RIHA Journal 0218 | 20 July 2019 Armenian Church Architecture in the Town of Nakhichevan-on-Don From Russian Neoclassicism to National Revival 1 Olga Baeva and Armen Kazaryan Ab tract This article examines the stylistic evelo!ment o" church architecture in the town o" Na$hichevan%on%&on' "oun e in 1779 )y Armenians resettle "rom the *rimea )y *atherine II+ The stu y uncovers three main tren s in the wor$ o" the Armenian church architects, At -rst' they o!erate within the context o" late ei.hteenth%/ early nineteenth%century Russian Neoclassicism 0*lassicism in the terminolo.y o" Russian historio.ra!hy). Then there was a !erio o" conservatism in Armenian architecture in the hey ay o" Historicism in Russia in the thir 2uarter o" the nineteenth century+ Therea"ter' we witness attem!ts to revive the national style #ith metho s )orrowe "rom late nineteenth%century Russian architecture+ The survey emonstrates ho# monumental architecture was relate to state !olicy an the !oly%ethnic context o" the early mo ern em!ire+ Thus it contri)utes to a )etter un erstan in. o" the cultural develo!ment o" national communities in Russia+ Content Historical context an aims o" the stu y Na$hichevan church architecture in the era o" Neoclassicism Armenian church architecture o" Na$hichevan in the era o" Russian Historicism The church o" Sur) Kara!et an the be.innin.s o" national revival in Armenian architecture *onclusion an pers!ectives for future research 1 This stu y is )ase on 5l.a 6aeva7s research on 8Nakhichevan an the nei.h)orin. Armenian villa.es in the context o" the Russian to#n%!lannin. in the last 2uarter o" the ei.hteenth 9 the )e.innin. o" nineteenth centuries”' su!!orte )y the ;ro.ram o" Fun amental Research o" the Russian Aca emy o" Architecture an *onstruction 3ciences an o" the <inistry o" *onstruction' Housin. an =tilities o" the Russian Fe eration 01+2+>0/1+2+??1' as #ell as on Armen 4a@aryan7s research on the 8Armenian architectural an artistic herita.e o" the 3outh o" Russia, churches, monasteries, litur.ical o)Aects an manuscri!ts o" the 1(th–19th centuries 0)ase on collections in <osco#' Rostov%on%Don' Astrakhan an *rimea1:' su!!orte )y the Russian Foun ation "or 6asic Research (RF6R1' no+ 1(-0?-00B?>+ RIHA Journal 0218 | 20 July 2019 Historical context an aims o" the stu y C1D The town o" Na$hichevan (or Nor Na$hichevan/ Na$hi Aevan'2 since 1838 Na$hichevan%on%&on'> since 1928 incor!orate into the town o" Rostov%on%&on an re"erre to as ;roletars$iy istrict1 was "oun e in 1779 )y Armenians resettle "rom the *rimea )y *atherine II,? The Em!ress’s ecree .ave the colonists the ri.ht to settle in the Fower &on re.ion near the 3t+ &mitry Rostovs$iy "ortress+ In a ition to the town, the Armenians also foun e fve villa.es to the north o" it+G C2D &ue to the historical circumstances o" the Armenian !eo!le' s!eci-cally, the loss o" in e!en ence' "orce an voluntary resettlements' an su)se2uent mi.ration to the countries o" Euro!e an Asia' there are o@ens o" historical accounts o" town "oun in. )y Armenians+ 3ome "oun ations 2uic$ly evolve into hu)s o" commerce an tra e' science an artH towns such as Iherla (Armeno!olis' Armeniersta t1' 3tanislav 03tanisJa#K#' Ivano%Fran$ivs$1' 4ameniec ;o ols$iy, Fvov 0F#K#' Fem)er.1' or Iri.orio!ol are the exam!les worth mentionin. in or er to