Brig ade Area Em erg enc y Response Tim es - Sh epparton Reg ional City CFA h as servic e delivery standards, w h ic h spec ify a response tim e targ et to attend an em erg enc y inc ident. Th ere are different servic e delivery standards (response tim es) ac ross th e State, depending on th e h azards and risks w ith in a g eog raph ic area. Th is m ap sh ow s th e perc entag e of inc idents w h ere a b rig ade m et th e response tim e targ et w ith in its ow n b rig ade area ac ross all h azard c lasses for th e period of 01 April to 30 Ju ne 2017 (Q4). Th is F m ap represents th e individu al perform anc e of a b rig ade w ith in th eir ow n area, b u t does not sh ow th e total servic e provided to tFh e c om m u nity as oth er b rig ades m ay respond into a neig h b ou ring b rig ade. Echuca Kaarimba Village F F Kotupna F Drumanure Wunghnu F F Yambuna F F Tungamah Wyuna F Yabba North F Katandra F F Tallygaroopna Tongala F St James & District Undera F F Kyab ram Kyabram F Dookie F Cosgrove & Devenish F Sh epparton Pine Lodge Timmering F F Nw Mooroopna F F Merrigum Shepparton Currawa F F Girgarre Mooroopna F Goorambat Stewarton F Shepparton East Satellite F (Stewarton) Cooma F f M ooroopna F Tatura F F Kialla & Corop Stanhope F District F Tatu ra Caniambo F Koonda F Toolamba F F Earlston F Karramomus Legend F F M ain Arcadia f Satellite F Percentage met response time target >= 90% Colbinabbin Rushworth F 60 - 89% F Baddaginnie F Miepoll < 60% Moorilim F Brig ade areas w ith <10 em erg enc y SDS inc idBenetsnalla Murchison F F Footnote: Brig ade Areas th at h ad less th an ten em erg enc y inc idents h ave b een exc lu ded. Th is inform ation does not c ontain CFA’s response to Em erg enc y M edic al Response as CFA is a su pport ag enc y and CFA h as no response tim e targ ets for th ese inc idents. Road Crash Resc u e h as also b een exc lu ded as th ese inc idents are su b jec t to different response protoc ols and servic e delivery standards. Th is m ap c ontains an ag g reg ate of response tim e c om plianc e ac ross Hazard Class 2, 3 and 4. 0 2.75 5.5 11 16.5 22 Th is m ap m ay c ontain data for M FB stations responding as a CFA Brig ade into its ow n Brig ade Area wh ere M FB h as m oved u p to su pport a CFA integ rated b rig ade. Kilom eters Disclaimer: Th is m ap is provided for inform ation pu rposes only. Th e data is ac c u rate as at 20 Oc tob er 2017 and m ay b e su b jec t to c h ang e. ´ Date Prepared: 30/10/2017 Com m u nity Em erg enc y Response Tim es - Sh epparton Reg ional City CFA h as servic e delivery standards, w h ic h spec ify a response tim e targ et to attend an em erg enc y inc ident. Th ere are different servic e delivery standards (response tim es) ac ross th e State, depending on th e h azards and risks w ith in a g eog raph ic area. Th is m ap sh ow s th e perc entag e of inc idents w h ere th e c om m u nity rec eived a response w ith in th e applic ab le servic e delivery standard in a b rig ade area ac ross all h azard c lasses for th e period of 01 April to 30 Ju ne 2017 (Q4). Th is m ap sh ow s th e tim eliness of th e servic e th e c om m u nity rec eived with in th e b rig ade area. F F Numurkah Kaarimba F F Echuca Village Kotupna F Drumanure F F Wunghnu F Yambuna Tungamah F Wyuna F Yabba North F F Katandra Tallygaroopna F Tongala F Undera F F St James & District Kyab ram F Kyabram Dookie F Cosgrove & Devenish F Sh epparton Pine Lodge Timmering F F Nw Mooroopna Merrigum F F Shepparton Currawa F F Mooroopna F Goorambat Stewarton Girgarre F Satellite F Shepparton East (Stewarton) M ooroopna f F Cooma F Tatura F F Kialla & Corop Stanhope F District F Tatu ra F Caniambo Koonda F Toolamba F F Earlston F Legend F Karramomus F M ain Arcadia f Satellite F Percentage met response time target >= 90% Colbinabbin Rushworth F 60 - 89% F Baddaginnie F Miepoll < 60% Benalla Moorilim F Brig ade areas w ith <10 em erg enc y SDS inc idents Murchison F F Footnote: Brig ade Areas th at h ad less th an ten em erg enc y inc idents h ave b een exc lu ded. Th is inform ation does not c ontain CFA’s response to Em erg enc y M edic al Response as CFA is a su pport ag enc y and CFA h as no response tim e targ ets for th ese inc idents. Road Crash Resc u e h as also b een exc lu ded as th ese inc idents are su b jec t to different response protoc ols and servic e delivery standards. 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 Th is m ap c ontains an ag g reg ate of response tim e c om plianc e ac ross Hazard Class 2, 3 and 4. Th is m ap m ay c ontain data for M FB stations responding as a CFA Brig ade into its ow n Brig ade Area w h ere M FB h as m oved u p to su pport a CFA integ rated b rig ade. Kilom eters Disclaimer: Th is m ap is provided for inform ation pu rposes only. Th e data is ac c u rate as at 20 Oc tob er 2017 and m ay b e su b jec t to c h ang e. ´ Date Prepared: 30/10/2017.
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