Sept. 12, 1950 W. ANGST 2,522,337 MACH METER Filed Dec. 9, 1944 2 Sheets-Sheet. INVENTOR. M/2 2.7aar alwg,57. A77OAMA). Sept. 12, 1950 W. ANGST 2,522,337 MACH METER Filed Dec. 9, 1944 2. Sheets-Sheet 2 N 2 2 %/ NYSASSESSN S2,222,W N N22N \ As I, mtRumaIII-m- III It's EARAs i RNSITIE, 2 72/ INVENTOR, M247 aeawosz. "/m2.ATTORNEY. Patented Sept. 12, 1950 2,522,337 UNITED STATES ; :PATENT OFFICE 2,522,337 MACH METER Walter Angst, Manhasset, N. Y., assignor to Square D Company, Detroit, Mich., a corpora tion of Michigan Application December 9, 1944, Serial No. 567,431 3 Claims. (Cl. 73-182). is 2 This invention relates to a Mach meter for air plurality of posts 8. Upon one of the posts 8 are craft for indicating the ratio of the true airspeed mounted a pair of serially connected aneroid cap of the craft to the speed of sound in the medium sules 9 and upon another of the posts 8 is in which the aircraft is traveling and the object mounted a diaphragm capsuler it. The aneroid of the invention is the provision of an instrument s: capsules 9 are sealed and the interior of the cas-l of this type for indicating the Mach number of an . ing is placed in communication with the static aircraft in fight. opening of a Pitot static tube through an opening The maximum safe Mach number of any air in the casing, not shown. The interior of the dia craft is the value of the ratio of true airspeed to phragm capsule is connected through the tub the speed of sound at which the laminar flow of ing 2 to the Pitot or pressure opening of the Pitot air over the wings fails and shock Waves are en static tube through the opening 3 in the back countered. This indicates an undesirable and wall of the casing. dangerous condition because of control difficul A lug 4 is connected to the diaphragm capsule ties and structural stresses. The instrument, ac- . lf and has pivoted therein a link 5 to which is '' cording to the present invention, permits the de adjustably attached a link 6. Upon the link 6 . termination of this maximum safe Mach number is adjustably mounted a plate f7 carrying a lever for any given aircraft, which number when ap arm 8. An extension on the link 6 terminates in an abutment 9 against which bears a spring plied correctly to a conventional airspeed indi 2 of U-shape. One of the supporting posts 8 has speed.cator shows the maximum safe indicated air 20 a platelike transverse extension 22 at the edge of The Conventional airspeed indicator measures.’ which are disposed a plurality of adjustable studs. the difference between the Pitot and static pres 23 forming stops for the elongated leg of the U Sures of a Pitot static tube and is conventionally. ' shaped spring 2 and serving to calibrate the referred to as the indicated airspeed. To inter movement of the diaphragm capsule fl. Upon pret this measurement in terms of true airspeed, the rear surface of the plate 7 are a pair of sup it is necessary to compensate for variation in air ports 24 and 25. Within the supports 24 and 25 temperature and altitude pressure. The speed of is mounted a shaft 26 for rotative and limited . sound varies with air temperature, but is inde longitudinal movement. A light spring 27 biases: pendent of altitude pressure. Since true airspeed the shaft 26 for rotation in a counterclockwise di and the speed of Sound are equally affected by air rection as viewed in Figure 4 and also for move temperature no compensation for temperature is 30 ment downwardly as viewed in Figure 2. A lever necessary in the determination of the Mach num arm 30 is rigidly mounted on the shaft 26 and is ber or ratio of the true airspeed to the speed of rotatable thereWith. '' Sound. The uppermost portion of the aneroid capsules Other objects and features of the invention will 35 9 is provided with a hub 28 connected by a short be readily apparent to those skilled in the art link 29 to an arm 3 on a shaft 32 pivoted in the from the specification and appended drawing il support 25. Also mounted on the shaft 32 is an: . lustrating certain preferred embodiments in arm 33 engaging the lower end of the shaft 26 as Which: viewed in Figure 2. Rigidly mounted on the shaft ; Figure 1 is a representation of a dial face and 40 26 is a lever arm 34 engaging with the lever arm. indicator of the Mach meter according to the 8 to be moved thereby to effect rotation of the present invention. shaft 26. A bimetallic fork 35 is provided about