Non-profit Org. U.S.Postage Paid Permit No.2 Key Peninsula Vaughn, WA 98394 Box Holder Volume 16 Issue 16 Circula tion 6000 August15 f988 Worldng together for the social and economic good of Key Peninsula Candidates for YOUR vote to appear at Civ~c Center on August 23 - Come out and ask questionsl by Keith Stiles Who are you going to vote for in September to spend your tax money, direct your state policies, protect your jobs and environment, and do all the other things that politicians are supposed to do? The answer to this, and a multitude of other questions can be yours when you show up at the Key Peninsula Civic Center on Tuesday, Mini-mart August 23, at 7:30 pm to hear the candi­ dates for your vote for a number of local, planned for corner regional and Washington State offices. Invitations to the Civic Center Candi­ of .Wright-Bliss dates' Fair night have been sent to almost Viking Ship, winner of the 1988 Pioneer Days Parade Sweepstakes, entered by forty office-seekers. Among those ac­ The Sons of Norway, Bremerton. KP NEWS photo by Lee Stiles. and Elgin-Clifton cepting and stating that they will be on hand to speak, meet the folks and provide A new "mini-mart" operation is in answers to questions, will be Joe Stortini the plans for our Key Peninsula area in the and Larry Faulk, both seeking the office very near future if the announced plans of of Pierce County Executive. It is expected a development group are followed that all (o r almost all) candidates for State through. Representative for our own 26th District Word reaching the NEWS indicates will also be there. that an investment group which includes a The Candidates' Fair is a regular Tacoma-area dentist is planning to con­ community service of the Civic Center struct a drive-in "food deli" operation at Association, and is held every two years the intersection of Wright Bliss Road and in an attempt to allow the people of the Elgin-Clifton Road in the mid-north Key Key Peninsula area to meet, hear and Peninsula area. question many of the candidates at a lnfonnation on the new store was convenient time and place for the voters. provided by Dr. Leonard Estes, a Ta­ Assisting in the planning and staging of coma-area dentist, who stated that he was theFairthi s yearis Mary Ann Huntington Ron Chilton of Peninsula Light Co. acknowiedges an award of a member of the investment group that of the Key Peninsula Business Associa­ appreciation for community service and assistance presented by Pioneer Days purchased the property several months tion. Each candidate will have an oppor­ 1988 co-chairman Mike Salatino to the crews of Peninsula Light Company ago. He said thegroup'sinter esthad been tunity to make a very short speech to the on behalf of a grateful Key Peninsula community. KP NEWS photo/Lee Stiles. attracted to the area by current and pro­ voters, answer a question or two, and be spective growth and by the volume of available to meet voters on an individual trn.fficon State Highway 302, with people basis. Every effort has been and will be Civic Center Association's traveling generally between State High­ made to keep the meeting short and perti­ way 16 and Belfair and Shelton areas. nent, and free coffee and cookies will be money-raisers paying off! Dr. Estes stated that the new opera­ provided and served, in part by the Key tion will include a gasoline outlet, and At the Key Peninsula Civic Center Peninsula Business Association. Each Falk of Vaughn; 2nd prize-A truckload current plans are based upon hopefully candidate appearing at the Fair will have Association Board's August meeting of logs, to be delivered, split and stacked: meeting an opening date of about October a table for literature and a rallying point Mike Salatino announced that although Louise Oliver of Bremerton (a member 15. A name for the new business and the for his/her supporters. all bills were not yet in, expectations are of The Farragut Brass Band) and 3rd appointing of a manager are still about a All voters in the area are cordially that close Lo$5000 had been raised at the prize - 19" TV with remote control: Don month away, he said. recent Pioneer Days celebration. invited by the Civic Center Association to Leslie of Tacoma. come out on the night of August 23 to The event was by far and away the most Al Champlain of the VFW reported meet the candidates and to become better successful to date and, with the experi­ on the recent sale of fireworks at Key informed so their vote will really count in ence gained, it is anticipated to be even Center which netted a total of $3476.58, evening made $82 for the Center - not September. better next year. Winners of the Pioneer of which the Civic Center Association much money but a whole lot of fun, appar­ Further infonnation on