REGISTE V , '9 3 4 VOLUME 15 NUMBER 93 * i/AfITED ^ Washington, Saturday, May 13, 1950 All bearings used in the above descriptions CONTENTS TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT are true bearings. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10126 Any person navigating an aircraft THE PRESIDENT within this airspace reservation in vio­ E stablishing A n A irspace R eser vatio n lation of the provisions of this order Executive Order Page O ver P o r t io n s o f t h e D istr ic t of will be subject to the penalties prescribed Airspace reservation over portions C o l u m b ia in the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 (52 of District of Columbia; estab­ By virtue of and pursuant to the au­ Stat. 973), as amended. lishment ________________________ 2867 thority vested in me by section 4 of the This order supersedes Executive Or­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Air Commerce Act of 1926 (44 Stat. 570), der No. 8950 of November 26, 1941, es­ the airspace above the following-de­ tablishing an airspace reservation over Agriculture Department scribed portions of the District of Colum­ a portion of the District of Columbia, as See also Commodity Credit Corpo­ bia is hereby reserved and set apart for. amended by Executive Order No. 9153 of ration; Entomology and Plant national defense and other governmental April 30, 1942. Quarantine Bureau; Production purposes, and for public-safety purposes, and Marketing Administration. as an airspace reservation within which H arry S. T r u m a n Rules and regulations: no person shall navigate an aircraft ex­ T h e W h it e H o u s e , Utah; reserving public land for cept by special permission of the Admin­ Map 9, 1950. use by Forest Service as ad­ istrator of Civil Aeronautics: [P. R. Doc. 60-4155; Filed, May 11, 1950; ministrative site (see Land 1. All that area within the City af Wash­ 3:38 p. m.] Management, Bureau o f). ington, D. C., lying within the following- described boundaries: Alien Property, Office of Notices: Beginning at the southwest corner of the Lincoln Memorial Monument (Lat. 38°53'21" TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE Vesting Orders, etc.: N.; Long. 77°03'02'' W .); PERSONNEL Britten, Susana______________ 2896 Editions Albin Michel. ______ 2897 thence north 32° west 0.6 miles to the Titanic Kullak, Lilly__________________ 2896 Memorial (identifiable as the intersection of Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Lorenzen, Johanna C_________ 2896 New Hampshire Avenue and Rock Creek and P art 7— R einstatement Potomac Parkway northwest); Nobis, Johann Richard, and Ida Moeller_________________ 2897 thence north 36%0 east 0.6 miles to Wash­ COMMISSION APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR Ropes, Annie M ____________ 2897 ington Circle (identifiable as the intersection CERTAIN REINSTATEMENTS of New Hampshire Avenue and K Street Alaska Road Commission northwest); Subparagraph (3) of § 7.103 (a) is Rules and regulations: amended as set out below. As amended, Alaska; withdrawing certain thence due east along K Street 2.5 miles to § 7.103 reads as follows: land as administrative site the railroad overpass (identifiable as the intersection of K Street with 2nd Street § 7.103 Commission approval required ( see Land Management, Bu­ northeast); for certain reinstatements, (a) A cer­ reau of). tificate by the Commission authorizing Civil Aeronautics Administra­ thence south 22%° east 0.7 miles to the the reinstatement must be obtained by southeast corner of Stanton Square (identi­ tion any agency when: fiable as the intersection of Sixth Street and Rules and regulations: Massachusetts Avenue northeast); (1) A waiver of the apportionment is Air traffic rules; danger area requested in the interest of good admin­ alterations____________________ 2874 thence south 33%° west 0.8 miles to the istration. Capitol Power Plant (identifiable as the Civil Aeronautics. Board (2) A former employee eligible under intersection of New Jersey Avenue and E See also Civil Aeronautics Admin­ Street southeast); § 7.102 is proposed for reinstatement. istration. (3) The person proposed for reinstate­ Notices : thence south 88° west 1.4 miles to the rail­ ment was separated for cause (or re­ road trestle over the Washington Channel; Pan American World Airways, signed in lieu of preferment of charges or Inc.; flight time limitations. 