convey the scale an the level o" Armenian inte.ration into the culture an !olitics o" iLerent Eastern Euro!ean states' )oth in the <i le A.es an in mo ern history+ A !art o" the Armenian !o!ulation o" these towns ori.inate in *rimea' where a lar.e an inMuential Armenian colony existe "or many centuries an create an im!ressive cultural herita.e+B The expansion o" Armenian culture "rom this re.ion can )e 2 NOP NQRSTUQV in Armenian+ It is relate to the ol to#n Nakhi Aevan in the !rovince o" Waspura$an o" the kin. om o" Ireat Armenia+ The main historical survey on the city' NOP% NQRSTUQVX U VOP%VQRSTYZQV[S\ [Ne# Nakhichevan an Ne#-Nakhichevanians], #as !u)lishe )y ]ervan 3haha@i@ (Tifis, 190>1+ The a)ri .e text in Russian #as !u)lishe in ^_`abcи debfegbcehe%i_%jeik elmnbfg_ abfeoaa' pongiebfnй a `oaoepr C;rocee in.s o" the Rostov%on-Don 3ociety o" History' Anti2uities an NatureD 191?+ se re"er to ]ervan 3haha@i@7s text in a translation )y 3+ 3+ 3hahinyan (198B1' see, ]ervan 3haha@i@' tegrq t_uavng_i a iegei_uavng_iwr [Ne# Nakhichevan an Ne#-Nakhichevanians], Rostov%on% Don 1999+ > 5.anes (Hovhannes) 4hal!akhchian' xouafncfko_ t_uavng_ia%i_%jeik [The Architecture o" Nakhichevan%on-DonD' ]erevan 1988' 10+ ? The mass resettlement o" the Armenian an Iree$ *rimean !o!ulation to the south o" the Novorossiya re.ion #as or.ani@e to #ea$en the *rimean 4hanate' a "ormer vassal state o" the 5ttoman Em!ire that in 1((? ha .aine in e!en ence (an lost it in 1(8> #hen the *rimea #as Aoine to the Russian Em!ire1H see 3haha@i@' Ne# Nakhichevan an Ne#% Nakhichevanians' 9-11+ 8Initially' in 1((8' Armenians #ere .iven !ermission to settle near the to#n o" Aleksan rov (to ay7s ya!oro@hie1' an in the summer o" 1((9' in the A@ov re.ion' #hich #as motivate )y the necessity to coloni@e almost un!o!ulate ste!!e re.ions in the south o" Russia con2uere "rom the Turks, an to stren.then the economic ties #ith the countries in the 3outh:H 5.anes 4hal!akhchian' 8za{rn pe|_ _o|}i i_ jeik: C&#ellin.%Houses o" the Armenians on DonD' in, xouafncfkoien i_b{npbfge [Architectural Herita.eD >> (198G1' 122-1>9, 122+ G 3ee the ma! o" the Fo#er Don re.ion #ith the location o" cities an villa.es in, 4hal!akhchian' 8&#ellin.%Houses o" the Armenians on Don:' -.+ 1+ B Anatoliy ]a$o)son an ]uriy Tamanyan' xo|}ibc_} _ouafncfko_ g ~or|k [Armenian Architecture in *rimeaD' ]erevan 1992' 12-19' -.+ 1H Tatevi$ 3ar.syan an <eru@han ;etrosyan' ~or|, Мei_bfroь Сkol Х_v C*rimea, The <onastery o" 3ur) 4hachD' 3im"ero!ol RIHA Journal 0218 | 20 July 2019 illustrate )y the architecture o" the Armenian cathe ral in Fvov (1356–13631 )uilt on behal" o" two Crimean merchants+( C>D =nli$e the Armenian monumental architecture )uilt in the *rimea "rom the thirteenth throu.h -"teenth centuries' some o" #hich has !reviously )een stu ie '8 #e $no# very little a)out the Armenian architecture )uilt on the !eninsula in the ei.hteenth century, the !erio when a massive resettlement o" Armenians to Russia too$ !lace+ Foo$in. at the contem!oraneous evelo!ment o" Armenian architecture in the 5ttoman Em!ire an in 3a"avi Iran' we o)serve that a"ter the transition "rom the me ieval perio the art o" the Armenian dias!ora was isolate from its ori.ins: it starte to a)sor) the tastes an ima.es o" the !eo!le' on whose territory it was create + 6y the ei.hteenth