Sidewalk circus page? VOL XVIII, NO. 122 THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1984 Fanfare marks op_ening of Mock Convention By MARY HEILMANN what we vote. It challenges each of News Staff us." William Mondale, campaigning Amid fanfare and political for his father, followed Caruso and 'rhetoric, the 1984 Notre emphasized "the depth of ex­ Dame/Saint Mary's Mock Political perience and compassion" of the Convention opened last night at Mondale campaign. Stepan Center. "We need a Democrat who is Speeches by Congressional Aide going to go into that office and fight Gary Caruso, former Ohio for peace," he said. "Walter Mondale Represenatative Ron Mettl, Notre brings compassion to that office. He Dame law professor John Gilligan, believes in the ideals which bring us and William Mondale, son of together as a community, a family, Democratic presidential candidate and a country." Walter Mondale, highlighted the Mondale then fielded questions event. from several delegates concerning Convention Chairman Tom the Middle East, national defense, O'Leary emphazised in his opening and his father's stance on abortion, ·address that one of the convention's described as a "crucial issue" to the goals is to "have fun," and in­ Notre Dame community. troduced Caruso, the opening After Mondale, keynote speaker speaker, as a man who keeps that Ron Mottl, also a Notre Dame goal in mind. alumnus, spoke. His brief comments A bartender and waitress smile for tb_e camera at cause the property owners would not renew the lease. Caruso, a Notre Dame graduate, Raffer~y·s, which is shutting down its bar as new The new owners say they will keep the name Rafferty's, called the half-empty delegations to ownership takes control. Bartender Bob Holloway but will operate solely as a restaurant. Story below. overcome the apathy which he said the main reason the nightclub is closing is be- believes is characteristic of the United States political scene. He said the U.S. "consistently has the lowest voter turnout of any country except Rafferty's scheduled to shut down; one- Botswana." were merely an endorsement of "We are special for having at­ !~ John Glenn and he asked the tended Notre Dame," he said. "We delegates "not to overlook plain old operators unable to repay debts are not poor, we are not uneducated middle-of-the-road competency" in - we are almost forced into a posi­ their vice presidential nomination. reorganize the business. Their ef- people it attracts," said junior ByMARYCAROLCREADON tion of influencing the world. You Notre Dame law Professor John forts were unsuccessful, according Gretchen Grieb. "It's also a great News Staff demand Cap'n Crunch or Lucky Gilligan closed the evening with, to a March 30 article in the South place to dance and go to with a date. Charms cereal on your breakfast "the development of a just &nd Tribune, "so the operators I think it's too bad that Rafferty's is Rafferty's in the East Bank Center table; why not take a stand on issues society ...should still be the goal of concluded that a voluntary liquida- closing since there's no other bar at 401 E. Colfax will make its last call of worldwide importance?" the Democratic party, as it has been for alcohol on Saturday, April 14. tion of the business is the only way like it." Senior Tom Preston said, "I through our long and honorable his­ Caruso, who received a standing According to Bob Holloway, a bar­ to repay creditors." think Rafferty's is a really nice place. tory. If economic and social justice tender at Rafferty's since last Oc­ In a meeting between the· It's a change from the local bars that ovation, closed with, "This conven­ See MOCK, page 3 tober. the nightclub is closing managers and employees, Holloway students go to most often." tion goes beyond who we are and because the property owners will said,"the main reason for closing not renew the lease. "Another fac­ down was that the property owners tor," Holloway said, "may have been would not renew the lease." The Mondale emphasizes his father's that the operators have not been other reason given, says Holloway, able to repay the debts they assumed was that the facility has a restaurant from the previous owners." and liquor license but is required Ironically, Holloway says that "the that 75 percent of its gross revenue compassion, search for future bar is making very good profits and comes from food alone. Holloway By TIMOTHY GIANOTTI saying that it has already begun to realizes that "bullying" is not as would be successful if it were not for estimates a very large percentage of News Staff "peter out." powerful or as effective as arbitra- the large debts it had from the begin­ the gross revenue is from liquor He made