For local candle Your complete guide to this Shabbos, 15 Nissan - lighting times visit week's halachos and minhagim. Friday, 21 Nissan, 5779 Chabad.org/Candles The Seder Shabbos • Begin the Seder as soon as possible, so the 3 15 Nissan, 5779 | First night of Pesach children will not fall asleep. • The Rebbe Rashab once told the Frierdiker Thing to do Rebbe: “During the Seder, and especially • Before Minchah, say Hodu and Pasach Eliyahu when the door is “The Haggadah should be said (as on every Erev Shabbos). opened, we must think loudly, with great • After Minchah but before shekiah,1 recite the about being a mentch, joy and much Seder Korban Pesach. and Hashem will help. kavanah.” • Before Yom Tov, light a long-burning candle, from Don’t ask for gashmiyus; (Siddur HaArizal, which the candles can be lit tomorrow night. ask for ruchniyus.” (The cited in Likkutei Sichos vol. 22, p. • When bentching licht, the berachos of Lehadlik Rebbe’s Haggadah) 179 fn. 40) Ner Shel Shabbos Ve’shel Yom Tov and Shehecheyanu are said. Since it is Friday night, Preparing the Kaarah the candles may not be lit after shekiah. • The kaarah is assembled at night, before beginning the Seder.4 Maariv • If possible, choose concave (bowl-shaped) • We begin with Mizmor Ledavid. matzos for the Seder plate.5 • In Lechah Dodi, say Gam besimchah uvetzahalah • To avoid any similarity to the korban pesach, the (instead of berinah). Frierdiker Rebbe would remove almost6 all the • Say the Shemoneh Esrei for Shalosh Regalim, meat from the zeroa bone (although it was from inserting the additions for Shabbos and Pesach a chicken, which is invalid for a korban to begin where indicated. with).7 • This is followed by Vayechulu and the complete • It is our custom to use both lettuce and horseradish Hallel. The berachah achas me’ein sheva usually for both maror and chazeres.8 To prevent the said on Friday night (comprising the three matzah from becoming wet (sheruyah), the paragraphs of Boruch atah Hashem, Magen chazeres should be completely dry. avos, and Elokeinu) is omitted.2 • Hallel is followed by Kaddish Shalem, Mizmor leDavid Hashem ro’i, Chatzi Kaddish, Borchu, 3 שו"ע אדה"ז סי' תעב ס"א-ב. .and Aleinu 4 הגש"פ עם ליקוטי טעמים ומנהגים. הרבי היה מסדר את הקערה מעומד. בשעת סידור הקערה, לפני הנחת כל דבר בקערה, היה הרבי אומר את הכתוב בסידור בעניין זה, ואחר סידור הקערה אומר את כל סימני הסדר יחד, כפי שהם כתובים בהגדה. וכשמגיע זמנו של כל 'סימן', חוזר ואומר 'סימן' זה לפרטיו. כל האמירות האלה היו בלחש. 5 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. 6 אבל מעט בשר צריך להשאיר עליה, שכן עצם ללא בשר אינה נקראת 'תבשיל', שו"ע אדמוה"ז סי' תעג סכ"ב. 7 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. 1 סידור אדה"ז. 8 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. 2 שו"ע אדה"ז סי' תפז ס"ד. • We use a raw onion (or cooked potato) for Urchatz17 9 karpas. • Wash your hands, pouring water three times on • If you are accustomed to mixing wine with the the right hand and then three times on the left charoses until it becomes a paste and forgot hand, but do not say a berachah. to do so before Shabbos, do so in an unusual • See below, “Hosafos,” for what to do if you manner by first putting the wine into the bowl accidentally made a berachah when washing for and then adding the charoses. Use your finger to Urchatz. blend the mixture (instead of a spoon) or mix it by shaking the bowl.10 Make sure the end product is Karpas a watery mixture instead of a thick paste.11 (Some, • Take a piece of onion (or potato) less than however, are accustomed to merely putting some a kezayis and dip it into salt water.18 Say the dry charoses into the wine in the plate beneath berachah of Borei Pri Ha’adamah, having in mind the becher right before maror.12 This may be that the berachah also applies to the maror and done on Shabbos as well.13) chazeres. Eat the karpas without leaning.19 • Place the zeroa on the top of the kaarah to the • If salt water was not prepared before Yom Tov, right, and the beitzah opposite it to the left. prepare a small amount, only as much as needed Place the maror beneath them in the center. for the dipping.20 Place the charoses beneath the zeroa, the karpas beneath the beitzah, and the chazeres beneath Yachatz the maror.14 • Break the middle matzah into two. (This should be done when it is in its place inside the kaarah.) Kadesh Set aside the larger piece for the afikoman, and • Before making Kiddush, (quietly) say Shalom leave the