DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 219 652 CE 033 509 AUTHOR Farajollahi, Karim; And Others 'TITLEN, Graphic Arts: Book Three. The Press and Related Processes. INSTITUTION Mid-America Vocational Cureiculum Consortium, Stillwater Okla. 4 PUB DATE 82 NOTE 294p.; _For related documents see CE 033 507-508. AVAILABLE FROMMid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1515 West Sixth Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074. EpRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. IIESCRIPTORS Competency Based Education; Criterion Referenced Tests; *Equipment Maintenance; *Graphic Arts; Instructional Materials; Learningittivities; laper (Material); Postsecondary Education; *Printing;* *Production Techniques; *Reprography; Supplies; *Technical Education IDENTIFIERS *Printing Presses ABSTRACT The third of a three-iolume set of instructional materials for a graphic arts course, this manual consists of nine instructional units dealing with presses and related erocesselA Covered in the unitS are basic press fundamentals, offset presir 'syitems, offset press operating procedures, offset inks and dampening chemistry, preventive Maintenance and trouble shooting, 'other printing processes,.cost awareness, binding and finishing, and calculating paper cutting. Each unit contains some or all of the following: performanCe objecti4es, suggested activities for.teachers, information sheetS, assignment sheets, job sheets; visual aids, tests, and test,answers. Instructional materials in thepublication are written in terms of student performanceusing measurable objectives. (MN) *********i')i************************************************************ * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the bestthat, can be made ' * * . * i from the original document. *********************************************************************** GRAPHIC ARTS: BOOK THREE ' YRE PRESS AND RELATED PROCESSES .\r\J Lt1 rJ LLI by . , . karimFarajóllahi , .., IR Gary Ogle William Reed Kenneth Woodcock a DeveloPed by the Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc.., r IP AAA Board of Direkrs A Merle Rudebusch, Nebraska,-Chairman David Poston, Louisiana, Vice Chairman Amon Herd, Missouri, Parliamentarian James Daier, Arkansas Bill Barnes, Colorado S DEPARTMENT F EDUCATION Ed Hankins, Kansas NA TIONAL INSTITUTE 0$ EDUCATION Pat Lindley, Texas F DU( A TIONAI RESOURCES INFORMATION "PERMISSION REPRODUCE THIS LENTO IERICI Dan Elwood, SoOth Dakota ro MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY ThisrIr urkrit has been reproduLed as Bob Patton, Oklahoma re, owed Ironl the pets& or oryaolutoon HAS BEEN GRANTED BY own no 1 Alan Morgan New Mexico ti) '"'""". Larry Barnhardt, North Dakota p. qtJality Ann Benson-, Executive Director \s' D(11 A1 Points of iew 'or opinions stateii in this doeu 1 ment r1not necessarily represent ottIC'al NIE positoop or pol4cy TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC). 't 10d111117111 ., COPY R IG HT 1982 Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc. * _I .. J , , , r Printed by ( / 1 - 1 * - Oklahoma State Department of Vocational and Technical Education Stillwater, Okfahoma 74074 t f I - , AIV \ .0.-, IP r v3 s . ., I 1 t k ( - ir % 4 A , I I .. v It , 1 IN/ e * r A. , 4 / , i I TILE OF CONTENTS Section A--Press 4 Unit'l Basic Press Fundamentals G III1-A Unit II Offset Press Systems G III19-A Unit Ill Offset Press Operating Procedures G Ill- 63-A Unit IV Offset Inks and Dampening Chemistry G III113-A. Unit V Preventive Maintenanace and Trouble Shooting G III141-A SeCtion B--Related Processes . Unit I Other Printing Processes G III1-B . G III21-B Unit II ...Cost Awareness Unit III Binding and Finishing G III43-B Unit IV Calculating Paper Cutting G III) 63-B - 1 c - .., , J ,. c 5 iii .. FOREWARD The Mid-America Vocatiorial Curriculum Consortium (MAVCC) was organized for the purpose of developing instructional materials for its eleven member states. All member states participate in establishing. annual development priorities, and the need for curriculum raphic arts truly reflects regional needs. Graphic Arts: Book Three, The Press and Related Processes, is the concluding publica- tion of a series of three texts dedicated toua basic graphic arts curriculum. Although it can taught as a single text, it is hoped that it will be used in conjunction with books one and two to provide continuity in student training. It is also hoped that the effort will provide industry with truly well trained technicians for the w rld of graphic arts and the varied skills it demands. The success of this publication is due, in large part, to the capabilities of the personnel who worked with its development. The technical writers have numerous years of industry as well as teaching experience. Assisting'them in their efforts were representatives of each of the member states who