Taxa Introduced in the Basteria. With this list we like to give you some insight regarding all taxa up to genera level introduced as new in the Basteria. This list will provide all information regarding the original publication of the species. This will include the page numbers, figures, plates, type location and its current taxonimic location in families. To compile this list we used the list of sovereing states for locations and correct spelling of country names. We used WoRMS for marine species, and a preliminary list of family and genera taxa for terrestrial molluscs in order to determine the current family location of the genera in which species are described. In this list we have also added all nomen novum species. For (sub)genera and nomen novum descriptions fields of country and locality are left empty. Version 2.1 includes all taxa up to volume 82(1-3). Group Family Original species combination Authors and year Country Locality Volume pages and figures Bivalvia Astartidae †Astarte (Isocrassina) omalii Spaink, 1968 Netherlands Baarlo (Peel region), boring no. 9, depth 100-160 m, Middle 32 8, pl. 1, fig. 1a- peelsensis Mioceen. b, 5a-b Bivalvia Astartidae †Astarte alternicostata Spaink, 1972 Netherlands Reek, “Flachbohrung 41”, 45F/48, depth 14.00-31.80m, Upper 36 21, fig. 6a-c Miocene-Pliocene. Bivalvia Astartidae †Astarte irregularis Spaink, 1972 Netherlands Westerschelde near Ellewoutsdijk, dredged from Pliocene 36 23, fig. 4, 7a-c, deposits from a depth of about 22-28m for harvesting shells 8a-b for lime kilns. Found in the shell heaps of the lime kiln of Brielle. Bivalvia Astartidae †Astarte mutabilis altenoi Spaink, 1972 Netherlands Westerschelde near Ellewoutsdijk, found in the heaps of 36 26, fig. 5a-c, Pliocene shells of the lime kiln at Brielle. 9a-c Bivalvia Astartidae †Astarte neerlandica Spaink, 1974 38 17 Bivalvia Astartidae †Astarte omalii latecostata Spaink, 1972 Netherlands Westerschelde, near Ellewoutsdijk, found in the shell heaps of 36 25, fig. 1a-b the lime kiln at Brielle. Upper Pliocene. Bivalvia Cardiidae †Acanthocardia sliggersi Moerdijk & Ter Poorten, Netherlands Zuid-Holland, Maassluis, borehole 37B25, 112-115m below 70 90, fig. 1-3, 5 2006 surface, Maassluis Formation, Gelasian. Bivalvia Cardiidae Cardium maxicostatum Ter Poorten, 2007 Republic of the Congo Brazzavile, Pointe Indienne, from fisherman, 7 nov. 71 65, fig. 7-8, 10- Congo 1972. 13, 17-18, 21 Bivalvia Cardiidae Cerastoderma edule var. sinicola Lacourt, 1974 France Bassin d’Arcachon, la “petite baie” près de Cape Ferret, Sep. 38 139, fig. 12-14 1972. Bivalvia Cardiidae Fragum vanuatuense Ter Poorten, 2015 Vanuatu Espiritu Santo, Segond Channel, vicinity of Maritime College, 79 115, fig. 1-6, 15°31.4’S, 167°10.0’E, 7-8m depth, 13 oct. 2006, SANTO 2006 12, 18 expedition, st. LD30. Bivalvia Cardiidae Fulvia (Fulvia) nienkeae Ter Poorten, 2012 France - New Grand Passage, 19°49.8’S 163°47.7’E, 31-36m, alive, 27 apr. 76 118, fig. 1-2, 6- Caledonia 2008, leg. P. Bouchet & P. Lozouet, CONCALIS, stn. CC2931, 1 13 p.v. Bivalvia Cardiidae Maoricardium pseudolatum Voskuil & Onverwagt, Indonesia West Sumatra, Padang, leg. E. Jacobson, 5 feb. 1914. 