"tbaho baho uy;" uy;" baho "tbaho sunv kfl do "cguko eyi - zv vtso": tmk fk tjs habo )mrhfu, kvhu,( fk v,fubu, vt- v,fubu, fk kvhu,( )mrhfu, habo tjs fk tmk vtso": zv - eyi "cguko do kfl sunv nuru,: v,ue; uvgumnv ak "tbaho"' vzni uvfuju, aku vnxudkho umrhfho kvbvhd ukvaphg kvbvhd umrhfho vnxudkho aku uvfuju, vzni "tbaho"' ak uvgumnv v,ue; nuru,: ukvthr nxchcu' cvbvd, vguko' ufi - ak "baho" - cvbvd, vch,' uhjs go zv do mrhl kvhu, mrhl do zv go uhjs vch,' ëîåúå cvbvd, - àãí "baho" ùì ak - ufi vguko' ùìåçå cvbvd, nxchcu' ukvthr äàçøéåú äâãåìä åäæëåú äðôìàä tso"' nfk åäæëåú vkuns jfo- äâãåìä "thzvu jz"k: fkaui äàçøéåú unjubl' ,knhs do udo cfl nkns, nmu, "vevk" t, fk hjhs' c"guko eyi" aku' avut bsra "kvevhk" t, fk t, "kvevhk" bsra avut aku' eyi" c"guko hjhs' fk t, "vevk" nmu, nkns, cfl udo ,fubu,hu vaubu,' ak "tbaho' baho uy;"' ukvfbhx tu,o c"ch, vnesa" vpbhnh aku' vpbhnh vnesa" c"ch, tu,o ukvfbhx uy;"' baho "tbaho' ak vaubu,' ,fubu,hu cv,nxru, nujky, kscr vnkl' zv vec"v' gs ahvhu fuko jsurho fkhk c"khrtv t, vao"/ vao"/ t, c"khrtv fkhk jsurho fuko ahvhu gs vec"v' zv vnkl' kscr nujky, cv,nxru, uhv"r afk tjs utj,' fukk hksho eybho' hbmku t, vtparuhu, uvfuju, vck,h rdhkho' aabv rdhkho' vck,h uvfuju, vtparuhu, t, hbmku eybho' hksho fukk utj,' tjs afk uhv"r zu' "ab, vevk" nchtv t,v' cfk gbhbho vtnurho' ctupi ahcutu khsh ngav cpugk/ cpugk/ ngav khsh ahcutu ctupi vtnurho' gbhbho cfk t,v' nchtv vevk" "ab, zu' )nnf,c uw ,arh ,an"j( ,arh uw )nnf,c INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SHLUCHOS 18-22 Shevat, 5769 • February 12-16, 2009 LUBAVITCH WORLD HEADQUARTERS 770 Eastern Parkway, Crown Heights, New York In response, Merkos Linyonei Chinuch, has invested ever WELCOME TO THE 21ST greater resources and attention to make this year’s kinus a YEAR OF THE ANNUAL KINUS rewarding event for each participating Shlucha. For this we A HLUCHOS thank you, and we recommit our steadfastness and H S ! determination to advance the wishes of the Rebbe gWhz. 5769/2009 The Kinus is a forum for introducing new ideas and for seeking s Shluchos world round we have matured, we have creative solutions to the different challenges that occur in the withstood difficult moments with dignity, life of Shlichus. Towards this end, the program is replete with Ainternalized important lessons and found renewed presentations covering many of our Shlichus activities. This strength in our sisterhood. A family, almost 4000 strong, we year there is also a greater focus on introspection and gather in an atmosphere of kedusha, to listen and to learn, to opportunities to discuss and deal with each shlucha’s personal share and to gain. development. B’rov Am Hadras Melech, each shlucha has made great effort The 21st yahrzeit of the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka to participate, to be here, to stand up and be counted, so that vWg, is a milestone year for the Kinus. It is therefore especially our very numbers bear witness to the phenomenon of our important to experience the spiritual growth and deepened growth that defies any explanation. hiskashrus with the Rebbe that the Kinus hopes to advance. We 1 have dedicated a full day, a Yom Iyun, with a spotlight on study and delving into the inspiring sources that guide us day to day. Merkos Mentors For the Shluchos of Eretz Yisroel and the CIS, this year’s This year once again a mentoring program will be hosted. program holds added delights in a very directed program of The offices at Merkos enlisted the help of many Shluchos workshops specific to their needs. with expertise and experience in dealing with specific The solidarity among Shluchos, the experience of od ohjt ,ca Shlichus issues. Shluchim and Shluchos are available sjh, has proven to be a tremendous bolstering and exhilarating throughout the Kinus for one-on-one discussions. benefit of the Kinus. It is our hope that each of you will leave Shluchos may sign up for individual sessions. These initial this year’s Kinus nurtured and fortified in both practical and consultations will be followed up with guidance from the spiritual terms, giving you the provisions to grow and new mentoring Shluchos throughout the year as needed. This skills to succeed in your respective Makom HaShlichus. program offers a guidance and counseling service as well Many thanks to the Vaad HaKinus and all Shluchos who as an advice and referral center. There is a list of available participated in developing this year’s Kinus conference. They shluchos / mentors and their individualspecialties on line. have voluntarily devoted long hours, expertise, much thought For further information and to register please visit and attention to make this a memorable experience for you. www.MerkosMentors.com . Hanholas Kinus HaShluchos The Program Guide on vibrate throughout the general program and workshop ses- This program booklet also includes the Guest and Post-Seminary sions. conferences' schedules, following the main shluchos program. All shluchos will receive an official ID necklace upon registration, All sessions and meals must begin and end on time; please be plus a special bracelet. You will need to display your ID to gain ad- punctual. mittance to all sessions and meals. The bracelet needs to be worn to gain access to the banquet. All sessions will be held at Oholei Torah, located at 667 Eastern Parkway (a block away from 770), and at the Jewish Children’s Please wear your ID necklace throughout the entire Kinus (except Museum, 792 Eastern Parkway (Kingston Avenue corner of East- Shabbos) as a way of introduction to your fellow shluchos. ern Parkway). A private nursing station will be available at all times during the The Gala Banquet will be held at the New York Hilton Hotel, lo- Kinus in the womens' lounge on the lower level and in the Library cated at 1335 Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan. on the 3rd floor. Simultaneous translation into Hebrew will be available at all gen- Beginning Thursday evening through Sunday there will once eral sessions as well as the Banquet; radios will be available in the again be an information/welcome booth in the lobby. lobby of Oholei Torah before each session. Round trip transportation from central Crown Heights locations Due to the ever-increasing number of shluchos attending, we ask will be provided for the banquet. Please see page 37 for details. for your cooperation; please check your coats at the coatroom on The Babysitting service will be in the large ballroom on the 2nd the lower level, which will be staffed during all hours of the Kinus. floor. This will enable us to properly care for your children in the As a courtesy to your fellow shluchos, please set your cell phones best facilities. Babysitting will be available for pre-registered nurs- 3 ing babies only during the hours of the Kinus. Please remember that your baby may be unaccustomed to his/her new surroundings Bais Rivkah Production and as a result, the babysitter may need your attention at any time during the day. Please bring along any supplies that your baby "SET THE STAGE" might require. For older children, please inquire about other op- Show 1: 7:30 p.m. ~ Thursday, February 12 tions at the babysitting registration area. The elevator will be Show 2: 12:30 p.m. ~ Sunday, February 15 staffed during the Kinus. Please enter through the school entrance Show 3: 3:00 p.m. ~ Sunday, February 15 door on the street level and take the elevator to the babysitting Show 4: 7:30 p.m. ~ Monday, February 16 area on the 2nd floor. There will be babysitting at the museum. Tickets can be purchased from Judaica World, 329 Kingston Ave. Our thanks and appreciation to the Vaad of Shluchos coordinat- Sari Gottlieb 718-207-0456 ing all aspects of the Kinus, together with the New York based Tickets $18, $25, $36, $50 committees. Their names appear at the end of this booklet. The Hanholas HaKinus has arranged for the Rebbe's room to be open for Shluchos on Thursday evening, 18th of Shevat from 9:00 SHLUCHA APPRECIATION RAFFLE: - 10:00 pm and on Motzoei Shabbos, 20th of Shevat, from 7:30 to You don’t have to do a single thing. Just by registering 8:30 pm for the KINUS you are eligible for the gifts your sister shluchas have collected. Wonderful and practical bWp Finally, please remember to sign the in the lobby. We wish prizes might be yours ! you an enjoyable and inspiring Kinus! Prizes will be drawn daily. Hatzlacha Raba Hanholas Kinus HaShluchos, 5769 Workshop Information shop. Kindly save your questions and comments for then and limit In shluchos' work today, an increasing amount of time is spent on many them to the subject matter. diverse ideas, concepts, projects and programs. This year's workshops * CD’s of all sessions will be available after the Kinus at Kinus.com. will highlight popular and effective examples of this dynamic diver- Each CD will cost $3.00. Please note the code of each session in this sity, giving shluchos a more meaningful productive dialogue, new and program booklet and quote it when buying the CD. innovative programs and systems for their mosdos. * Workshop presenters are politely reminded to speak clearly into the All workshops will be held in the conference rooms and shul located microphone while presenting, and to repeat each question, allowing on Oholei Torah's third floor and at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
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