THE LONDON GAZETTE,. NOVEMBER 17, 1876. 6157 White Plains, county of Westchester, and John 3259. Gustav Adolph Bucholz, of Regent's Park, Gail Borden, of South East, county of Putnam, in the county of Middlesex, Gentleman, for an both in the State of New York, United States invention of "improved machinery for hulling of America.—Dated llth November, 1873. grain."—Dated llth November, 1869. 3677. William Morgan-Brown, of the firm of Brandon and Morgan-Brown, Engineers and Patent Agents, of 38, Southampton-buildings, In the High Court of Justice.—Chancery Division. London, and 13, Eue Gaillon, Paris, for an In the Matter of the Companies Acts, 1862 and invention of " improvements in paper bags, and 1867, and in the Matter of the Alexandra in the machinery for their manufacture."—From Palace Company Limited. abroad by Luther Childs Crowell, of Boston, rilHE Vice-Chancellor Sir Richard Malins has, Massachusetts, United States of America.— JL by an Order, dated the llth day of Novem- Dated 11th November, 1873. ber, 1876, appointed Robert Fletcher, of 3, A LIST of the Letters Patent for Inventions Lothbury, in the city of London. Public Ac- j_\_ which have become void by reason of the countant, to be Official Liquidator of the above- non-payment of the additional Stamp Duty of named Company;—Dated this 13th day of £100, before the expiration of the seventh year November, 1876. from the date of such Patents, pursuant to the Act of the 16th Viet., c. 5, sec. 2, for the week In the High Court of Justice.—Chancery Division. ending the llth day of November, 1876. In the Matter of the Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867, and in the Matter of the Alexandra 3206. John Martin Stanley, of Sheffield, in the Palace Company Limited. county of York, Ironfbunder, for an invention nnHE creditors of the above-named Company of " improvements in furnaces and crucibles for JL are required, on or before the 23rd day of melting steel and other metals, and in furnaces December, 1876, to send their names and ad- for heating steel and iron."—Dated 5th No- dresses, and the particulars of their debts or vember, 1869. claims, and the names and addresses of their 3211. Alexander Melville Clark, of 53, Chancery- Solicitors (if any) to Robert Fletcher, of 3, Loth- lane, in the county of Middlesex, Patent Agent, bury, in the city of London,, the Official Liqui- for an invention of " improvements in boring dator of the said Company; 'and if so required tools."—Communicated to him from abroad by by notice in writing from the said Official Liqui- Alexander Allan, of the city, county, and Stale dator, are, by their Solicitors, to come in and of New York, United States of America.— prove their said debts or claims at the chambers Dated 5th November, 1869. of the Vice-Chancellor Malins, at No. 3, Stone- 3213. Frederick Taylor, of the firm of Lindley buildings, Lincoln's-inn, in the county of Mid- • Taylor and Company, of the town and county dlesex, at such time as shall be specified in such of the town of Nottingham, for an invention of notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded "improvements in sewing and embroidering from the benefit of any distribution made before machines."—Dated 6th November, 1869. such debts are proved. Friday, the 12th day of 3224. Alexander Carnegie Kirk, of Glasgow, in January, 1877, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the the county of Lanark, North Britain, Engineer, said chambers, is appointed for hearing and for an invention of "improvements in or con- adjudicating upon the debts and claims.—Dated nected with' retorts."—Dated 9th November, this 13th day of November, 1876. 1869. 3229. Alexander Melville Clark, of 53, Chancery- lane, in the county of Middlesex, Patent Agent, In the Chancery of the County Palatine of for an invention of " improvements in the trans- Lancaster.—Liverpool District. portation of letters, parcels, and other freight In the Matter of the Bodfari Hematite Iron by atmospheric pressure, and in apparatus con- Mining Company Limited; and in the Matter nected therewith." — Communicated to him from of the Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867 ; and abroad by Alfred Ely Beach, of Stratford, Fair- in the Matter of the Court of Chancery of field County, State of Connecticut, United States Lancaster Act, 1850 ; and in the Matter, of of America.—Dated 9th November, 1869. the Court of Chancery of Lancaster Act, 1854. 3231. Anton Bohlken, of Varel, Grand Dukedom OTICE is hereby given, that a petition for of Oldenburg, Architect, for an invention of N the winding up of the above-named Com- "improvements in terriers or ground augers."— pany, subject to the supervision of ihe Court of Dated IOth November, 1869. Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 3240. Frederick Bernard Doering, of Victoria- was, on the loth day of November, 1876, pre- . street, in the city of Westminster, Civil Engi- sented to the Right Honourable the Chancellor neer, for an invention of " an improved con- of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster struction of stand or carriage for rock'boring or by the .said Company ;' and that the said petition excavating machines."—Dated 10th November, is directed to be heard before the Vice-Chancellor, 1869. at St. George's Hall, Liverpool, in the county of 3243. Aaron Mosley, of Old Radford, in the Lancaster, on the 30th day of November, 1876; county of Nottingham, Mechanic, for an inven- and any creditor or contributory of the said tion of " improvements in lace machinery."— Company desirous to oppose the making of an Dated llth November, 1869. Order for the winding up'of the said Company under the* above Acts, should appear at the time 3255. Josiah Mason, of Birmingham, in the county of hearing by himself or his counsel for that of Warwick, Manufacturer, for an invention of purpose; and a copy of the petition will be " an improvement or improvements in metallic furnished to any creditor or contributory of the . pens."^—Communicated to him from abroad by said Company requiring the same by the under- Jean Benoit Mullat, of Paris, in the Empire of signed, on payment of the regulated charge for France.—Dated llth November, 1869. the same.—Dated this loth'day of November, 3256. William Harris, of Birmingham, in the 1875.- ; county of Warwick, Wholesale Ironmonger, for Arthur S. Mather, lj Commerce-court, an invention of "improvements in locks and Liverpool, Solicitor for the said Peti- latches."—Dated llth November, 1869. tioners..
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