BOARD OF EDUCATION GLENBROOK HIGH SCHOOLS August 23, 2021 REGULAR BOARD MEETING - 7:00 p.m. Location: Glenbrook District Office Public Meeting Room 100A 3801 W. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60026* * This meeting will be held in person and will be available via Zoom webinar. Public comment will be in-person only. The wearing of masks is required for all attendees. The visitor capacity for the Board Room is 35. Additional visitors will be seated in the adjoining Professional Development Room (equipped with a live stream of the meeting) and rotated into the Board Room if they desire to make a public comment. Zoom Meeting Information Click Here to Join Meetin g Meeting ID: 894 8807 7676 Meeting Passcode: 3801 AGENDA 1. (7:00) Call to Order – Roll Call 2. (7:02) Approval of the Agenda for this Meeting 3. (7:03) Recognition of Community Visitors The public comment period shall be limited to 30 minutes. 4. (7:33) Board and Superintendent Reports 5. (7:45) Approval of Consent Agenda Items: A. Appointments a. Certified b. Support Staff B. Resignations/Terminations a. Certified b. Support Staff C. FOIA D. Approval of Accounts Payable Bills E. Approval of Payroll Disbursements F. Approval of Revolving Fund Reimbursement G. Minutes a. August 9, 2021, Regular Board Meeting b. August 9, 2021, Regular Closed Board Meeting H. Gifts I. Differential/Discretionary Responsibilities Request J. Miscellaneous Stipends Request K. Miscellaneous Wages Request 6. (7:50) Discussion/Action: Glenbrook Aquatics Organizational Structure for 2021-22 7. (8:10) Discussion/Action: Resolution Authorizing Commencement of Vaping Litigation 8. (8:25) Review and Summary of Board Meeting 9. (8:27) Possible Topics for Future Board Meetings Future Meeting Dates: Monday, September 13, 2021 - 7:00 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting Monday, September 27, 2021 - 7:00 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting 10. (8:30) Closed Session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity, and Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. (Section 2(c) (1) and (11) of the Open Meeting Act). 