BÁEZ-LÓPEZ • GUERRERO-CASTRO SeriesSeriesSeries ISSN:ISSN: ISSN: 1932-31661932-3166 1932-3166 BÁEZ-LÓPEZ • GUERRERO-CASTRO BÁEZ-LÓPEZ • GUERRERO-CASTRO SSSYNTHESISYNTHESISYNTHESIS L LLECTURESECTURESECTURES ON ONON MMM MorganMorganMorgan & & & ClaypoolClaypoolClaypool PublishersPublishersPublishers DDDIGITALIGITALIGITAL C CCIRCUITSIRCUITSIRCUITS AND ANDAND S SSYSTEMSYSTEMSYSTEMS &&&CCC SeriesSeriesSeries Editor:Editor: Editor: Mitchell MitchellMitchell Thornton,Thornton, Thornton, Southern SouthernSouthern Methodist MethodistMethodist University UniversityUniversity CircuitCircuitCircuit Analysis AnalysisAnalysis with withwith Multisim MultisimMultisim DavidDavidDavid Báez-LópezBáez-López Báez-López andand and FélixFélix Félix E.E. E. Guerrero-CastroGuerrero-Castro Guerrero-Castro CircuitCircuitCircuit AnalysisAnalysisAnalysis withwithwith UniversidadUniversidadUniversidad dede de laslas las Américas-Puebla,Américas-Puebla, Américas-Puebla, MéxicoMéxico México ThisThisThis bookbook book isis is concernedconcerned concerned withwith with circuitcircuit circuit simulationsimulation simulation usingusing using NationalNational National InstrumentsInstruments Instruments Multisim.Multisim. Multisim. ItIt It focusesfocuses focuses onon on MultisimMultisimMultisim thethethe useuse use andand and comprehensioncomprehension comprehension ofof of thethe the workingworking working techniquestechniques techniques forfor for electricalelectrical electrical andand and electronicelectronic electronic circuitcircuit circuit simulation.simulation. simulation. CIRCUIT ANALYSIS WITH MULTISIM TheTheThe firstfirst first chapterschapters chapters areare are devoteddevoted devoted toto to basicbasic basic circuitcircuit circuit analysis.analysis. analysis. ItIt It startsstarts starts byby by describingdescribing describing inin in detaildetail detail howhow how toto to performperform perform CIRCUIT ANALYSIS WITH MULTISIM CIRCUIT ANALYSIS WITH MULTISIM aa a DC DCDC analysis analysisanalysis using usingusing only onlyonly resistors resistorsresistors and andand independent independentindependent and andand controlled controlledcontrolled sources. sources.sources. Then, Then,Then, it itit introduces introducesintroduces capacitorscapacitorscapacitors andand and inductorsinductors inductors toto to makemake make aa a transienttransient transient analysis.analysis. analysis. InIn In thethe the casecase case ofof of transienttransient transient analysis,analysis, analysis, itit it isis is possiblepossible possible tototo havehave have anan an initialinitial initial conditioncondition condition eithereither either inin in thethe the capacitorcapacitor capacitor voltagevoltage voltage oror or inin in thethe the inductorinductor inductor current,current, current, oror or both.both. both. FourierFourier Fourier analysisanalysisanalysis is isis discussed discusseddiscussed in inin the thethe context contextcontext of ofof transient transienttransient analysis. analysis.analysis. Next, Next,Next, we wewe make makemake a a a treatment treatmenttreatment of ofof AC ACAC analysis analysisanalysis tototo simulate simulatesimulate the thethe frequency frequencyfrequency response responseresponse of ofof a a a circuit. circuit.circuit. Then,Then, Then, we wewe introduce introduceintroduce diodes, diodes,diodes, transistors, transistors,transistors, and andand circuits circuitscircuits composedcomposedcomposed by byby them themthem and andand perform performperform DC, DC,DC, transient, transient,transient, and andand AC ACAC analyses. analyses.analyses. TheThe The book bookbook ends endsends with withwith simulation simulationsimulation ofofof digitaldigital digital circuits.circuits. circuits. AAA practicalpractical practical approachapproach approach isis is followedfollowed followed throughthrough through thethe the chapters,chapters, chapters, usingusing using step-by-stepstep-by-step step-by-step examplesexamples examples toto to introduceintroduce introduce newnewnew MultisimMultisim Multisim circuitcircuit circuit elements,elements, elements, tools,tools, tools, analyses,analyses, analyses, andand and virtualvirtual virtual instrumentsinstruments instruments forfor for measurement.measurement. measurement. The The The examplesexamples examples DavidDavidDavid Báez-López Báez-LópezBáez-López areareare clearly clearlyclearly commented commentedcommented and andand illustrated. illustrated.illustrated. The TheThe different differentdifferent tools toolstools available availableavailable on onon Multisim MultisimMultisim are areare used usedused when whenwhen appropriateappropriateappropriate soso so readersreaders readers learnlearn learn whichwhich which analysesanalyses analyses areare are availableavailable available toto to them.them. them. This ThisThis isis is partpart part ofof of