FISSURELLIDAE Amblychilepas crucis (Beddome, 1882) Crossed Keyhole Limpet NMR993000100763 Australia, New South Wales, Avoca Beach ex coll. Mrs. M.A. Wotton 1 ex. Amblychilepas javanicensis (Lamarck, 1822) NMR993000056080 Australia, New South Wales, Port Stephens 1965-02-00 ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 5 ex. NMR993000042228 Australia, South Australia, Yorke Peninsula, Mozzie Flats 1978-03-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00008463 1 ex. NMR993000057945 Australia, Western Australia, Bunbury ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 1 ex. Amblychilepas nigrita (G.B. Sowerby I, 1835) NMR993000069798 Australia, New South Wales, Kurnell 1990-00-00 ex coll. J.Ph. Voorwinde 2 ex. NMR993000042211 Australia, South Australia, Middleton 1978-12-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00005097 1 ex. NMR993000056026 Australia, Victoria, Flinders Reef ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 2 ex. Amblychilepas oblonga (Menke, 1843) NMR993000042216 Australia, South Australia, Adelaide, Glenelg at 2 m depth 1991-12-07 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00006825 1 ex. Amblychilepas platyactis McLean & Kilburn, 1986 NMR993000100352 South Africa, Western Cape, False Bay, Cape Hangklip 2000-10-02 ex coll. J. Trausel 17461 1 ex. Clypidina notata (Linnaeus, 1758) Black-ribbed False Limpet NMR993000163162 Indonesia, Jawa, Jawa Barat, Sukabumi, SE of Karang Hawu, Pantai Karang Hawu 2008-08-20 ex coll. A.F. de Jong 2814 1 ex. NMR993000068683 Sri Lanka ex coll. J.Ph. Voorwinde 8 ex. NMR993000081985 Sri Lanka 1977-00-00 ex coll. E. Kaptein 6 ex. NMR993000070302 Sri Lanka, Basnāhira pa ḷāta, Kalutara, Bentota 1977-02-07 ex coll. Natuurmuseum Enschede 10 ex. Clypidina radiola (Lamarck, 1802) NMR993000067353 France, Hauts-de-France, Oise, Chaumont-en-Vexin 1958-04-06 ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 1 ex. FOSSIL NMR993000064360 France, Hauts-de-France, Oise, Fercourt ex coll. P. Schuijf 1 ex. FOSSIL Cornisepta acuminata (Watson, 1883) NMR993000069071 United Statesat 387 m depth 2010-05-31 ex coll. J. Trausel 10858 45 ex. NMR993000069072 United Statesat 411 m depth 2010-06-05 ex coll. J. Trausel 10906 5 ex. Cornisepta rostrata (Seguenza, 1863) NMR993000033184 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough at 824 m depth 2004-09-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 7273 1 ex. Cosmetalepas concatenata (Crosse & P. Fischer, 1864) NMR993000057946 Australia, New South Wales, Narrabeen 1965-00-00 ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 2 ex. Cranopsis cumingii (A. Adams, 1853) NMR993000087766 Oman, Musandam, Jazirat Musandamat 20 m depth 2016-05-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 13182 3 ex. NMR993000085711 Oman, Musandam, Khor Kumzarat 20 m depth 2016-01-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 13088 1 ex. Cranopsis exquisita (A. Adams, 1853) NMR993000071127 Australia, Western Australia, 20-40 km W of Roeburne 1997-08-20 ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 1 ex. Cranopsis granulata (Seguenza, 1863) NMR993000033213 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Bankat 679 m depth 2004-09-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 7652 21 ex. NMR993000084009 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Bankat 781 m depth 2005-06-28 ex coll. M. van den Bos 2230 10 ex. NMR993000084015 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Bankat 715 m depth 2005-08-25 ex coll. M. van den Bos 2285 10 ex. NMR993000084020 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Bankat 715 m depth 2005-08-25 ex coll. M. van den Bos 2310 4 ex. NMR993000084029 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Bankat 775 m depth 2005-06-28 ex coll. M. van den Bos 2507 10 ex. NMR993000033203 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Bank, NIOZ, HERMES 2005, Sta. 16at 584 m depth 2005-06-26 ex coll. J. Trausel 8257 50 ex. NMR993000021149 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough at 784 m depth 2004-09-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 07.239 3 ex. NMR993000033157 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough at 784 m depth 2004-09-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 7239 20 ex. NMR993000033171 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough at 827 m depth 2004-09-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 7827 26 ex. NMR993000084007 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough at 603 m depth 2006-06-17 ex coll. M. van den Bos 4951 3 ex. NMR993000033175 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough, NIOZ, Moundforce 2004, Sta. 43 at 773 m depth 2004-09-06 ex coll. J. Trausel 7573 17 ex. NMR993000033174 Atlantic Ocean, off W Scotland, Rockall Trough, NIOZ, Moundforce 2004, Sta. 43A at 765 m depth 2004-09-06 ex coll. J. Trausel 7663 9 ex. Cranopsis multistriata (Dall, 1914) Many-ribbed Puncturella NMR993000060988 United States, Washington, San Juan Islands 1978-07-25 ex coll. H. van Buren 2550 1 ex. Dendrofissurella scutellum hiantula (Lamarck, 1822) NMR993000054960 South Africa ex coll. G. van Roon 3 ex. NMR993000082002 South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, off Durban ex coll. E. Kaptein 2 ex. NMR993000151130 South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Southbroom 2002-11-00 ex coll. J. Trausel 17702 2 ex. Dendrofissurella scutellum (Gmelin, 1791) Shield Slot Limpet NMR993000042139 Namibia, Karas, Lüderitzbucht 