LAND NORTH NO.11 WALWORTH ROAD, PICKET PIECE DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT JANUARY 2021 LAND NORTH NO. 11 WALWORTH ROAD, PICKET PIECE, ANDOVER 2 Design & Access Statement GENERAL NOTES This drawing forms part of an application for planning permission on behalf of the client named below, it shall not be used for any other purpose without the express permission of HGP Architects. This drawing is only to the stated scale if it is printed correctly. HGP cannot accept responsibility for the incorrect scaling of drawings printed by third parties. All dimensions are in mm unless noted otherwise. Bath Buildings are illustrated at design levels only. Actual building levels may be adjusted by +/- 0.25m during construction to achieve a Bed 3 minimum waste to landfill as required under the National Planning Bed 4 Policy for Waste. The general direction of the car park and site falls are shown indicatively only. All car parking and internal site road levels may be AC locally varied (with some falls potentially reversed) during construction to achieve a minimum waste to landfill as required under the National Planning Policy for Waste. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other HGP Planning drawings and all supporting documents. This drawing may incorporate information from other professionals and as such HGP Architects cannot accept responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of such information. Area Schedule House Type A Bed 1 Name Level Area Type A Level 00-Ground Floor 62.5 m² Type A Level 01-First Floor 62.5 m² Bed 2 125.0 m² En-S Front Elevation Rear Elevation 1 : 100 1 : 100 Balcony 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8m Level 01-First Floor 1 : 50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 4m CONTENTS Family Room Side Elevation A Side Elevation B 1 : 100 1 : 100 Amended to client's comments 24.09.18 JJR HJE D Amended to client's mark-up 13.07.18 VP HJE C Amended to client's comments 11.07.18 VP HJE B 1.0 INTRODUCTION Amended to client's mark-up 06.07.18 VP HJE A REVISIONS DATE DRN CKD REV CLIENT 2.0 PURPOSE OF THE DESIGN & Living/Dining St ACCESS STATEMENT WC PROJECT 3.0 PLANNING CONTEXT & Walworth Road, Andover DESIGN GUIDANCE 4.0 SITE LOCATION & Kitchen TITLE Plot 62 (A) - Floor CHARACTER Utility Plans and Elevations 5.0 CONTEXTUAL STUDY STATUS 6.0 DESIGN CONCEPT Planning Drawn Checked Scale Date 7.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS HJE HJE As indicated @ A1 Jun '18 Garage Drawing No. Revision 8.0 ACCESS & MOVEMENT 16.114. 103 D 9.0 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER HEAD OFFICE FURZEHALL FARM, WICKHAM ROAD FAREHAM, HAMPSHIRE, PO16 7JH 10.0 SUSTAINABILITY T: 01329 283 225 LEEDS OFFICE CALLS WHARF, 2 THE CALLS 11.0 E: [email protected] LEEDS, LS2 7JU Level 00-GroundCONCLUSION Floor 3D Perspective View W: WWW.HGP-ARCHITECTS.CO.UK T: 0113 237 2750 1 : 50 bsi. ISO 9001 Quality HGP Architects Ltd. Management Copyright Reserved FS 10342 Maps sourced from Bing.com, ProMap and Google Maps. Images sourced from Google and FHL’s own imagery. Plans not to scale. Land north no.11 Walworth Road, Picket Piece 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Design and Access Statement has been prepared in The Design and Access Statement has been prepared in support of the application for residential development accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development of 64 no. dwellings, associated landscaping, amenity Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and the guidance areas and means of access from Walworth Road. in the Communities and Local Government publication on information requirements and validation (March 2010). It should The site measures 2.2 hectares and lies to the north of Walworth be read in conjunction with the application drawings and other Road and the south of the railway line. The site is predominantly technical documentation submitted in support of the planning characterised by grassland and scrub. Fencing demarks the application. boundaries to the site, while vegetation, hedgerows and scattered trees demark boundaries to the north, south and east. The submitted detailed application seeks consent for high quality, sustainable development comprising; • Residential development of 64 no. dwellings • Green infrastructure including new areas of play and recreation space • Ecological mitigation and habitat creation 4 Design & Access Statement LAND NORTH NO. 11 WALWORTH ROAD Land north no.11 Walworth Road, Picket Piece 5 LOCATION PLAN (NOT TO SCALE) 2.0 PURPOSE OF THE DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT This document explores the design The National Planning Policy Framework rationale behind the proposal, explains (NPPF) emphasises that developments the vision for the site and lays out how should; site specific features have been utilised in shaping plans. • Function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the This statement identifies the key urban short term but over the lifetime of the design principles adopted, explores development the reasoning behind their selection and evaluates proposals against NPPF • Establish a strong sense of place, using established sustainability and design streetscapes and buildings to create criteria. attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit Achieving good design is about creating • Respond to local character and places, buildings, or spaces that work well history, and reflect the identity of local for everyone, look good, last well, and will surroundings and materials, while not adapt to the needs of future generations. preventing or discouraging appropriate 1. Introduction 1. The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied1. It provides a framework Good quality design is integral to creating within which locally-prepared plans for housing and other development can be innovation produced. 