t r lJ > 1 > 11 w n > 1 = w- o > i T r I 8 SATURDAY sEThEft r SU 2 18 ° COJUUBIICZAL Atchison system IsI that It Indicate that rates iteady i No I relied Oetober 6eMiOb KOTetnber I 1W1rin1 nllrana 1 lANCAT Aln t 6ft > 4al neeember erl Mar etaadyi cflMltrin1 2lflr- i i In the Hontliwt nro to ho malnUlncul oven 7- a liUslnKRS contempt Ho mixed for October 44MOITMoTemoer 44H York Hletk K h H pt C fdlTliilon of and In of tha May 46s Tw Oommerco law uocnotoetr on the spot warn a trifle met active timen i Wfl trite n fl im4- figures for the week ending and ileadyi Rio quoted at for No 71 sales I txn ondpEUk1SYLVAHA NEW YORK CENTUMH- tim Ptl HtibTrtftnurr lHo n- OlN44e HJVI Tenn FL 724- toMcht which Is coincident with tIm Clear bare tantoe Mo 7 at iTHe a and fi I JJ13a11401l0l IAILflAUA S Init llnuaii 4008k aliow thAt tho bnnkA alliM e andti 8oobaie do on ana other aalei The Alfred Benjamin hao MIlO C- A t 10 were maite but particular are tp prlrate RAILROAD PRIjVI o 11 1 Cl4sI VI u ItIIS 0 fd nearly 10 million rtollnra from the Hub raIny lODe of nil nhlpiii trades active but lb the nlr- OH AND AFTER ftKITSURRR 1STII I1510- udoan Rlvor Railroad 1114 money tuG I instI 4sLtd TicaKiiry If the nt of to I 441 pIcnI at i 1101 or U I nlo 115 radio 27fa d nador Iks Zwo of th Ntt Nw All Trains arrive at and depart from I F IMI- Intcrloi rnn bo Katicml by thQllo which hnto bailhlwa1Otaracaibe and 483 bag Iinlyr On p I tol-110 Jnor Trains leave stations root ot Deebroeerei ccd t P t4 I R e JF I 0- boon nmdo through the HubTreasury them 001101 WP faIrly anti at an 4alleS or S 20 r HlrMte ae follewli- GILA21 KNTIIAU STATION 1 1 V IL I 21 I points on continued ciTerlni by ehorti and lIghter OitUXln A PANT LINKfor Well flotr ofT In during i MTIIK thi rnllma line bejn u rnllintt thnt movement I i Fourth Ave 42rf New York U r Iw t I 1 11 1 ln 31411 tiari at lIla anti mowibaire at mn Capital e > tlbnle Bleeping and Parlor Cars ArrIves Clete- and Sf I week Is generally from theIR IWOIXI oIStock M I 11 Inferred I S15OOOOO t IL C I C1i 1o u tb It toe IrrI In itlowahlabralSSod faiee if lando 21 A 5 VhsIflbssCbRIAi Chlcige 5otr Too OKLT HIIUUUD STATIOM uc TUB CmU I I I ElnlrL- figures that toinorniwH bank statement will bar cloilnrnrni with eelleri at Ihe following prlcen- DIVIDE D INTO M and fit Louis 7 nu r M next day CunaecU also t1 CIMH tin LOOOtV fhnw tho banks to be In a utroncur position Keptember ten Wllllamnort Lock llaten and Renere safarI Leave HI a j nnta ngo I lr 4OclieoemberlsFi3o March850011- 5OOO Shares of Preferred 7 per cent Cumulative Toledo except Saturday Train Follow ULnn K9S 8 MM than A week IarmnntH at thn Hub 6105cr IT Rio January l21IleAprtI18400 Convertible nnday and I M AtebUoneI41 Nor A KlJlf YORk AND CtllnAflO- OlBO A M CHICAGO VESTIBULE LIXItTtR Do- 16 raen SHK Treasury on account of bonus redeemed and Norember I7l3clrebrnary IlMo Slay18300fl- Stock nt 8100 ft Share MTIIE ° < I Kii- Si 9800000 lf09Ajl Jl I cempeied eiclnilTely of Pullman Tetl Jilc5 iIL0Ai next 8VhrKS L I purchased hate now practically ceiiHcd an aw werednll and nnchanred at 6Ho for fair Drawingnit Ftate Room sleeping Dicing ftl LI- vrrrionttwiI Norf II dlTII4- Tanningbean 10OOO Share of Common