SOME STOOL PIGEONS WHO MADE GOOD (See Page 2) THE PUBLISHED MILITANTWEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. XIX — No. 32 vn NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1955 PRICE: 10 Cenis At Geneva Conference “Satellite” Project Revealed As Super Weapon Experiment Gov’t Witch Hunters Confer on Strike Vote Planned as First Test Seek to Put Mine-Mill For Rocket Powered Union Out of Business Intercontinental Missile By A rt Sharon By Fred Hart The official arm of the witch hunt reached out this “It’s a project for peace,” the Eisenhower administra­ week to try to put a union out of business. Attorney Gen­ tion said in announcing plans July 30 for sending a man­ eral Brownell announced that the government was moving made satellite cruising around the earth. At a press con­ its newest big weapon against ®- ference attended by pro m ine nt® -------------------------------------------------------- Pros. Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Bulganin pose for the International Union of Mine cles it was safe to assume that scientists, James C. Hagerty, specific target. It would be slowed camera men at the recent conference in Geneva. Both sides put Mill and Smelter Workers. he was trying to arrange his White House press secretary, said down on return through tthe on a show of cordiality and friendliness before some 1,500 news­ Two weeks ago, in a speech personal participation in “Oper­ the satellite would be launched atmosphere to prevent it from paper correspondents from all over the world. The conference before a group of Texas busi­ ation Mine-Mill.” “entirely for scientific purposes.” burning up. marked an easing in the cold-war tensions but the underlying nessmen, a Brownell subordinate This newest weapon of the “ Do you mean as distinct from The advantage of such a differences in economic structure between the USSR and the broke the news that the govern­ government is contained in pro­ war-«making purposes?” he was weapon, says Baldwin, is that “ it capitalist West still portend an ultimate showdown. ment was prepared to make such visions of the notorious Brown- asked. “If you wish, yes,”’ he would nullify all known systems a move. At that time it was a eJl-Butler Bill, passed by Con­ replied. of detection, interception and dark secret as to what union gress as the Communist Control Hagerty told the reporters that defense, and would expose — the government had in mind. A c t o f 1954, th a t give the gov­ scientific information gathered in literally — virtually all the cities Some guessed that it was Mine- ernment wide powers to set out/ the satellite’s flight would be on earth to almost instantaneous Peking Shows Mill since the union was locked side the law any union which it shared with all other countries, destruction from these giant, in a tough, month-long strike considers headed by “disloyal including the Soviet Union. rockets, with thermonuclear war­ against three of the big copper leadership.” It is well known Acoording to Hagerty the heads plunging from the skies. It producers. that the definition of “disloyal” Three union heads confer on pending strike vote of Screen satellite will be a U.S. contribu­ is this vision . that has been it Wants a Deal is very elastic in Washington. Actors Guild over film ing of television shows. They are (left to The secrecy of the move is of tion to the International Geophy­ brought measurably nearer reality By Joseph Hansen the. same th in k in g th a t per­ There are many congressmen right) Frank Nelson of the American Federation .of Television sical Y ea r fro m J u ly 1957 to by the announcement of the earth AUG. 3 — The freeing of 11 U.S. fliers by the Mao suades political police the world who think that calling a strike and Radio Artists, Walter Pidgeon of the Screen Actors Guild, December 1958. In th is p ro je ct, satellite.” is disloyal. and Ralph Bellamy of Actors Equity Assn. A proposal by the regime Aug. 1 and the offer the following day to free over to make their arrests with­ scientists of 40 nations including out advance warning at around The present action came as leadership of AFTRA to possibly expel any member standing “MASTER EYE” U.S. civilians in exchange for Chinese students held in the Soviet Union, w ill conduct the 3 o’clock in the morning. the union entered the second on the Fifth Amendment is meeting with sharp criticism as most comprehensive study of the In between the first experi­ the United Slates indicate the 5)------------------------------------------------------- At the same time a little com­ month of its strike, involving weakening the union’s stand In the current struggle with earth ever undertaken. mental satellite and the IBM readiness of the new