Seagrasses and Sand Dunes Coastal Ecosystems Series (Volume 3) Sriyanie Miththapala Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, IUCN iv Seagrasses and Sand Dunes Coastal Ecosystems Series (Volume 3) Sriyanie Miththapala Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, IUCN This document was produced by the fi nancial support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) through a grant made to IUCN. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily refl ect those of IUCN or BMU. The designation of geographical entities in this report, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Published by: Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, IUCN Copyright: © 2008 IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorised without prior written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Citation: Miththapala, S (2008). Seagrasses and Sand Dunes. Coastal Ecosystems Series (Vol 3) pp 1-36 + iii. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, IUCN. ISBN: 978-955-8177-73-0 Cover Photos: Top: Seagrasses in Agatti, Union Territory of Lakshadweep, India © Jerker Tamelander; Sand dunes in Panama, Southern Sri Lanka © Thushan Kapurusinghe, Turtle Conservation Project. Design: Sriyanie Miththapala Produced by: Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, IUCN Printed by: Karunaratne & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. 67, Industrial Estate Katuwana Road, Homagama [email protected] Available from: Ecosystems and Livelihoods Groups Asia, IUCN 4/1, Adams Avenue Colombo 4, Sri Lanka Phone: ++94 11 2559634, Fax: ++94 11 2559637 E-mail: [email protected] http://data.iucn.org/places/asia/coastalinfo/ Contents Introduction 1 What are seagrasses and sand dunes? 2 Where are seagrass beds and sand dunes found in the world? 4 Special adaptations of seagrasses 5 Special adaptations of sand dune vegetation 7 What is the importance of seagrass meadows and sand dunes? 8 What are the threats to seagrass meadows and sand dunes? 14 At a glance: services provided by and threats to seagrass meadows 23 At a glance: services provided by and threats to sand dunes 26 What is being done to conserve seagrass meadows and sand dunes? 27 Acknowledgments 31 References 32 Photocredits 36 In the recent past, after the Indian ocean tsunami of 2004, much attention has been paid to mangrove ecosystems because their value of shoreline protection was highlighted in the aftermath. Coral reefs, with their colourful residents and their easy access to divers and snorkellers, also receive their fair share of publicity. Lesser known coastal ecosystems are seagrass meadows and sand dunes that are located landward from coral reefs and sometimes seaward from mangroves. (At other times mangroves lie between seagrasses and sand dunes.) These ecosystems are also important for coastal communities in the services that they provide and are critical components of a vital, interdependent and interconnected series of coastal ecosystems (Kallesøe et al., 2008). Along coastlines, mangroves, coral reefs, seagrasses and sand dunes are often found together and form a mosaic of micro-organism, algal, fungal, fl oral and faunal communities. Each of these form integral parts of interdependent coastal ecosystems (Kallesøe et al., 2008). Source: Adapted from Short et al., 2007 1 What are seagrasses? Seagrasses are seed-bearing, flowering, rooted plants, which grow submerged, exclusively in marine coastal waters and coastal wetlands. There are only about 60 species of seagrasses (Phillips & Menez, 1988). The actual number of species is being reviewed currently (Spalding et al., 2003). Like grasses in terrestrial habitats, they form meadows on the bed of coastal seas. They are dependent on light penetration for photosynthesis, therefore they generally grow only in clear, shallow waters, in estuaries and coastal seas. They cannot survive out of water, therefore they often grow where there is shelter from a sand bar or coral reefs. Seagrasses should not be confused with seaweeds. Multi-cellular green and brown algae – also found in marine environments - are usually called seaweed or kelp (see picture at bottom left). Although they can photosynthesise and make their own food, seaweeds lack complex specialised cellular tissues for transport of food and water that are found in seagrasses. They also lack fl owers and fruits - structures that are specialised for reproduction - as well as roots. (Instead, algae anchor to the substrate by holdfasts1.) 1 A holdfast is a root-like structure that anchors aquatic, non-moving organisms to the substrate. 