_.-:"t'!Cfili a~.,-------lIIiIIS........ _..__.... .=.1 eft" $ , r Ell.' FrTW' j II 17T " ," C,Or\\11 \unIty ,0' \.~ ~' ~ J">: -t ~:'" ..9 ~ws ~ Party in Detroit ends up a bust Actmg O'J a l1p pI (J\ rOed b, Ddr "t on In. ~3rd The 11,E'J tpose arrested ....c'"e tram t'lt Gr,IS't p'}\rltf' Park p Ibill ~afe- "'t"ted tI'lat Iher e ""auld be Pomt", ',' f"i_ .. r ". Ol;,..(}l~ poll!.'; broke akoho: alld m\.l~I' up dn lllega! "ra~e~ part) on Detroit pollce tran"ported MacK, Just dr:ro~s from the Park pohce tIpped theIr "ounterp<irts 1'1 Dtetrolt, \~h{J thuse ....ho \\ere 17 and 18 to DetfOlt/Gr oS"e Pomte Park rdlded the party whlc!) had a the cIty" gang headquartH" "'19971 bord<?r un, Jail 23, at about 10 Those ) ounger we,e taken to co'. er cha::ge and a dISCJocke) I pm tne FIfth PrecInct Tho"'€' AccC'rdmg te, Pdrh police. a 0\ er 70 people were arrest- arrtsted fall undf'r thfoJun,oH- Inside ThisWj filer ....,3<; c,rculated around the ed, of whl~h "66 "'ere 18 or tlOn of DetrOIt pollee and Pomtes advertl~mg a party m younger A large numher of coun" Merrill Lynch,., others make GP mini Wall Street The Aa!Jumpbon Cultural By Brad Lindberg opened in the 19'70s, The OhIO Center presents a wine tast- Staff \lv'nter Com pan:) moved to The Hlil 14 mg benefit from 6:30 to 8:30 Now that }.1:ernll Lynch has )-ears ago to be near Its cus p.rn. at the center, 21800 opened an oft1ce m Grosse tomers said Don Schrom, Marter. 8t Clarr Shores. to Pamte Farm:., The Hill ;,ports office manager benefit the MultIple more bro\erage houses than At the time the only space ScleroSIS FoundatlOo and the t~l;: a!t:d u! dow71wwn Detrolt the firm could hnd ,",as ill a Assumption Cultural Center known tradltlOnally as the second floor. rear cff.ce over- Endowment Fund. Tl.ckets finanCIal di:.tnd looking a parkmg lot TlmE'~ f are $15. Call (313) 885-5243 Thp hl11hs~ 1r:.'1:~Jt:ULJJ.t lJ.dnge OhlO plans to rejr;cate "~~' ' -.A.. '. ,_,. , • house met the openmg bell of do,",nstalrs to a strtE't If'\ el the ::-,te"l'York Stock Exchange office facmg Kercheval, hp Sunday, Feb. 1 ' '- W' . ,c. on Jan. 26 {n a hopeful note, saId I the Dow Jones closed the day Schrom typlfies the 'iubur t "., " _. • '., . • i _~:. ,. .., , . up 12.2 pomts ban, l>enflce.onented financl<lJ Refresh your SPlnt Wlth The office \\:"Illbe headed by rn'Olnager Before Joimng OhIO the cODternplatn'e beauty of Park reSIdent Steven MOITlsh. 18 year" ago. he "'..t'l a tearher the Evensong, performed VIce pre:Oldltnt.mvestments m the Gro",;£; Pomte Puhl'l begmmng at 4 p m by thl' Shopping day Newly houl>ed In the fonner School S)stem and Cnl\"~-lh ChOir of Men and Bo)s of Farmer Jack at Nine Mile and Mack in St. Clair Shores has a shopping cart built Grosse POinte NOo'\\SbUlld.ng, LtggEtt 8chool Chnst Church Grosse for four - the ft'lur WiIberding babies of Grosse Pointe Fann!\. Store manager Matt ~femll Lynch and lts ~tafT of Like L\ nel,';, :,>Iorrl",h Pomte, 61 Grosse Pomte Asta (left) presented the cart and $4.000 in Fanner Jack gift certificates last week five finan~al cOl1sultant~ ,hr,re Schrom 11\es 10 the Pomtl' Blvd, Grosse Pomte Fal11ls to the This was the first grocery store outing for the family. Elhabeth holds financwl servIce" \\,lth Rone~' Schrom\ tIe" to the IOUll c"ln. Call (313) 885-4841 famlly. JuUe and Jack, whUe Edward holds Eddie and Peter. Bom June S. the children will & Co and The OhIO Compan~' munltv 2.! e S(; ~tT\}ng Ult\t h.- go through 29.200 diapers. 416 containers of baby wipes and 1,460 cans of infant on The Hlll Down Kerch,,'. a: eH'n make~ financ,,11 hOll'l formula. Farmer Jacl" Supermarket will give a. total of $16.000 to the Wilberdings 10 The VIllage feliow broher t.llls Monday, Feb. 2 for food. clothing, diapers and baby supplies. FIrst of ~flchlgan add;, tG the "Demand for fiT}dll. I I _, r. Wall Street offenngs In the , 'co,,, 15 gettmg muLl. '1l01, ,]( t P01ntes sona] " Toohe\. explmned Punxsutawney Phll'S bIg The bUIldup of hnrmCIal bro- ~People arp OeIW f1l1l t, ,,\ day Will tht' Pennsylvama ' kers In Grosse Pr'lnte IS parI of at theIr financIJ l u)un~ 'I 1 ground hog set' hls shd.do~ District studying the issue of an mdust!') pU'lh natlO'1""de to help In plaIl.lmgtht.,;' lllWlJ< ",' on tillS day whIch fONtells e;,tabhsh hn;,nrh offices !'1 !c.co.! fU.tU.l':~ idLher than Ju~t (7'..el ut I the end of WlTJter7 gifts, fUlldl~aisillg, sponsorship commumt,e:., "aId Franl{ mg