government coupled with economic strangu­ edy side play gave a tip-off that 30,000 workers, against three management. might come the reconnaissance of China to reach an understand­ lation. But in Korea they were Mine-Mill was the objective of big copper producers. In re­ MAN-MADE MOON space vehicle, says Baldwin. It ing with Washington. hurled back by the revolutionary the witch hunters. Howard Rush- sponse to loud clamor from the Sometime in 1957 or 1958 the would circle the earth endlessly, The announced purpose of the force of the Chinese and Korean more, a professional informer, bosses for application of some U.S. government will shoot a equipped with radio and radar Geneva conference between Am­ peoples. And economic strangu­ arranged a disappearance from law to the union, the adminis­ round object about the size of a beacons and perhaps television bassador Wang ¡Pin-nan and Am­ lation has proved just as ineffec­ a Chicago Hotel only to turn up tration announced that it was Max Shachtman basketball 200 to 300 miles away cameras, ft would be the “master bassador Ural Alexis Johnson tive despite the hardships it has three days later in Butte, Mon­ looking into the possibility of from the earth, then send it eye of the sky.” was to negotiate over the release worked on China. tana, with the explanation that using the Taft-Hartley Law. But circling the globe at 18,000 miles Baldwin’s account is borne out of the imprisoned Americans. The correct course Tor Ameri­ he went underground to! check it finally settled upon the Butler- an hour. Two rockets working in by the fact that the U-S. .Defense The negotiations over this mat­ can workers to follow is clear. on certain “secret communists” Act. The union is considered Wins Passport relay will propel the satellite Department — rather than an ter were finished apparently in It is to demand full recognition fomenting the copper strikes more vulnerable under that law The U.S. State Department finally backed down in its beyond the earth’s atmosphere in te rn a tio n a l scie n tific commvis- two days with the concessions of China and an end to the eco­ and/or escape from these same since it is outside of the two and a final rocket will hurtle it (Continued on page 2) made by the Chinese government. nomic blockade so that the Chin­ “secret communists” who wore main labor federations, and has refusal to grant a passport to Max Shachtman, Chairman into the orbit where the man­ Dulles responded in Washing­ ese people can work out their stalking him. In view of Rush- Stalinists in its leadership. of the Independent Socialist League. The backing down made moon will keep travelling ton by stating that the “price” own fate without pressure from more’s close connection with Numerous attempts have been took the form of a phone call on®------------------------------------------------------- under its own momentum. of U.S. “cooperation” with China abroad. Washington witch-hunting cir- made to unseat this leadership August 1 from the State Depart­ struggle of the ISL against its After a few days or weeks the E n o u g h ! was the renunciation of the use and to break up the union. But ment to Joseph Rauh, Jr., Shacht- listing as “subversive,” things satellite, dropping back towards of force by the Chinese govern­ the membership has remained man’s attorney, stating that if have quieted down temporarily. earth, will be consumed by the ment in seeking to accomplish unmoved by all the agitation. As he would only send over the cus­ The first hearing ever granted intense heat from friction with its aims. By this the head of the is usual in these cases the mem­ tomary $10 fee he would be a blacklisted organization broke the atmosphere. State Dept, referred to the Chi­ Cost of Living Index bership is more concerned over given a passport for, the ISL up after two days (July 25-26), The administration maintained nese desire to free Quemoy, Mat­ bread and butter problems than leader. with ISL attorney Rauh asking that even if it carried no instru­ su, the .Pescadores and Formosa. the politics of union officials. On June 23 the U.S. Court of Attorney General Brownell to re­ ments, she satellite would still Dulles’ statement sounds as if Cries of "communism” against Appeals in Washington, D.C., place the hearing examiner be­ pioneer a technical development it were meant primarily for the Moves Upward Again the leadership only evoke sus­ ruled th a t Shachtm an had been cause of bias. On August 1 leading to great, scientific ad­ China lobby and right-wing Re­ The Bureau of Labor Statistics has thrown a bucket picion of the motives of the illegally deprived of a passport Brownell replied that an affi­ vances.
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