century, the li"estyle ha)its in the Armenian communities in Eastern Euro!e an Russia ha chan.e su)stantially+ The inte.ration o" the Armenians into the Euro!ean ur)an culture reache its !ea$' an Armenian architecture an art' an even the "ashion o" each community starte to resem)le the local versions o" East Euro!ean countries an Russia+ Another "actor trans"ormin. the essence o" the Armenian national culture an )rin.in. it closer to the ominant cultures were systems o" rules an re.ulations #ith re.ar s to architecture en"orce by the receivin. em!ires throu.hout their territories+ C?D The Armenian community on the &on river continue a num)er o" its *rimean tra itions+ The si.ni-cance o" these is reMecte in the villa.es7 to!onyms' or in the insertion o" $hach$ars (cross stones im!orte "rom *rimea1 into the walls o" its ne# churches+ Nevertheless' the architecture an the town%!lannin. !ractices o" the Armenian settlements on the &on river #ere "un amentally iLerent "rom the well% $nown *rimean exam!les o" the thirteenth throu.h ei.hteenth centuries+ At the time o" the "oun ation o" Na$hichevan' ur)an !lannin. an architecture in the Russian Em!ire were strictly re.ulate ' resultin. in !roAects that "ollowe the same 2008+ ( Jace$ *hr@ąszc@e#ski' 4ościoJy 5rmian ;olskich+ 4atalo. @a)ytkό# ormiańskich [The *hurches o" the ;olish Armenians. *atalo.ue o" the Armenian <onuments], vol+ 1' sarsa# 2001' G9+ 5n the architecture o" the Armenian cathe ral in F#o# see, Joanna solanska' 4ate ra ormiańska #e F#o#ie # latach 1902–19>8+ ;r@emiany architektoniczne I e$oracja #nętr@a [The Armenian *athe ral in Fvov "rom 1902919>8D' sarsa# 2010H Armen 4a@aryan' 8xouafncfko_ _o|}ibcehe beleo_ ge Львоgn+ Иbfeca ce|`eзawaa a pnceo_ `nogei_v_{ьнehe uo_|_: [The Architecture o" the Armenian *athe ral in Fvov+ The 3ources o" the ;lan an Decoration o" the 5ri.inal 6uil in.D' in, Хkpeжеbfgnii_} ck{ьfko_ _o|}ibcau elmai i_ зn|{}u dnva Пeb`e{afeq, М_fnoa_{r Мnждki_oepieq i_kvieq ceiфnoniwaa' Мaibc' 9911 ecf}lo} 2012 [The Artistic *ulture o" the Armenian *ommunities in the Fan s o" the ;olish%Fithuanian *ommon#ealth, <aterials o" the International 3cholarly *on"erence' <insk, 5cto)er 9911' 2012D' e + Irina 3kvortstova' <insk 201>' 11B%12B+ 8 For exam!le, 5.anes 4hal!akhchian' 8Сfoeafn{ьнrn fo_pawaa cor|bcau _o|}i: C*onstructive Tra itions o" the *rimean Armenians], in, xouafncfkoien i_b{npbfge [Architectural Herita.eD ?> (19991' B%1BH 5.anes 4hal!akhchian' 8~kльтegrn `ebfoeqca cor|bcau _o|}i: C*hurch *onstructions o" the *rimean Armenians], in, xouafncfkoien i_b{npbfge [Architectural Herita.eD >9 (19921' >2%?GH Anatoliy ]a$o)son an ]uliy Tamanyan' Armenian Architecture in *rimea' ]erevan 1992+ RIHA Journal 0218 | 20 July 2019 set o" instructions an corres!on e to the then "ashiona)le 6aro2ue' an ' "rom the 1770s onwar s' neoclassical style, *atherine the Ireat an the court no)ility relate Russian culture #ith the ancient classical art+ Armenians succum)e to this "ashion )oth in or er to con"orm to the im!erial instructions an to a!!ear '!ro.ressive' an '"orwar %loo$in.'+ CGD In or er to un erstan ho# the neoclassical Armenian town on &on too$ "orm' it is im!ortant to consi er not only the city master !lan an the to!% own a ministration o" the )uil in.
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