University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-10-1900 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 09-10-1900 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 09-10-1900." (1900). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/1537 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Job Printing TT71 ImI War inrssis la teas) A be h jj! TH1 OTIZIN f at THB OnON ! JLJDL n ALBMUERCk DMLY CITIZEN. 13 VOLUME 14. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 10, 1900. NUMBER 272. place of refuge by people of that lo- the market showed amailng recupera special effort was mad by the cen cality, collapsed. tive energies and In th fac of wak tral committee to enable as many peo- AIL OtOSSI S) fjsss. sssav S Ageste fs E ANTED! OITBSI I Am Sunday dawned the streets were late cable rebounded 11 to IS points, II ple to attend as possible. lined with people half clad, crippled In with a rush on th freh whirl of gen- oca most II Pea NsgAtlatloss, ADD ofjmoi every conceivable manner, hobbling eral buying 'Which swept everything I Ivondon, dept. Chines Minister Mr CAKtJSTL the best they could to where they could before It. The excitement was unpre-cendente- tttWMf Chih Chen Ixh Fen Luh, It Is under- ATTBHTIOsT, Ht KHUtNIXlH receive the attention of physicians for and the bull enthusiasm themselves summon aid for friends. knew no bounds. The after fluctuation stood, has received credentials author- City Almost and Fugitive Chinese Ruler ising th opening of peact negotiation. of Galveston Police Officer John Bowie, who recently were violent both way. Conservative o-lt-t r I powsrt was awardfd a prlxe the most pop- estimates placed the forenoon transac It Intimated that similar bu'.t; .dttto-- as been conferred on min Destroyed. ular oflfrer In the city, waa In a pitia- tions at 450,000 bales. Needed at Pekin. have Chines ister at other capital and their cre ble condltton, ths toes on both feet are as satisfy th being broken, two libs caved In, head HRUtr rOK OALVKSTOiK. dentials such to American and European government You-t- o bsdly bruised, but his own condition, Murderer of German Minister Let Us Introduce the Probably Ten Thousand Peo- ho said, was nothing. Supplies sad Volanteer Urn to the Storm McKlnleyl Letter. "My house, with wife and children. Strlrkra City. Washington, Sept. 10. President Mo- - s a-- gulf- - on at Pekin Arrested. ple Drowned. In the I have nothing Houston, Tel., Sept. 10. At an In- Klnley' letter of aoceptanc was pub- esrth for whkoh to Mvs." formal meeting held at police head- lished this morning. It contain about Pat O'Keeife, who for years kept a quarters last night It wss decided to twelv thousand words and covers la popular resort on the beach, waa be- Ten Million Dollars Worth of Prop- despatch a train over the International The Impending Strike of Coal Min detail arl th Issues raised In thl cam moaning the loss of wife and every Virginia Point CAT! Great Northern to at paign. BLACK thing had on There were few erty Washed Into the Gulf. he earth. a early an hour aa supplies and volun ers May Be Averted. bodies on the beach. They had been teer could be provided. One company Ksasss ( lt Market. f swept Into the gulf or driven up Into of firemen, one company of policemen Kansas City, Mo.. Bept 10,-C- attl. the rubbish by the waves. The houses and volunteer, one yawl from th city U.0O0. Best steady, others weak. Na TERRIBLE LOSS TO TEXAS. SUNDAY BASE BALL GAMES. l on of the stocking which escaped destruction, have been park and a lot of smaller craft belong- tive steers, l4.0OOi.TSi Texas steam, J-J-E tamped the sole Best turned Into hospitals. ing to the cltliens of Houston, will be IJeotJi.oo; Texas cow. 00fI.2f; na sent. tive cows and heifer, tl.soet.K: stock- - for children ever made, and the best place to TEIIKIHI.R CALAMITY Pekin, Aug. 21. It Is unofficially but t2.60f? M: 12 M Houston, Tex., Sept. 10. Additional Mayor Brashear sent out the follow- r snd feeders. bulls, rtllably Prince Chlng will ?3 10; KOOf1.75. meet him is at the particular of the tlorm at Galveston ing circular: The damage from th stated that calves, steady, City of Oalveston Wind Swept and Water al- produce the emperor. The sHaatlofl ftheep, 4.0uu. dteady. Lambs, 3 00O Dhow that 1300 persona wera drowned storm slong the coast Is reported mM. most beyond description. Hundreds of seems to hsng upon this. If Prlncs 1.10; mutton, $J 00J.8. ml ten million dollars worth of prop- emperor, building Galveston. Tex., Hept. 10. 