THE MAGAZINE OF CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY CLU MAGAZINESUMMER 2004 VOLUME 11 NUMBER 3 BREAKING FINDINGTHE TREATMENTSCODE: FOR THE WORLD’S MOST DEVASTATING VIRUSES Publisher Ritch K. Eich, Ph.D. Summer 2004 Volume 11 Number 3 Mark your place in CLU’s history Editor in Chief Carol Keochekian ’81 Here is a unique opportunity to gain recognition in Cal Lutheran’s new Sports and Fitness Copy Editor Peggy L. Johnson Center with a brick or tile that bears your name or that of a loved one. THE MAGAZINE OF CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY Art Director Michael L. Adams ’72 Editor’s Page . .4 Sports Editor Scott Flanders President’s Page . .5 Alumni Editor Campus Highlights . .6 Elaine Benditson, MBA ’03 Sports Highlights . 10 Class Notes Assistant Editor Doris Daugherty Calendar . 31 Contributing Writers Lynda Paige Fulford, MPA ’97 FEATURE STORIES Della Greenlee ’82 Editorial Board Members 12 Looking Back Bryan Card ’01 Retiring professor Dr. J. T. Ledbetter Randall Donohue, Ph.D. takes a warm look back at 34 years Lynda Paige Fulford, MPA ’97 Mike Fuller, MS ’97 of joy and promise as a CLU faculty Tim Hengst ’72 member. Jennifer (Dowling ’94) Marsteen Michael McCambridge, Ed.D. Ryann (Hartung ’99) Moresi Sheryl Wiley Solomon Bruce Stevenson ’80, Ph.D. Cynthia Wyels, Ph.D. 12 15 On the Air! 10 Years and Mission of Counting... California Lutheran University From sign-on celebration to 10th anni- California Lutheran University is a diverse scholarly community dedicated to excellence in versary, it’s been a wild, rewarding ride the liberal arts and professional studies. Rooted for General Manager Mary Olson and in the Lutheran tradition of Christian faith, the KCLU staff. the University encourages critical inquiry into matters of both faith and reason. The mission of Your Name the University is to educate leaders for a global society who are strong in character and judgment, confident in their identity and vocation, and 15 committed to service and justice. 18 Si Señor CLU MAGAZINE Summer 2004, Volume 11, The next time you’re searching for Donor Bricks Donor Tiles Number 3. © Copyright 2004 by California inspiration, try sitting under a coconut Lutheran University. CLU Magazine is published by: A beautifully landscaped fountain area is proposed for Beautiful personalized 3” x 6” donor tiles will form tree. That’s where Siana-Lea Valencia California Lutheran University Gildard ’96 got the idea for Breathing the plaza just outside the Sports and Fitness Center. the frames for a collection of tile murals depicting the 60 West Olsen Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-2787 Fire Productions’ latest play starring Mr. Donor bricks will surround the fountain in a pattern history of CLU. The photo-like murals will hang in one of Phone: (805) 493-3151 Coconut aka Señor Coco. designed to simulate the CLU symbol. Each brick is $125. the main corridors of the center. Each tile is $250. [email protected] The views expressed in this magazine do not To purchase your own brick or tile, simply fill out the form below or necessarily reflect California Lutheran University 18 purchase online at www.clunet.edu/campaign. policies. Editorial material should be submitted to: 20 Breaking the Code CLU Magazine Hepatitis C, AIDS, HIV, feline leukemia California Lutheran University 60 West Olsen Road #1800 - students in Professor Dennis Revie’s I want to leave my mark on CLU’s Sports and Fitness Center! Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-2787 biology class are among a team of Yes! researchers looking for answers that Name ____________________________________________ Please inscribe my brick or tile as follows: California Lutheran University is accredited by the will lead to treatments for these dev- Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges astating viruses. Phone ___________________ E-mail ___________________ Up to three lines of up to 20 characters per line for bricks: and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Address ___________________________________________ 20 City _______________________ State ______ZIP _________ California Lutheran University is com mitted to assuring equal opportunity to all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, Enclosed is my check for $_________ payable to California race, color, religion, age or marital status or ALUMNI NEWS Lutheran University ($125 per brick) ($250 per tile) veteran’s status, national or ethnic origin. No One line of up to 30 characters for tiles: qualified individual is excluded from admission, 24 Class Notes Please charge $_________ to my VISA Mastercard employment, or participation in any educational ------------------------------ program, activity or facility by reason of his or her Card no. ______________________ Exp. date ___________ disability, providing the individual could properly 29 