Redbook-1890 (23GA)

Redbook-1890 (23GA)

FIFTH YEAR. ™, mmMm, COMPILED BY FHAHK D. JACKSOH, SECRETARY OF STATE. X .JAMES CLARKE. TH1HI) ANIP f.AST TKHKITOHIAI, fiOVEIIXOR OF IOWA. Register COMPILED BY FRANK D. JACKSON DES MOINES: G. H. RAGSDAL.E, STATE PRINTER, 1888. EXECUTIVE. Governor— WILLIAM LARRABEE, Fayette Co.; term expires Jan., 1890. FRED'K W. HOSSFELD, Private Sec'y to Gov., Polk Co. Lieutenant- Governor— JOHN A. T. HULL, Polk Co.; term expires Jan., 1890. Governor elect— HORACE BOIES, Black Hawk Co.; term expires Jan., 1892. Lieutenant- Governor elect— A. IS. POYNEER, Tama Co.; term expires Jan., 1892. Secretary of State— FRANK D. JACKSON, Butler Co.; term expires Jan., 1891. (3. S. BYRKIT, Deputy, Appanoose Co. Auditor of State— JAMES A. LYONS, G-uthrie Co.; term expires Jan., 1891. D. F. MCCARTHY, Deputy, Mitchell Co. Treasurer of State— VOLTAIRE P. TWOMBLY, Van Buren Co.; term expires Jan., 1891. JOHN WHITTEN, Deputy, Van Buren Co. Superintendent of Public Instruction— HENRY SABIN, Clinton Co.; term expires Jan., 1892. IRA C. KLING, Deputy, Cerro Gordo Co. Adjutant-General and A. Q. M.-G.— *BYRON A. BEESON, Marshall Co.; term expires Jan., 1890. * Appointed by the Governor. 4 IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. Commissioner of Labor Statistics— *E. R. HUTCHINS, Polk Co.; term expires April 1, 1890. State Librarian— *MRS. MARY H. MILLEK, Polk Co.; term expires May 1, 1890. Inspector of Illuminating Oils— *CHARLES BEARDSLEY, Des Moines Co.; term expires April 1, 1890. State Mine Inspectors— 1ST DIST., *THOMAS BINKS, Ottumwa; term expires April 1, 1890. 2\y DIST., *JAMES GILDROY, What Cheer; term expires April 1, 1890. 3D DIST., *MORGAN G. THOMAS, Muchakinock; term expires April 1, 1890. Stale Printer— |GEORGE H. RAGSDALE, Plymouth Co., (office Des Moines); term expires May 1, 1891. State Binder— fOTTO NELSON, Polk Co., (office Des Moines); term expires May 1,1891. llailroad Commissioners— SPENCER SMITH, Pottawattamie Co.; term expires Jan., 1893. FRANK T. CAMPBELL, Jasper Co.; term expires Jan., 1892. PETER A. DEY, Johnson Co.; term expires Jan., 1891. W. W. AINSWORTH, Polk Co.; Secretary to the Board. Superintendent of Weights and Measures— *PROF. L. G. WELD; post-office, Iowa City. Director of Weather Service— PROF. GUSTAVUS HINRICHS; post-office, Iowa City. •Appointed by the Governor. + Elected by the Legislature. IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. •> Dairy Commissioner— , *HENRY D. SHERMAN, Jones Co.; term expires April 1, 1890. Fish Commissioner— *EDWARD D. CARLTON; post-office, Spirit Lake; term expires April 1, 1890. State Veterinary Surgeon— *M. STALKER; post-office, Ames, term expires April 28,. 1890. Custodian of Public Property— *ED WRIGHT, Polk Co., term expires March 31, 1890. * Appointed by the Governor. Where not otherwise stated, the post-office address of State officers is Dos Moines, Iowa. IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. FEDERAL OFFICERS. U. S. Circuit and District Courts. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT.—Composed of the District of Min- nesota, Northern and Southern Districts of Iowa, Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri, Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas, District of Nebraska, District of Colorada and District of Kansas. HON. SAMUEL F. MILLER, Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court, Washington, D. C. HON. , U. S. Circuit Judge. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA. District Judge—JAMES M. LOVE, Keokuk. District Attorney—LEWIS MILES, Corydon. Marshal—DAVID B. MILLER, Red Oak. Clerk Circuit Court—EDWARD R. MASON, Des Moines. Clerk District Court—HENRY K. LOVE, Des Moines. 77. S. Commissioners—George W. Ball, Iowa City Iowa; Frank P. Chamberlain, Burlington; W. L. Cooper, Burlington; Charles D. Fullen, Fairfield; H. B. Hendershott, Ottumwa; Frank M. Hun- ter, Council Bluffs; John D. Jordan, Des Moines; Erie J. Leech, Keokuk; C. A. Leech, Keokuk; Edward R. Mason, Des Moines; T. W. Murphy, Davenport; William H. White, Davenport. LVON °SCEO LA | SIOUX I O'BRIEN j \ CRAWFORD j JS339 j Gf^NE | £&?£ POTTAWATTAM.E / | ADAIR ADAMS ,, c MAP OKTIH-: STATE 01' POPULATliON v • Offfcial Gensiislfl83. IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA. District Judge—OLIVER P. SHIRAS, Dubuque. District Attorney—TIMOTHY P. MURPHEY, Sioux City. Marshal—EDWARD KNOTT, Waverly. Clerk of District and Circuit Courts—A. J. VAN DUZEE, Du- buque. • U. S. Commissioners—Alfred Hobbs, Dubuque; Walter H. Johnston, Fort Dodge; Ebenezer E. Lewis, Sioux City; I. N. Whit- tam, Cedar Rapids; B. W. Poor, Dubuque; Wm. H. McCluer, Ce- dar Falls; J.A.Rogers, Clarion; A. J. Leffingwell, Lyons; Thos. G. Henderson, Sioux City; B. F. B. Portman, Decorah; DeWitt C. Cram, Dubuque. U. S. Pension Agent. HON. C. S. LAKE, Des Moines. U. S. Internal Revenue Collectors. Third District—J. S. LOTHROP, Sioux City, Collector. THOMAS GRAHAM, Deputy, Decorah. C. A. BCEHMLER, Deputy, Cedar Falls. ANDREW GULLIXEN, Deputy, Bode. C. E. LLEWELLYN, Deputy, Sioux City. MILTON HOWE, Chief Clerk, Dubuque. B. B. HOPKINS, Cashier, Dubuque. Miss MARY A. BALL, Stamp Deputy, Sioux City. JOSEPH S. BROWNING, Gauger, Sioux City. FRANCIS Q. CARBERRY, Gauger, Dubuque. 8 IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. Tenth District—Louis WEINSTEIN, Collector, Burlington, Iowa. WM. CORSE MCARTHUR, Chief Deputy, Burlington. JOHN A. O'NEALL, Division Deputy, Burlington. S. E. WALCOTT, Division Deputy, Davenport. J. D. WELCH, Division Deputy, Bloomfield. JAMES D. ROWEN, Division Deputy, Des Moines. M. M. PARKINSON, Division Deputy, Corning. M. A. THOMPSON, Stamp Deputy, Davenport. JAMES A. BREWER, Stamp Deputy, Des Moines. 1ST. M. IVES, Stamp Deputy, Ottumwa. FILLMORE BROWNELL, Stamp Deputy, Keokuk. U. S. Land Office. D. M. Fox, Register, U. S. Land Office, Des Moines. M. D. MCHENK\T, Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Des Moines. U. S. Senators. TERM EXPIRES. HON. WILLIAM B. ALLISON, Dubuque 1891 HON. JAMES F. WILSON, Fairtield 1895 IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. Representatives in Congress. First District—HON. JOHN H. GEAR Burlington. Second District—HON. WALTER I. HAYES Clinton. Third District—HON. DAVID B. HENDERSON Dubuque. Fourth District—HON. J. H. SWENEY Osage. Fifth District—HON. DANIEL KERR Gruncly Center. Sixth District—HON. JOHN F. LACEY Oskaloosa. Seventh District—HON. EDWIN H. CONGER Des Moines. Eighth District—HON. JAMES P. FLICK Bedford. Ninth District—HON. JOSEPH R. REED Council Bluffs. Tenth District—HON. J. P. DOLLIVER Fort Dodge. Eleventh District—HON. ISAAC S. STRUBLE Le Mars. (Terms of all Representatives in Congress expire March 4,1891.) 