Figure 2 is a longitudinal sectional view through the aneroid capsules 9 between the ends of which the instrument of Figure 1. : . and the hub 28 are disposed the force applying Figure 3 is a transverse sectional view on the pins 36 to provide temperature compensation for lineFigure II-III 4 is ofalongitudinal Figure 2. sectional view through theForwardly movement of of the the plate aneroid 7 is capsules. disposed a gener.". the instrument at right angles to the section of ally diagonally shaped plate 37 upon posts 38. In Figure 2. the plate 7 and the support 24 is pivotally mounted The instrument comprises an outer casing f 50 a shaft 39 upon which is secured a gear sector 4, which is sealed airtight through the gasket re the shaft 39 being biased for rotation in a clock tainer ring 2, rubber gasket 3, glass 4 and bezel wise direction as viewed in Figure 3 by the coil ring 5. Within the casing is disposed a support. Spring 42. A lever arm 4) is mounted on the shaft ing framework constituted by plates 6 and 7 39 and positioned to engage the lever arm 30 for Spaced apart in a rigid cage arrangement by a 55 movement thereby. In the plates 7 and 37 is piv., 2,522,887 3 4 otally mounted a shaft 43 carrying a pinion 4 While a certain preferred embodiment of the meshing with the gear sector 4. Upon the plate invention has been specifically disclosed, it is 3 is mounted a stationary dial 5 bearing indicia, understood that the invention is not limited of Mach number as indicated in Figure 1. The thereto, as many variations Will be readily ap forward end of the shaft 43 extends through the parent to those skilled in the art and the inven plate 37 and dial 45 and carries a pointer 46 ro tion is to be given its broadest possible interpre tatable with respect to the indicia, upon the dial tation. Within the terms of the following claims. 45 to indicate the Mach number of the aircraft. What is clained is: The operation of the instrument will now be de 1. In a Mach meter for aircraft, a dial bear Scribed: 10 ing indicia of Mach number, an indicator now As the speed of the aircraft is increased, the able relatively to Said dial to indicate a Mach pressure difference between the Pitot and the number reading thereon, means responsive to the Static pressures of the Pitot static tube increases Pitot pressure of an aircraft in fight for effect to effect an expansion of the diaphragm capsule ing novernent of Said indicator, and means re f. This movement of the diaphragm capsule 5 Sponsive to the altitude pressure of the aircraft moves the lever arm 8 downwardly as viewed in for varying the response of the indicator to a Figure 4 and permits movement of the lever arm given change in the Pitot pressure, said last nen 34 to effect a rotation of the shaft 26 in a cour. tioned means increasing the indicator Irovement terclockwise direction under the bias of spring 2. as the altitude pressure decreases. Rotation of the shaft 26, effects rotation of the 20 2. A Mach meter for aircraft comprising a dial lever arm 3 in the same direction and this will bearing Machnurnber indicia, an indicator now effect movement of the lever arm 4 upwardly as able relatively to said dial to indicate a Mach viewed in Figure 4 to rotate the shaft 39. Rota number reading thereon, a diaphragm - capsule tion of the shaft 39 is accompanied by rotation of for effecting movement of Said indicator, and the gear sector 4 which in turn rotates pinion 44 25 an aneroid capsule for varying the response of on shaft 43 to rotate pointer 46 with respect to Said indicator to a given movement of Said dia the dial 45 and the Aach number indicia, thereon. phragm capsule, said aneroid capsule increasing Upon a change in the altitude pressure, the the indicator movement as the altitude pressure pressure within the casing connected to the static decreases. opening of the Pitot static tube will be changed 30 3. A. Mach meter for aircraft comprising a dial and Will be accompanied by movement of the bearing Mach number indicia, an indicator move aneroid capsule 9. Upon a decrease in altitude able, relatively to Said dial to indicate a Mach preSSure the aneroid capsules will expand to ro number reading thereof, a diaphragm capsule tate the shaft 32, in a counterclockwise direction adapted to be connected to the pressure line of as viewed in Figure 2, by movement of the lever.
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