wSmÊëmI ■ I W ^ Ê tw m m M í^K'rÁíSl?’' mm ÉlilliP m * V inÉP w :mE HimPinyfifl gflPïîjfi S a Bêi*mû ClâM PMUft f i l i l i Statt Landa*, MlPh 8 P a g e s 5 C en ia Eatablfobed 1909 VoL 53, No. 9 7 e m e n o n Swainson JFK Conference: BULLETIN Fear Civil RICHMOND, V a . (Ft—A Southbound Imperial AirUnes Liberties Addresses Move for Defense plane wife 82 persons nfaoard 78 Army recruits snd s crew te WASHINGTON UB-President At Ms harne at Gettysburg, five—crushed in a ravine and Affected Farmers Kennedy said Wednesday tbat Pa., Eiseahawer voiced gnti- horned jute south te Richmond ' ’ _ y . : “We are going to ask for ad­ ficatioa at fee aaaaacenroat Wednesday night Police said By MARY BASING Governor John B. Swainson ditional funds tot defense next aad stei he wenhl he delight­ apparently only two persons Of fee Style News Staff wig kick off the Thursday ses­ y e a r/' even though he considers ed if be can further the pro­ survived. sion te tbe 42nd annual meeting the United States second to no gram. Should tiro . University be in te tbe Michigan Farm Bureau other country in military pow­ Russia has fired into the air Ronald Conway, TO, te West the business of criminal in­ here at 9 a.m. in fee Andjfcnv er.- ; É pl¡i|¡ about 170 megatons of nuclear Hollywood, Fla-, raptaia te vestigation? ium. He will give tbe call to Quoting himself, Kennedy devices—the equivalent of 170 the aircraft aad one te tiro “The time is overdue for ader and an address to the said that on the basis te pres­ million tons te TNT—while the survivors, said tbe men aboard faculty to take a long, cote look some 2,090 members. § ent assessments and intelli- United States and Britain to­ the plane were recruits from te the role te polk« in this On tbe Thursday program te igence, “We, in my words, gether have totalled about 125 Newark, N.J.; Wilkes-Barre, University,” Dr. Richard the Bureau are considerations would not trade Tdaces wife megatons and France less than Pa,; and Baltimore, Md. Tlie Rudner, associate professor te te resolutions dealing with anyone in the world.” But he one megaton. Kennedy added Mane was carrying them south philosophy, said Tuesday night adoption te n state income tax, said there will be a continuing that: to F t Jscksos, S. C- at a meeting of the American " OH-OH!—Railroad crews blocked traffic ea Harriaea Read Wednesday aflcrnaaa real estate tax relief aad other “What is significant in this Association of University Pro­ while they maneuvered this derailed btaear back on the tracks. Railroad officials review te U.S. capabilities and Wltnesses said fee plane issues dealing with local gov­ those te “Our adversaries” and area of course is the amount loomed ever. Byrd Field, just fessors. ’ blamed the derailment te tbe car oh dirt in fee track channels at tte crossing. ernment. a request tor more money for of megatons pot into the air este te Richmond, shortly be­ Arthur F. Brandstatter, pro­ The car was being shunted onto a siding for MSU stores. —State -News photo The afternoon business will defense. and the condition under which fore 9:21 pua. at atn attitude te fessor and director te police by Tom Crockett. W% feature nominations for direct­ The administration already is the bombs may be exploded aboet 719 to 888 feet and seem administration, disputed that ors. * stepping up" defense spending as it might affect fallout. I ed te be trying for an emerg­ such a “look” is necessary. The afternoon business will "by billions, and now estimates don’t think there is any doubt ency landing. v This and several other issues United Fund feature nominations tor direct the total for the present year tbe Soviet Union is first in that were dicussed by about 56 Traffic Tied Up by i ors, delegates and directors te ending June SO, at $46,850,000, very dubious category.” members te tbe AAUP during ; districts. Evening meetings will Russia has accused the O v e r T o p : fbe spotlighted by the presents 000. the organization’s first fall I tion of awards for county mem Defense was'ene of tbe wide United States te touching off meeting. ' 7 - range te subjects covered in a more megatons te explosions Uniformity j The meeting was primarily Derailed Boxcar $ 8 3 ,6 5 6 .7 6 bership, cooperator te the year than tbe Soviet Union. and community Farm Bureau. presidential news conference to set up issues with which tbe Traffic was blocked for two; siding for tbe "MSU stores Seme te the other high­ “It is, as Kennedy has AAUP will concern itself dur­ R.D. Harrington, track and Action Friday, the last day said before, necessary for the hours Wednesday on Harrison The 