smaller piece between the other two Aleichem and Eishes Chayil, as well as Mizmor matzos.21 Ledavid, Da hi seuadasa, and Askinu. Begin • The Rebbe Rashab would break the afikoman aloud with Yom Hashishi and continue with the into five sections.22 Kiddush for Yom Tov, inserting the additions for • It is not our custom for the children to “steal” the Shabbos where appropriate. afikoman.23 • Women who have already said Shehecheyanu when lighting the Yom Tov candles should not Maggid say this berachah if making Kiddush themselves.15 • Before saying Hei Lachma Anya, uncover part of • Drink the first cup, leaning to your left. It is the matzah.24 preferable to drink the entire cup in one shot.16 • After Hei Lachma Anya, move the kaarah to the • For more on drinking the arba kosos and leaning, side25 and pour the second cup of wine. This is see below, “Hosafos.” followed by Mah Nishtanah. • The children ask the Mah Nishtanah, saying it with the Yiddish translation. Afterwards, say it (along 9 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. ב'רשימות' חוב' צ )יומן ניסן תרצ"ה, וורשא( עמ' 14: "לכרפס – היו לוקחים בצל, ורק אח"כ 17 הרבי קרא לפני נטילה זו גם את האמור בסידור על 'כרפס' )כדי שלא להפסיק אחרי הנטילה(. כשנחלשו הדורות, לקחו ]-הנשים, 'המלך במסיבו' ח"א עמ' קלא. 'אוצר' עמ' קלד[ תפוחי אדמה, אבל אדמו"ר 18 הרבי הטבילו ג' פעמים במי מלח. מהר"ש לא היה שבע רצון מזה". 19 הגדה, הגש"פ עם ליקוטי טעמים ומנהגים. 10 שו"ע אדה"ז סי' תעג סל"ד. 20 שו"ע אדה"ז סי' תעג סי"ט. 11 ראה בדי השלחן סי' קל סק"ט. 21 הגדה, ספר המנהגים ע' 39. 12 ראה תו"מ תשמ"ו ח"ג ע' 181 דכן נהג כ"ק אדמו"ר הריי"ץ. 22 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. 13 ראה שו"ע אדה"ז שם. 23 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. 14 הגדה. 24 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. הרבי היה נוהג לגלות מקצתן של כל ג' המצות, גם הפרוסה. 15 כף החיים ס"ס תקיד. ולענין עניית אמן אחר ברכת שהחיינו של האיש, ראה 'שבח המועדים' ע' 215 בהערה. 25 הרבי רק הסיטה קמעה. 16 ספר המנהגים ע' 39. with the Yiddish translation) quietly yourself as saying anything unrelated to eating the matzah well.26 and maror.35 • Next, bring the kaarah back to its place and continue with Avadim Hayinu. Motzi-Matzah • The matzah remains partially uncovered until Vehi • Hold all three matzos and say the berachah of She’amadah. Before saying Vehi She’amadah, Hamotzi. Next, let the bottom matzah slip from cover the matzah and then lift your cup of wine. your hands and recite the berachah of Al Achilas When finished, put down the cup and then Matzah while holding the top two matzos. Have uncover the matzah.27 in mind that this berachah also applies to the • We pour a bit of wine from the cup sixteen times: matzah that will be eaten by korech and to the three times when saying dam va’eish vesimros afikoman.36 ashan, ten times when saying the ten Makos, and • Take a kezayis from the middle matzah and another three times when saying Detzach adash another kezayis from the top matzah and eat be’achav. The wine is poured from the cup itself them together (i.e., the first bite should include into a broken vessel. The cup is then refilled.28 a bit of both kezeisim) while leaning to the left.37 • Do not interrupt in the middle of Dayenu.29 Do not dip the matzah into salt.38 • When saying Matzah Zu, grasp the top two • The shiur of a kezayis of matzah (for motzi-matzah, matzos (via the cloth covering them) until saying which is min hatorah) is 1 oz.39 If there are eight the words al shum for the second time.30 matzos to a pound (and each matzah thus weighs • When saying Maror Zeh, place your hands on 2 oz.), this equals half a matzah. (If there are more the maror and chazeres until saying the words al than eight matzos to a pound, add to this ratio; if shum for the second time.31 there are less, subtract.) • Before reciting Lefichach, cover the matzah and • Those who have their own kaarah take two lift your cup of wine, holding it until the words kezeisim. The other participants at the Seder venomar lefanav halelukah.32 should be given at least one kezayis of matzah • When reaching the berachah of Asher Ge’alanu, to eat. lift the cup again and hold it until the end of the • Eat at least the size of a kezayis of matzah within berachah.33 a kedei achilas pras.40 The opinions regarding • Recite the berachah of Borei Pri Hagafen and the length of a kedei achilas pras range from a drink the second cup, leaning to the left.
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