several references tion and cooperation. ning." He added, "The managers sales, "thus invalidating the res­ Walter Mondale's presidential throughout the evening to Hart's in­ "We need a president who will go have done a great job running Raf­ taurant license." Bankruptcy was campaign champions "compassion, consistency, focusing on six dif­ into that office and fight for peace," ferty's. They just have problems not one of the reasons given the caring, the search for future and the ferent statements concerning the Mondale said. with the property owners and the employees. search for fairness," said the arms race released by the Hart cam­ creditors of the original owners." Holloway added that, according Democratic hopeful's son William paign thus far. Concerning .the abortion issue, The shareholders of Rafferty's on to manager Bartone, the space will before last night's Mock Conven- His father's "strong and consis­ Mondale insisted, "My father does the Race, Inc. and managers of the be made into a restaurant after April tion. tent" record is the most effective not favor abortion," although the restaurant and bar are Larry Wech­ 14 and the new owners will keep the Drawing on his father's 30-year counter to Hart's shaky stance, campaign remains pro choice. "It is ter, Steve Wechter, and Bruce name "Rafferty's". political career as an attorney Mondale said. not the government's place," he Bartone. Some Notre Dame students general, senator and vice president, Concerning the nuclear arms said, to dictate to the people how to In November, 1982 by Chapter 11 expressed disappointment with the Mondale pointed out his candidate's issue, young Mondale says his father act on this issue. of the federal bankruptcy code, the closing of Rafferty's bar. "Rafferty's is experience and dedication, boasting courts provided them with protec­ about the only nice bar around be­ "a strong foundation for the future." tion from creditors so they could cause of the atmosphere and the "I feel that I have got a strong can­ didate to work with," Mondale said. Hart leader in random poll "He puts his money where his Murray, Roemer pick mouth is." just ahead of undecideds Tuesday's victory in the "very im­ portant state of New York" was a shot in the arm for the campaign and By KRISTINE WIDERQUIST Senior Bar managers News Staff put Mondale in a "very good posi­ for most of the scheduling of tion" for a showdown with Colorado By SARAH HAMILTON Gary Hart was the leading nomination candidate in a poll taken of employees, and the ordering of liq­ senator Gary Hart, said the 21-year­ News Editor delegates at the Mock Convention last night. Undecided delegates uor and soft drinks. He will work old spokesman. ran a close second. M.J. Murray, director of the closely with Murray and the other Mondale did mention, however, Of a random survey of 234 student delegates Hart pulled 67 votes Senior-Alumni Club, was looking for managers and will rotate with the that the race remained "very close" for 28.6 percent of the total. Undecided delegates made up 26. 1 "good quality people" in the three other two student managers as and that the competition would be percent with 61 votes. student managers she hired for the nightly managers ofthe club. no pushover. Reubin Askew, no longer a candidate, came in third with 47 votes, 1984-85 school year. After in­ Conley, a Saint Mary's junior from "In the beginning," he said, "we or 20.1 percent. Walter Mondale, one of the leading national terviewing approximately 40 ap­ St. Louis, Mo., is majoring in English thought this primary would be a Democratic candidates, struggled to the fourth position with 24 plicants, Murray and Dean of Literature and Writing. Her respon­ 100-yard dash for Walter Mondale." votes, 10.3 percent of the electorate. Students James Roemer selected sibilities will include booking Senior They soon discovered some tough Jesse Jackson, the only other Democrat still in the race, received John Bowie, general manager; Kath­ Bar for club nights, coordinating all opponents, he said, namely Gary 12 votes ( 5.1 percent). John Glenn. Ernest Hollings, George leen Conley, club/promotion music in the club, and publicity. Hart. McGovern and Edward Kennedy garnered 3.4. 2.9, 2.6 and 0.9 per­ manager; and Charlie Moore, A finance major, Moore is a junior Young Mondale said Hart's begin­ cent respectively. food/supply manager. from Vero Beach, Fla. He will be in nings were very good and his "pitch The delegates will have an opportunity to vote for their choices Bowie is a junior marketing major for new ideas" was fresh and appeal­ when the Mock Convention chooses its Democratic presidential from Boston.
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