Trt 7.1M8. JDRILY ITALY WILL HAVE Call For More Taxes Mew Yort-(J*»)-rrs*k Cr TO TURN TO THE Major Issue Congress It, radio entertainer, eatapstr, and former VMdmtilt star, died sadden* RRDIO ly of a heart attack in his hotel Faces When It Returns apartment early today. ALLIES FOR COAL His wife, known in the entertain- WMbJofton —(#)— Legislation looking for * new record world as Julia Sanderson, BY JAMES MARLOW AND level of wartime taxes overshadows virt all oonsiderations was at Us bedside. GEORGE Z1ELKE for tht JNftumittf .c0nffr«M. Crmmit and his wife appeared on Washington—<*)—The two radio programs, one a five-day of Italy probably haf tipped the However, some of the beat informed observers have predicted there WFHR would, be no new revenue letisla- fotan broadcast in the afternoon allied coal Mottle. lS4t Kilocycles profit! tax from 90 to 96 per and the other an evening show, Italy hat practically no eoel of lion this year—because of tht 1944 titled, "The battle of the sexes." TONIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS its own. This country has eeeJ. So political campaigns. cent •:0«-6:1S — Foltoa Lewis, Jr. has Great Britain. Both eountriee Retail Sales Tax Bitter OaMnversry Senator Byrd KM proposed a (MBS). are producing leu than they need. A hitter controversy between 8:15-6:25—Sports Parade. Will Need Help wartime trial of • federal retail 4 Women Escape Tnaawy Secretary MorgenthaU sales tax. 6:25-6:30—Sports Spotlight. But a conquered Italy, to get on and the congressional tax staff be- From Tayche«dah 6:30-6:45—Dinner Dance. its feet, will have to depend on Washington marked with special clouds the picture. significance a recent speech by Rep. 6:45-7:00—"Confidentially Yours" the allies for help. The treasury department and the Fond da Lac, Wis.—(Jf)—Pond (MBis). Italy, using more than 15 mil- Knutsbn of Minnesota, ranking Re- congressional staff are working publican member of the tax-fram- du Lac county officers were search- 7:00-7:30—Marshfield Fair. lion tons of coal a year before en- separately on new revenue pro- ing today for four inmates of the 7:30-8:00—Dance Music. tering the war, received 80 per cent ing ways and means committee, who grams, for the double-barreled pur- HI am frank to aay that I do state prison for women at Tayehee- 8:00-8:15 — Gabriel Heatter of its supply from Germany. pose of paying war costs and head- dah who escaped over the week-end. (MBS). It has been depending on its axis not see how we can hope to in- ing off inflation. takes much more." Those being sought are: Marian 8:15-8:30—Fireside Gospel Hour. partner ever since. Capitol hill hears that the tax Nelson, 81, sentenced from Sparta; 8:45-9:00— Dance Music. Prime Minister Churchill told staff, if the joint congressional com- Delayne Johnson, 21, and Betty Jane 9 .-00-9:03—News. British miners in May Great Bri- mittee on taxation approves, might The Pony Express, originated in Everson, 18,' both sentenced from 9:05-9:15—Dance Music. tain's coal production was 16 mil- resort to subpeona to get informa- 1860, was in existence only 16 LaCrosse, and Josephire Askinette, 9:15-9:30—Sunny Skylar (MBS). lion tons short of its needs. tion about what the treasury is do- months. 18, sentenced from West Bend. 9:30-9:45—Voice of the Army— G.O.P. OPENS MACKINAC ISLAND MEETING—Chairman Harrison Spangfer (center) opens the United States coal production is ing to draft an administration pro- "Flight For Glory." meeting of the Republican post-war advisory council on Mackinac island in Lake Huron. Left is behind 1943 schedules. gram—and that Secretary Morgen- 9:45-10:00—Music That Endures Gov. Harry F. Kelly of Michigan and at right is Council Secretary Harold Mason of Vermont. Already eastern householders— thau might go to court to challenge (MBS). the great users of anthracite—have j such a move, which he is said to re- 10:00-10:15—News. been told they may have, until Dec. gard as a "fishing expedition." 10:15-10:30 — Tommy Reynolds 1, only 50 per cent of what they Search For New Billions .(MBS). Report Gen. George Marshall Will used last year. The house ways and means com- WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS Begin Shutting Off Supply mittee, shortly after congress re- 7:00-7:15—"Old Ab." But the shutting-off of Italy's convenes September 14, will begin 7:15-7:30—News. Lead Invasion of Western Europe coal supply from Germany has be- a preliminary search for new bil- 7:30-7:45—Oscar Kenberg. gun. lions. 