55 31, fig. 1-3, 12 1991 Bivalvia Cardiidae Nemocardium australojaponicum Ter Poorten, 2013 Japan Kyushu, Fukuoka Pref., Genkai Nada, off Fukuoka, Summer 77 59, fig. 1-2, 24- 1977, leg. A. Matsukuma 27, 41 Bivalvia Cardiidae Nemocardium enigmaticum Ter Poorten, 2013 New Zealand off Hutchison Bluff, Raoul Isl., 29°13.00”S, 177°59.00”W, 84- 77 64, fig. 1-2, 33- 113m, 24 aug. 1972, RV Acheron, st. 1972296. 38, 43 Bivalvia Cardiidae Nemocardium fulvum Ter Poorten, 2013 India India, SE. part, Tamil Nadu, off Colachel, trawled by fisherman, 77 63, fig. 1-2, 28- 70-125m, aug. 2011, alive. 32, 42 Bivalvia Cardiidae Parvicardium carrozzai Van Aartsen & Goud, 2001 Italy Tuscan Sea, 200-300m 65 117, fig. 1-3, 7- 8, 11 Bivalvia Cardiidae Parvicardium vroomi Van Aartsen, Menkhorst & 48 67, fig. 394 Gittenberger, 1984 Bivalvia Cardiidae Trifaricardium morrisoni Ter Poorten & Huber, Australia Western Australia, S of Rowley Shoals, 17°20’S, 119°10’E, 71 71, fig. 5-9 2007 depth 300 m, leg. K. Ozawa, 20 dec. 1969, sta. UMD/69/21 Bivalvia Cardiidae Vepricardium vidali Ter Poorten & Dekker, Yemen Wadi Masilah, 10 km W of wadi, 15⁰08’27”N, 50⁰59’36”E, on 66 101, fig. 1-5 2002 the beach (Tibia-II Expedition, H. Dekker & F.G. de Ceuninck van Capelle leg., 11 oct. 1995). Bivalvia Cuspidariidae Cuspidaria (Cardiomya) obliqua De Boer, 1985 CANCAP V Sta. 20, 37⁰16’N, 24⁰44’W, depth 240-245m. 49 101, fig. 1-2 Bivalvia Cuspidariidae Cuspidaria (Myonera) canariensis De Boer, 1985 CANCAP II Sta. 58, 27⁰58’N, 13⁰24’W, depth 500m. 49 102, fig. 3-5 Bivalvia Cuspidariidae Cuspidaria altenai Knudsen, 2005 ‘Luymes’ Surinam Shelf Expedition, March-April 1969, OCPS II, 69 128, fig. 4, 14- Sta. K100. 15 Bivalvia Cuspidariidae Cuspidaria luymesi Knudsen, 2005 ‘Snellius’ Surinam Shelf Expedition, March-May 1966, OCPS I, 69 126, fig. 3-4 stations: B2/1v, A9/1v, A10/1v, A11/1v, F41/1v, H57/1v. Bivalvia Cyclochlamydidae Cyclochlamys wakensis Dijkstra, 2013 Pacific: Wake Atoll, off the south side of Wake Island, 77 18, fig. 1-8 19°17’24”N, 166°36’33”E, 15-18m, dead, sand and rubble, leg. B.K. Raines, jun. 2012. Bivalvia Kelliidae Bornia canariensis Hoeksema & Simons, 2011 Spain North-east side Playa de las Canteras, Las Palmas de Gran 75 31, fig. 1-2 Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain. Bivalvia Lasaeidae Scacchia exserta Van der Linden, 1996 Cape Verde W. of Boa Vista, 16⁰10’N, 22⁰59’W, depth 46m, CANCAP 1986, 60 63, fig. 1-4 Sta. 7.066. Bivalvia Lasaeidae Scacchia maura Van der Linden, 1996 Mauritania off Banc d’Arguin, 20⁰00’N, 17⁰21’W, depth 41 m, MAU-II, sta. 60 57, fig. 1-3 078. Bivalvia Limidae Acesta kronenbergi Thach, 2014 Vietnam Offshore, southeast of Nhatrang City, Khánh Hòa Province, 78 100, fig. 1-7 central Vietnam. Bivalvia Lucinidae †Divaricella juttingae Spaink, 1965 Netherlands Dubbeldam near Dordrecht, boring G.D. 44B/3 (old nr. 29 55, fig. 1-2 546/266), depth 118.40-123.00 m. “Marine Icenian”. Bivalvia Lucinidae Loripes (Keletistes) Oliver, 1986 50 53 Bivalvia Lucinidae Loripes (Keletistes) rhizoecus Oliver, 1986 Nigeria Odeama area of the Niger Delta, 4⁰22’N, 6⁰30’E. 50 47, fig. 1-4, 7 Bivalvia Mactridae †Spisula hartingi Spaink, 1958 Netherlands sand from a dredger from a depth of 20 to 30m below O.D. in 22 15, fig. 1 the “Slotermeer”, a small lake near the drained area, Eemian. Bivalvia Mesodesmatidae Regterenia De