FOURTH INTERNATIONA L CONFER ENCE OF THE SCHILLER INSTITUTE "The Inalienable Rights of All People" "I am calling upon all republican forces and replaced by technological 'and eco­ worldwide-all trade-unionists, students, nomic growth in both the U.S. and her parents, teachers, ministers, farmers-all We will not national allies. human beings of good will, to join the "Our movement, the movement for the Schiller Institute in conference January quit, until we Inalienable Rights of Man, must and will 12th-14th in Virginia and in demonstra­ become bigger than the old Civil Rights tion on Tuesday, January 15 in the nation's have won! movement. We will grow and swell and capital for the building of a new interna­ increase in new demonstrations and pa­ tional movement for the Inalienable Rights rades in the coming weeks, until we rep­ of Man. of the West most sharply visible in Africa, resent millions and millions. We will not "This Declaration was adopted at the Ibero-America and Asia, it is urgent that quit, until the Inalienable Rights of all Third International Conference of the the Strategic Defense Initiative of Presi­ human beings are realized and guaranteed. Schiller Institute on November 24-25 in dent Reagan be adopted and that the mur­ "Join us-you have no other moral Crystal City, Virginia, where 2000 partic­ derous economic policies of the choice. This time, we must not just over­ ipants from over 50 countries joined to­ International Monetary Fund be dumped come; this time we must win!" gether, and then marched in front of the -Helga Zepp-LaRouche White House in a powerful parade of over 3000 in order to send a message to Presi­ Conference: Demonstration: dent Reagan that his second adminiswi­ Saturday/SundaylMonday Tuesday tion must change economic policy, both January 12-14, .virginia January 15, Washington, D.C. foreign and domestic, if the world is to Pre-registration required. For more information, write The Schiller Institute, survive. lOW 16th Street, N. W., Room 300, Washington, D.C. 20036, or "Especially in the face of an ever-grow­ telephone (202) 955-5938. ing danger of Soviet establishment of world hegemony, a Soviet drive which is nour­ Registration: $25 per day. Checks payable to The Schiller Institute ished by the apparent economic collapse In Europe, call (6121) 44-90-31, Edith Vitali or George Gregory. ADVERnSEMENT Founder and Contributing Editor: LyndonH. LaRouche. Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: NoraHamerman Managing Editor: Vin Berg FeaturesEditor: Susan Welsh Assistant Managing Editor: MaryMcCourt Production Director: Stephen Vann From the Editor Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart-Henke. NancySpannaus. Webster Tarpley. Christopher White Special Services: William Engdahl his year-end review issue of EIR is dedicated to the memory of Advertising Director: Geoffrey Cohen T Director of Press Services: Christina Huth Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, patriots and world INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: citizens, who died at the hands of the enemies of humanity during Africa: Douglas DeGroot 1984. Marcia Merry Agriculture: We valued them as leaders of the fight for the nation-state, and Asia: Linda deHoyos Counterintelligence: JeffreySteinberg as friends. We pledge that insofar as it is in our power, 1985 will be Economics: David Goldman the year in which their deaths will be avenged, by ending once and European Economics: Laurent Murawiec for all the power of the oligarchies of both East and West who Energy: William Engdahl Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos masterminded their assassinations. We are determined that there will Ibero-America: RobynQuijano. Dennis Small be no more martyrs. Law: EdwardSpannaus Middle East: ThierryLalevee Mrs. Indira Gandhi, killed on Oct. 31, 1984, was the world's Science and Technology: Marsha Freeman greatest statesman since the death of President Charles de Gaulle of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: France. A personal friend of EIR's founding editor Lyndon H. Rachel Douglas United States: Kathleen Klenetsky LaRouche, Jr., and his wife Helga, Mrs. Gandhi had expressed to EIR in 1981 that the greatest danger in the world today is "a general INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bangkok: Pakdee and Sophie Tanapura attitude of most people to pursue what they consider to be their Bogota: Javier Almario immediate national interests, even if they are not in the long-term Bonn: George Gregory. Rainer Apel Caracas: Carlos Mendez interests of the world, and therefore themselves." Her battle to save Chicago: Paul Greenberg India from destruction now must be the battle of every one of us, if Copenhagen: Leni Thomsen the human race is to have the moral fitness to survive. Houston: HarleySchlanger Lima: Julio Echeverria Dr. Lara Bonilla, the young (not yet 40) Colombian justice min­ Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas ister who dared to indict the bankers "above suspicion" who profit JosejinaMenendez Mexico City: from the genocidal traffic in illegal drugs, was killed on April 30 in Milan: Marco Fanini Monterrey: M. Luisa de Castro Bogota. Only a few months earlier, he had extended his personal New Delhi: Susan Maitra support to protect the lives of EIR's collaborators in Colombia, Paris: Katherine Kanter threatened by the s�e drug mafia that Rome: Leonardo Servadio. Stefania Sacchi murdered him. Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy The only fitting memorial to Gandhi and Lara Bonilla is for the United Nations: Douglas DeGroot United States to launch a crash program for Mutually Assured Sur­ Washington. D.C.: Susan Kokinda. StanleyEzrol vival-the beam-weapons defense system to be shared with our allies Wiesbaden: Philip Golub. MaryLalevee. and even our adversaries, as President Reagan has insisted. On that Barbara Spahn basis, we must quickly proceed to launch the great infrastructural Executive Intelligence Review (ISSN 027�314) projects that will alone assure the survival and development of the is published weekly (50 issu£s) except for the second week ofJuly andjirst week of Janumy byNew Solidarity Third World. ImernationalPress Service304 W. 58th Street. New York. The battle in Washington over the Strategic Defense Initiative N.Y. 10019 (212) 247-8820. I" Europe:Executive intelligence Review raged openly in the final days of 1984. It must be won in the first Nacbrichtenagentur GmbH. Postfach 2308, Dotzheimerstrasse 166,0·6200Wiesbaden, weeks and months of 1985. Lead that fight with us; give this publi­ Tel: (06121) 44-90-31. Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich. Michael Liebig cation your unstinting support; and we can truly promise one anoth­ I" Mexico:BlR, Francisco Ofas Covarrubias 54 A·3 er, and the human race/or which we are responsible, a happy new Colonia San Rafael, Mexico OF. Tel: 592-0424. year. JIIpIJIIsubscription sales: O. T. O. Research Corporation, Takeuchi Bldg.,1·34-12 Takatanobaba, Shinjuku·Ku, Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 208·7821. Copyright © 1984 New Solidarity International Press Service. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission slriclly prohibited. Second-class postage paid at New York, New Yorkand at additional mailing offices. 3 months­ $125,6 months-$225, I year-S396, Single issue-$l0 Academic library rate: $245 per year _ ITillContents • Special Report Economics 20 'Pragmatic' concessions to IMF may kill debtor nations They nearly took action to force joint renegotiation of their debts, but in the end, allowed themselves to be divided once again. 23 How U.S. currency policy NSIPS helped the Soviets in 1984 Clockwise from upper left: The Schiller Institute in A chronology of the major New York demonstrates for "Star Wars"; Lyndon developments on the currency and LaRouche campaigns in Baltimore for the Democratic capital markets. presidential nomination; the Schiller Institute in Chi­ cago marches in an international "Day of Resistance" Nov. 17 against Green fascism in Germany; Robert S. 25 LaRouche's plan for McNamara and McGeorge Bundy. Eastern Ilstablish­ Pacific development ment enemies of the Strategic Defense Initiative. 26 There is an alternative to 4 1985: the year of the MAD-ness in economic oligarchy's endgame policy Some of the most critical strategic! During 1984, the LaRouche­ political developments of 1984 Riemann model was used for a were shaped largely by the ideas, series of studies of the U.S. programs, and principles of EIR economy, pointing the way to and its founder, Lyndon H. what has to be done. LaRouche, Jr. This, Editor-in­ Chief Criton Zoakos reports, has thrown certain oligarchical 28 Make 1985 the year of gentlemen into a rage. development for the starving continent of 7 LaRouche's television Africa campaign generated a political shockwave 30 Farm bankruptcies, production cuts will mean 11 Which Reagan food shortages in 1985 administration will rule A survey of the year's devastation the United States in 1985? in agriculture. 16 The Ogarkov Plan: major 32 The year in medicine: Soviet advances toward breakthroughs in science, world domination but breakdown in policy John Grauerholz, M.D. looks at 18 A year of non-stop new discoveries-and new military exercises diseases. 1 January 1, 1985 Vol. 12 No.1 International National 34 The story of the Schiller 48 EtTorts by U.S. allies put 56 U.S. election mandates Institute Mideast peace policy in MutuaBy Assured Survival By Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the Washington's reach Charles Stevens and Carol White founder and chairman of the Egypt's Mubarak was the key, but look at the year's decisive shift institution which is rapidly the administration will not have away from the policy of Mutually becoming a mass movement for long in 1985 to make good on Assured Destruction. the Inalienable Rights of Man. allies' trust. 62 Three groups contend for 37 Alliance hanging on 50 South American Democratic leadership despite pressures governments unite against after Mondale debacle Given the forces which sought to common foe: the drug The battle for control of the party break Europe from the United trade is between the Harriman wing and States, the alliance's survival is The largest drug busts in history the LaRouche Democrats.
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