Interciencia ISSN: 0378-1844 [email protected] Asociación Interciencia Venezuela Cedeño, Luis; Carrero, Chrystian; Quintero, Kleyra; Pino, Henry; Espinoza, Wilmer Cylindrocarpon destructans var. destructans and neonectria discophora var. rubi associated with black foot rot on blackberry (rubus glaucus benth.) in Merida, Venezuela Interciencia, vol. 29, núm. 8, agosto, 2004, pp. 455-460 Asociación Interciencia Caracas, Venezuela Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=33909509 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Cylindrocarpon destructans VAR. destructans AND Neonectria discophora VAR. rubi ASSOCIATED WITH BLACK FOOT ROT ON BLACKBERRY (Rubus glaucus BENTH.) IN MÉRIDA, VENEZUELA Luis Cedeño, Chrystian Carrero, Kleyra Quintero, Henry Pino and Wilmer Espinoza SUMMARY In a commercial blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth.) field located (Municipality Santos Marquina), respectively, similar damages were at El Valle, Municipality Libertador, Mérida State, Venezuela, a black observed, but with the difference that the dying plants showed violet foot rot disease was detected in 1999. The causal agent was identified lesions on the vascular tissues in the lower parts of the canes, while as Cylindrocarpon destructans var. destructans (teleo- the dead plants had abundant red perithecia on the neck, crown and morph=Neonectria radicicola var. radicicola). This pathogen attacks roots. In December 2003, the same symptoms and signs were de- the roots and the crown, inducing die-back in canes. Symptoms simi- tected on dead plants at Santa Rosa (Municipality Libertador). The lar to those observed in the field were reproduced on blackberry microorganism commonly associated with these symptoms was iden- seedlings grown in soil inoculated (1.5% w/w) with barley grains tified as Neonectria discophora var. rubi, sexual stage of colonized by the fungus. Control seedlings did not develop disease Cylindrocarpon ianthothele var. ianthothele. This is the first docu- symptoms. C. destructans var. destructans was consistently isolated mented report of C. destructans var. destructans as a cause of black from the seedlings growing in contaminated soil. In January and May foot rot disease on R. glaucus, and it is also the first report of N. 2002, in areas of Miraflores (Municipality Campo Elías) and Tabay discophora var. rubi on a Rubus species in South America. Introduction H. Schrenk, (anthracnose; Ce- als in order to avoid or dimin- unaffected mature and imma- deño and Palacios, 1991), ish the incidence and/or dis- ture fruits. Some mummified In Venezuela blackberry (Ru- Sphaerotheca macularis (Wallr.: semination of the pathogens, fruits were greenish brown, bus glaucus Benth.) production Fr.) Lind, (powdery mildew; the future of blackberry pro- while others were dark brown takes place in the Aragua, Cedeño et al., 1995a), Pero- duction in these regions is in to almost black. The roots and Barinas, Lara, Mérida, Táchira nospora sparsa Berk. (downy doubt. the crown of the dead plants and Trujillo States. Although in mildew; Cedeño et al., 1995b), In May 1999, a disease of were affected by a black rot the context of the national agri- Coniothyrium fuckelii Sacc. unknown cause was discovered (Figure 1). Transverse cracks cultural system this minor fruit- (cane blight; Cedeño and in a commercial field of were seen in the roots, and in bearing species does not have Carrero, 2000) and Botrytis ci- blackberry located in the vil- them the cortex came off with an outstanding economic and nerea Pers.: Fr. (gray mold), lage of Monterrey at El Valle, ease, revealing light brown, social importance, in the which reduce the yields, alter Municipality Libertador, dark brown and black streaks Andean region, particularly in the quality of the fruit and di- Mérida State. Plants were af- in the vascular tissues. In the the Mérida State, it is popular minish the productive life of fected by a die-back disease. internal portion of the crown and represents an important the plants. Because of the high The dying plants showed of dying plants, black streaks primary source of revenue for incidence of these pathogens, symptoms of wilt, and the were also seen, which con- small and medium size produc- the current amount of black- dead ones had lost all their trasted with the yellowish ers. Their fruits are consumed berry in the regional market leaves. In some leaves of the white color of the surrounding fresh and processed in diverse does not satisfy the demand; dying plants necrosis was vis- healthy tissues. All the dead ways as syrup, ice creams, moreover, the fruit is of very ible only at the tip and the plants had a hollow central marmalades, juice, wines