NEWS Mathematics People faculty at the University of Washington, where she will Toro Named Director retain tenure during her term at MSRI. Her honors and awards include the Landolt Distin- of MSRI guished Graduate Mentor Award of the University of Wash- Tatiana Toro of the University of ington and the 2020 Blackwell–Tapia Prize. She has been Washington has been appointed as the recipient of an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, director of the Mathematical Sci- a Sloan Research Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, ences Research Institute (MSRI). She and two Simons Foundation Fellowships. She was elected a will serve a five-year term beginning Fellow of the AMS in 2016. Her service to AMS includes as August 1, 2022. an editor of Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Toro’s primary research interests (2009–2015) and of Transactions and Memoirs of the Ameri- lie in the interface of partial differ- can Mathematical Society (2015–2019); as an elected mem- ential equations, harmonic analysis, ber of the AMS Editorial Boards Committee (2016–2019) and of the AMS Nominating Committee; and as a member Tatiana Toro calculus of variations, and geometric measure theory. According to the of the AMS Colloquium Lecture Committee. She previously MSRI announcement, “the main premise of Toro’s work served on the board of directors of the Pacific Institute is that under the right lens, objects that at first glance for the Mathematical Sciences at the University of British might appear to be very irregular do exhibit quantifiable Columbia. She is currently a trustee of the Institute of Pure regular characteristics. Her work establishes unexpected and Applied Mathematics in Los Angeles, California, and of bridges between these areas of mathematics, opening new the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical landscapes for research. As MSRI Director, Toro will build Innovation and Discovery in Alberta, Canada. She serves upon her long-standing relationship with the Institute to on the Board on Mathematical Sciences and Analytics of continue its mission to support mathematical research, the National Academy of Sciences, as well as the US Na- tional Committee for Mathematics, which represents the foster talent, and further the appreciation of mathematics International Mathematical Union. She was elected to the by the general public, in the US and abroad. Her career path American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020. has included a strong focus on service to the mathematical community, including extensive mentoring of students at —From an MSRI announcement the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels. Toro’s commitment to addressing issues of equity and inclusion of underrepresented groups in the mathematical sciences is a guiding principle in each of these settings.” Toro’s service to MSRI includes co-organizing a semes- ter-long research program and topical workshops and serving on MSRI’s Scientific Advisory Board since 2016; she has been co-chair of the Board since 2018. She was named MSRI Chancellor’s Professor in the harmonic analysis pro- gram for 2016–2017. Toro is a native of Bogotá, Colombia. She received her PhD from Stanford University in 1992, supervised by Leon Simon. As a graduate student at Stanford, she participated in one of MSRI’s first summer graduate schools. She held positions at the Institute for Advanced Study (1992–1993), the University of California, Berkeley (1993–1994), and the University of Chicago (1994–1996) before joining the 1404 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 68, NUMBER 8 Mathematics People NEWS Fraser and Gualtieri Awarded Gwynne Receives Inaugural Morawetz Prize Kendall Award Ailana Fraser of the University of Ewain Gwynne of the University of British Columbia and Marco Gual- Chicago has been awarded the in- tieri of the University of Toronto augural David G. Kendall Award for have been named the recipients of Young Researchers of the Royal Sta- the first Cathleen Synge Morawetz tistical Society (RSS) in recognition Prize of the Canadian Mathematical of his outstanding contributions to Society (CMS). The prize honors an Liouville quantum gravity, Schramm– outstanding research publication or Loewner evolution, and the Gaussian series of closely related publications. free field. Gwynne received his PhD Ailana Fraser Fraser was honored for her work in Ewain Gwynne from the Massachusetts Institute of differential geometry and geometric Technology in 2018, advised by Scott analysis, particularly for a sequence Sheffield. He held a postdoctoral position at the Univer- of papers that “connect the theory of sity of Cambridge, supported by a Trinity College Junior minimal surfaces with free boundary Research Fellowship, a Herchel Smith Fellowship, and a conditions and