Candidates' Days raffie were, 1st prize - an all­ received $2085.95. Jerry Benoitreported ently. So much so that another such dance Fair night may be obtained by calling the expense trip for two to Mazatlan: Ryan that the recent "Dance Your Socks Off ' is already being planned. Key Peninsula NEWS at 884-4699. Pag~ 2 KEY P~NINSULA NEWS Aqgust 15_,_19~8 ••••••••••••••••••••• followitsownrules! Thismightbeincon- . To the Editor venient or upsetting toiresidentsof Punly The receqt carnage of the corridor in : Key : Dear Editor ... orWauna. ConsiderthatHomehasputup Key Center by Tacoma Telco at their new :Peninsula : 'Yith. the U.S. Post Office, Lakebay, building site leaves a lot to be desire.d. I • • Washington in the center of "beautiful have been told that the (Pierce) County • • To the Editor: downtown Home" since 1954. Residents requirementsare such that all the trees had • NEWS • have petitioned, written many letters, at­ to come down and now we have another • PO Box 3, Vaughn, WA98394 • On placement of the US Post Office tended meetings and pleaded their case to parking lot to beautify the downtown • • at Wanna, the answer would seem to be to • • authorities all to no avail. 1be Post Office area. • 884-4699 • move it to Purdy at the intersection of I>Jpartmneni adamantly r~fuses to do If Tacoma Telco is such a good • Publishe.dtwice monthly by • Highways 302 and 16. The flag recently right by Home. neighbor, why wasn't anyone in the area carriedoff by vandals could be replaced, • Key Peninsula Civic Center Assn. • Some citizens feel that disturbing the advised what they'were going to do, and . • • courtesy of the U.S. Postal Department. (zip code) alphabeticalorder could be the why wasn't a local company used for the • Mng.Editor: Pauline Finn • However, no matter where it is unsolvableproblem for the postal sexvice. excavating? Whata shock to drive by and : Asst.-to Editor: Karen Laatz • placed, the WaunaPost Office mustretain Check your phone book listing of zip see this site, which is one of the few to • Ad Lay-out its name so as not to break with Post codes to note LaGrande 98348, Lakebay have trees left on it, being tom down! • and Prodn: Lee Stiles Office Department practice. Their Do­ 98349 and LaPush 98350. I realize that businesses have to come • Photographer: Lee Stiles mestic Mail Manual (paragraphs 113.42 If Wauna's post office name is in this area, and I encourage it, but I also • Bookkeeper: Ruth Updike and .43) distinctly says a post office changed to Purdy or to that of any other feel these busine~ have an obligation to Ad Sales: Linda & Dan Onne should bear the approve.d name of the village, Home's post office also should . the areathey serve to be good neighbors. Repor-ter and Worthy community in which iJ is located. But the bear the right name after all these.yem:;s . Thanks for letting me get off some Advisor: Keith Stiles U.S. Post Office Department does not Kennethand Sylvia Retherford steam! Production staff: • Avon Gay .Marian Wagner, Sally Cornman, Linnea Lawson, Virginia Worth, adequate recreational facilities are~Y Veterans Allyne Woolery, Janne Dukeshier. Your Park ..-------,,..,...,,,---, accessible to all members of the commu- healthcare Contributors: Board nity. Daphne Daus, Dory Meyers, Paul Members i3fthe LevyAdvisory Com­ underdiscussion Cyr, Dr.Wm.Roes, Tim Kezele, mittee met recently to lay the foundation Stella Retherford, Elaine Forch, reports for the September 20 levy campaign. Dr. 1be state's Department of Veterans Janice McMillan, Hugh McMillan, by Daphne Daus Hornbeck, committee chairman, shared Affairs newly formed Committee on Mary Ann Huntington, Cecil Paul, the knowle.dgehe has gained from prior Long-term Health Care will meet Tues­ Margaret Paul, Jean Humphreys, The Park Board ... levy efforts. Sandy Newhouse also day, August 16 at 10 am in the chapel of the state veterans' home in Retsil. Gary Ostlund, R.Marvin Kei~ur. commissioners will be working on for­ 1 shared her expertise, gaine.d through mulating a long-term-goal statement at school levies. Many excellent sugges­ State Rep~Wes Pruitt , a member of The opinions expressed are the the committee, said the panel is studying • oplnJons of the writers and do not their August 10 meeting. One of the plans tions came out of the meeting. All com­ various ways to improve long-term health necessarily renect the views of the the commissionerswill be exploringis the mittee members are circulating endorse- , and publishers or the staff. · • possibility of building a recreational fa­ ment sheets throughout, the community care se,rvices for military veterans • cility in the Mintec area This part of our and securing signaturesof those willing to their families.
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