A N A CT R E L ATI NG TO TH E A NCH ORA G E O" VE S S E L S I N TH E P ORT O" NE W Y OR" . B e i t e n a ct e d by t he S en a t e a n d H ouse of R ep r e sen t a ti ve s of t he U n i t e d S t a t es of A m er i ca i n on r ess a sse m ble d r r r m r r C g , That the Sec eta y of the T easury "Com erce and Labo "is autho i ze d r r fi l r r , empowe ed , and di ected to de ne and estab ish an anchorage g ound fo vessels in the bay and harbor of New York and in the Hudson and East rivers , to adopt suitable rules and l l r r regu ations in relation thereto , and to take al necessary measu es for the prope enforcement of such rules and regulations . E . S C 2 That in the event of the violation of any such rules and regulations by the owner , r a r master o person in charge of any vessel , such owner , m ster or person in cha ge of such vessel shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars " and the said vessel may be holden for the payment of such penalty and may be seiz ed and proceeded against summarily by libel for the recovery of the same in any United States district court for the district within which such vessel ffi r r mm may be , and in the name of the o cer designated by the Sec etary of the Treasu y "Co erce and Labor". ff . S E C . 3 . That this act shall take e ect immediately r Ma 1 6 1 888 . App oved y , ‘ 1 6 3 7 4 4 R U L E S A N " R E G U L A T I ON S G O VE R N I N G T H E A N C H O R A G E O " VE S S E L S I N T H E P O R T O " N E W Y O R " . "E P A R TME N T O" COMME R CE A N" L A B OR , O""I C E O" T H E S E CR E TA R Y , W a s hi n t o n A r i l25 1 907 g , p , . The following described anchorage grounds for vessels in the bay and harbor of New York E t v v fi a a a and in the Hudson and as ri ers , respecti ely , are hereby de ned nd est blished , nd the following rev ised rules and regulations governing the same are published for the government of m the owner , aster , pilot , or other persons having charge of a steam vessel towing or otherwise c a c conducting a vessel to an an horage in the port of New York , pursu nt to the a t of Congress r Ma 1 6 1 888 app oved y , a r l c fi a a " ( ) Vessels shall ancho only within the fol owing spe i ed limits , nd a vessel nchoring a n l r l w ar within y of the be ow described bounda ies must anchor entire y ithin said bound ies , so that no portion of the hull shall extend beyond said boundary after veering Chain or when riding to a tideway . b No v l l a n c a n d ( ) esse shal anchor in y of the hannels except in cases of great emergency , then as near the edge of the channel as possible , so as not to impede or interfere with the free a l c ca o a a n d o v navigation of the s me , and on y until su h time as they n pr cure ssistance " n essel m shall anchor so as to obstruct the approach to any pier or i pede the movement of any ferryboat . c st a keb o a t s f o r b a v r ( ) All used assembling arges , can l boats , and other essels prepa atory m w a n d a to being ade up in to s , vessels used for storing explosives nd moored only in the d c 52 . 27 9 anchorage for explosives , as es ribed in paragraph , No , page , may be moored under permits granted by the supervisor of anchorages and moored only in such places as he may designate . (d ) A vessel upon being notified to move into t he an c horage limits must at once get under way or m ake a signal for a tug . (e) Permits may be granted by the supervisor of anchorages to wrecking plants to anchor v v . in the channel for the purpose of reco ering sunken property , sub"ect to his super ision Such r l m av l r . w ecking p ants ust comply with all the n igation aws in egard to lights , fog signals , etc , and in granting such permit the Government assumes no responsibility . (f ) Points where cables and pipes cross the an chorage ground s are m arked in red on the v ca c r a r . accompanying maps , and all essels are utioned not to an ho so s to inte fere with them l r (9) All ash scows , the property of the municipa ities bordering on the wate s of the port , may be anchored in such places as the supervisor of anchorages may designate . h r affi v a r z t he ( ) The c eation of any obstruction , not rmati ely utho i ed by law , to navigable ac c ur o cap ity of any waters , in respect of whi h the United States has " isdicti n , is hereby prohibited . (i ) No vessels shall occupy permanent berths in t he anchorage s except as provi ded for i n these anchorage rules and regulations . (7) The supervisor of anchorages shall assign berths in the respective anchorages to all vessels applying for the m . 6 (h) All officers of revenue vessels at the port of New York are charged with t he enforcement f r o these rules and regulations , and are empowered to emove from her anchorage any vessel not anchoring within the prescribed limits . EA ST RI VER A NCH O RA GES . (S E E P L A TE No . To the northward of a line from the south point of Hart Island to W rights Point . To the westward of a line from W rights Point to Throgs Neck . To the southward of a line from buoy o ff Sands Point to buoy off Gangway Rock . To the southward of a line from buoy o ff Gangwa y Rock to center of Stepping Stones Light house . To the eastward of a line from the center of Stepping Stones Lighthouse to W illets Point . a c . On Hammond Flats , to the northward of line from Throgs Ne k to Old Ferry Point i To the southward of a line from W illets Point to W hitestone Po nt . c an a r . On the north side of the h nel , north of line between Old Fer y Point and Hunts Point c a W N o . 1 On the south side of the h nnel , south of a line between hitestone Point and buoy ( ) off d a r . College Point , and to the eastwar of line unning from said buoy to College Point a o R In Flushing B y , to the southward f a line from College Point to the north end of ikers Island . To the southward of a line from the north end of Rikers Island to the north end of South Brother Island , thence to Lawrences Point . To the westward of a line from Stony Point to northeast end of W ards Island " and between W r R a R a r M r . a ds Island and andalls Isl nd , and between and lls Island and Po t o ris m To the westward of a line fro the foot of One hundred and sixteenth street , New York , to v v a the north end of A enue B , New York , but no essels sh ll anchor on this anchorage 1 50 rr within feet of any wharf or pier , or so as to impede the movements of a fe y , or so as to prevent ready access to or from the piers . l r " ck G H ale t s v r . To the eastwa d of a line from Hatters o to ibbs Point ( Co e , Asto ia) (S E E P L A T E No . To the southward of Thirt y - second Street Pier and the northward of Twenty - fourth Street z - o fi Pier , and to the westward of a line passing through the hori ontal striped buoy Nine h N . E . t een t E . street, running thence by (cor Vessels may anchor anywhere l r v a a n m within these imits , p o ided they do not obstruct the pproach to y pier or i pede m v fi C a a the o ements of any ferryboat " and the of cer in h rge of anchor ge grounds may , ad v c v whenever he deems it isable , move or ause to mo e any vessel not , in his opinion , complying with this proviso .
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