1974-00-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00000383 1 ex. NMR993000082001 South Africa, Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth 1939-03-16 ex coll. E. Kaptein 2 ex. NMR993000042153 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1980-00-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001077 1 ex. NMR993000042185 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1978-00-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00003443 1 ex. NMR993000042187 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1978-00-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00003447 1 ex. NMR993000042355 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001767 1 ex. NMR993000068599 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1990-00-00 ex coll. J.Ph. Voorwinde 5 ex. NMR993000074124 South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, off Durban ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00011840 1 ex. NMR993000042138 South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Marina Beach 1974-12-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00000382 2 ex. NMR993000042160 South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Marina Beach 1974-12-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001768 17 ex. NMR993000056030 South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Peninsula, Kommetjie 1984-00-00 ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 2 ex. Diodora alumensis (Mansfield, 1930) NMR993000066229 United States, Florida, Sarasota County, Apac Quarry ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 155313 ex. FOSSIL NMR993000066230 United States, Florida, Sarasota County, Apac Quarry ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 401761 ex. FOSSIL NMR993000066231 United States, Florida, Sarasota County, Quality Aggregates ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 289502 ex. FOSSIL Diodora arcuata (G.B. Sowerby II, 1862) NMR993000077667 Barbados, Christ Church 1996-00-00 ex coll. J.A. Buijse 7436 6 ex. NMR993000082030 Virgin Islands (U.S.), Saint Thomas 1 ex. printed by CB 4.0 Diodora aspera (Rathke, 1833) Rough Keyhole Limpet NMR993000048690 Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, 5 km S. of Tofino 1996-09-02 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00010269 1 ex. NMR993000068620 Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Victoria 1981-00-00 ex coll. J.Ph. Voorwinde 2 ex. NMR993000048687 United States, California, Del Norte County, Crescent City ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00000379 2 ex. NMR993000056014 United States, California, Del Norte County, Crescent City 1933-00-00 ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 1 ex. NMR993000081924 United States, California, Humboldt County, Humboldt Bay, North Jetty, near Coast Guard Dock 1950-00-00 ex coll. E. Kaptein 1 ex. NMR993000056013 United States, California, Los Angeles County, Malibu Beach 1955-08-00 ex coll. J.G.B. Nieuwenhuis 6 ex. NMR993000048689 United States, California, San Diego County, San Diego 1976-00-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00003436 2 ex. NMR993000081949 United States, California, Sonoma County, Jenner ex coll. E. Kaptein 1 ex. NMR993000082109 United States, California, Sonoma County, Jenner 1958-00-00 1 ex. NMR993000081896 United States, Washington, Clallam County, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Neah Bay 1988-06-04 ex coll. E. Kaptein 2 ex. NMR993000048688 United States, Washington, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Crescent Bay ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001065 1 ex. NMR993000078600 United States, Washington, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Crescent Bay ex coll. J.G.T. de Kubber 1 ex. NMR993000081925 United States, Washington, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Crescent Bay 1972-00-00 ex coll. E. Kaptein 2 ex. Diodora australis (F. Krauss, 1848) NMR993000100770 South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal, Shelly Beach ex coll. Mrs. M.A. Wotton 2 ex. Diodora caloosaensis Dall, 1892 NMR993000066234 United States, Florida, De Soto County, Notts Dairy Road, De Soto Sand and Shell ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 290631 ex. FOSSIL NMR993000066235 United States, Florida, De Soto County, Notts Dairy Road, De Soto Sand and Shell ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 356451 ex. FOSSIL NMR993000066232 United States, Florida, Sarasota County, Apac Quarry ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 220781 ex. FOSSIL NMR993000066233 United States, Florida, Sarasota County, Apac Quarry ex coll. Stichting Schepsel Schelp 401732 ex. FOSSIL Diodora calyculata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1823) NMR993000054981 South Africa, Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth, Cape Recife ex coll. B. van Zanen M156 1 ex. NMR993000042150 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1981-00-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001073 1 ex. NMR993000042162 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001774 3 ex. NMR993000042358 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1983-05-00 ex coll. F.J.A. Slieker 00001773 1 ex. NMR993000081995 South Africa, Eastern Cape, St. Francis Bay, Jeffreys Bay, Black Rocks 1995-02-08 ex coll. E. Kaptein 1 ex. NMR993000081954 South Africa, Western Cape, Kleinmondstrand ex coll. E. Kaptein 1 ex.
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