brought wi h them technical expertise and the experience related to the classroom and to the trade.o assure that the materials would parallel the industry , environmen and be accept as a transportable basic teaching tool, organizations and in- dustry represtatives were ',volved in the developmental phases of the manual. Apprecia- tir is extendedto them for their valuable contributions to the manual. InstructiOnal materials in this publication are written in terms of student performance using measurable objectives. This is an innovative approach to teaching that accents and aug- ment the teaching/learning process. Criterion referenced evaluation instruments are pro- yid d for uniforrli measurement of student progress. In addition to evaluating recall informa- tn, teachers are encouraged to evaluate the other areas including process and Oroduct as indicated at the end of each instructional unit. Itis the sincere belief of the MAVCG-personnel and all those members who served on the committees that this publication will allow the' students to become better prepared , and more effective members of the work force. Merle Rudebusch, Chairman Board of Directors Mid-America#Vocational Curriculum Consortium 4 V PREFACE -, The development of a basic curriculum in graphic arts and offsetprinting has been a rewarding effort because of the talented people who planned and wrotethe materials. From that team of teachers, industry representatives, and trade andindustrial staff members has come a series of three texts whichshould offer gr,aphic arts students an excellent oppor- tunity for learning the skills required in the world of graphic arts andoffset printing. The title of this concluding text of the series, Graphic Arts: BookThree, The Press and Related Processes, clearly indicates the objectives of the training. These aretheareas where students will confront basic press fundamentals, develop skills in estimatingjob costs, bind- ing and finishing, and roll up their sleeves arid cleana. press. Naturally, the text is designed to complement Graphic Arts: BookOne, Orientation, Composition, and Paste-Up, and Graphic Arts: Book Two, Process Camera, Stripping, and Platemaking. As complex as some printing activities are, the IVVAVCC format presentsthe proceduret in logically ordered objectives that facilitate a comfortablelearning rate. The format also frees the instructor to concentrate on reinforcing classroominstruction with films, field trips, and other activities that serve to maintain student interest at ahigh level and motivate students to learn and do. -.. , . Despite careful planning and editing, we know that the text may perhapscontain a typographical error or two. Letting us know when you find such items willbe a great help in improving the prcrduct before reprint time. But most of all, yourinput about the major elements in the book will be valuable help for changing oradding objectives when the materials are revised and updated. We do respond to your suggestions, and we hope the qualityof the materials in Graphic Arts: Book Three will serve a positive role in the classroomand provide industry with the skilled people required to keep the art in graphic arts. , . Ann Benson Executive Director at id-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium I,- 0.4 viii \ '".k.., , r f , ACKNOWLEDGMENTS l Appreciation is eXtended to those individuals who contributed their time and talents to the ..." development of Graphic Arts: Book Three, The Press and Related Processes. _ The contents qf this publication were planned and reNeiewed by: . Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium Committee , r .Bill Braun Springer, New Mexico James Brown, Jr. Greeley, Colorado Sandra Devall . Dickinson, Texas Willard Gore Mooringsport, Louisiana David Hinkley Grand Forks, North Dakota Karim Farajollahi Stillwater, Oklahoma John Koonce Emporia, Kansast 4, .. Warren Lyon Lincoln, Nebraska Eugene Shaver Aberdeen, South Dakota ,.....--/- Williafn D. Reed Tulsa, Oklahoma Tom Presley Little Rock, Arkansas Phyllis.Miller Columbia, Missouri .,, Thanks are extended to Don Ruby of Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Okla- homa, for representing teacher education on this committee and to Ray Merrittfor repre- senting state supervisory personnel. Special thanks are extended to Noel Wilcoxson, foreman of the Print Shop located atthe " Oklahoma State Department of Vocational-Technical Education, for his representation ,of industry on the committee and to the numerous other companies who providedrefer- enceslnd technical materials. i Gratitude is exiiressed to Joan- Dolan for editing and to. the Graphics Divisionc''`the Okla- horna State Department of Vocational andTeahnical Education for typing and art work. Special appreciation goes to Bill Braun for designing the cover of this
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