1961 United Community of the meeting, will crater lights te what tbe chief ex­ In Control ¡ ing the year. "Train foreman, said tbat dirt Chest Drive went over the top ecutive had fe say: /TT United States tp matotoln its Road near Spartan Village in the track channels at tbe around election te directors and Former President Dwight lead to unclear weapons and *‘8# many people ea camp­ while rgllroad crews pulled a crossing was responsible for by-making 104 percent te itsj final adoption te resolutions. D. Eisenhower has aeread to lids country still fat making us think there Is something" derailed freight car back on the derailment. _ quota, it was announced today --------- - — head a law, privately taan- preparottons to resume at­ Of Crime wrong with fee police, this the tracks. The car was pulled back onto by Dr. A. Westley Rowland, -» j -mr p . g * ■ |I 9 - mospheric totes if needed, to There is a clear trend among hi itself is seriras,” Herbert The car went off the track the tracks by a locomotive after ehainnan of the campaign. j £v|# X • t iftlìlT A l contacts bc- keep from being fooled often nations toward a uniformity of Wtesfamer, president te fee about 1 a.m. Wednesday when thick wooden blocks were With a campaign quota te; * j feroen citisens te fee United by fee Russians. Kennedy principles and policies in tiro loeat chapter _pf the AAUP it. was being shunted onto a placed in front te Its wheels. IBU m and pedple of other said fea Raanall props rod control and prevention te and professor sf English, 190,561, the faculty and staff! A f l f l ■ frflljM V Mfefi hr every way poasiMe.” See CONFERENCE page 5 crime. said when he M n m c n raised $»,656.78.-, TST^*' * “After the war, criminal Rudner. Leading all divisions te the; r^ lflT l M C F ffC T justice in the Western civilized “Is not the University in University was the Secretary’s] - ® Where’s That Book? countries faced many and some legal peril because of its Flint JC Lifts Ban on Office with 171 per cent te its; NEW YORK UR-Ttw Pen- similar problems' in tiro' con­ police force?’’ Rudner asked. goal. Other divisions which ex- : nsylvania and New York Cen- trol of crime and delinquency,” said Col. E. S. Kanellakis, a Because the campus police coded their ,«*« with thtìr « ' are both Ingham County deputy Student Expression Student Librarians graduate student from Greece sheriffs and an arm te the Uni­ percentages are. College of, world’s mightiest rail system. majoring in corrections ad­ versity, Rudner said be felt The ban cm political actions] nesday that she did not regard Home Economics, 169 per cent; The two giant carriers, both ministration. feat students might forego, of student organizations at the removal of the ban as a University Services, 152 per j facing deficits tar 1961, said Tested on Efficièncy Kanellakis spoke on the com­ some of their civil liberties. cent ; university business office, ! teheir aim was financial re- parative aspects of criminal Flint Junior College was lifted! personal victory. justice in the United States and Students might fear sanc­ Wednesday. I feel that the removal of 144 per cent; special division, i ff ** What is the “Human Relations Area File”? tions from tbe University to The moratorium was placed the moratorium is a better ^ V , ithreat te a slide into govern- Where is tt? Continental countries at tbe situations, where they would 136 P ^ ^ent ; versity rala-i ment om,ership. Alpha Phi Sigma meeting Tues­ otherwise exercise their legal on all student actions concern­ atmosphere to work under to bons, 134 per cent; dean of stn-j The agreement was announc- What are its uses? day night. ed with social and political is­ develop policy,” she said. dents, 124 per cent; admisswns jojntjyby James M. Symes, These# questions appeared on the first te the weekly tests - A changing society and mor­ power to ignore the police, he sues by Acting Dean Searle F “Lthtak our whole staff feels to be given to student librarians in the humanities division te al values coupled with tiro rise said.- Charles. and scholarships, registrar, 116 p»„n«y Ahnirmon, and "Alfred the library. “There is extremely small that the action- of removal was per cent; buildings and utilities, E. Perlman, President of tbe -, ... *■ . >'■ of materialistic philosophy and ‘‘Since there was- consider­ wisely taken and it is much ap- 115 per-cent; College of Com­ an increasingly modern life amount of public information able misunderstanding concern­i predated.” Central, following coordinated The tests were initiated by Austin J.
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