Milestones Copy this form for additional orders. perform with reasonable accommodation. Signature __________________________________________ Make checks payable to California Lutheran University Cover Images.com: Joe Baker California Lutheran University 60 West Olsen Road #1700 25 and mail to: Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 For further information: E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (805) 493-3156 www.clunet.edu/campaign CLU Administration Luther S. Luedtke, Ph.D. Magazine Highest Source of CLU Information University President What’s in a name? A. Joseph Everson, Ph.D. eaders of CLU Magazine overwhelm- gave high marks for general aesthetic appeal. Interim Provost and Dean of the Faculty Riinglyngly iindicatedndicated iinn a rrecentecent ssurveyurvey SSeventy-seveneventy-seven percentpercent feelsfeels thethe Robert Allison, M.B.A. tthathat tthehe mmagazineagazine iiss oonene ooff ttheirheir mmostost llengthength ooff thethe articlesarticles isis “just“ just By Luther S. Luedtke Vice President for Administration and Finance ffrequentrequent ssourcesources ofof infor-infor- rright”ight” aandnd 2200 ppercentercent deemeddeemed Ritch K. Eich, Ph.D. mation about the tthemhem tootoo long.long. Vice President for Marketing and ���������������������������������������������� University. MMagazineagazine sectionssections mmostost Communications SPRING 2004 VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2 NNinetyinety percentpercent ffavoredavored bbyy readersreaders areare classclass William Rosser, M.S. ooff tthehe 200200 peoplepeople ������������ nnotes/milestones,otes/milestones, hhigh-igh- Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students CLU’s firstrrespondesp graduatingond i n ngg tto oclass t h hee llightsights aandnd features.features. TopicsTopics BRIAN STETHEM mmailail andand e-maile-mail ques-ques- ooff ggreatestreatest iinterestnterest iincludenclude R. Stephen Wheatly ’77, J.D. s both our North Campus Athletics instill pride, which can be accomplished more Vice President for University Advancement ttionnaireionnaire markedmarked thethe rrecentecent accomplishmentsaccomplishments mmagazineagazine aass ttheirheir hhigh-igh- aatt CCLU,LU, uupdatespdates oonn nnewew Complex and another 180-student resi- readily with one name than two. Tell us what you think. Michael Brint, Ph.D. eestst sourcesource ofof informa-informa- ffacilitiesacilities aandnd ccurrenturrent dence hall enter construction, a spirit of Prior to presenting its resolution, the ASCLU Dean, College of Arts and Sciences A Give us your opinion ttionion wwhilehile 4141 ppercentercent iissuesssues atat CLU.CLU. pride and support for the University is spreading – in cooperation with the Athletics Department, Randall Lindsey, Ph.D. nnamedamed tthehe CLUCLU WebWeb site.site. ““TheThe iinforma-nforma- throughout the community. A few weeks ago the Student Life Office and the Marketing about changing the nick- Interim Dean, School of Education I received a handwritten letter – in pencil on and Communications Division – conducted RRespondentsespondents werewere askedasked toto ttionion wwee ggatheredathered fromfrom name of our athletic teams. Charles Maxey, Ph.D. sselectelect aass mmanyany sourcessources asas areare this survey will be lined paper – from a third-grader at Wildwood an assessment of students’ opinions about the Dean, School of Business Elementary School urging that we repaint the University’s nicknames. About one-third of the E-mail your thoughts to EDITOR’S PAGE aapplicablepplicable tthushus tthehe ttotalotal per-per- very valuable to us ccentageentage eexceedsxceeds 1100.00. OtherOther aass wwee planplan futurefuture issues,”issues,” saidsaid stone “CLU” letters on Mt. Clef Ridge in our undergraduate student body responded to the [email protected] Board of Regents llessess frequentlyfrequently identifiidentifi eded sourc-sourc- CCarolarol KKeochekian,eochekian, CCLULU MMagazineagazine Editor in school colors – purple and gold. electronic questionnaire. William J. Kane, Chair It seems everyone is thinking about the mot- The survey revealed that 73.64 percent of or write to CLU Magazine, Randolph L. Kohn, Vice Chair es were electronic newsletter (26 percent) Chief. “Many readers took time to include James D. Power IV, Secretary and newspaper articles (24 percent). comments and recommendations that we toes, logos, signs and images of CLU including respondents either dislike or are indifferent to California Lutheran University, our mascot and the names of our sports teams. the CLU nicknames (Kingsmen and Regals), Michael Bradbury In evaluating the magazine, 89 percent can incorporate. Our goal is continuous 60 W. Olsen Road #1800, PRESIDENT’S PAGE Guy Erwin, Ph.D. said it was very or highly readable; 87 per- improvement of the magazine, and sur- During
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