2 What are sand dunes? Soil washes from inland rivers and finds its way to the sea. When this happens, soil layers – for example, humus, clay and sand – separate. Sand deposits on beaches, while clay, which is heavier, reaches open oceans. This deposited layer of sand is shifted constantly by wind and waves. Waves wash sand onto the beach. At low tide, this sand dries and the finest fraction of sand is blown further landward by winds, and can not now be reached by normal waves. The wind keeps pushing this sand landwards in a motion like a sheet moving. The moment the sand reaches the side away from the wind, it settles and forms sand dunes. Some of this sand collects behind rocks or clumps of seaweed. Here, the roots and underground parts of grasses and other vegetation trap the sand from being blown away. The wind then starts eroding sand particles from the windward side and depositing them on the side protected from the wind. Gradually, this action causes the dune to move inland, accumulating more and more sand as it does so. Subsequently, more vegetation grows on these dunes (Hesp, 2000). 3 Where are seagrasses found in the world? Seagrasses are found in clear, shallow coastal waters of every continent except Antarctica. In tropical oceans, they are nearly always found near mangroves and coral reefs. In temperate areas, they are found near salt marshes and kelp forests (Bjork et al., 2008). They survive in inter-tidal areas in sites sheltered from wave action or where water is trapped at low tide (Hemminga & Duarte, 2008). Source: Short et al., 2007 About half the world's seagrass species are tropical, while the other half is temperate (Bjork et al., 2008). The Indo-Pacifi c region is the centre of seagrass diversity of the world, with 24 species and large underwater meadows (Short et al., 2007). Sixteen species of seagrasses have been recorded from the Philippines, 13 from Papua New Guinea and 16 from northern Australia (Short et al., 2007). Where are sand dunes found in the world? Sand dunes form in intertidal zones of coastal beaches, where there is enough sand and adequate wind. Sand dunes range in size from ridges less than 1m in height and width, to massive dune fi elds that extend inland for many kilometres (Hesp, 2000). They are found worldwide but are less developed in tropical and subtropical zones (where wind velocities are lower and the soil is damper) (Packham & Willis, 1997). 4 Special adaptations of seagrasses Seagrasses are the only fl owering plants that have adapted to a completely submerged life in the sea (Orth et al., 2006). Because of this, they have some special adaptations. Adaptations to withstand wave energy Underground plant parts such as rhizomes2 and roots are extensive and close to each other, providing anchorage in many places to these plants (Dawes, 1981). In addition, leaves of seagrasses are usually fl at, ribbon-shaped and fl exible; the stems are also fl exible (as seen in Enhalus, Thalassia and Cymodocea spp.). Because of this, the force of waves does not break the leaves. Instead, the leaves bend with the water. Adaptations to growing when completely submerged 1) Sub-marine pollination All except one group of seagrasses are pollinated in sub-marine conditions (Orth et al., 2006). Male and female parts of fl owers extend well above the petals and so allow for easy movement of pollen in the water. Pollen grains are oval-shaped or joined together to become elongated and so move easily in the water (as seen in Halophila spp.) (UNEP-WCMC, 2003; http://hypnea. botany.uwc.ac.za/marbot/seagrasses/seagrass- adaptations4.htm). 2 A rhizome is an underground stem that stores food and grows horizontally. 5 Further, as fl owers are either male or female, cross pollination is favoured (Les et al., 1997). Some species have single sex plants, increasing this cross pollination (Bjork et al., 2008). Seagrasses also reproduce asexually. They produce new shoots from underground roots and rhizomes as they spread across the sea fl oor. This produces new units (Short et al., 2007). Remarkably, seagrasses can grow asexually for thousands of years, extending over many hectares (Bjork et al., 2008). Air-fi lled tissue Seagrasses have extensive air-fi lled tissues called lacunae, which contain oxygen that is needed for the life activities of these submerged plants. These lacunae also help in fl otation of the leaves. The leaves have a very thin cuticle or outer layer. Gas exchange with the environment is facilitated by this thin cuticle and by the air-fi lled tissue. Salt tolerance Compared to land plants, seagrasses can tolerate high salt concentrations found in oceans - up to 36 parts per thousand (Short, personal communication). Growth Seagrasses grow underwater rooted to the sea fl oor. The underground rhizomes and roots are in black sediments with no oxygen and therefore, need for their survival, sugars and oxygen produced during photosynthesis in the above-ground parts.
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