extremal problems Clay Research Fellowship. He received the Rollo Davidson for the Steklov eigenvalues on the Prize in 2020. He is a co-organizer of the online seminar space of Riemannian metrics,” in- Random Geometry and Statistical Physics. He will present cluding several collaborations with the named lecture at the 2022 RSS Conference in Aberdeen. Richard Schoen. According to the The Kendall Award and lecture carries a prize amount citation, “The work overlaps several of 2,000 euros (approximately US$2,400) and is named Marco Gualtieri different areas including the geo- after the first president of the Bernoulli Society and RSS metric calculus of variations, confor- Guy Medal in Gold recipient, David G. Kendall. It will be mal geometry, and partial differential equations.” Fraser awarded biennially by the RSS and the Bernoulli Society received her PhD from Stanford University in 1998 and to recognize research in mathematical statistics and prob- held postdoctoral positions at the Courant Institute of ability theory. Mathematical Sciences and Brown University. She received the CMS Krieger-Nelson Prize in 2012. She is a Fellow of —From an RSS announcement the AMS, as well as of CMS. Gualtieri was honored for his work on the foundations of generalized complex structures, particularly for the article Saunders Named AWM–MAA “Generalized complex manifolds,” Annals of Mathematics 174 (2011), no. 1. According to the citation, “this work Falconer Lecturer opens up new connections between symplectic geometry and complex geometry by initiating the study of a class of Bonita V. Saunders of the National manifolds which interpolates between symplectic man- Institute of Standards and Technol- ifolds on the one hand and complex manifolds on the ogy (NIST) has been named the 2021 other. Applications to mirror symmetry and string theory Etta Zuber Falconer Lecturer of the abound.” Gualtieri received his DPhil from the University Association of Women in Mathe- of Oxford in 2004 under the direction of Nigel Hitchin. He matics (AWM) and the Mathematical held postdoctoral positions at the Mathematical Sciences Association of American (MAA) “in Research Institute and the Fields Institute of Mathematical recognition of her distinguished con- Sciences and an instructorship at the Massachusetts Insti- tributions to mathematics and math- tute of Technology before joining the faculty at Toronto in Bonita V. Saunders ematics education, as well as her skill 2008. His honors include the Lichnerowicz Prize in Poisson in delivering an expository lecture.” Geometry (2010), the André Aisenstadt Prize (2012), and Saunders earned her PhD in computational and applied the CMS Coxeter–James Prize (2014). He tells the Notices: mathematics from Old Dominion University. She is a re- “I'm a student of north Indian percussion and have a strong search mathematician in the Applied and Computational interest in puerh tea.” Mathematics Division (ACMD) at the NIST. She is the visualization editor and principal designer of graphs and —From a CMS announcement visualizations for the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical SEPTEMBER 2021 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 1405 Mathematics People NEWS Functions (DLMF) and project leader for the DLMF Stan- Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. dard Reference Tables on Demand Project, a collaborative He is currently University Professor and Karen Ostrum effort between ACMD and the University of Antwerp George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Computational Mathematics Research Group to develop Engineering at Rice University. In addition to his mathe- a software testing system that generates certifiably accurate matical interests, Vardi is keenly interested in societal im- tables of special function values at user-specified precision. pacts of computing, particularly adverse impacts, a topic on Her awards and honors include the US Department of which he often writes at https://cacm.acm.org/opinion Commerce Gold Medal (2011) and the NIST Information /vardis-insights. Technology Laboratory Outstanding Contribution Award The Knuth Prize includes a cash award of US$10,000 for Excellence in Research Mathematics and Computer and is given annually to one person for major research Science. She is an active member of the AMS, as well as accomplishments and contributions to the foundations the MAA and the Society for Industrial and Applied Math- of computer science over an extended period of time. The ematics (SIAM). She is currently the MD–DC–VA Section prize is jointly awarded by the Association for Computing Representative to MAA Congress, an associate editor of the Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Algorithms MAA Mathematics Magazine, and a member of the SIAM and
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