10 IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. JUDICIAL. Supreme Court. TERM EXPIRES JAMES H. ROTHROCK, Chief Justice, Cedar Rapids 1890 JOSEPH M. BECK, Judge, Ft. Madison 1891 GIFFORD S. ROBINSON, Judge, Storm Lake 1893 CHARLES T. GRANGER, Judge, Waukon 1894 JOSIAH GIVEN, Judge, Des Moines 1895 JOHN Y. STONE, Attorney General, Glenwood 1890 GILBERT B. PRAY, Clerk of Supreme Court, Hamilton Co., (P. O. Des Moines) 1890 CHRISTOPHER T. JONES, Deputy, Washington Co. EZRA C. EBERSOLE, Reporter Supreme Court (P. O., Toledo, Tama Co.) 1890 Judges of the District Courts, (From which Appeals may be taken to the Supreme Court.) District Court First District—J. M. CASEY, Ft. Madison; C. H. PHELPS,- Bur- lington. Second District — H. C. TRAVERSE, Bloomfield; DELL STUART, Chariton; CHAS. D. LEGGETT, Fairfield. Third District—JOHN W. HARVEY, Leon; R. C. HENRY, Mt. Ayr. IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. 11 Fourth District—On AS. H. LEWIS, Cherokee; GEO. W. WAKEFIELD, Sioux City; SCOTT M. LADD, Sheldon. Fifth District—J. H. HENDERSON, Indianola; O. B. Ay RES, Knox- ville; A. W. WILKINSON, Winterset. Sixth District—J. KELLEY JOHNSON, Oskaloosa; DAVID RYAN, Newton; W. R. LEWIS, Montezunia. Seventh District—C. M. WATERMAN, Davenport; W. F. BRANNAN, Muscatine; ANDREW HOWAT, Clinton. Eighth District—S. H. FAIR ALL, Iowa City. Ninth District—W. F. CONRAD, MARCUS KAVANAGH, JR., and CHAS. A. BISHOP, Des Moines. Tenth District—C. F. COUCH, Waterloo; J. J. NEY, Independence, D. J. LINEHAN, Dubuque. Eleventh District—D. R. HINDMAN, Boone; JOHN L. STEVENS, Ames; S. M. WEAVER, Iowa Falls. Twelfth District—G^o. W. RUDDICK, Waverly; JOHN C. SHERWIN, Mason City. Thirteenth District—L. O. HATCH, McGregor; W. A. HOYT, Fayette. Fourteenth District—GEO. H. CARR, Emmetsburg; LOT THOMAS, Storm Lake. Fifteenth District—A. B. THORNELL, Sidney; GEO. CARSON, Council Bluffs; H. E. DEEMER, Red Oak; N. W. MACY, Harlan. Sixteenth District—J. P. CONNER, Denison; J. H. MACOMBER, Ida Grove. Seventeenth District—L. G. KINNE, Toledo. Eighteenth District—J". D. GIFFEN, Marion; J. H. PRESTON, Cedar Rapids. 12 IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. Official Court Reporters. First Judicial District—R. P. ROBINSON, Burlington; CHAS. J. SMITH, Keokuk. Second Judicial District—C. Q. THORPE, Chariton; FRANK C. TRAVERSE, Bloomfield; WILL ' S. PREWHT, Fairfielcl. Third Judicial District—WM. M. HYLAND, Osceola; E. J. BROOKS, Leon. Fourth Judicial District—CHAS. C. HAMILTON, Sioux City; W. E, CODY, Sioux City; CHAS. H. TOLLES, Sioux City. Fifth Judicial District—H. K. ASHTON, Guthrie Center; J. S. BAR- TOW, Inclianola; W. S. BRIGGS, Otturnwa. Sixth Judicial District—J. H. P. ROBINSON, Montezuma; E. H. WARING, Oskaloosa; Miss O. BEMAN, Oskaloosa. Seventh Judicial District—Miss SOPHIA DALLAS, Muscat]ne; L. P. DOSH, Davenport; JOHN JACKSON, Clinton. Eighth Judicial District—C. W. MICHENER, Iowa City. Ninth Judicial District—C. L. DAHLBERG, Des Moiiies; H. W. IRISH, Des Moines; C. F. IRISH, Des Moines. Tenth Judicial District—VINCENT LIEBEN. Dubuque; D. S. WIL- SON, Dubuque; C. J. MORLEY, Dubuque. Eleventh Judicial District—T. R. DERING, Marshalltown; JOHN WILLIAMS, Ames; H. T. DAWLEY, Ft. Dodge. Twelfth Judicial District—CHAS. M. ADAMS, Mason City; ARTHUR BUSH, Garner; D. A. LONG, Waverly. Thirteenth Judicial District—J". J. GRINNELL, McGregor. Fourteenth Judicial District—W. R. LEMEREAUX, Ft. Dodge; W. R. SPENCER, Algona. Fifteenth Judicial District—ft. O. BRUINGTON, Atlantic; O. C. GASTON, Tabor; JOHN H. CLARKE, Council Bluffs; W. E. BUT- LER, Red Oak. I" / iKOSSUTH j 93J>7 SIOUX lOB,RiEN ^v MAJP OF THK STATR OF IOWA OFFICIAL REGISTER. 13 Sixteenth Judicial District—GITRTRUDE YOUNG, Carroll; C. L. BAILEY, Carroll. Seventeenth Judicial District—J. P. BLAISE, Toledo. Eighteenth Judicial District—H? R. BURR, La Porte City. Superior Court Cedar Rapids—JOHN T.

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