2. Planning law requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan2, unless material considerations indicate a sustainable development. otherwise3. The National Planning Policy Framework must be taken into account in preparing the development plan, and is a material consideration in planning decisions. Planning policies and decisions must also reflect relevant international National Planning Policy Framework obligations and statutory requirements. • Are visually attractive as a result of 3. The Framework should be read as a whole (including its footnotes and annexes). General references to planning policies in the Framework should be applied in a way that is appropriate to the type of plan being produced, taking into account policy on plan-making in chapter 3. 4. The Framework should be read in conjunction with the Government’s planning good architecture and appropriate policy for traveller sites, and its planning policy for waste. When preparing plans or making decisions on applications for these types of development, regard should also be had to the policies in this Framework, where relevant. 5. The Framework does not contain specific policies for nationally significant infrastructure projects. These are determined in accordance with the decision- landscaping. making framework in the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) and relevant national policy statements for major infrastructure, as well as any other matters that are relevant (which may include the National Planning Policy Framework). National policy statements form part of the overall framework of national planning policy, and may be a material consideration in preparing plans and making decisions on planning applications. 6. Other statements of government policy may be material when preparing plans or deciding applications, such as relevant Written Ministerial Statements and endorsed recommendations of the National Infrastructure Commission. 1 This document replaces the first National Planning Policy Framework published in March 2012, and includes minor clarifications to the revised version published in July 2018. 2 This includes local and neighbourhood plans that have been brought into force and any spatial Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Governmentdevelopment strategies produced by combined authorities or elected Mayors (see glossary). February3 2019Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 4 NPPF, 2019 Land north no.11 Walworth Road, Picket Piece 7 3.0 PLANNING CONTEXT & DESIGN GUIDANCE TEST VALLEY BOROUGH REVISED LOCAL PLAN (2011-2029) The Local Plan is the principal element of the ‘development plan’ relevant to the determination of the planning application. This proposed development meets policies set out in the Plan and was formally adopted by the Council in January 2016 following should, therefore, be acceptable and should be permitted without examination. delay. Policy SD1: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Policy COM1: Housing Provision 2011-2029 This provides the overarching policy objective for sustainable The policy sets out that Northern Test Valley will contribute a development, reflecting the central theme of the NPPF. It confirms minimum of 7,092 houses over this period of time. The majority of that development which accords with the policies in the Revised which (6,444) will be delivered in the settlement of Andover, the Local Plan will be approved through the planning process without remaining within rural settlements. Although the Council has met delay unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The their housing need it is noted that this is not a ceiling figure and not intended to prevent development. Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan DPD The site adjoins the settlement boundary of Andover and has been Adopted Test Valley Borough Council Adopted Local Plan 2011-2029 Adopted Local Plan 2011-2029 Policy E4: Residential Areas of Special Character 116 Policy E5: Biodiversity 117 earmarked for residential development. It is therefore acceptable Test Valley Borough Council Policy E6: Green Infrastructure Northern120 Test Valley (NTV): Local Plan Policy E7: Water Management 122 This relates to the area of the Borough excluding Southern Test Valley and the Policy E8: Pollution New 125Forest National Park.
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