financial tlaTl-nC!l )Il~ Toohey, VIce presld"nt and Customers feel more comf,J! t By Shirley A. McShane gtfts parents bestow upon the assIstant superIntendent for dIrector of tax policy at the able dealmg \\'1th somecne 111 UT •• .J_ ~t::lff INrlt ... Ot:llfl'h \10.0::1..,.. :;;p("ur:ltles InclustT) , I ......,", .. :. _.. .::rhnl"\] .4,..., r'rt 4.,..0. c~""Tict•.h.:.m D..r".l.d. \'" ... al ....at~url, 1~ theIr neIghborhood \\ no c<ln , - - - "'" --- --- Clt~;.C~;;~:)m~~~.;t wme more appropnate than to. A"soclatlOn, d \\Tashmgton lob- provide the sml'rgasbord of 7';v~,! In these hmt's of hmlted other:.? Are there stnngs by;r;g grouP. .. financial sen Ices 8\ allable m the IDl1mClpal offices at resources and eVer-lnCTl'n",mp • reVle w eXlstlng pOlley on I ~"'J.U" JUt;. 4-U L.! ..t::' ':-'L.luurD~ put:::: lOUd), - BLl.dlheu7 Do parents nave a gtltS, soliCItatIOns and he &d.Hi .t;OOz,'lMack Piaza costs, the concept of cammer: nght, smce they raIsed the fundralsmg; brokers nearer to theIr cus- "Tros doesn't appl) to Ju,t clal sponf;Orship IS attractIve- monev to tell the lhstnet tomer base, Toohey saId neh people Thls IS for anyone • but at ~hat cost? • discuss issues of appropn- whe!"e the money should go ~ ateness, equity, etc , relatn.e t'l Toohey sald the demand for anxIOUS about how to gd fl Recently the Grosse Pomte The Grosse Pomte School say to hire addltlonal teachers, gifts, financial semce.'J IS much more comprehenslve plan to dp 11 Pubhc School S) stem entered Board meets at 8 p m In the to purchase a partIcular text- nersonal these days WIth th"'lr chIldren's educatlOT' mto a deal WIth the Coca-Cola • conslder Issueb m tenns of WlCking LIbrary at Grosse book? the Grosse Pomte si:hools'long- "'As a buslnessperson, It'S their own retIrement, dnd ho\~ Bottlmg Co m which the soft inte South Hlgh School, 11 These and other questlOns range economlC plc.ture, important to know your cus- to take care of the catastrophl!. dnnk supplier proVlded, at a rosse Pointe Blvd have been kicked around by a • recommend changes m the tomers," Toohey saId expenses associated \\lth theIr reduced rate, new scoreboards commlttee convened last fall by polIcy and regulations By movmg closer to where parent's old age," Toohe) s:lld for the dlstnct's 111gh school Grosse Pomte school dlstnct "'We are only to the pomt of people 11\e, brokers are nearer Indeed, :-.remil L) nch cail'l athletlc fields ll'I exchange for admlnIstrators The commlt- developmg a prl"hlTlmary to their customers, he said Its Hllliocatlon a speclBl mi'r- d,splaymg the Cuea-Cui" Juga Thursday, Feb. 5 tee, whlch mcludes pa!"ents, Computers and modern com- ket office' that offers tax, on the SIgn as well as selhng Its report to the board," Parsons representatlves from PTOs and saId earlier thls week The pre- mumcation technolog) al1o\, retlr€'ment and busmess o\\n€'r soft dnnk;; exclUSive!) m four The Grosse POInte boosters clubs, adnunu,trators lImmary report cO..lld not be for decentrahzatlOn ~o mat- successIOn planmng along wlth Commumty Blood Councll's of Its schools and a former school board released before February, she ter where you are, If you have a a WIde range of eqUIty and debt wmter biood dnve IS from 9 But ho,", much IS too m'Ich? trustee. has been meetmg each SaId, because It must first be personal computer and modem, semces, saId Joseph a ro. to 8 30 P In In the Coca-Cola logos on every school Tuesday Since OctoLer. presented to the board at you can t,e mto the financIal Holsinger, \lce preSIdent and Grosse Pomte War locker? The Nlke "swoosh ~ on world.~ Toohev saId. Mlchlgan dlstnct "ales manag- school gym umfonns? Memonal' 32 Lakeshore The commlttee's charge The shift t~ suburbIa IS part er Grosse Pomte Farms What about the generous according to MafJone Parsons. See GIFTS, page 3A of a move away from less acce'i- On Monday Oct 27 of !.J..,t Babys.ttmg ,md transporta- Sible. c:mtrahzed headquarters year, ~hIle book lovers tion are avaIlable upon hunkered m down to,",n office bra,", sed leIsurely among the request For more mfonna- I bul1dmgs, Toohey saId \ olumes at Waldenbooks In llon, call (313) 884.5542 , The OhIO Company IS " case The Village, )laly B:ack and ~ ! III pomt h"r staff at FIrst of Mlchlgan I One of the first tenants In worked feven'Jhly In the offices the Renals~ance Center when the mammoth office comple ....
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