thethe the learninglearning learning outcomesoutcomes outcomes FélixFélixFélix E. E.E. Guerrero-Castro Guerrero-CastroGuerrero-Castro thatthatthat shouldshould should resultresult result afterafter after eacheach each setset set ofof of end-of-chapterend-of-chapter end-of-chapter exercisesexercises exercises isis is workedworked worked out.out. out. AboutAboutAbout SYNTHESIs SYNTHESIsSYNTHESIs ThisThisThis volume volumevolume is isis a a a printed printedprinted version versionversion of ofof a a a work workwork that thatthat appears appearsappears in inin the thethe Synthesis SynthesisSynthesis MORGAN MORGANMORGAN DigitalDigitalDigital LibraryLibrary Library ofof of EngineeringEngineering Engineering andand and ComputerComputer Computer Science.Science. Science. SynthesisSynthesis Synthesis LecturesLectures Lectures provideprovideprovide concise,concise, concise, originaloriginal original presentationspresentations presentations ofof of importantimportant important researchresearch research andand and developmentdevelopment development topics,topics,topics, publishedpublished published quickly,quickly, quickly, inin in digitaldigital digital andand and printprint print formats.formats. formats. ForFor For moremore more informationinformation information & visitvisitvisit www.morganclaypool.comwww.morganclaypool.com www.morganclaypool.com & & CLAYPOOL CLAYPOOLCLAYPOOL ISBN:ISBN:ISBN: 978-1-60845-756-4 978-1-60845-756-4978-1-60845-756-4 SSSYNTHESISYNTHESISYNTHESIS L LLECTURESECTURESECTURES ON ONON MorganMorganMorgan & & & ClaypoolClaypoolClaypool PublishersPublishersPublishers 999000000000 IGITALIGITALIGITAL IRCUITSIRCUITSIRCUITS AND ANDAND YSTEMSYSTEMSYSTEMS www.morganclaypool.com DDD C CC SSS www.morganclaypool.comwww.morganclaypool.com 999777888111666000888444555777555666444 MitchellMitchellMitchell Thornton, Thornton,Thornton, Series SeriesSeries Editor EditorEditor Circuit Analysis with Multisim Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems Editor Mitchell A.Thornton, Southern Methodist University The Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems series is comprised of 50- to 100-page books targeted for audience members with a wide-ranging background. The Lectures include topics that are of interest to students, professionals, and researchers in the area of design and analysis of digital circuits and systems. Each Lecture is self-contained and focuses on the background information required to understand the subject matter and practical case studies that illustrate applications. The format of a Lecture is structured such that each will be devoted to a specific topic in digital circuits and systems rather than a larger overview of several topics such as that found in a comprehensive handbook. The Lectures cover both well-established areas as well as newly developed or emerging material in digital circuits and systems design and analysis. Circuit Analysis with Multisim David Báez-López and Félix E. Guerrero-Castro 2011 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing Texas Instruments MSP430, Part I Steven F. Barrett and Daniel J. Pack 2011 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing Texas Instruments MSP430, Part II Steven F. Barrett and Daniel J. Pack 2011 Pragmatic Electrical Engineering: Systems and Instruments William Eccles 2011 Pragmatic Electrical Engineering: Fundamentals William Eccles 2011 iii Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using ANSI C and the Arduino Development Environment David J. Russell 2010 Arduino Microcontroller: Processing for Everyone! Part II Steven F. Barrett 2010 Arduino Microcontroller Processing for Everyone! Part I Steven F. Barrett 2010 Digital System Verification: A Combined Formal Methods and Simulation Framework Lun Li and Mitchell A. Thornton 2010 Progress in Applications of Boolean Functions Tsutomu Sasao and Jon T. Butler 2009 Embedded Systems Design with the Atmel AVR Microcontroller: Part II Steven F. Barrett 2009 Embedded Systems Design with the Atmel AVR Microcontroller: Part I Steven F. Barrett 2009 Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller II: Digital and Analog Hardware Interfacing Douglas H. Summerville 2009 Designing Asynchronous Circuits using NULL Convention Logic (NCL) Scott C. Smith and Jia Di 2009 Embedded Systems Interfacing for Engineers using the Freescale HCS08 Microcontroller I: Assembly Language Programming Douglas H.Summerville 2009 iv Developing Embedded Software using DaVinci & OMAP Technology B.I. (Raj) Pawate 2009 Mismatch and Noise in Modern IC Processes Andrew Marshall 2009 Asynchronous Sequential Machine Design and Analysis: A Comprehensive Development of the Design and Analysis of Clock-Independent State Machines and Systems Richard F. Tinder 2009 An Introduction
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