7:45-8:00—Early Birds. Last week, as allied ground The treasury wants to add $12,- 8:00-8:05—A. P. News. BY DE WITT MAC KENZIE forces swarmed across Messina 000,000,000 to the present annual 8:05-9:00—Late Risers' Club. This past long week-end has been a notable one for allied fctrait to start the climb up Italy's collections of $38,000,000,000, if pos- T'S a genuine pleasure to 9:00-9:05—News. arms around the world. boot, allied bombers streaked sible. 9:05-9:10—Meet Mr. Baby. Since invasion of France across the English channel is one northward to plaster Germany's rail It may be next spring before con- show our clothes to men who 9:10-9:15—Musical Interlude. of the paramount issues of the moment, I think we must place among link with Italy through the Alps' gress completes a new general rev- 9:15-9:30—Choir Loft (MBS). Brenner pass. enue measure. appreciate the artistic in design the foremost of the developments an announcement in the Washington Irf Through that jugular vein of the 9:30-9:45 — "May time Sweep- Evening Star. The Star's foreign The Tax Picture Stakes." axis Germany had poured not only Today, on the best information end superb quality. aaairs writer, Constantine Brown, coal southward but also military re- 9:45-10:30—Marshfield Hour. says he learns on the highest au- USERYICE available, the tax picture looks 10:30-10:55—Stevens Point Hour. inforcements. about like this: NAZIS DIFFER ON fnoiity that General George C. It seems likely the pass-plaster- 10:55-11:00—The Town Crier. Marshall, U. S. chief of staff, will Sales tax—given a surprising 11:00-11:15 — Boake Carter Pfc. LeRoy Hesse has returned g will continue as the allied in- amount of support in private con- be named commander in chief of vasion moves up the boot. XMBS). WHERE TO FIGHT any allied invasion of'the continent to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Cal, versations on capitol hill, but re- 11:15-11:30—Morning Devotional. from England. after spending a 15-day furlough U. S. Coal Picture garded politically as a bear waiting 11:30-11:45—Luncheon Dance. with his wife and his mother Mrs. Here is America's coal picture: to be taken by the tail. Organized SCHNABEL'S 11:45-11:55—Cindy Walker. Stockholm— (IP)— The allied in- Plans Developing Henry Hesse, 1431 Apricot street, Last year the United States pro- labor opposes it as a burden on 11:55-12:00—Thorp Auction Time vasion of Italy was reported today This means, Brown points out, city . duced 580 million tons of bitumln- small income groups and veteran —Better Clothing— to have caught Adolf Hitler and "that preparations for operating ous, 60 million tons of anthracite. lawmakers say it hasn't a chance. A 12:00-12:05—Markets (WN). members of his general staff at across the English channel are suf- Pfc. Elmer T. Leverance is This year's goals are 600 million 10 per cent federal retail sales levy 12:05-12:15—"Olb Ab." odds over the question of whether ficiently advanced to select a lead- among the Wisconsin men who par- tons of bituminous, 65 million tons would yield about $5,600,000,000. ; lY.'liYl'lV/lf I 12:15-12:30—News. the German army should attempt er." He emphasizes, however, that ticipated in the battle of Sicily. Re- of anthracite. It's behind schedule Little Enthusiasm 12:30-1:00—Buck Leverton. to make a stand along the Po river well-informed circles say this cent letters received by his par- because: Excess profits tax for individuals 1:00-1:15—Cedric Foster (MBS). or withdraw to positions behind the musn't be taken as meaning the in- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lever- This year's coal strikes cost —the ways and means committee 1:15-1:30—Rehabilitation Depart- Alps. vasion is ready to begin within the ance, Route 3, state that Elmer is about 24 million tons—20 bitumin- ordered a study of such a tax, but ment. next few weeks. well, and that he enjoys the vine- ous and four anthracite—which can- the treasury has little enthusiasm Against Advice of Generals Well, whether the invasion conies yards and orchards of the island. not easily be made up; manpower GET A MOO SALARY LOAN 1:30-2:00—Mutual Goes Calling According to a Swedish observer for it, due to the difficulty of ar- ;(MBS). soon or late, what we have to keep Elmer's brother Herbert is sta- is short, the mines having lost a riving at a formula for determining PAY BACK «9.75 A MONTH FOR 12 MONTHS who cannot be identified by name in mind is this: When it does ar- tioned in Australia, and writes of net of 60,000 to 70,000 men to the 2:00-2:15—Arthur Gaeth (MBS).
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