2891 thence north 66% ° west 1.1 miles to the while charges were pending) from his southwest corner of the Lincoln Memorial Civil Service Commission * last position in the Federal or District Monument, the point of beginning. Rules and regulations: of Columbia Government : Provided, Reinstatement; Commission ap- 2. All that area within the City of Wash­ That no such certificate by the Com­ proval required______________ 2867 ington, D. C., lying within a % mile radius mission will be required by this para­ from the center of the United States Naval Coast Guard Observatory, located at Lat. 38°55'17'' N.; graph where,a person: Notices: Long. 77°04'02" W. (Continued on p. 2869) Approval of equipment________ 2880 2867 2868 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Entomology and Plant Quaran- Pa§e Justice Department Pa§e FEDERAL^REGISTER tine Bureau See Alien Property, Office of; \ 1934 ^ Rules and regulations: Immigration and Naturalization Domestic quarantine notices; Service. white-fringed beetle; admin­ Labor Department istrative instructions exempt­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ing articles from certification« 2871 See Wage and Hour Division. and days following official Federal holidays, Federal Communications Com­ Land Management, Bureau of by the Division of the Federal Register, Notices : National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ mission eral Services Administration, pursuant to the Notices : Alaska; notice for filing objec­ authority contained in the Federal Register Hearings, etc.: tions to order withdrawing Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Murray, James E., et al_______ 2892 certain land as administrative amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Pacific Coast Broadcasting Co. site for Alaska Road Commis­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ (KXLA)____________________ 2893 sion--------------------------------------- 2880 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Proposed rule making: Idaho, Montana and Utah; no­ the President. Distribution is made only by tice for filing objections to the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Amateur radio service; hearing« 2879 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. public water reserve__________ 2880 Federal Power Commission Rules and regulations: The regulatory material appearing herein Notices: is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Alaska ; withdrawing certain which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Hèarings, etc.: land as administrative site for to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Algonquin Gas Transmission Alaska Road Commission_____ 2877 amended June 19, 1937. Co------------------------------------- 2893 Idaho, Montana and Utah; pub­ The Federal Register will be furnished by Chubb, Chester N ___________ 2893 lic water reserve____;__________ 2876 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Coleman, Alfred V., and Rich­ .Utah; reserving public land for per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ard B. Parsons__________ 2893 advance. The charge for Individual copies use by Forest Service, Depart­ United Gas Pipe Line Co____ 2893 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the ment of Agriculture, as ad­ size of the issue. Remit check or money Federal Security Agency ministrative site_____________ 2877 order, made payable to the Superintendent See Pood and Drug Administra­ of Documents, directly to the Government tion. * Maritime Commission Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Food and Drug Administration Rules and regulations: There are no restrictions on the republica­ Commercial forwarding of cer­ tion of material appearing in the Federal Rules and regulations: tain exports for foreign relief Register. Tea Importation Act, enforce­ and rehabilitation ; private ment; miscellaneous amend­ ments __________________ _____ 2874 and foreign freight forward­ ers; registration_____________ 2877 Forest Service 7949 Edition Rules and regulations: Post Office Department Utah; reserving public land for Notices: CODE OF FEDERAL use as administrative site (see China; restricted mail service«« 2880 REGULATIONS Land Management, Bureau Rules and regulations: of). Leases, allowances, and supplies The following books are now available: Housing Expediter, Office of for post offices_______________ 2875 Rules and regulations: Titles 1-3 ($2.50) Miscellaneous provisions_______ 2875 Rent, controlled ; housing and Postage stamps and other Title 3, 1949 Supp. ($1.75) rooms in rooming houses and stamped paper and securities« 2875 other establishments in Mich­ Postal service, international: igan and West Virginia_____ 2875 POCKET SUPPLEMENTS Japan__________ 2876 (For Use During 1950) Immigration and Naturaliza­ Palestine_____________________ 2876 tion Service Settlement of accounts; legal The following Pocket Supplements are now Proposed rule making: available: proceedings; compromises___ 2875 Alien contract laborers, skilled; Supply contracts; service prop­ Title 7: Parts 1-209 ($0.55) applications for importation« 2878 erty; telegrams______________ 2875 Parts 210-899 ($0.75) Interior Department Production and Marketing Ad­ See Land Management, Bureau of. Parts 900 to end ($0.75) ministration Title 9 ($0.20) Interstate Commerce Commis­ Notices: sion Previously announced: Titles 4—5 ($0.30); Blackfoot Auction and Commis­ Notices : Title 6 ($1.00); Title 8 ($0.20); Titles sion
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