LVB THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 ,198T ^ 4Umrif»Btnr Svnttns Ifmilli AVERAGE DAILY CIRCtH,ATION WBATBBE far Om a m th af i v i j , 1$$7 ForwMt si D. 8. W m Umt Bh w m . UUa Eleanor Willard, eoprano Mr. and Mra. J. F. Touraaod aro to aat abUd feeds and hla eendtUoa H a r tf s r i aololat at the South Methodlit at Townaend, VL, tor a two woaha' CONSTANT GUARD n n la en^ fair. ABOUTTOWN church, tta g the leading role la the vacation. th i JWHALC COM 5,875 old wWaiiMti opera, "Dido Aeneaa,” Rev, Turkingtotif Wife MsMber af tba Audit Oloody toalglit mai Ss^mtey; Mt [iba, Bob«t K. lUthm e t T91 given ’^eaday evening a* part of Mr. and Mra. Ruaaell Clough of OVER WIFE MURDERER Baraaa of dreolatlaaB much ohaiig* la Sanperatarab tbim it, trlUl her aon ' Robert the final concert of the Smith Col- Orebard atreet are spending two SELF SERVE MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM hia wife oC New Tork, are Idge aummer achool of mualc at weeka at Old Orebard Beach, Ma. Manchester Northampton, Maaa. Mias Willard Sing and Play Tonight Stanley Wmbel’s Condllioa, g their vacation on Cape FRIDAY 2:30 to 5:30 VOL LVI,, NO. 292 (daaatled AdvarUalag em Fags 14) aubaiituted for a teacher -rf Mrs. NelUo C. Knapp of Buckland After Suidde Attempt, Is Re­ Date Book MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY. AUGUST 6, 1987 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS voice at the coUega whoee husband la visiting relatives tn Chaster. ported to Be Only Fair. SPECIALS “• U r. ta d Ura. Ralph J. AprUe at died suddenly. OOming Bveata 1$ GMtaga atreet, with their cbU- Townaend Club No. 3 will hold Its A week ago tomorrow morning Aug. 8.—Zipser club picnic, Lie- MaxwMI Himse TEACHER LOSES ftah, Reaa and Ralph, Jr,, will leave Mr. and Mra. WllUam Kean of regular meeting tomorrow evening Stanley Wrubel shot and killed hla dertaffel grove, Glastonbury. Court Grants Rights To Unborn Babe ’ Saturday ftnr Italy, tor a vlilt of Glenwood atreet are spending Un at 8 o'clock at the T. tl. C A. Also A. Or U. W. Stato picnic at FRANCfVSCITY IN ODD MATCH BABY, LIVING, pvaral week* with Mr. Aprlle'a days at Ocean Grove, N. J. wife at their home, 45 EMmund Hill's Grove, Wapplng. COFFEE Mias Dorothy Ruaaell of Winter atred. He attempted to take hla Aug. 9.—Special town meeting tn Boy Produces 85 Articles From BAHLE UNES DRAWN Hendn Cole, aon of Mr. and Mrs. atreet I* at Ocean Orove, N. J., for own life, first by shooting and High school hall, 8 p,^ m. OFHUESCANOW IS BORN A m ; H m annual Sunday achool picnic His Pockets In Unexpected Isaac Cole of Haxel atreet, has left a week's vacation. At - Jf by drinking a polaon. Taken to Me­ Aug. 30-SepL 6.—Knights qf Co­ t t the Church e t the Naaarene will lumbus Carnival. '‘> • 2 7 ® Contest—She Finds 34 In laha place Saturday at Columbia for Camp Pioneer, Wlnsted. where morial hospital he was treated for he will be the remainder of the sea­ ' Memorial Temple, No. 33, Pythian Her Pocketbook. lake. Buaea will leave the church Slaters, has indeflnitely postponed the poison that he took and has ADVERnsraiENT- Kremel G IR T ^ E N E M Y M O I M DIES •t S:tO a. m. son. Its outing planned for Sunday at since been under police guard night and day. Lowest Prices in Town at Our Pawtucket. R. I., Aug. 6 — AT HANKOW; TROOPS the Tryon lot in Bolton. (AP) — Schcml teachers are It is not as yet known whan he Liquor Dept Arthur Drug Store— CatalaB Army Joins Madrid- presaing young boys for the Mr*. Robert L. Cooper of Boulder will be sufficiently Improved to be Rublnow Bldg. DESSERT Surgery Sares Tmy Girl In able to appear in polfce couH and honor of being champion knick- The Great North Atlantic Fishing Industry road; la at Malone In the Adiron­ #■ knack carriers —at least in dack* tor neveral weeka. Rev. Albert Turkington of Cape answer to a charge of first degree 2 p''*’- 9 ® ists m Siege; RebePs Ter- Pawtucket. An Extraordinary Post­ strong, rugged meu bom to the aea, brave the wind, wave* Charles, Va., formerly of Manches­ in evangellaUc work and la at pres­ murder. The warrant so charging One of several teachers Invit­ PREPARE FOR COMBAT and storma dally In the harvesting of sea food product*. To­ William Bobyk, of the Ptnehurst ent a Methodist minister. He will him has been drawn and Prosecut­ ed to compete In an unexpected day, N. B. nshertes’ prodocts are tblpped all over the na­ Grocery, Mrs. Bobyk and daughter ter, la spending a week visiting rela­ be remembered as a trombone play­ ing Attorney George C. Lessner waa Worcester oel SaBent Is Threaten- pocket