The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus J-—* v---» »=!(/•»—^ Vol. 30, No. 4 — Aug.-Sept., 1952 ^^' Notre Dame DIRECrORS TO 1953 HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 202 Federal Court House, El Paso, Tex. A Notre Dame Alumnus RICHARD J. NASH, '23 1840 S. Kilbourne, Chicago 23, III. DR. MATTHEW WEIS, '22 7579 Northmoor, St. Louis 5, Mo. LESTER W. FOLEY, '24 _ Foley, Florida DIRECTORS TO 1954 Vol. 30, No. -1 AUG.-SEPT., 1952 JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY, '28 49 Race St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio JOHN H. NEESON, JR., '35 167 Summit Lane, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. WILLIAM C. SCHMITT, '10 .2765 N. W. Nicolai St., Portland, Ore. James E. Armstrong, '25, Editor LUTHER M. SWYGERT, '27 6330 Hahman Ave., Hammond, Ind. John N. Cacklcy, Jr., '37, Associate Editor Richard P. Cody, '52, Assistant Editor DIRECTORS TO 1955 J. R,\LPH CoRYN '22 1211 16th Ave., Moline, III. This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University oi Notre JOHN W. COURTNEY, '25 .401 S. Highland, Dearborn, Mich. Dame. Notre Dame, Ind. Entered as second class matter Oct 1, GALVIX HUDSON, '15 1515 Sterick Bldg., Memphis 1, Tenn. 1939. at the Postoffice. Notre Dame, Ind., under the act of Aug. 24. JAMES G. MCGOLDRICK, '39 2675 H. Hudson Pkwy.. New York 63 1912 CHAIRMEN OF THE 1952 COMMITTEES HARVEY FOSTER Executive BOARD OF DIRECTORS DR. WEIS .Budget and Finance RICHARD NASH foundation. Alumni Fund and Gifts OFFICERS JOHN H. NEESON Class Activities JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY Club Activities R. CoNROY ScoGOiNs, '24. Honorary President WILLIAM SCHMITT. _ Job Counseling and Placement HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 President DR. WEIS Religion and Citizenship RICHARD J. NASH, '23 .First Vice-President JOHN H. NEESON Prestige and Public Relations UR. MATTHEW W. WEIS, '22 Second Vice-President RICHARD NASH „ .Preparatory School Relations WILLIAM C. SCHMITT, '10 Third Vice-President DR. WEIS Inter-Alumni Association JAMES E. .ARMSTRONG, '25 Mirector and Secretary LUTHER M. SWYGERT Resolutions The Alnnmi Assoeiation Universily of IVotrtt Dame Harvey G. Foster, '39, President 202 U. S. Court House El Paso, Texas Aug. n, 1952 Dear Notre Dame Men: I would like by means of this letter to acquaint or reacquaint, as the case may be, each of you with some of the activities of our Alumni Association. The phase that i would like to discuss at this time is Club Activities. Recognizing that Notre Dame Clubs represent Notre Dame in their areas, great stress is placed on club activities by the Club Activities Committee of the Alumni Association. This year, that Committee working closely with Jim Armstrong, the Alumni Secretary, worked out a program for the biennial Club Presidents Council held on the campus in June. The expenses of the Club President, or his alternate, who attends the Council are paid. This year at the Council, there was furnished to the Presidents in attendance a blueprint of the outstanding activities of the various Clubs, with firsthand information as to how these activities had been promoted and carried through to a successful conclusion. Also discussed in detail was Club operation and organization. The Club Presidents Council this year has shown a need for a list of the available campus speakers and their topics, and a closer liaison between the local Clubs and the Alumni Office, both of which needs are receiving the attention of the Alumni Secretary. It is also expected that as a result of the Council, the Club Presidents will keep the Alumni Office more closely informed of their needs and programs. In order to make our Association a stronger and more active one, I would like to ask that each of you take it upon your­ self to look up and welcome into your Clubs this year's graduates and, further, to resolve to take a more active port in your Club's activities. Sincerely, /s.' HARVEY G. FOSTER The Notre Dame Alumnus Father Hesbursh New President of Notre Dame Administrative Changes Announced by Provincial In other changes, which involved affairs, has beea named assistant vice- more than 400 priests of the Indiana president in chaige of academic affairs province. Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, and dean ef the graduate schooL C.S.C., acting vice-president of busi­ The new assistant te the vice-prea- ness affairs, was named to succeed dent in charge of student affairs and Father Hesburgh as executive vice- director of student welfare is Rev. president of Notre Dame. Formerly of Charles I. McCarragfaer, CS.C, who Spartansburg, South Carolina, Father succeeds Rev. James J. Leahy, CS.C. Joyce was a certified public accountant Father Leahy remains on the Notre for five years following his graduation Dame faculty. from Notre Dame in 1937. He was ordained in 1949 and assigned to the Rev. Charles M. Carey, CS.C, act­ business office of the University as as­ ing vice-president in charge of student sistant to the vice-president. welfare during the past year, is the new prefect of lel^en at Notre Dame, Rev. James E. Norton, C.S.C., is the takmg the place of Rev. Richard J. new vice-president in charge of stu­ Grimm, CS.C, who has been ap­ dent affairs. He had been since 1950 pointed assistant religious superior of the vice-president in chaige of aca­ the Notre Dame cemmuBity. demic affairs. A native Hoosier, Father Rev. Michael J. Early, CS.C, is Norton was ordained in 1933 and spent the new supeiior ef Ae Community Rer. Theodore M. Hestnirgh, C.S.C. nine years in Austin, Texas. He was a Infirmary at Notre Dame, succeeding chaplain with the marines in World Rev. Patrick J. Haggert^ CS.C Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., War II. has been named fifteenth president of Rev. Harold Riley, CS.C, who has the University of Notre Dame, as an­ Succeeding Father Norton as vice- been a member of the staff of the nounced recently by the Rev. Theo­ president of academic affairs is Rev. Catholic Boy magazine, has been dore J. Mehling, C.S.C., provincial of Philip S. Moore, C.S.C., who had been named siqierior ef Hely Cress Siem- the Indiana province of the Congre­ dean of the graduate school at Notre inary on,the Netre Dame campus. gation of Holy Cross. Dame since 1944. A native of Wabash, Rev. Howard J. Kenna, CS.C, for­ Indiana, Father Moore was graduated The 35-year-old native of Syracuse, merly directer of studies at Notre from Notre Dame in 1924, and or­ New York, succeeds Rev. John J. dained in 1928. He studied in France Cavanaugh, C.S.C., who has become a after his graduate work at Catholic member of the Provincial Council of University, and has been at Notre the Congregation of Holy Cross, with Dame since 1933. residence at Notre Dame. Father Cavanaugh has been assigned for spe­ Rev. Jerome J. Wilson, C.S.C., is the cial assistance to the president of the new vice-president in charge of busi­ University. ness affairs at Notre Dame, succeeding During the past three years Father Father Joyce. Father Wilson was Hesbmgh has been executive vice- graduated in 1932, and left the employ president of Notre Dame. A graduate of Bendix-Westinghouse as assistant of Gregorian University, Rome, and auditor to enter the priesthood. He the Catholic University of America, was ordained in 1949, and has been an Father Hesburgh was a chaplain dur­ instructor in accounting on the Notre ing the Second World War. He came Dame faculty. to Notre Dame in 1945 to teach reli­ Rev. John H. Murphy, C.S.C, re­ gion, and was chaplain of the married mains in the position of vice-president veterans attending the University. He in charge of public relations, as he has was named head of the Department of for the past three years. Religion in 1948, in which capacity he Rev. Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C, who served until his appointment as execu­ has been serving as assistant to the tive vice-president. vice-president in charge of academic Rer. EJIMBIMI P* Joyces Cl&C Amg.-Sept^ 1952 3 religion at Notre Dame, has been named dean of the University's Col­ lege of Arts and Letters. Father Sheedy, who has been rector of Far­ ley Hall and a leader in the University Marriage Institute, succeeds Rev. Francis P. Cavanaugh, CS.C, dean of the A.B. school since 1943. Father Cavanaugh will remain on the Arts and Letters faculty. The Rev. FelLx D. Duffey, CS.C, has been appointed editor of the Ave Maria magazine, a Catholic home weekly. Assistant editor since the summer of 1949, Father Duffey suc­ ceeds Rev. Patrick J. Carroll, CS.C, editor of the Ave Maria for the past eighteen years. Rev. Jolin H. Murphy, CS.C. Father Carroll, known throughout the country for his accomplishments in Rev. Jerome J. Wilson, CS.C. Dame, has been named superior of the Holy Cross College, Washington, D. C. Burke, CS.C, Thomas A. Lahey, Rev. Michael J. Gavin, CS.C, has CS.C, and James F. McElhone, been named president of the University C.S.C., remain on the editorial board of Pordand, Portland, Oregon. Father imder Father Duffey. Gavin succeeds Rev. Robert H. Swee­ ney, CS.C, who remains in Portland as head of the University of Portland Foundation. Professor Bird Named as Rev. Charles M. Callahan, CS.C, Consultant to Institute has been named superior of the Notre Dame mission priests in Evanston, 111., Professor Otto Bird, director of the while Rev.
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