11. Possible Action Regarding Topics Discussed in Closed Session 12. (9:00) Adjournment Times are estimates. Electronic Board packet can be found at http://www.glenbrook225.org/district/Board-of-Education/Board-Packet-Agendas To: Dr. Charles Johns Board of Education From: Brad Swanson Date: August 23, 2021 Re: Appointments: Certified NONE Extracurricular Start Stipend Name Bldg Position FTE Date Amount NONE To: Dr. Charles Johns Board of Education From: Brad Swanson Date: August 23, 2021 Re: Appointments: Support Staff Support Staff Position Name Bldg Position Calendar FTE Start Date CAT Step Rate Atwood, Corey GBN IA, Sp. Ed. 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 5 $21.35 Brydon, Robert GBN IA, Math 186.5 0.72 08/16/2021 II 9 $23.11 Franklin, Jacob GBS Para 186.5 0.72 08/16/2021 I A $16.30 Franks, Zachery GBN IA, Sp. Ed. 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 8 $22.66 Garbutt, Wesley GBN Maintenance 260 1.00 08/06/2021 II 10 $23.01 Gibbs, Paul GBN IA, P.E. 186.5 0.62 08/16/2021 II 5 $21.35 Kirby, William GBS IA, Sp. Ed. 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 5 $21.35 Kramp, Ryan GBN Para 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 I A $16.30 Lampon, Ryan GBN IA, Deans 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 1 $19.72 Office Mendez, Maria GBN Custodian 203 0.78 8/16/2021 II 3 $20.23 Morgan, Laura GBN IA, Sp. Ed. 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 4 $20.93 Nicholson, Carla GBN Para 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 I E $17.64 Parrott, Jordan GBN IA, Deans 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 3 $20.52 Office Self, Nancy GBN Para 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 I C $16.96 Sotirchos, Marcy GBS IA, Sp. Ed. 186.5 0.67 08/16/2021 II 7 $22.21 Wernert, Samuel GBN IA, Math 186.5 0.72 08/16/2021 II 4 $20.93 Yoon, Frederick GBN IA, Science 186.5 0.63 08/16/2021 II 4 $20.93 Extracurricular Stipend/ Name Bldg Position FTE Start Date CAT Step Hourly Rate NONE To: Dr. Charles Johns Board of Education From: Brad Swanson Date: August 23, 2021 Re: Resignations/Terminations: Certified Currciular Name Position Effective School McDermott, Julie Teacher, Sp Ed 6/4/2021 GBO Extracurrciular Name Position Effective School NONE To: Dr. Charles Johns Board of Education From: Brad Swanson Date: August 23, 2021 Re: Resignations/Terminations: Support Staff Support Staff Position Name Position Effective School DeGroot, James Para 06/04/2021 GBN Etzweiler, Chris IA, Math 06/04/2021 GBN Jerva, Mia Administrative 08/19/2021 GBS Assistant, Sp. Ed. Lomer, Julie IA, Math 06/04/2021 GBN