and low quality and tends to spoil borders, while others were portion at the crown. Later, yogurt. quickly. completely dry and brittle; all similar symptoms were de- The main natural problems Without concerted efforts on the leaves were strongly curled tected in plants grown in sec- of this crop in the Venezuelan the part of the Autonomous toward the upper surface. tors of Macho Capaz (Munici- Andes are the diseases caused Agricultural Health Service The dying floricanes had pality Campo Elias) and La by the fungi Glomerella cingu- (SASA) and growers to remove mummified fruits (dry and Azulita (Municipality Andrés lata (Stoneman) Spaulding. & and destroy all infected materi- hard), in addition to apparently Bello). KEYWORDS / Black foot rot / Blackberry / Cylindrocarpon / Neonectria / Received: 04/21/2004. Modified: 07/02/2004. Accepted: 07/16/2004. Luis Cedeño. Agronomist, Univer- (ULA), Mérida, Venezuela. Ad- ment, ULA. Researcher, Labo- Wilmer Espinoza. Agricultural sidad de Oriente, Venezuela. dress: IIAP-ULA. P.O. Box. 77 ratory of Phytopathology, Technician, General Agronomy Master in Plant Pathology, Uni- (La Hechicera), Mérida 5101- IIAP-ULA. Section, IIAP-ULA. versity of Georgia, USA. Re- A, Venezuela. Kleyra Quintero. Phytotechnician, searcher, Laboratory of Phyto- e-mail: [email protected] Assistant, Laboratory of Phyto- pathology, Instituto de Investi- Chrystian Carrero. Agronomist, pathology, IIAP-ULA. gaciones Agropecuarias (IIAP), Universidad del Zulia, Venezu- Henry Pino. Phytotechnician, Fruit Universidad de Los Andes ela. Master in Forest Manage- Trees Section, IIAP-ULA. AUG 2004, VOL. 29 Nº 8 0378-1844/04/08/455-06 $ 3.00/0 455 RESUMEN En una plantación comercial de mora (Rubus glaucus respectivamente, se observaron daños similares, pero con la Benth.) ubicada en El Valle, Municipio Libertador, estado Mérida, diferencia que las plantas moribundas mostraron lesiones de Venezuela, en 1999 se detectó una enfermedad de pudrición negra color violeta en los tejidos vasculares de la porción basal de las del pie. El agente causal fue identificado como Cylindrocarpon cañas, mientras las plantas muertas tenían abundantes peritecios destructans var. destructans (teleomorfo= Neonectria radicicola var. de color rojo en el cuello, la corona y las raíces. En diciembre radicicola). Este patógeno ataca las raíces y la corona, induciendo 2003, los mismos síntomas y signos fueron detectados en plantas muerte regresiva en las cañas. Síntomas similares a los muertas en Santa Rosa (Municipio Libertador). El microorganismo observados en el campo fueron reproducidos en plántulas de mora comúnmente asociado con esos síntomas fue identificado como cultivadas en suelo inoculado (1,5%, p/p) con granos de cebada Neonectria discophora var. rubi, fase sexual de Cylindrocarpon colonizados por el hongo. Las plántulas control no desarrollaron ianthothele var. ianthothele. Estes es el primer reporte síntomas de enfermedad. C. destructans var. destructans fue documentado de C. destructans var. destructans como causa de aislado consistentemente de las plántulas crecidas en suelo una enfermedad de pudrición negra del pie en R. glaucus y es contaminado. En enero y mayo 2002, en áreas de Miraflores también el primer reporte de N. discophora var. rubi en una (Municipio Campo Elías) y Tabay (Santos Marquina), especie Rubus en Sur América. RESUMO Em uma plantação comercial de amora (Rubus glaucus Benth.) te, observaram-se danos similares, mas com a diferença que as plan- situada em El Valle, Município Libertador, estado Mérida, Venezuela, tas moribundas mostraram lesões de cor violeta nos tecidos vascula- em 1999 detectou-se uma enfermidade de podridão negra do pé. O res da porção basal da cana, enquanto as plantas mortas tinham agente causal foi identificado como Cylindrocarpon destructans var. abundantes peritécios de cor vermelha no caule, na coroa e nas destructans (teleomorfo= Neonectria radicicola var. radicicola). Este raízes. Em Dezembro 2003, os mesmos sintomas e sinais foram detec- patógeno ataca as raízes e a coroa, induzindo morte regressiva na tados em plantas mortas em Santa Rosa (Município Libertador). O cana. Sintomas similares aos observados no campo, foram reproduzi- microorganismo comumente associado com esses sintomas foi identi- dos em plântulas de amora cultivadas no solo inoculado (1,5%, p/p) ficado como Neonectria discophora var. rubi, fase sexual de Cylin- com grãos de cevada colonizados pelo fungo. As plântulas controle drocarpon ianthothele var. ianthothele. Este é o primeiro relatório do- não desenvolveram sintomas de enfermidade. C. destructans var. cumentado de C. destructans
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