inventory at the Paw­ mortem Operation; Sur­ tion. Here tn Manchester, we are fortunate to be so near w Carol, are spending this week at tives In town, and with Mra. Turk- er, Mra. Turkington aa a piano- present at the autopsy held the day DELCO tucket Boys' Club, produced 34 great Boaton Flah Piers, that It Is poasibfe to got wemlght Provlncetewn on Cape Cod. Ington will take charge this evening accordeon player. Both are li­ of the murder. articles from her pocketbook. Japanese Navy Rushes Work truck sblproents of the very freshest Ssh. censed preachers. Chief of Police Samuel O. Gor­ Santander May Fall. The contest winner, 11-year- geons Had Waited Honrs. Fleeing Japanese Shells of the 7:80 open air meeting of the The open air service tonight at SALT Ptnehurst Grocery’* vegetable Salvation Army at Main and Birch don has had an officer on guard at Oil Burner old Lucius Wright, Just shaded Fresh Haiibnt SCALLOPS........ pt. 33c buyer reports lower prices today on 7:30 will be toUowed by a meeting the hospital every hour since her with 36. to Evacmate Its Natioiials streets. Rev. Mr. Turkington Is a at 8 o'clock In the Army citadel 1^ Ib. box ^II^C Hendaye, Franco-Bpanish Fron­ Steak Cod Boston Blue native lima beans, fancy Elberta brother of Mrs. John Addy of Gar­ Wrubel waa admitted. With the Money-Saving Included among hia pocket Philadelphia, Aug. 8.—(AP)—Out peacbe* (from No. Carolina) and which will take the form of a musi­ Because Wrubel’s mouth and tier. Aug. 6.—(AP)—A powerful possessions were 14 match Boiling Cod ,1b. 14c den street and was active In Army cal rather than a preaching service. covers, a screwdriver, a Jack- of death came life today. In a from Chy; 30,000 Chinese POLLOCK .. new native and Jersey potatoes. Tou work when he Uved here. Since Request numbers will be sung and throat were badly burned by the fitge force. .Including a rejuvenated stirring drama of modern surgery, a Haddock Filets will find these Items in Ptnehurst liquid he drank hejias not been able L vf. PMtef* nlfe, seven rubber bands, three MACKEREL ,1b. 16c leaving Manchester he has engaged played by the visiting Turklngtons. Thin-M ix Control Catalan army, haa virtually encir­ washers, a tire valve cap, four three and one-half pound baby girl Filet of Sole regular ad on the back page of thla cled- Generalissimo Francisco's up­ Soldiers Await "Tero Issue, as well as many featured steel nuU. a toy owl, a burned was delivered—with a faintly flick­ Opened Clams Whole per Aragon stronghold, Hueaca, the candle and half of a two cent HADDOCK . 1 fresh fish Items. /' remitted, waa imposed upon Frank LUX 2 1 « Insurgent command admitted today. stamp. ering heart-beat and a temperature Hour’'; Americans Fleemi Steaming Clams , b. I21/2C Tlrone, 550 New Park avenue. West Franco's officer’s reported the at­ The teacher produced com­ of 109 degrees—one minute after POUCE COURT Hartford found guilty of drunken tacking trpopa were threatening the pacts, lipsticks, powder puffs, her disease-doomed mother had died. CENTER 8UCE8—BLOCK ISLAND RELIEF BOARD MEMBER driving. He waa represented by At­ F. E. BRAY city of 24,000 civilian population nail polish, nail flics, bobby pins. When doctors first asked Dominick BoccawsinI (left), for permission to Physicians struggled to keep the Across YeUow River to Frank Dondero, 43, of Andover, torney William J. Shea. from three sides and from tte skies. Jewelry, trinkets, and letters operate to save the life of the infant after his mother died, he pro­ new-born infant alive despite a rag­ arrested early yesterday morning, (wrapped In pink ribbon). tested. Later he said he misunderstood the request. Early this morn­ ing fever temperature. Immedi­ SWORDFISH lb. 41c INJURED IN ACCIDENT examined at the police station and Jeweler Since the start of the months-old ing. Mra. Mary Boccawsini (right) died and the child waa safely de­ Safety in the South Areas. held on a charge of operating a state Theater Building campaign against Huesca, 60,000 livered. ately after the post-mortem opera­ SPECIAL motor vehicle while under the In- government bombs and shells were tion, the baby was placed in an in­ FRESH N. a C. COOKIES 737 Main Street estimated to have crashed Into the cubator and fed oxygen. Hospital Tlieae varlettee on sale—straight or aaaorf- Edward D. Lynch’s Back fiuence of liquor, waa found guilty, fined $100 and costa and given a BENEFIT Watch and Jewelry FUNERAL sneient capital. Almost 500 clvll- vtt.aches said there waa a "fair” Nanking, Aug.
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