Pater, Stacey IA, P.E. 06/04/2021 GBN Extracurricular Name Position Effective School NONE TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Charles Johns RE: FOIA FOIA Response: Please find the FOIA requests and available responses here. Background: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA - 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.) is a state statute that provides the public the right to access government documents and records. A person can ask a public body for a copy of its records on a specific subject and the public body must provide those records unless there is an exemption in the statute that protects those records from disclosure (for example records containing information concerning student records or personal privacy). A public body must respond to a FOIA request within 5 business days after the public body receives the request or 21 business days if the request is for commercial purpose. That time period may be extended for an additional 5 business days from the date of the original due date if: ● The requested information is stored at a different location; ● The request requires the collection of a substantial number of documents; ● The request requires an extensive search; ● The requested records have not been located and require additional effort to find; ● The requested records need to be reviewed by staff who can determine whether they are exempt from FOIA; ● The requested records cannot be produced without unduly burdening the public body or interfering with its operations; or ● The request requires the public body to consult with another public body who has substantial interest in the subject matter of the request. If additional time is needed, the public body must notify the requester in writing within 5 business days after the receipt of the request of the statutory reasons for the extension and when the requested information will be produced. ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ !"#$ÿÿ ÿÿ %&'ÿÿÿ($)01ÿÿ2#3ÿÿ ÿÿ 4567ÿ8!9!#ÿÿ@ABÿÿ@C@Dÿÿ ÿÿ E7ÿ 8FFGÿÿÿÿ8""!#ÿÿ210ÿÿ$ÿÿ ÿÿ E7H''7IP56QIÿÿ R#ÿÿ$ÿÿ"))ÿÿ# #ÿÿ# ÿÿÿÿÿÿ !"#$ÿÿFFGÿÿ# ÿÿF1)#ÿÿÿÿ""!#ÿÿF10ÿÿ0$ÿÿ$ÿÿ# ÿÿ )!#ÿÿÿÿSDBC@TBUVVWVÿÿ ÿÿ X5HY`&aIPÿÿ G1ÿÿ)# ÿÿÿÿ))0ÿÿÿÿ# ÿÿÿÿÿÿ !"#$ÿÿ$ÿÿ$9ÿÿ#ÿÿG$bÿÿ# ÿÿ" "3ÿÿ9$#ÿÿF$ÿÿ#ÿÿ# ÿÿ ÿÿ)#$9ÿÿ$ÿÿb $" ÿÿ# 1ÿÿb$ÿÿ0ÿÿF#ÿÿÿÿFFGÿÿÿc ÿÿ" "3ÿÿ9$#ÿÿ##" ÿÿ$$"#ÿÿ F1)#ÿÿ# #ÿÿ Gÿÿ0ÿÿG$bÿÿÿÿF"ÿÿ01ÿÿ# ÿÿ!$ÿÿdG$"ÿÿF#)#ÿÿ$ÿÿ# ÿÿ)ÿÿÿÿ FFÿÿ" "3ÿÿÿÿ!