Stock at 9100 a Share bile aid TKsrinut ISAteMecilftrI t JJ- 4 nearly nillof thn bonds offered under reent mneroTado and tic for itandard centrtfotaia- 91000000 Fmoxlng and Obnrratlcn Cars presenting financial 1TKD lIne Cincinnati 750 Indlanapolli 10jSOAl- 8 H I o N J o eu re ill elrowarn have surrendered Retlnen In fair demand and itaadr Quoted at 7 lldr l Ill Louis P N ° Troiisurv hon 8111IHO capital atl- eli reeerte eteaographere and type wrlten bathrooms Olil I so IV II- foreign money for cut and crnihed esc for ninnlated for Fly Thonmd abrea oftl1e arab ComtmBr la offeree to the pnbllo ladles Shop library is 31WESTERN DAY EXPRESS Daf- t 1 Thn condition of the markets tbqoe A 6ko ci for bulk lexee mud barber and tloino I 00 lit be- ¬ powilerel 11180 tot cubi for of cllhcr th 7 preferred Stork thn common mm all coaTenlenceenr home or office Lighted by lneeIl I < A 04 continue to receive attention especially inld J- Ior pr oel err Mock unbetrlberej- the linda Tlh BIL4l ¬ Abiec forandT A83IOofor cenEftlOnra movable electric lights ArrlTeiCln- s tiuit SHORE VRRtlnCLK LIUtTBTX Oli W e cause rate of Ituporlal Dank of Ger- n A matr ladleatt In their applications In co eae will tbe etatiOlIal7 and 4110 P I BN told Ut tile the II6 tr11 l8Ifl5I3II4CltoT wblletrO V total llotneat of stock so elnnitl i4oanerchlcago 9t4t A M next day line at Detroit at tflli A Si Chlcaco 4l r M Bait roy 6 Ohio Fa ml BSK- many wo advanced today to 3 V cent The and 3 iieviH ° for yeilowVifoiaieVedulT luce In fair cced Pig Thoncaad sbarS LOUIS OlllllAOn AND CINCIN- dsy p z a Oreton A T ULI07V were 800 MST N a stock market closed fairly steady at a nubsta- demand and firm Honthern adele firmer NATIfEXPRB88 Pullman eitlbnle tUeeplnr Car C00 P MFABT WBBTKRN BXPRRKR Dn- 0th- 30 ooq 4 Oregon lit1032- l recovery from price Minu strain tin waa quiet eettllniI may and Dining Car New to fit louis Calragcv and oftgolltXl llnnlnnstlellft I 1 Imp ntl till lowest nnohanted de-¬ Preferred Stock at any time be fore January 1st 1802 lerk SiOTitEAlAb1kIAU- 4 rao I Final nalos compare with those of yesterday price for ipol i3c t for December 22600 Lead be converted Cincinnati raliinfer Ouacli New York te Colnmbu- 71130 I St AIJIKONIAIJlC At A InIU132 I iltcnT 11- cidedly hlaher but quiet eloelnr flrmi prlee- exchanged I M EXPRESS Huicn7a AS iettiln Into and thus for Common St ode at the option of the holder eArrlTeiCliotnnitl UK AMChlcagoSiOOP and AIOA FALLS J IrooklrnKi 3jKhVwtATiinIn followstepi lor ipot ewo Spelter warn dull and nnihancedi let Bt Louie 7 40 r M nest day 95111 er 55PART 57 LOUIS AND OHOAOO B- t CCBt < Ii 25 21 ep 25 sept 2 lung price for October 5700- Dine MTIIKViKSTBIjXEXPrlKM for all point punas Uuejndlanepoiia II x PM next eVwft- 4ChL4OCDMLl tIM 7- A T 8 tJ84Obtt1O A Wut 104 IM- NiriLBTOiiiSplrlta turpentine was dull and nn- Stockholders have no personal llnbll Ity tu U ther Pullman Yes T 4- tock fully paid up In cash la West Northweit and Sonthet 34CbLAO CaSladlInU Fee 751 71 rclno Nail 444 chanred quoted nominally at 400 for recBiara and Is any property iitule hleeplag Car New York to Pittsburgh lit Louie irsiiMLi iNnwDrmait pononKRKrsnf wmra- C9 Kork lelandexSalni- li 2iIt4 4040 