Rooij-Schuiling, 1972 36 59 Bivalvia Montacutidae †Altenaeum Spaink, 1972 36 144 Bivalvia Montacutidae †Altenaeum nortoni Spaink, 1972 Netherlands Boring 71GD19, North Sea, Brown Bank, 95 km off the coast of 36 144, fig. 1-2 North Holland, 52⁰36’02”N. 03⁰11’03”E., 7.00-8.00 metres below surface of the bottom. Eemian. Bivalvia Mytilidae Lithophaga punctata Kleemann & Hoeksema, Indonesia SE of Samalona I. (7.5 km W. Of Makassar), 5⁰07’S, 119⁰0’E, 28 66 12, fig. 1-5, 12 2002 apr. 1994. Bivalvia Noetiidae †Striarca lactea scaldensis Van Regteren Altena, 1962 Netherlands from shell beds in the bottom of the Westerschelde. 26 2, fig. 1 Bivalvia Nuculanidae Nuculana illirica Carrozza, 1987 Italy 14 km S. Of Rijeka, depth 60-70m 51 159, fig. 1-3 Bivalvia Pectinidae †Capedopecten Dijkstra & Janssen, 1988 52 177 Bivalvia Pectinidae †Capedopecten anellus Dijkstra & Janssen, 1988 Belgium Berchem/Borgerhout, province of Antwerp, temporary 52 179, fig. 1-3, 5 excavations for E3 ‘Kleine Ring’ motorway. Bivalvia Pectinidae †Pecten grandis f. gliberti Van Regteren Altena, et al. Netherlands (?) 30 59,fig. 31b 1966 Bivalvia Pectinidae Aequipecten nicklesi Dijkstra, 1998 62 247 Bivalvia Pectinidae Anguipecten pacificus Dijkstra, 2002 France - French French Polynesia, Marquesas Islands (Musorstom 9 cruise; 66 139, fig. 1-4 Polynesia Bouchet, Dayrat & Richer de Forges leg.), Stn DW 1281, Motu One, 07⁰48’S, 140⁰21’W, 450-455m. Bivalvia Pectinidae Anguipecten picturatus Dijkstra, 1995 59 17 Bivalvia Pectinidae Bractechlamys georgei Dijkstra, 1998 62 246 Bivalvia Pectinidae Chlamys (Chlamys) liltvedi Wagner, 1984 South Africa Sodwana Bay, Zululand, at a depth of 18m under rocks on reef, 48 3, fig. 1-4 covered with sponges, leg. W.R. Liltved. Bivalvia Pectinidae Chlamys elsae Wagner, 1988 Philippines Bohol, Panglao, taken by deep-water nets at 80-150m, 1985, 52 37, fig. 1-6 coll. A. Moncur. Bivalvia Pectinidae Excellichlamys sowerbyi Dijkstra, 1998 62 247 Bivalvia Pectinidae Karnekampia Wagner, 1988 52 41 Bivalvia Pectinidae Laevichlamys brettinghami Dijkstra, 1998 62 246 Bivalvia Pectinidae Mirapecten boutetorum Dijkstra, 2011 France - French French Polynesia, Society Islands, Tahiti, NNW-coast, Arua, 75 64, fig. 1-12 Polynesia ocean-side of barrier reef, 17’30’S, 149’31’W, 60m alive, dive, 2008. Bivalvia Pectinidae Pascahinnites Dijkstra & Raines, 1999 63 200 Bivalvia Pectinidae Pecten stillmani Dijkstra, 1998 62 247 Bivalvia Pectinidae Pecten sulcicostatus var. casa Van Bruggen, 1961 South Africa off Port Alfred, trawled alive. 25 31, pl. 1, fig. 1- 3 Bivalvia Pectinidae Perapecten Wagner, 1985 49 84 Bivalvia Pectinidae Pseudohinnites Dijkstra, 1989 53 29 Bivalvia Pectinidae Pseudohinnites levii Dijkstra, 1989 France - New 23⁰25’S, 167⁰53’E, 965 m depth, “Jean Charcot”, BIOCAL sta. 53 31, fig. 1-3 Caledonia DW 70, coll. Bouchet, Métivier & Richer de Forges, 4 Sep. 1985. Bivalvia Pectinidae Serratovola angusticostata Dijkstra, 2008 Philippines Cebu, Mactan Island, Punta Engano, 10.31667 N, 124.0167 E, 72 60, fig. 7-12 80-150m, alive ‘tangle-net’ fishing, 1981. Bivalvia Pectinidae Veprichlamys deynzerorum Dijkstra, 2004 Philippines Bohol, N-side, Calituban Islets, 30-40m, alive, amongst reef 67 130, fig.
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