#)#ÿÿ"$9ÿÿ !ÿÿe8fgÿÿ"#$"ÿÿ#"#$ÿÿ ÿÿ 8ÿÿ!))1ÿÿÿÿ# ÿÿ""!#ÿÿF10ÿÿ0$ÿÿ$"!ÿÿÿÿFFGÿÿ$ÿÿÿÿbhÿÿ ÿÿ ip7HYÿÿ4567qrsÿÿ!1ÿÿ@UBÿÿ@C@DBÿÿ8!9!#ÿÿDCBÿÿ@C@DBÿÿtÿÿ8!9!#ÿÿ@uBÿÿ@C@Dÿÿ %aIPÿ%ÿÿ aIPÿÿ47rH&Qv6QIÿwÿ 'aI6ÿÿ DCÿÿ !"#$ÿSÿÿ TWVBT@DCTÿÿÿ @CÿxFÿÿ #$ÿÿÿÿy$#"ÿÿSÿ TDBuATUCÿÿÿ ACÿÿÿ 0#ÿÿdG$"ÿSÿÿ CCCÿÿ uCÿcÿÿ F##$ÿÿSÿ DDTBUWDUWÿÿÿ Cÿy!ÿÿ $"$Fÿÿ#$)#d"$ÿÿd"!$#1ÿÿSÿ CCCÿÿ WCÿÿÿ F$#ÿÿ2"#ÿÿSÿ AVBuATWÿÿÿ TCÿÿÿ 3$9ÿÿ ÿSÿÿ CCCÿÿ VCÿ ÿÿ $ÿÿ2G#$ÿÿtÿÿ$ÿÿd#1ÿSÿÿ CCCÿÿ Vÿÿÿ 03ÿÿ8!#$"ÿÿSÿ CCCÿÿ VWÿÿÿ ))!$#1ÿÿ29)ÿÿSÿ CCCÿÿ VVÿdÿÿ #!#ÿÿ8"#$G$#$ÿÿÿSÿÿ @VBuuA@Cÿÿÿ 65ÿSÿ DBC@TBUVVWVÿÿÿ ÿÿd#!#ÿÿ8"#$G$#$ÿÿF1)#ÿÿÿÿ$"!ÿÿb$# $ÿÿ# ÿÿ##" ÿÿ" "3ÿÿ9$#Bÿÿ0!#ÿÿF#ÿÿ #!#!ÿÿ#"#$ÿÿF#ÿÿ)ÿÿÿ$#$"#!ÿÿ#"#$ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ !" ÿÿÿÿ #ÿÿ ! $ ÿÿ$ÿÿ ÿÿ %&'(')0ÿÿ12234536ÿÿ078552ÿÿ95@AÿÿBCDEÿÿ1F90ÿÿEGCDHIDPCQRÿÿSATU3V6ÿÿV8Aÿÿ678552ÿÿW5XT@ÿÿV5ÿÿ6YWU3VÿÿV5ÿÿV8Aÿÿ VTAX6YTATÿÿXÿÿ7ATV3`3A@ÿÿ75Saÿÿ5`ÿÿW5XT@ÿÿU34YVA6bÿÿST5SAT2aÿÿ63c4A@ÿÿWaÿÿV8Aÿÿ6A7TAVXTaÿÿX4@ÿÿSTA63@A4Vbÿÿ685d34cÿÿX22ÿÿ W3226ÿÿXSST5eA@ÿÿ`5TÿÿSXaUA4VÿÿWaÿÿV8AÿÿW5XT@ÿÿX4@ÿÿ72AXT2aÿÿ685d34cÿÿV5ÿÿd85UbÿÿX4@ÿÿ`5Tÿÿd8XVÿÿSYTS56AÿÿAX78ÿÿ SXaUA4Vÿÿ36ÿÿV5ÿÿWAÿÿUX@AÿÿWaÿÿV8AÿÿVTAX6YTATbÿÿX4@ÿÿV5ÿÿd8XVÿÿWY@cAVXTaÿÿ3VAUÿÿÿAX78ÿÿSXaUA4Vÿÿ68X22ÿÿWAÿÿ@AW3VA@fÿÿX4@ÿÿ %&'(')0ÿÿV8AÿÿW5XT@ÿÿU34YVA6ÿÿ8XeAÿÿ45VÿÿaAVÿÿWAA4ÿÿXSST5eA@ÿÿWaÿÿV8Aÿÿg5XT@ÿÿ5`ÿÿ'@Y7XV354fÿÿÿ hi%bÿÿp&'('qi('ÿÿgAÿÿ3Vÿ(ÿA652eA@ÿÿWaÿÿV8Aÿÿg5XT@ÿÿ5`ÿÿ'@Y7XV354ÿÿ5`ÿÿh5TV8`3A2@ÿÿp5d4683Sÿÿ&3c8ÿÿ 078552ÿÿr36VT37Vÿÿh5PÿÿIIEbÿÿ955sÿÿ95Y4Vabÿÿ12234536bÿÿX6ÿÿ`5225d6tÿÿ 0A7V354ÿÿCÿtÿp8AÿÿXU5Y4V6ÿÿ5`ÿÿU54AabÿÿX6ÿÿ34@37XVA@ÿÿ54ÿÿV8Aÿÿ)SST5eX2ÿÿ5`ÿÿ)775Y4V6ÿÿuXaXW2Aÿÿg3226ÿÿ XVVX78A@ÿÿV5ÿÿX4@ÿÿUX@AÿÿSXTVÿÿ5`ÿÿV836ÿÿ@57YUA4Vbÿÿ68X22ÿÿWAÿÿSX3@ÿÿV5ÿÿV8Aÿÿ@A63c4XVA@ÿÿTA73S3A4V6Pÿÿ 0A7V354ÿÿIÿtÿp8AÿÿuTA63@A4VÿÿX4@ÿÿ0A7TAVXTaÿÿXTAÿÿ8ATAWaÿÿXYV85T3vA@ÿÿX4@ÿÿ@3TA7VA@ÿÿV5ÿÿ63c4ÿÿV836ÿÿ g5XT@ÿÿiT@ATÿÿX4@ÿÿ`32Aÿÿ5Tÿÿ7XY6AÿÿV8Aÿÿ6XUAÿÿV5ÿÿWAÿÿ`32A@ÿÿd3V8ÿÿV8AÿÿpTAX6YTATÿÿ5`ÿÿV8Aÿÿh5TV8`3A2@ÿÿp5d4683Sÿÿ078552ÿÿ pTAX6YTATÿÿi``37APÿÿ 0A7V354ÿÿwÿtÿp836ÿÿg5XT@ÿÿiT@ATÿÿ68X22ÿÿWAÿÿ34ÿÿ`Y22ÿÿ`5T7AÿÿX4@ÿÿA``A7VÿÿYS54ÿÿ3V6ÿÿX@5SV354Pÿÿ ÿÿ xS54ÿÿU5V354ÿÿWaÿÿyAUWATÿÿÿÿV5ÿÿX@5SVÿÿV8AÿÿXW5eAÿÿg5XT@ÿÿiT@ATbÿÿ6A754@A@ÿÿWaÿÿ yAUWATÿÿbÿÿXÿÿT522ÿÿ7X22ÿÿe5VAÿÿdX6ÿÿVXsA4bÿÿX4@ÿÿV8AÿÿyAUWAT6ÿÿe5VA@ÿÿX6ÿÿ`5225d6tÿÿ ÿÿ )'0tÿÿÿ h)0tÿÿÿ )g0p)1htÿÿÿ )g0'hptÿÿÿ ÿÿ p8AÿÿuTA63@A4Vÿÿ@A72XTA@ÿÿV8Aÿÿy5V354ÿÿ@Y2aÿÿ7XTT3A@ÿÿV836ÿÿIwT@ÿÿ@Xaÿÿ5`ÿÿ)YcY6VbÿÿIDICPÿÿ
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