowlin (2016) Most stolen bases 57 - Josh Anderson (2003) 49 - Scott Fromwiller (1985) Best stolen base percentage 1.000 - John Thomas (21-21) (1974) 1.000 - Darryel Weaver (15-15) (1978) With this swing against Tennessee Tech on May 21, 2016, Kyle Nowlin hit his Most times hit by pitch 22 - Anthony Ott rando (2010) 21st home run of the season, a new program record. Highest batt ing average .475 - Frank Borgia (29-61) (1968) Highest slugging percentage .873 - Jimmy Cain (1968) Home Runs (Season) Batting Average (Season) 1. Kyle Nowlin 21/207 AB (2016) 2. Lee Chapman 20/244 AB (1999) 1. Frank Borgia .475/61 AB (1968) Clay Elswick 20/202 AB (1986) 2. Jon Draud .473/80 AB (1958) 4. Kyle Nowlin 19/184 AB (2015) 3. Al Pipes .463/54 AB (1956) 5. Charlie Yarbrough 18/207 AB (2006) 4. Stephen Carter .448/183 AB (2004) 6. Anthony Ott rando 17/200 AB (2010) 5. Josh Anderson .447/237 AB (2003) 6. Jayson Langfels .441/170 AB (2009) Neil Sellers 17/231 AB (2003) 7. Buzz Ashby .436/78 AB (1971) 8. Jayson Langfels 16/204 AB (2010) 8. Robert Moore .433/178 AB (1987) Clay Elswick 16/167 AB (1984) 9. Darryel Weaver .429/92 AB (1978) Matt Mason 16/196 AB (1998) 10. Mike Gentry .420/88 AB (1976) Sean Murray 16/209 AB (1998) 11. Ron Pezzoni .420/188 AB (1988) 12. Chris O’Dell 15/159 AB (2004) 12. Matt Davis .418/196 AB (2009) Jonathan Woodard .418/184 AB (2004) Clay Elswick 15/234 AB (1985) Erv Leidolf .418/91 AB (1976) 14. Lee Chapman 14/180 AB (1998) 15. Jim Odle .415/65 AB (1954) Jay Steele 14/186 AB (1985) 16. Darryel Weaver .415/74 AB (1975) Lee Chapman 14/211 AB (2000) 17. Chris Clark .409/149 AB (2004) Richie Rodriguez 14/212 AB (2012) Mandy Alvarez .409/237 AB (2016) Bryan Soloman 14/203 AB (2012) 19. Ray Spenilla .408/142 AB (1975) Bryan Soloman 14/209 AB (2014) 20. Neil Sellers .407/231 AB (2003) 21. Derrick Bussell .404/109 AB (2004) 20. Troy Williams 13/238 AB (1985) Sean Murray 13/242 AB (1999) Chris O’Dell 13/143 AB (2006) Mandy Alvarez 13/237 AB (2016) Runs Batted In (Season) 1. Neil Sellers 85/231 AB (2003) 2. Clay Elswick 82/202 AB (1986) 3. Jayson Langfels 72/170 AB (2009) 4. Lee Chapman 71/244 AB (1999) 5. Troy Williams 70/238 AB (1985) 6. Charlie Yarbrough 69/207 AB (2006) 7. Anthony Ott rando 67/200 AB (2010) 8. Neil Sellers 63/205 AB (2004) Clay Elswick 63/234 AB (1985) 10. Lee Chapman 62/211 AB (2000) 11. Sean Murray 61/242 AB (1999) Kyle Nowlin 61/207 AB (2016) 13. Matt Mason 60/196 AB (1998) 14. Mandy Alvarez 58/237 AB (2016) 15. Brett Forbush 56/199 AB (1985) 16. Jeff Lehkamp 55/150 AB (1982) Bryan Soloman 55/209 AB (2014) 18 . Scott Privitera 54/192 AB (1988) 19. Josh Anderson 53/237 AB (2003) 20. Jayson Langfels

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