for noiln quiet but steady There no mortgage on of the Company PenniylTanla- MID 0 BO- Ill RI- UUtARtL l3l rulLroICoxSlO machine atl4Oa- Chicago Cincinnati anl Memphli CLirf KlNORTONl IIUDSONfSlSO I U c Kb A DAT U I 0 R A U 11I 103 floCk EllIot 1121 ReM fl143 for common to rood itralned- Kellroad Dining Car Nsw York te Philadelphia and MI mo A M Mfm 1525 r M also leg rowrri I PI 1- Che A Ohio 20 2oi Rich A WP- IIIIt 304 opened at The will be 10 A on M rirv uiig4at ei II- °ntaoLicvNatlcnal Tranelt ccrllncatee inteerlfUoa hits opnd at K Dot I 1880 at the offlea of rullnan Dining Car Pittsburgh to Richmond and CM ieerile lOiZoA t2W 4 6o 4iSV uuoTtia9iit- I 0I 11Ig Read lilpf In Chlcaio 44 Rieb A W rpt Te 754 U advance buiiaterwsikendand dropped HO cloe care ArrlTei at Cincinnati 8130 r M Chicago n ao 511i for Oarrlioni eit Point f4430 1 r tll80AL j I cBV ViLdiVT PS pel I AUI1i 145 tadnJ 411j 414 Ins sum Knckiye certlncaiei opened at He decline P Si next day andji Lenle7 A M teoend mem SO 3 455 tfllttP M- p Can I jw aI A IL UWIIpt 57 583 NL Pan com CO- 6M but tabieqnently the market took a turn for the better dally except ALnANV 3fC MW 1031 8021 vcpflno cer- lot Coanecu tot CleTiland and Tolide tIo50tll8O AKL094 I f CI A Uanlon In 14 Ilat 1 Erie 23 2l Al rUI 1l4- anti adtanceJ IWo cloilni National Transit Alfred BonjamB- In a Baton sy 4 MI e oil 625 780 tillS >I M < 78 Mk r7n Company I V Cent fae gold 071 T lo U II Lti ANiih 84K TL Iao PfIU III ttncalei opIned at 544 I cold H and eloeed at SIOD EXPREAR Pullman nnffet- 060 1020 flOlMl tlaOOnbk 1 13 t P 81PACIFIC TROYW I 7 lOCol Ioal tIC 184 CIT IN Is134M- Lat Kborelo 11 i I074 Tenn O A IL 4SJ 4 aalee 24 um bbl BucneTe certincalei pad at subscriptIon will at S M OoL IBM 8eeplnir Car New York to Chicago New York te- 4ivi a no hAS illS P tt 12 ounlfht l0- 711 2Boi t BTbi list olau r 2 1 Del All Pad I44it- iS tOt N Mlill HlMonrl Pac 7iiS- Union Paelne 5A- 52H cold at 3SH9SOO and doled at Je1 aatei tiemtlili vIa lbs Shenandoah Valley arrives wiek UTICA AND HVKAUUKBlfl Illiu 10120- jtOOA I I Wtn A OUBTOMBRS will bs n pre r e lint ft nl AAtL- lie 0 imiV4 nortbweitcom104 IM paeD O 27 n 2txx bbb and nUFLOTBB tlT oed CeL days at Columbus 7lft r M cliTeland lisa r U M 40 fliOO 7i30 1415 P M 413 00 nlthl- genlOelluJ- < 4 rL Worth lit 03 3 HtLASr Nor P corn aou ra Wao A rpt 3 2 next nay aid dally at Chicago 7 SAl A M ncond- noailTiBTERo so loso tiuio AM 4io i00Ti30- B 8L L A T K8 Nor Fan pf 7of 71- Un Til 83 BJ n right U nurrtd to rtjtct any and crtptlni and to allot less Toledo dally for Corry SI J I lit 1 ws aIIb than amount mbicrlbea mornlir Connect for aid BllSP tl2diOntg- S MoilVABAliet 11 I Tex Alit SL 01 N Y A N HoC il 4 < U W A L K SIN a Live Block Unrket for Erie Higlona Cleveland Columbus ex- 41050 5 91 8815 T OilS Iao 01 the oil and htBtirALOu02 iosrt l wd NJ Central 118 lid IVa C K pf 73H 7S Pluw Toe FrIday 2S RecelptaI of DioTei cept Saturday P S- l5 C hook 8 I I r cJd Inc 40 Omaha corn so SOU1 Fx dltldend- were IP30 head jmn 42 ear 7or export 42 rroiptotniw and trnu blanks of application art to be had at the office of iNIAGARA rALLB1020 1050 A U 400 fliOO 7130-
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