81 hun lives are said to have been lost and Ching can discover the his erty destroyed. There li not majesty's rule will probably be re. In the city not damaged to tome ex- dred to a thousand persons were killed many are destitute. A relief train Is Chisago Stork Market. Is In being up. I am Impelled by sumed, as there la no other likely can Chicago, Sept. 10. Cattle, 11000. Na Sehool Sale Week All on brach snd the city almost ruin. Ths made these This tent. the bath house the Prince Chlng comes under km ari dtntmyed arxl the attendants wharf front Is entirely gone, and every conditions to ask the merchants of this dlcate. tive, choice, steady, other weak. ocean steamer strsnded, and death and city to contribute supplies for tetrspor perial edict, and two other leading Butcher stock steady to slow; west drowned. Scaly hospital waa destroyed deputed ns drowned. The destruction la on every hand, with a aty relief until organisation can be af Chinamen will be to assist ern and Texan steady. Good to prime a Black week of it st our and most of the patient In ons of We are making Cat con- money loss that can not be estimated fected." gotlstions the settlement, Steers, M.IOt. 00; poor to medium, 4.0 grain elevator are destroyed, one Hung Chang. one bunhele of wheat. now. fto far as can ba learned at this whom will be Li Cl.tt; stoekers snd feeders, ti.00O4.7t; it will pay you to drop in and taining million Kseaped Hosiery Department, Kesln-tiur- g Is of appalling Towns ths Storm, cows, t2?F04M; heifers, 3.005.00, The llall high school and the hour this the result the Marderer af Minister Arrested, building, are destroyed and calamity that has befallen Galveston. Beaumont. Tex., Sept. 10. The towns osnnem. tl.WCJ.75; bulls, U 50O4 ft); Knee Stcckiogs, svhool news Llndon, Sept. 10. Chung LI, military see the Black Cat Triple Leather many persons who had taken refuge In Yesterday a boat was chartered to run of Sabine Pass and Port Arthur, calves, 15.00O7. 60; Ttras fed steers, anxiously await commandant at Pekin, who la reepon 10; them killed. Eight big steamship ports from Galveston to Texas City and on from which ha been t2.2f.CfS.00; Texas grasses, tl.04 and if you bring thia advertisement along, buy a pair of Houston Post correspondent ed, passed through the terrlflc storm on Bible for the murder of the 0rman Texas bulls, tl.t00l.40. a. all wrecked. All three of the rail- this the minister, has been arrested, and Is con had to hurriedly depart. The object of Saturday virtually unscathed. eTheep, 20.000. Chntc, a had higher. road bridges and the county bridge fined under German Jurisdiction. stockings, you will get a Black Cat Souvenir. across to the mainland at Virginia sending to Texas City waa to aak the other steady. Good to choice wether, STURM AT IIOlsTON. 86; mixed, Point were swept away, and the bridge people of the country to send food and Strike May He Averted. tl MOl fair to choto It lift fO; sheep, tenders and families drowned. The loss clothing. Indianapolis, Bept. 10. Ths national I western il.toei.U; Texan. of life and property la simply appalling. The waterworks are In ruins and cis- Murh Diaifo ead Elsrtrle Light Work- tXK73.2f; native lambs, t4.OS.7t; Uestroyed. executive board of United Mine The entire island was submerged und terns all blown away, so lack of water 1'iant ers adjourned without sanctioning a western lanvb,4.tOCrt.6S. Tre-nio- Is enost of the pres- the water was eight feet deep on one of the serious Dallas. Tex., 8pt. 10. The first trsln strike In the anthracite region. It Is Special Mme. Montague. ent Ruin Is everywhere. arrival of avenue, probably the highest troubles. from Houston arrived In Dallas last aid that regulations are under way Is Old Mexico; will Is hardly habitable house tn She direct from TELEPHONE NO. 2S9. point In the city. There a mrht over the Houston A Dallas Cen fjr settling the difficulties. reed your life; deepest mysteries r city, and nearly every busi 1:30 The telegraph lines are down and the thj entire tra'. It left Houston yesterday at vealed. Over PoatofTlce. ness house Is badly damaged. School ten giimlay (lames. 807 AND 800 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE.
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